About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

A General Solution for Linear Decision Rules: An Optimal Dynamic Strategy Applicable Under Uncertainty, George A. Hay and Charles C. Holt

An Empirical Survey of Price Fixing Conspiracies, George A. Hay and Daniel Kelley

External Diseconomies in Competitive Supply: Comment, George A. Hay and John J. McGowan

External Economies and Competitive Equilibrium, George A. Hay and John J. McGowan

The Diverging Approach to Price Squeezes in the United States and Europe, George A. Hay and Kathryn McMahon

The "Duty to Deal" under Section 46: Panacea or Pandora's Box?, George A. Hay and Kathryn McMahon

A Tale of Two Cities: From Davids Holdings to Metcash, George A. Hay and E. Jane Murdoch

Horizontal Mergers: Law, Policy, and Economics, George A. Hay and Gregory J. Werden

"Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" American and Australian Approaches to Exclusionary Conduct, George Hay and Rhonda L. Smith


Remembering Justice Warren’s Surprising Legacy, Robert L. Hayman


Exotic Dancing: Taxable Gyrations or Exempt Art, John O. Hayward


Exotic Dancing: Taxable Trash or Exempt Art, John O. Hayward



Communis Opinio and the Method of Statutory Interpretation: Interpreting Law or Changing Law, Michael P. Healy

Direct Liability for Hazardous Substance Cleanups Under CERCLA: A Comprehensive Approach, Michael P. Healy

Communis Opinio and the Methods of Statutory Interpretation: Interpreting Law or Changing Law, Michael P. Healy

Florida East Coast Railway and the Structure of Administrative Law, Michael P. Healy

Information Based Regulation and International Trade in Genetically Modified Agricultural Products: An Evaluation of The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Michael P. Healy

Law, Policy, and the Clean Water Act: The Courts, the Bush Administration, and the Statute's Uncertain Reach, Michael P. Healy

Legislative Intent and Statutory Interpretation in England and the United States: An Assessment of the Impact of Pepper v. Hart, Michael P. Healy

Reconciling Chevron, Mead, and the Review of Agency Discretion: Source of Law and the Standards of Judicial Review, Michael P. Healy

Spurious Interpretation Redux: Mead and the Shrinking Domain of Statutory Ambiguity, Michael P. Healy

Still Dirty After Twenty-Five Years: Water Quality Standard Enforcement and the Availability of Citizen Suits, Michael P. Healy

The Effectiveness and Fairness of Superfund's Judicial Review Preclusion Provision, Michael P. Healy

The Past, Present and Future of Auer Deference: Mead, Form and Function in Judicial Review of Agency Interpretations of Regulations, Michael P. Healy

The Preemption of State Hazardous and Solid Waste Regulations: The Dormant Commerce Clause Awakens Once More, Michael P. Healy

The Sustainable Development Principle in United States Environmental Law, Michael P. Healy


Managing the ‘Republic of NGOs’: Accountability and Legitimation Problems Facing the U.N. Cluster System, J.Benton Heath

Lessons from an HIV Transmission Pair, F. M. Hecht, Leslie E. Wolf, and Bernard Lo


Modernizing Mortgage Foreclosure Law: A Call for Transparency and an End to the Payment Rule, Matthew M. Heekin


Bias in the College Football Playoff Selection Process: If the Devil is in the Details, That's Where Salvation May be Found, Matthew M. Heekin and Bruce W. Burton

Radikalisierung islamistischer Extremisten im Westen, Daniel H. Heinke

Radikalisierung islamistischer Terroristen, Daniel H. Heinke

Ten Misleadings to Wrongful Convictions in Chinese Criminal Justice, Jiahong He


Elecronic Tax System in Tanzania: Appraisal of the Legal Basis, DESDERIUS M. Hekwe

Alter Rules of Liability, Yaniv Heled

On Patenting Human Organisms or How the Abortion Wars Feed Into the Ownership Fallacy, Yaniv Heled

On Presidents, Agencies, and the Stem Cells Between Them: A Legal Analysis of President Bush's and the Federal Governments Policy on the Funding of Research Involving Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Yaniv Heled

Patents vs. Statutory Exclusivities in Biological Pharmaceuticals - Do We Really Need Both?, Yaniv Heled

Patents v. Statutory Exclusivities in Biological Pharmaceuticals - Do We Really Need Both, Yaniv Heled

Patent Trolls as Parasites, Yaniv Heled

The Regulation of Genetic Aspects of Donated Reproductive Tissue - The Need for Federal Regulation, Yaniv Heled

Why Deny Parents New Technology?, Yaniv Heled

Why Primary Patents Covering Biologics Should Be Unenforceable Against Generic Applicants Under the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act, Yaniv Heled


America Doesn't See Its Religious Minorities, Michael A. Helfand


Beit Din's Gap-Filling Function: Using Beit Din to Protect Your Client, Michael A. Helfand


Between Law and Religion: Procedural Challenges to Religious Arbitration Awards, Michael A. Helfand


Hobby Lobby's Challenge to Officialdom's 'Compelling Interest', Michael A. Helfand


Implied Consent: A Proposal on For-Profit Conscience, Michael A. Helfand

Moderator, “Religious Law in U.S. Courts”, Michael A. Helfand


Obamacare and Religious Rights in a For-Profit World, Michael A. Helfand


Panelist, “The Current Clash”, Michael A. Helfand

Panelist, "Who Will Be Exempted from the Affordable Care Act? Hobby Lobby, Little Sisters and the Other Religious Exemption Cases Before the Supreme Court", Michael A. Helfand

Speaker and Panelist, Interfaith Program on “Religion and Politics: Power and Empowerment”, Michael A. Helfand

Speaker, "Enforcing Co-Religionist Commerce", Michael A. Helfand

Speaker, "Enforcing Co-Religionist Commerce", Michael A. Helfand


The Murkiness of the Hobby Lobby Ruling, Michael A. Helfand

The Challenge of Co-Religionist Commerce, Michael A. Helfand and Barak D. Richman

411 on Fundraising for Charitable Organizations, Terri L. Helge

Noncash Gifts Policies and Procedures, Terri L. Helge

Social Media Pitfalls for Nonprofits, Terri L. Helge


Antigone and Democratic Theory, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


“Cómo representar la violencia: sobre Los ejércitos de Evelio Rosero” (How to represent violence: A Review of The Armies by Evelio Rosero), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


“ESCÁNDALO PÚBLICO”: LA DESTITUCIÓN DE MIGUEL ÁNGEL BELTRÁN, LAS ÚLTIMAS INVESTIGACIONES DE MICHEL FOUCAULT Y LA AUTONOMÍA UNIVERSITARIA ("Public Scandal": The Dismissal of Miguel Angel Beltrán, Michel Foucault's Final Lectures and the Principle of Autonomous University), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


“Gilles Deleuze y la fórmula queer de Bartleby: La destitución de Petro, el aborto y la locura de Dios” (Gilles Deleuze and Bartleby’s queer formula: On the Impeachment of Petro, Abortion and God’s Madness), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


“La democracia como glosa de su inversión y las políticas de coalición” (Democracy as a Gloss for its Inversion and the Politics of Coalition), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


“La economía política de la pregunta, o una poliética del periodismo: Reseña del libro Tzompaxtle. La fuga de un guerrillero, escrito por John Gibler” (The Political Economy of the Question, or Poliethical Journalism: A Review of John Gibler’s Tzompaxtle. La fuga de un guerrillero), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


“La masacre de La Rochela: Platón y el problema de la justicia” (The Massacre of La Rochela: Plato and the Problem of Justice), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


LA NECROPOLÍTICA Y EL “MAL MENOR”: HACIA UNA NUEVA ECONOMÍA DEL PODER DESPUÉS DE GAZA (Necropolitics and the "lesser evil": Towards a new economy of power after Gaza), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


Postmodern Antigones, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


The Political Uses of Memory, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


The Evolution of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act; Changing Interpretations of the DMCA and Future Implications for Copyright Holders, Hillary A. Henderson

Product-Related Risk and Cognitive Biases: The Shortcomings of Enterprise Liability, James A. Henderson Jr. and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski


A Dedication to Andrew E. Taslitz: “It’s All About the Egyptians,” and Maybe Tinkerbell Too, Stephen E. Henderson


Our Records Panopticon and the American Bar Association Standards for Criminal Justice, Stephen E. Henderson


Reforming the Grand Jury to Protect Privacy in Third Party Records, Stephen E. Henderson and Andrew E. Taslitz


Crowdsourced Coursebooks, Stephen E. Henderson and Joseph T. Thai

The Flight From Judgment, Jennifer Hendricks

Body and Soul: Equality, Pregnancy, and the Unitary Right to Abortion, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Contingent Equal Protection: Reaching for Equality After Ricci and PICS, Jennifer S. Hendricks

In Defense of the Substance-Procedure Dichotomy, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Of Woman Born? Technology, Relationship, and the Right to a Human Mother, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Preemption of Common Law Claims and the Prospect for FIFRA: Justice Stevens Puts the Genie Back in the Bottle, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Renegotiating the Social Contract, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Teaching Values, Teaching Stereotypes: Sex Ed and Indoctrination in Public Schools, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Teaching Controversial Topics, Jennifer S. Hendricks, Beth Burkstrand-Reid, and June Carbone


Climate Change and Energy Law: Past, Present, and Future Legislation Efforts, Christopher Henry

Climate Change and Energy Law: Past, Present, and Future Legislation Efforts, Christopher Henry



Civil Rights Have a Place in Conversation, Wendy Hensel

A Call to Action for the Legal Academy, Wendy F. Hensel

Interacting with Others: A Major Life Activity under the Americans with Disabilities Act?, Wendy F. Hensel

Recent Developments in Voucher Programs for Students with Disabilities, Wendy F. Hensel

Rights Resurgence: The Impact of the ADA Amendments Act on Schools and Universities, Wendy F. Hensel

Sharing the Short Bus: Eligibility and Identity under the IDEA, Wendy F. Hensel

The Case for Inclusive Eligibility Under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act, Wendy F. Hensel

The Disability Dilemma: A Skeptical Bench & Bar, Wendy F. Hensel

The Disabling Impact of Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life Actions, Wendy F. Hensel

Upgrades to ADA Product of Bipartisan Cooperation, Wendy F. Hensel

Voucher Bill Ignores System Abuse, Costs, Wendy F. Hensel