The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
First Amendment; Freedom of Speech; Broadcasting; Obscenity; FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, James E. Moliterno
Constitutional Cases 2003: An Overview, Patrick Monahan and Jamie Cameron
In Memoriam: Honourable Gerald Eric Le Dain, 1924-2007, Patrick J. Monahan, Harry W. Arthurs, and Bruce B. Ryder
In Memoriam: Honourable Gerald Eric Le Dain, 1924-2007, Patrick J. Monahan, Harry W. Arthurs, and Bruce B. Ryder
Analisis Económico del Derecho, Principio de precaución y jurisprudencia contenciosa administrativa, Daniel A. Monroy
Behavioral Economics and Poverty [En español] Behavioral Economics y pobreza, Daniel A. Monroy
Una aproximación Neoinstitucionalista al Derecho (Económico) Internacional, Daniel A. Monroy
The Inevitability of Discretion: What Proponents of Parenting Time Guidelines Can Learn from Thirty Years of Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Joi T. Montiel
Democracy Enhancement and the Sixth Amendment Right to Choose, Janet Moore
State and Local Taxation: When Will Congress Intervene?, Kathryn L. Moore
The Pay or Play Penalty Under the Affordable Care Act: Emerging Issues, Kathryn L. Moore
Buying Voice: Financial Rewards for Whistleblowing Lawyers, Nancy J. Moore and Kathleen Clark
Federal Jurisdiction: Amount in Controversy in Suits for Nonmonetary Remedies, Ralph J. Moore Jr.
Recent Changes in the Law Affecting Educational Hearing Procedures for Handicapped Children, Ralph J. Moore Jr. and Leonard Z. Bulman
The Puppy Prohibition Period: The Constitutionality of Chicago's War on Animal Mills, Christopher W. Moores
El rol del jurista y el espíritu de Hulk, Rómulo Morales
La Fe Pública Registral como protección inútil frente a los contratos inválidos e ineficaces, Rómulo Morales
La imprescriptibilidad de la accionabilidad de la pretensión de ineficacia en sentido estricto, Rómulo Morales
Claims under the Administrative Procedures Act before the Court of International Trade - A General Overview and Analysis of Significant Recent Jurisprudence, Mark A. Moran and Wentong Zheng
Do Lawyers Induce Litigation? Evidence from Spain, 2001-2010, Juan Mora-Sanguinetti and Nuno Garoupa
The Farm Bill: A Wicked Problem Seeking A Systematic Solution, Sarah J. Morath
Robert Anthony Pascal: A Priest of Right Order, Olivier Moreteau
Mariage et union de personnes de même sexe aux États-Unis : une affaire compliquée par le fédéralisme, Olivier Moréteau
When Does Some Federal Interest Require a Different Result?: An Essay on the Use and Misuse of Butner v. United States, Juliet M. Moringiello
Change Disguised as Continuity in Studying Law and Society? Evidence from the Law & Society Review, 1966-2015, Calvin Morrill
Conflict Management, Honor, and Organizational Change, Calvin Morrill
The Customs of Conflict Management among Corporate Executives, Calvin Morrill
Telling Tales in School: Youth Culture and Conflict Narratives, Calvin Morrill, Madelaine Adelman, Michael Musheno, and Cindy Bejarano
The Power of Language in Adjudication and Mediation: Institutional Contexts as Predictors of Social Evaluation, Calvin Morrill and Peter C. Facciola
Seeing Crime and Punishment through a Sociological Lens: Constributions, Practices, and the Future, Calvin Morrill, John Hagan, Bernard E. Harcourt, and Tracey Meares
Voice and Context in Simulated Everyday Legal Discourse: The Influence of Sex Differences and Social Ties, Calvin Morrill, Tyler Harrison, and Michelle Johnson
Institutional Isomorphism and Informal Social Control: Evidence form a Community Mediation Center, Calvin Morrill and Cindy McKee
Youth Conflict: Culture and Control in a Multiethnic High School, Calvin Morrill and Michael Musheno
Organizational Conflict Management as Disputing Process: The Problem of Social Escalation, Calvin Morrill and Cheryl King Thomas
Covert Political Conflict In Organizations: Challenges from Below, Calvin Morrill, Mayer N. Zald, and Hayagreeva Rao
The Irrelevance of Nanotechnology Patents, Emily Michiko Morris
Agency, Partnerships & Corporations, Glenn G. Morris
In Memory of Professor James Winfield Bowers, Glenn G. Morris
Model Business Corporation Act as Adopted in Louisiana, Glenn G. Morris
Jack B. Weinstein: Judicial Entrepreneur, Jeffrey B. Morris
Discussion facilitated by Angela Morrison, Angela Morrison
Discussion facilitated by Angela Morrison, Angela Morrison
Summary of Fire Ins. Exch. v. Cornell, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 35, Angela Morrison
Summary of Fire Ins. Exch. v. Cornell, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 35, Angela Morrison
Summary of Gilman v. Nevada State Bd. Med. Exam’rs, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 31, Angela Morrison
Summary of Gilman v. Nevada State Bd. Med. Exam’rs, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 31, Angela Morrison
Summary of Goodrich & Pennington Mortgage Fund, Inc. v. J.R. Woolard, Inc., 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 85, Angela Morrison
Summary of Goodrich & Pennington Mortgage Fund, Inc. v. J.R. Woolard, Inc., 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 85, Angela Morrison
Summary of Metz v. Metz, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 86, Angela Morrison
Summary of Metz v. Metz, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 86, Angela Morrison
Summary of Mikohn Gaming Corp. v. McCrea, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 29, Angela Morrison
Summary of Mikohn Gaming Corp. v. McCrea, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 29, Angela Morrison
Summary of Olson v. Aztech Plastering Co., 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 28, Angela Morrison
Summary of Olson v. Aztech Plastering Co., 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 28, Angela Morrison
Summary of State v. Dist. Ct. (Epperson), 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 30, Angela Morrison
Summary of State v. Dist. Ct. (Epperson), 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 30, Angela Morrison
Summary of Walker v. District Court, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 88, Angela Morrison
Summary of Walker v. District Court, 120 Nev. Adv. Op. 88, Angela Morrison
Duke-ing out Pattern or Practice after Wal-Mart: The EEOC as Fist, Angela D. Morrison
Duke-ing out Pattern or Practice after Wal-Mart: The EEOC as Fist, Angela D. Morrison
Duke-ing Out Pattern or Practice After Wal-Mart: The EEOC as Fist, Angela D. Morrison
Good News For Workers—To Get Empathy From The Roberts Court All You Have To Do Is Work For The Federal Government, Angela D. Morrison
It May Not be A Block-Buster Class Action Case, but the Outcome In Tyson Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo Will Matter to Low-Wage Workers, Angela D. Morrison
Kerry v. Din and the Discriminatory Legacy of U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Law, Angela D. Morrison
Pope Francis Immigration Speech: 3 Ways Congress Can Implement The Pontiff’s Message Now [Op-Ed], Angela D. Morrison
Same Sex Marriage, the Rule of Law, and the Absence of Religious Objectors in Utah: the Lesson the LDS Church Learned from Polygamy, Angela D. Morrison
Should a One-Day Jail Sentence Result in a Permanent Ban from the United States? The Question the Court Didn’t Ask, but Should Have in Torres v. Lynch, Angela D. Morrison
The Court’s Decision in Mach Mining Undermines the EEOC’s Ability to Address Systemic Discrimination, Angela D. Morrison
Misconstruing Notice in EEOC Administrative Processing & Conciliation, Angela D. Morrison and Angela D. Morrison
Misconstruing Notice in EEOC Administrative Processing & Conciliation, Angela D. Morrison and Angela D. Morrison
China's Plan to Put Two-Faced Citizens on Credit Blacklist Isn't All That Foreign, Caren Morrison
How China Plans to Blacklist Financially Unstable Citizens, Caren Morrison
How the Justice System Fails Us After Police Shootings, Caren Morrison
Jury 2.0, Caren Morrison
Ruling Shows Europe Still Vexed Over NSA Spying Leaving US Companies in Legal Limbo, Caren Morrison
Dr. Panopticon, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Drone, Caren M. Morrison
The First Amendment and the RPAs, Caren M. Morrison
The Supreme Court's 2009 Criminal Procedure Cases, Caren M. Morrison
We Don't Need More Laws Protecting Our Privacy from Drones?, Caren M. Morrison
Will We Pick Privacy Over Convenience When It Comes to Drones?, Caren M. Morrison
Will We Pick Privacy over Drone-Drops from Amazon?, Caren M. Morrison
Investigating Jurors on Social Media, Caren Myers Morrison
BOOK REVIEW - Alison Kesby, The Right to Have Rights: Citizenship, Humanity, and International Law, P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Bill Bowring, Law, Rights and Ideology in Russia: Landmarks in the Destiny of a Great Power (Routledge, 2013), P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Cormac Amhlaigh, Claudio Michelon & Neil Walker (eds), After Public Law, P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Iavor Rangelov, Nationalism and the Rule of Law: Lessons from the Balkans and Beyond, P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Klemen Jaklic, Constitutional Pluralism in the EU (OUP, 2014), P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Steven Barela, International Law, New Diplomacy and Counterterrorism: An Interdisciplinary Study of Legitimacy (Routledge, 2014), P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Trevor Allan, The Sovereignty of Law: Freedom, Constitution, and Common Law, P. Sean MORRIS
Lex Internationalis: Kiobel, Empires and the Color of Human Rights, P. Sean MORRIS
Rumble in Paradise: The Caribbean Court of Justice Creating Waves in International Law after British Caribbean Bank v. Belize, P. Sean MORRIS
Bad Data, Bad Economics, and Bad Policy: Time to Fire Wrongful Discharge Law, Andrew P. Morriss
Bad Data, Bad Economics, and Bad Policy: Time to Fire Wrongful Discharge Law, Andrew P. Morriss
Bootleggers, Baptists, and Televangelists, Andrew P. Morriss
Bootleggers, Baptists, and Televangelists, Andrew P. Morriss
Changing the Rules of the Game: Offshore Financial Centers, Regulatory Competition & Financial Crises, Andrew P. Morriss