The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Apple v. Franklin: An Essay on Technology and Judicial Competence, Robert P. Merges
Are You Making Fun of Me: Notes on Market Failure and the Parody Defense in Copyright, Robert P. Merges
As Many as Six Impossible Patent before Breakfast: Property Rights for Business Concepts and Patent System Reform, Robert P. Merges
A Transactional View of Property Rights, Robert P. Merges
Autonomy and Independence: The Normative Face of Transaction Costs, Robert P. Merges
Battle of Lateralisms: Intellectual Property and Trade, Robert P. Merges
Brief Note on Blocking Patents and Reverse Equivalents: Biotechnology as an Example, A, Robert P. Merges
Commercial Success and Patent Standards: Economic Perspectives on Innovation, Robert P. Merges
Contracting into Liability Rules: Intellectual Property Rights and Collective Rights Organizations, Robert P. Merges
Foundations and Principles Redux: A Reply to Professor Blankfein-Tabachnick, Robert P. Merges
Individual Creators in the Cultural Commons, Robert P. Merges
Intellectual Property in Higher Life Forms: The Patent System and Controversial Technologies, Robert P. Merges
Intellectual Property in Higher Life Forms: the Patent System and Controversial Technologies, Robert P. Merges
Intellectual Property Rights and the New Institutional Economics, Robert P. Merges
Introductory Note to Brief of Amicus Curiae in eBay v. MercExchange, Robert P. Merges
Letter to the Editor, Robert P. Merges
Locke for the Masses: Property Rights and the Products of Collective Creativity, Robert P. Merges
Locke Remixed ;-), Robert P. Merges
New Dynamism in the Public Domain, A, Robert P. Merges
Of Property Rules, Coase, and Intellectual Property, Robert P. Merges
One Hundred Years of Solicitude: Intellectual Property Law, 1900-2000, Robert P. Merges
Priority and Novelty Under the AIA, Robert P. Merges
Reflections on Current Legislation Affecting Patent Misuse, Robert P. Merges
Rent Control in the Patent District: Observations on the Grady-Alexander Thesis, Robert P. Merges
Software and Patent Scope: A Report from the Middle Innings, Robert P. Merges
The Commercial Law of Intellectual Property, Robert P. Merges
The Concept of Property in the Digital Era, Robert P. Merges
The End of Friction - Property Rights and Contract in the Newton World of on-Line Commerce, Robert P. Merges
The Law and Economics of Employee Inventions, Robert P. Merges
The Nature and Necessity of Law and Science, Robert P. Merges
The Relationship Between Foundations and Principles in IP Law, Robert P. Merges
The Trouble with Trolls: Innovation, Rent-Seeking, and Patent Law Reform, Robert P. Merges
To Waive and Waive Not: Property and Flexibility in the Digital Era: 23rd Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, April 6, 2010, Robert P. Merges
Uncertainty and the Standard of Patentability, Robert P. Merges
The Proper Scope of the Copyright and Patent Power, Robert Patrick Merges and Glenn Harlan Reynolds
An Estoppel Doctrine for Patented Standards, Robert P. Merges and Jeffery M. Kuhn
Estoppel Doctrine for Patented Standards, An, Robert P. Merges and Jeffery M. Kuhn
Co-Ownership of Patents: A Comparative and Economic View, Robert P. Merges and Lawrence A. Locke
On the Complex Economics of Patent Scope, Robert P. Merges and Richard R. Nelson
News Media Satellites and the First Amendment: A Case Study in the Treatment of New Technologies, Robert P. Merges and Glenn H. Reynolds
Space Resources, Common Property, and the Collective Action Problem, Robert P. Merges and Glenn H. Reynolds
Toward a Computerized System for Negotiating Ocean Bills of Lading, Robert P. Merges and Glenn H. Reynolds
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Jurisprudence of Opportunity and Equality, Deborah Jones Merritt and David M. Lieberman
Managed Care and Provider Perspective, Fred M. Messing, Ann-Lynn Denker, and Kathy Cerminara
Comentarios a la Ley 30354, Omar Andrés Mestanza Garcia
Residential Mobility During Adolescence: Do Even "Upward" Moves Predict Dropout Risk?, Molly W. Metzger, Patrick J. Fowler, Courtney Lauren Anderson, and Constance A. Lindsay
You Will NEVER Believe This SHOCKING Trick to REVEAL the History of a Federal Regulation, Kurt X. Metzmeier
Bruno Salama Encerra Participação no Conselhinho com Análise de Mais de 100 Recursos em Cerca de Dois Anos, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Controles de Câmbio no Brasil: Teoria e Prática, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Direito do Consumidor e Decisões Bumerangues, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
CVM Pune Menos do que Conselhinho, mas com Rigor Maior, Aponta Estudo, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Vicente Braga
Empresas Estatais no Brasil: Uma Proposta de Reforma Institucional, , Bruno Meyerhof Salama, Mariana Pargendler, Sério Lazzarini, Aldo Musacchio, and Carlos Melo
segurancajuridica.pdf, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Carlos Ari Vieira Sundfeld
The Status of Curricular Change During the Industry's Great Recession: Radical, or the New Norm?, Patrick Meyer
Annual Brome Biocontrol after Wildfire Using a Native Fungal Seed Pathogen, Susan E. Meyer, Phil S. Allen, , Julie Beckstead, Michael Gregg, Heidi Newsome, Kathleen Harcksen, Gary Kidd, Glenn Paulsen, Karen Prentice, Dana Quinney, David Wilderman, Stephanie Carlson, Suzette Clement, Duane Smith, Thom Stewart, Katie Merrill, Keith Merrill, Kedra Foote, Stephen Harrison, Kelly Bergen, Brian Connelly, Trevor Davis, Sandra Dooley, Michael Huck, Laura Street, and Lauren Miller
ISPRM discussion paper: Proposing a conceptual description of health-related rehabilitation services., Thorsten Meyer, Christoph Gutenbrunner, Carlotte Kiekens, Dimitrios Skempes, John L Melvin, Kuno Schedler, Marta Imamura, and Gerold Stucki
Adventitious Presence of Patented Genetically Modified Organisms: Is Intent Necessary for Actions in Infringement?, Ikechi Mgbeoji
A False Dawn?: TRIPs and TRIPs-Plus Impacts in Africa, Ikechi Mgbeoji
African Patent Offices Unfit for Purpose, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Beyond Merry-Making: Customs of Indigenous Peoples and the Normative Functions of Ceremonies in Pre-Colonial Igbo Societies, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Beyond Rhetoric: State Sovereignty, Common Concern, and the Inapplicability of the Common Heritage Concept to Plant Genetic Resources, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Bio-Cultural Knowledge and the Challenges of Intellectual Property Rights Regimes for African Development, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Canadian Patent Law, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Environmental Law: A Guide to Concepts, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Intellectual Property and the Life Science Industries: A Twentieth Century History, by Graham Dutfield, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Jim Poling, Smoke Signals: The Native Take-back of North America’s Tobacco Industry, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Justifying Intellectual Property, by Robert P. Merges, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Who Owns Academic Work? Battling for Control of Intellectual Property, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Collective Insecurity: The Liberian Crisis, Unilateralism, and Global Order, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Environmental Law in Post-Colonial Societies: Aspirations, Achievements and Limitations, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Food Law in Canada, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Global Biopiracy: Patents, Plants and Indigenous Knowledge, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Lost in Translation? The Rhetoric of Protecting Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge in International Law and the Omnipresent Reality of Biopiracy, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Making Space for Grandma: The Emancipation of Traditional Knowledge and the Dominance of Western-Style Intellectual Property Rights Regimes, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Patents and Plant Resources-Related Knowledge: Towards a Regime of Communal Patents for Plant Resources-Related Knowledge, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Patents and Traditional Knowledge of the Uses of Plants: Is a Communal Patent Regime Part of the Solution to the Scourge of Biopiracy?, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Reluctant Warrior, Enthusiastic Peacekeeper: Domestic Legal Regulation of Canadian Participation in Armed Conflicts, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Civilised Self and the Barbaric Other: Imperial Delusions of Order and the Challenges of Human Security, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Comprador Complex: Africa's IPRs Elite, Neo-Colonialism and the Enduring Control of African IPRs Agenda by External Interests, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Comprador Complex: Africa’s IPRs Elites, Neo-Colonialism and the Enduring Control of African IPR Agenda by External Interests, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Juridical Origins of the International Patent System: Towards a Historiography of the Role of Patents in Industrialization, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Origin and Development of the Patent System, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The "Terminator" Patent and its Discontents: Rethinking the Normative Deficit in Utility Test of Modern Patent Law, Ikechi Mgbeoji
TRIPS and TRIPS Plus Impacts in Africa, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Patent First, Litigate Later! The Scramble for Speculative and Overly Broad Genetic Patents: Implications for Access to Health Care and Biomedical Research, Ikechi Mgbeoji and Byron Allen
Environmental Law in Developing Countries: Selected Issues, Ikechi Mgbeoji, Nazrul Islam, Isabel Martinez, and Wang Xi
A Theory of Financial Services Competition, Compliance and Regulation, Bryane Michael
Malta Financial Services Part II, Bryane Michael
Modelling Course II, Bryane Michael
Modelling Course IV, Bryane Michael
The Draft Restatement: A Critique from a Securities Regulation Perspective, Douglas C. Michael, Daniel L. Goelzer, Jacob H. Stillman, Elisse B. Walter, and Anne H. Sullivan
Are you addicted to social media? How do you know and how to kick the habit, and Katina Michael
The Apple Watch and Wearable Downsides, and Katina Michael
'Women Cops Should Join Hands to Fight Crime': Aruna Bahuguna, and Katina Michael