The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Women in Law Enforcement Conference is uniting women law enforcers, says Aruna Bahuguna, and Katina Michael
Big Dogs and Drones for Crowd Control: The Commercialisation of Military Robots, Katina Michael
Keynote: Justifying Uberveillance- The Internet of Things and the Flawed Sustainability Premise, Katina Michael
Mental Health, Implantables, and Side Effects, Katina Michael
Reflecting on the Contribution of T&S Magazine, Katina Michael
Reflecting on the Contribution of T&S Magazine to the IEEE, Katina Michael
Security Leaders Panel, Katina Michael
Sousveillance: Implications for privacy, security, trust, and the law, Katina Michael
The Benefits and Harms of National Security Technologies, Katina Michael
The ethics of observation: who is watching who?, Katina Michael
Uberveillance and the Technological Trajectory of RFID, Katina Michael
Wearables and Lifelogging: The Socioethical Implications, Katina Michael
The Security Risks of Using Tap N' Go Technology like PayPass, Katina Michael and Tanya Dendrinos
Of drones and kill lists, and big dogs with disposition, Katina Michael and MG Michael
The Apple Watch heralds a brave new world of digital living, Katina Michael and MG Michael
Could biometrics give us a world without passwords?, Katina Michael and Natasha Mitchell
A Conversation with Lazar Puhalo [Interview], Katina Michael and Lazar Puhalo
Resistance Is Not Futile, nil desperandum, M.G. Michael and Katina Michael
Uberveillance, the Web of Things, and People: What is the culmination of all this surveillance?, MG Michael, Katina Michael, and Christine Perakslis
Visual clarity in contract drafting, Karin Mika
Contract Formation (chapter contributor), Eliza Mik
Faculty Colloquia, Fall 2010 Series, John Mikhail; Nelson Tebbe; Anita S, Krishnakumar; Lawrence B. Solum; Stephen I. Vladeck; Fred Smith; Albert Yoon; Ted Blumoff; Charlene Luke; Stephen B. Burbank; Jayne Barnard; Chaim Saiman; Amy Gajda; and Radhika Rao
Beyond Ownership: State Capitalism and the Chinese Firm, Curtis J. Milhaupt and Wentong Zheng
Beyond Ownership: State Capitalism and the Chinese Firm, Curtis J. Milhaupt and Wentong Zheng
Teaching Legal Research and Writing with Actual Legal Work: Extending Clinical Education into the First Year, Michael A. Millemann and Steven D. Schwinn
Mainstreaming experiential education, Michael Millemann and Steven D. Schwinn
Cheating Around the World: A Cross-National Analysis of Principal Reported Cheating, Bryan Lee Miller, Laura E. Agnich, Chad Posick, and Laurie A. Gould
Marketing a Panic: Media Coverage of Novel Psychoactive Drugs (NPDs) and Its Relationship with Legal Changes, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, Laura E. Agnich, Amber Sanders, Joseph D. Bacot, and Shanna N. Felix
Evaluating approaches to mapping burn probabilities for a quantitative wildland fire risk analysis framework., Carol Miller, Marc Parisien, Alan Ager, Mark Finney, and
Medicaid Planning for Long Term Care: California Style, John A. Miller and Vanessa S. Stroud
How Did You Know That? Protecting Privacy Interests of Research Participants via Certificates of Confidentiality, Jonathan S. Miller
The New York Limited Liability Company Law at Twenty: Past, Present & Future, Meredith R. Miller
Comparative Law as Transnational Law: A Decade of the German Law Journal, Russell A. Miller and Peer C. Zumbansen
The Law Was Never Our Own: The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship, the German Law Journal, and the Meaning of Comparative Law, Russell Miller and Peer Zumbansen
Sh u Boutique, Stephanie Miller
Managing Online Presence for Professionals and Law Students, Stephanie C. Miller
Teaching Legal Research Outside the Classroom, Stephanie C. Miller and Valerie Carullo
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, David K. Millon
Shareholder Primacy, the Main Barrier to Sustainable Companies: A Comparative Analysis of Company Law, David K. Millon, A. Johnston, B. Sjåfjell, and L. Anker-Sorensen
Educating to Meet the Demands of Florida Business and Law Schools - A. Introduction, Jon L. Mills
Internet Casinos: A Sure Bet for Money Laundering, Jon L. Mills
I. Opening Remarks (Proceedings of the Third Annual Legal & Policy Issues in the Americas Conference), Jon L. Mills
Legal Education in the Americas: The Anchor for Hemispheric Justice, Jon L. Mills
Principles for Constitutions and Institutions in Promoting the Rule of Law, Jon L. Mills
Reforms in Florida after the 2000 Presidential Election, Jon L. Mills
Sex, Lies, and Genetic Testing: What are Your Rights to Privacy in Florida?, Jon L. Mills
The 1987 Legislative Session, Jon L. Mills
The Future of Governmental Ethics: Law and Morality, Jon L. Mills
The Constitutional Considerations of Multiple Media Ownership Regulation by the Federal Communications Commission, Jon L. Mills, John Moynahan, Richard Perlini, and George McClure
Unimpoundment: Politics and the Courts in the Release of Impounded Funds, Jon L. Mills and William G. Munselle
Energy Policy: A Test for Federalism, Jon L. Mills and R. D. Woodson
Restating Environmental Law, Joel A. Mintz, Victor Flatt, Tracey Hester, Robert Percival, and Irma Russell
Time for a Restatement, Joel A. Mintz, Victor Flatt, Tracey Hester, and Robert V. Percival
Housing Law Training, Alan D. Minuskin
In search of women’s equal right to property in India - Recent Judicial developments, Archana Mishra
Rights in Separate Property for Hindu Female – Autonomy, Relationality and the Law, Archana Mishra Ms.
Effect of Contracts in the Republic of Macedonia, Jasna Mladenovska
Legal Rights of Older Persons, William Mock
An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Legal Transparency: A Tool for Rational Development, 18 Dick. J. Int'l L. 293 (2000), William B.T. Mock
Corporate Transparency and Human Rights, 8 Tulsa. J. Comp. & Int'l L. 15 (2000), William B.T. Mock
Cumulation of Import Statistics in Injury Investigations before the International Trade Commission, 7 Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 433 (1986), William B.T. Mock
Economic Advantage in East-West Trade: Abondoning Market Fictions in Trade with Nonmarket Economy Countries, 14 N.C.J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 55 (1989), William B.T. Mock
Game Theory, Signalling, and International Legal Relations, 26 Geo. Wash. J. Int'l L. & Econ. 33 (1992), William B.T. Mock
Informing Law Curricula: Modifying First-Year Courses to Reflect the Information Revolution, 51 J. Legal Educ. 554 (2001), William B.T. Mock
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find Me the Perfect (Decanal) Match, 31 Seattle U. L. Rev. 799 (2008), William B.T. Mock
On the Centrality of Information Law: A Rational Choice Discussion of Information Law and Transparency, 17 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 1069 (1999), William B.T. Mock
Statement of the American Bar Association Liaison to the Sixth Session of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing, William B.T. Mock
When a Rose isn't Arose isn't Arroz: A Guide to Footnoting for Informational Clarity and Scholarly Discourse, 34 Int'l J. Legal Info. 87 (2006), William B.T. Mock
Estate Planning for Clients with AIDS, 7 St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 177 (1988), William B.T. Mock and Zachary Tobin
Deviance, Aspiration, and the Stories We Tell: Reconciling Mass Atrocity and the Criminal Law, Saira Mohamed
From Keeping Peace to Building Peace: A Proposal for a Revitalized United Nations Trusteeship Council, Saira Mohamed
Introductory Note, Saira Mohamed
Introductory Note to El_Masri v. United States, Saira Mohamed
Introductory Note To the United Nations Declaration On the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Saira Mohamed
Introductory Note to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1975 on the Cote d'Ivoire, Saira Mohamed
Neglected Option: The Contributions of State Responsibility for Genocide to Transitional Justice, A, Saira Mohamed
Of Monsters and Man: Perpetrator Trauma and Mass Atrocity, Saira Mohamed
Omissions, Acts, and the Security Council's (in)Actions in Syria, Saira Mohamed
Restructuring the Debate on Unauthorized Humanitarian Intervention, Saira Mohamed
Shame in the Security Council, Saira Mohamed
Shame In The Security Council, Saira Mohamed
Shame In The Security Council, Saira Mohamed
Syria, the United Nations, and the Responsibility to Protect, Saira Mohamed
Taking Stock of the Responsibility to Protect, Saira Mohamed
Crafting a Constitutional Marijuana Tax, Nima H. Mohebbi
Liquidity, Systemic Risk, and the Bankruptcy Treatment of Financial Contracts, Riz Mokal
El contrato de factoraje y la cesión de créditos comerciales en el Código Civil y Comercial, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Fusión y reorganización de sociedades, Carlos Molina Sandoval
La liquidación del patrimonio fideicomitido en el nuevo Código, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Programación patrimonial en la empresa familiar, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Impartiality and Independence: Misunderstood Cousins, James E. Moliterno
The New-Breed, “Die-Hard” Chinese Lawyer: A Comparison with American Civil Rights Cause Lawyers, James E. Moliterno
Ethics 20/20 Successfully Achieved Its Mission: It "Protected, Preserved, and Maintained", James E. Moliterno