The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Sobre extorsiones judiciales, Javier Martín Reyes
La República laica y sus libertades. Las reformas a los artículos 24 y 40 constitucionales, Javier Martín Reyes, Pedro Salazar Ugarte, Paulina Barrera Rosales, Vladimir Chorny Elizalde, Ana Gaitán Uribe, and María de Guadalupe Salmorán Villar
The Small Business Investment Act of 1958, William John Martin Jr. and Ralph J. Moore Jr.
NextWave: The Battle Between Congressional Codes and Authoritative Bodies, Miriam Marton
Beyond Expert Witnessing - The Necessity of Interdisciplinary Practice in Sexual Violence Asylum Claims, Miriam H. Marton
How do You Tweet?: Five Tips for Posting on Social Media, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice
Utilizing Apps to Enhance Your Workflow, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice
Back to the Basics in 2015: Practical Information for Setting Up Shop, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice and Carol S. Furnish
Webex From an Instructor's Perspective, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice, Terri Iacobucci, and Jaesook Gilbert
Setting Up Shop: Technology Options & Recommendations, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice and Bradford Thomas
Reasonable or Offensive: Smell, Jurisdiction, and Public Right (see pp. 33-42).pdf, Sarah Marusek
The Crafting of Law and the Coining of Culture.pdf, Sarah Marusek
The Personal Liability of Insurance Claims Adjusters for Insurance Bad Faith, Chad G. Marzen
Climate Change and Federal Crop Insurance, Chad G. Marzen and Grant Ballard
Comentario sobre ” La Inocencia de Judas Iscariote” de Borges., Jose Mascaro
Justice Department Settlement Gives New Power to Campuses Over Emotional Support Animals, Michael R. Masinter
University of Nebraska at Kearney Article (Submission Version), Michael R. Masinter
the french intelligence Act of july 2015: the french surveillance state?, wanda mastor
The Overlooked Benefits of the Blackstone Principle, Jonathan Masur and John Bronsteen
Access to competition file as a precondition of access to justice - A dialectical approach to justice and effective competition, Emanuela A. Matei
Dual residence and the right to migrate under EEA law (Arcade Drilling), Emanuela A. Matei
Putting the cart before the horse: a doomed constitutional strategy for negotiating the T-TIP, Emanuela A. Matei
The Chamber of Secrets: The Repudiation of the ISDS, Emanuela A. Matei
Turning Enemies into Adversaries - T-TIP Negotiations and the Quest for a New Westphalia Momentum, Emanuela A. Matei and Horia Ciurtin
A Challenge to Judicial Independence in India: The National Judicial Appointments Council (NJAC), Manoj Mate
The Rise of Judicial Governance in the Supreme Court of India, Manoj Mate
THE 100-plus YEAR OLD CASE FOR A MINIMALIST CRIMINAL LAW (Sketch of a General Theory of Substantive Criminal Law), Mike C. Materni
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), Naira Matevosyan
External Ligation of Internal Iliac Artery (E.L.I.I.A), Naira Matevosyan
Matevosyan NR. Court Orders on Procreation, Naira Matevosyan
Matevosyan NR . Predictive Accuracy of the First - Trimester Doppler Scan: A Meta Study, Naira Matevosyan
Matevosyan NR. Rediscovering Comte de Saint-Simon: From Aristocracy to Meritocracy, a Journey to Inclusion, Naira Matevosyan
Naira's articles cited in Kansas House Bill and Legilslture (see p. 10 of the linked document), Naira Matevosyan
Rhabdomyoma & Rhabdomyosarcoma, Naira Matevosyan
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, Naira Matevosyan
Ulysses Pact in Obstetrics, Naira Matevosyan
"Social Security Disability and Alcoholism: A Proposal for Reform", Kenneth L. Matheny
Social Security Disability and Alcoholism: A Proposal For Reform, Kenneth L. Matheny
Deference Lotteries, Jud Mathews
Proportionality and the Relevance of Rights, Jud Mathews
Searching for Proportionality in U.S. Administrative Law, Jud Mathews
Turning the Endangered Species Act inside Out, Jud Mathews
Strategic Delegation, Discretion, and Deference: Explaining the Comparative Law of Administrative Review, Jud Mathews and Nuno M. Garoupa
All Things in Proportion - American Rights Review and the Problem of Balancing, Jud Mathews and Alec Stone Sweet
Il benicomunismo e i suoi nemici, Ugo Mattei
Videos, Ugo Mattei
The Ecology of Law: Toward a Legal System in Tune with Nature and Community, Ugo Mattei and Fritjof Capra
Il divario digitale infrastrutturale delle Marche, Nicola Matteucci
Matteucci (2015) La valutazione delle agende digitali regionali.pdf, Nicola Matteucci
Standards, IPR and digital TV convergence: theories and empirical evidence, Nicola Matteucci
Editoriale: “La PA digitale: un ossimoro italiano?”, Nicola Matteucci and Paolo Seri
Women and Happiness, Nicola Matteucci and Sabrina Vieira Lima
A New Era: Integrating Today's 'Next Gen' Research Tools Ravel and Casetext in the Law School Classroom, Ingrid Mattson, Susan Azyndar, and Katrina Lee
Filling the Google Gaps: Harnessing the power of Google through Instruction, Rebecca Mattson
Filling the Google Gaps: Harnessing the power of Google through Instruction, Rebecca Mattson
CALI Lesson - Ohio Citation, Rebecca Mattson and Carolyn Broering-Jacobs
Att beforska barn och unga i hem, skola, samhällsvård och kriminalvård, Titti Mattsson
Barnrättsperspektivet i LVU-sammanhang, Titti Mattsson
Lägst ned på skalan? Hälsooch sjukvårdens bemötande av äldre kvinnor som migrerat till Sverige, Titti Mattsson and Helene Brodin
Cases for Lecture 2; Privacy, Macerata 11 March 2015, Ulf Maunsbach
Cases for Lecture 3; Trademarks, Macerata 17 March 2015, Ulf Maunsbach
Cases for Lecture 4 - Copyright in Cyberspace, Macerata, 8 April 2015, Ulf Maunsbach
Cases for Lecture 5; Private International Law and the Internet, Macerata 15 April 2015, Ulf Maunsbach
Handelsrätt och internationell privat- och processrätt, Ulf Maunsbach
Information Technology and the Law - an Overview of Issues, Ulf Maunsbach
Information Technology and the Law - an Overview of Issues, Ulf Maunsbach
Information Technology and the Law - Copyright in Cyberspace, Ulf Maunsbach
Information Technology and the Law - Privacy, Ulf Maunsbach
Information Technology and the Law - Trademarks in Cyberspace, Macerata 2015, Ulf Maunsbach
Private International Law and the Internet, Ulf Maunsbach
Democracy and Torture, Patrick A. Maurer
Teacher Assessment and Credentialling: The Role of the Federal Government in a State Function, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Paul Williams
Teacher Assessment and Credentialling: The Role of the Federal Government in a State Function, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Paul Williams
Teacher Assessment and Credentialling: The Role of the Federal Government in a State Function, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Paul Williams
A Government of Laws not of Precedents 1776-1876: The Google Challenge to Common Law Myth, James R. Maxeiner
Control Design and Filtering for Wireless Networked Systems, Xiao Ma
Electrostatic actuation based modulation of polar molecules and associated force interaction studies, Xiao Ma
Free Radical Polymerization in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids, Xiao Ma
In-situ synthesis of AlN+Mg2Si/Mg matrix composites and microstructral studies, Xiao Ma
An Empirical Study of Consumer Behavior in Online Pay-to-Bid Auctions, Xiao Ma, Keehyung Kim, and Khim Yong Goh
Revisiting Self-Selection Biases in E-Word-of-Mouth: An Integrated Model and Bayesian Estimation of Multivariate Review Behaviors, Xiao Ma and Sung Kim
Foreword: Social Practices, Legal Narrative, and the Development of the Legal Tradition, Laurent Mayali
La Culture Juridique des Balkans (The Legal Culture of the Balkans), Laurent Mayali and Lisa Benou
Lloyd Mayer was quoted in The Chronicle of Philanthropy article Advocates Poised for Capitol Hill Battle on Donor-Advised Funds on January 23, 2015, Lloyd Histoshi Mayer
Lloyd Mayer was quoted in the Facing South article New IRS rules on dark money likely won’t be ready before 2016 election on Jan. 5, 2015, Lloyd Histoshi Mayer
Lloyd Mayer was quoted in the Huffington Post article New IRS Rules On Dark Money Likely Won’t Be Ready Before 2016 Election on January 5, 2015, Lloyd Histoshi Mayer
Lloyd Mayer was quoted in the New York Times article Writing Off the Warhol Next Door Art Collectors Gain Tax Benefits From Private Museums on Jan. 10, 2015, Lloyd Histoshi Mayer
Lloyd Mayer was quoted in the Portland Tribune article First lady’s consulting work leaves some scratching their heads on January 27, 2015, Lloyd Histoshi Mayer
Symposium on Global Environmental Constitutionalism: An Introduction and Overview, James R. May
International Criminal Law and the Inner Morality of Law, Larry May, Margaret Martin, and Craig Scott
Transcript—Panel Exchange the Fourth Annual Fritz B. Burns Lecture Central Bank: The Methodology, the Message, and the Future, Therese H. Maynard, Melvin Aron Eisenberg, Joseph A. Grundfest, and Simon Lorne
Acquisitions: The Next Generation, Antje Mays
A Mentor’s Manifesto: Moving from legacy to Innovation, Antje Mays
An Environmental Analysis Corroborating PDA and the Winthrop Example, Antje Mays
Biz of Acq -- Acquisitions: The Next Generation, Antje Mays
Biz of Acq -- Brave New World: The Implications of Shifting to Electronic Collections, Antje Mays
Biz of Acq -- New Programs and Accreditations: Meaningful Measurement and Assessment, Antje Mays