The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Chopped Herring and the Making of the American Kosher Certification System, Timothy D. Lytton
Clergy Sexual Abuse Litigation: The Policymaking Role of Tort Law, Timothy D. Lytton
Competitive Third-Party Regulation: How Private Certification Can Overcome Constraints that Frustrate Government Regulation, Timothy D. Lytton
Consumer Vigilance and the Kosher Cookies-and-Cream Ice Cream Caper, Timothy D. Lytton
Due Process and Legal Authority in the Garden of Eden: Jurisprudence in Aggadic Midrash, Timothy D. Lytton
Foreword: Revolution, Participatory Democracy, and Property: The Nicaraguan Property Regime After Sandinista Land Reform, Timothy D. Lytton
Framing Clergy Sexual Abuse as an Institutional Failure: How Tort Litigation Influences Media Coverage, Timothy D. Lytton
Gun Bill a Messy Mix of Law, Politics, Timothy D. Lytton
Halberstam v. Daniel and the Uncertain Future of Negligent Marketing Claims Against Firearms Manufacturers, Timothy D. Lytton
Holding Bishops Accountable: How Lawsuits Helped the Catholic Church Confront Clergy Sexual Abuse, Timothy D. Lytton
Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, Timothy D. Lytton
Is There a Tension Between Consumer Protection and Religious Liberty: A Comparison of Kosher Fraud Laws in the U.S. and Israel, Timothy D. Lytton
Is The Tort System a Litigation Lottery?, Timothy D. Lytton
Jewish Foodways and Religious Self-Governance: The Failure of Communal Kashrut Regulation and the Rise of Private Kosher Certification, Timothy D. Lytton
Kosher Certification: A Model for Improving Private Food Safety Audits, Timothy D. Lytton
Kosher Certification: A Model of Reliable Food Label Regulation, Timothy D. Lytton
Kosher Certification as a Model of Private Regulation: Third-Party Certification Has Benefits Over Both Government Regulation and Unregulated Markets, Timothy D. Lytton
Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food, Timothy D. Lytton
Lawsuits Against the Gun Industry: A Comparative Institutional Analysis, Timothy D. Lytton
Lawsuits Once Again Help Expose Clergy Sexual Abuse, Timothy D. Lytton
Legal Legacy, Timothy D. Lytton
Mediation in Nicaragua: Putting the Law to Work for People, Timothy D. Lytton
Mediation: On the Road to Peace and Justice in Nicaragua, Timothy D. Lytton
Milwaukee Case Could Encourage Gun Stores to Reduce Illegal Sales, Timothy D. Lytton
Milwaukee Case Could Encourage Gun Stores to Reduce Illegal Sales, Timothy D. Lytton
Milwaukee Case Could Encourage Gun Stores to Reduce Illegal Sales, Timothy D. Lytton
Moving Beyond the Battle Over Eco-Kosher: Kosher Certification as a Model (Not a Means) for Ethical Food Labeling, Timothy D. Lytton
Organized Crime and Kosher Food Certification, Timothy D. Lytton
Outbreak: Foodborne Illness and the Evolving Food Safety System, Timothy D. Lytton
Promoviendo el estado de derecho y la cultura de paz en Guatemala y Nicaragua, Timothy D. Lytton
Regulating Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Part 1 of 3: Better Enforcement of Existing Standards, Timothy D. Lytton
Regulating Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Part 2 of 3: Developing New Minimum Standards for Complex Rating Schemes, Timothy D. Lytton
Regulating Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Part 3 of 3: Objections to the Imposition of a Single FDA Scheme, Timothy D. Lytton
Responsibility for Human Suffering: Awareness Participation and the Frontiers of Tort Law , Timothy D. Lytton
Rules and Relationships: The Varieties of Wrongdoing in Tort Law, Timothy D. Lytton
Scandal and Self-Correction in Kosher Food Certification, Timothy D. Lytton
"Shall Not the Judge of the World Do Justice?": Accountability, Compassion, and Judicial Authority in the Biblical Story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Timothy D. Lytton
Should Government Be Allowed to Recover the Costs of Public Services from Tortfeasors?: Tort Subsidies, the Limits of Loss Spreading, and the Free Public Services Doctrine, Timothy D. Lytton
Signs of Change or Clash of Symbols? FDA Regulation of Nutrient Profile Labeling, Timothy D. Lytton
The Advantages of Private Certification Over Government Regulation, Timothy D. Lytton
The Guru of Kashrut: Rabbi Alexander S. Rosenberg and the Transformation of Kosher Certification in America, Timothy D. Lytton
There Is More to Mandatory Disclosure Than Meets the Eye, Timothy D. Lytton
The Sting: New York Has Devised an Ingenious Approach to Stopping the Flow of Guns Into the City. Could It Work for Boston?, Timothy D. Lytton
Tort Claims Against Gun Manufacturers for Crime-Related Injuries: Defining a Suitable Role for the Tort System in Regulating the Firearms Industry, Timothy D. Lytton
Tort Claims against Gun Manufacturers for Crime-Related Injuries: Defining a Suitable Role for the Tort System in Regulating the Firearms Industry, Timothy D. Lytton
Using Litigation to Make Public Health Policy: Theoretical and Empirical Challenges in Assessing Product Liability, Tobacco, and Gun Litigation, Timothy D. Lytton
Using Tort Litigation to Enhance Regulatory Policymaking: Evaluating Climate Change Litigation in Light of Lessons from Gun-Industry and Clergy-Sexual-Abuse Lawsuits, Timothy D. Lytton
Various Methods of Resolving Conflict, Timothy D. Lytton
Why Is There So Much Unhealthy Food in Schools? Inadequate Public Funding and the Sale of Competitive Foods as a Revenue Source, Timothy D. Lytton
There is More to Transparency Than Meets the Eye: The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure Laws Aimed at Promoting Breastfeeding, Timothy D. Lytton, Barbara A. Dennison, Trang Q. Nguyen, and Janine M. Jurkowski
Oversight in Private Food Safety Auditing: Addressing Auditor Conflict of Interest, Timothy D. Lytton and Lesley K. McAllister
Is There a Secret Ingredient in the Jewish Relationship with Food?, Timothy D. Lytton, Allan Nadler, Andy Kastner, Jonathan Klawans, David Kraemer, Joan Nathan, Jami Attenberg, Sue Fishkoff, Ari Hart, Michael Stern, and Ruth Reichl
Tort as a Litigation Lottery: A Misconceived Metaphor, Timothy D. Lytton, Robert L. Rabin, and Peter H. Schuck
Who's Guarding the Hen House? Misconceptions about Kosher Chicken Production and the Need for Further Study, Timothy D. Lytton and Joe M. Regenstein
Shaking Up Israel's Kosher Certification System, Timothy D. Lytton and Motti Talias
Echoes from the Segregationist Past at Oral Argument, Mary Ellen Maatman
Lee’s Atticus Finch Represents a Will to Change, Mary Ellen Maatman
Alaska: North to the Future of Federal Marijuana Regulation, Angela Macdonald
Why Marijuana is Not Regulated Like Alcohol in Colorado: A Warning for States Seeking to Legalize Recreational Marijuana, Angela Macdonald
Why Marijuana is Not Regulated Like Alcohol in Colorado: A Warning for States Seeking to Legalize Recreational Marijuana, Angela Macdonald
Real property law in Queensland, Carmel MacDonald, Les McCrimmon, Anne Wallace, and Michael Weir
Panel 3: Lunch [Keynote Speaker], Roderick A. Macdonald and Harry W. Arthurs
Review of the Extent of Courtroom Technology in Australia, Ros Macdonald and Anne Wallace
Justice Scalia's Fourth Amendment: Text, Context, Clarity, and Occasional Faint-Hearted Originalism, Timothy C. MacDonnell
Legal Research Handbook, 5th Edition, Douglass T. MacEllven and John N. Davis
Boundary Work in Environmental Law, Gregg P. Macey
Coasean Blindspots: Charting the Incomplete Institutionalism, Gregg P. Macey
Cooperative Institutions in Cultural Commons, Gregg P. Macey
Environmental Crisis and the Paradox of Organizing, Gregg P. Macey
Why have strong Legislative Acts had weak Economic Effects?, Douglas W. MacKenzie Ph.D.
Climate justice and the distribution of rights to emit carbon, Brendan Mackey and Nicole Rogers
Caseload Allocation and Special Judicial Skills: Finding the 'Right Judge', Kathy Mack, Sharyn Roach Anleu, and Anne Wallace
Judicial Workload: Time, Tasks and Work Organisation, Kathy Mack, Anne M. Wallace, and Sharyn Roach Anleu
Judicial workload: time, tasks and work organisation, Kathy Mack, Anne M. Wallace, and Sharyn Roach Anleu
Canadian Constitutional Law, Fourth Edition, Patrick Macklem, Carol Rogerson, Joel Bakan, Jean Leclair, John Borrows, Ian Lee, Sujit Choudhry, Richard Moon, Robin Elliot, R. C. B. Risk, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, Kent Roach, Donna Greschner, Bruce Ryder, Patricia Hughes, David Schneiderman, and Lorraine Weinrib
Test, Susann MacLachlan
Dalla traccia di sangue all'identikit facciale, Charles E. MacLean
Rights, Privileges, and the Future of Marriage, Adam MacLeod
Rights, Privileges, and the Future of Marriage Law, Adam MacLeod
Tactical Totalization, Adam MacLeod
All for One: A Review of Victim-Centric Justifications for Criminal Punishment, Adam J. MacLeod
The Mystery of Life in the Laboratory of Democracy: Personal Autonomy in State Law, Adam J. Macleod
The Search for Moral Neutrality in Same-Sex Marriage Decisions, Adam J. MacLeod
Universities as Constitutional Law Makers (And Other Hidden Actors in Our Constitutional Orders), Adam J. MacLeod
The Law of Restitution, Peter D. Maddaugh and John D. McCamus
The Law of Restitution [Looseleaf Edition], Peter D. Maddaugh and John D. McCamus
Significance and the Materiality Tautology.pdf, Thomas M. Madden
The Denial of IRS Access to Its Adversary's Playbook, Allen Madison
The Denial of IRS Access to Its Adversary's Playbook, Allen Madison
Preparing for Service: A Template for 21st Century Legal Education, Michael J. Madison
Innovators, Esq.: Training the Next Generation of Lawyer Social Entrepreneurs, Michael J. Madison and Stephanie A. Dangel
A Tale of Two Countries: Comparing the Law of Inheritance in Two Seemingly Opposite Systems, Ray D. Madoff
The Way of ColorInsight: Understanding Race and Law Effectively Through Mindfulness-Based ColorInsight Practices, Rhonda V. Magee
Teaching the Newly Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Values in a Changing World, Section E: Intercultural Effectiveness, Rhonda V. Magee, Mary A. Lynch, Robin Boyle, and Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
The Criminalization of Corporate Bribery Abroad, William J. Magnuson
Alito's Voice: Koontz and the End of Justice Stevens' Private Property Regulation Policy, Colin W. Maguire
Goldcorp and Hudbay Minerals in Guatemala (2010 update), Bernadette Maheandiran, Jessica DiFederico, Rolando Aguilera, and Shin Imai
Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Marriage, Kevin Noble Maillard, Rose Cuison Villazor, and Victor C. Romero
The Distinctive Vocation of Business Education in Catholic Universities, T. Dean Maines and Kenneth E. Goodpaster
Global Health Law Norms: A Coherent Framework to Understand PPACA's Approach to Eliminate Health Disparities and Address Implementation Challenges, Gwendolyn R. Majette