The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
E-Obviousness, Glynn S. Lunney Jr.
Fair Use and Market Failure: Sony Revisited, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Fair Use and Market Failure: Sony Revisited, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
FTC v. ACTAVIS: The Patent-Antitrust Intersection Revisited, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
FTC v. ACTAVIS: The Patent-Antitrust Intersection Revisited, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Lotus v. Borland: Copyright and Computer Programs, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Lotus v. Borland: Copyright and Computer Programs, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
On the Continuing Misuse of Event Studies: The Example of Bessen and Meurer, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
On the Continuing Misuse of Event Studies: The Example of Bessen and Meurer, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Patent Law, the Federal Circuit, and the Supreme Court, A Quiet Revolution, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Patent Law, the Federal Circuit, and the Supreme Court, A Quiet Revolution, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Patents and Growth: Empirical Evidence from the States, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Patents and Growth: Empirical Evidence from the States, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Reexamining Copyright's Incentives--Access Paradigm, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Reexamining Copyright's Incentives--Access Paradigm, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Responsibility, Causation, and the Harm-Benefit Line in Takings Jurisprudence, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Responsibility, Causation, and the Harm-Benefit Line in Takings Jurisprudence, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Takings, Efficiency, and Distributive Justice: A Response to Professor Dagan, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Takings, Efficiency, and Distributive Justice: A Response to Professor Dagan, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
The Death of Copyright: Digital Technology, Private Copying, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
The Death of Copyright: Digital Technology, Private Copying, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
The Trade Dress Emperor's New Clothes: Why Trade Dress Does Not Belong on the Principal Register, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
The Trade Dress Emperor's New Clothes: Why Trade Dress Does Not Belong on the Principal Register, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Trademark Monopolies, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Trademark Monopolies, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Trademarks and the Internet: The United States' Experience, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Trademarks and the Internet: The United States' Experience, Glynn S. Lunney Jr
Not So Obvious after All: Patent Law's Nonobviousness Requirement, KSR, and the Fear of Hindsight Bias, Glynn S. Lunney Jr and Christian T. Johnson
Not So Obvious after All: Patent Law's Nonobviousness Requirement, KSR, and the Fear of Hindsight Bias, Glynn S. Lunney Jr and Christian T. Johnson
The ethics of the VeriChip human implant, Michael Lupton
Where to draw the line - regulation of therapeutic applications of nanotechnology, Michael Lupton
The Social Cost of of Inertia: How Cost-Benefit Incoherence Threatens to Derail U.S. Climate Action, Melissa Luttrell
Reconsidering Knowledge: Feminism and the Academy, Meg Luxton and Mary Jane Mossman
Common human cancer genes discovered by integrated gene-expression analysis, Yan Lu, Yijun Yi, Pengyuan Liu, Weidong Wen, Michael James, Daolong Wang, and Ming You
Effects of Land Use on Sources and Ages of Inorganic and Organic Carbon in Temperate Headwater Streams, Yue Han Lu, James E. Bauer, Elizabeth A. Canuel, R. M. Chambers, Youhei Yamashita, Rudolf Jaffe´, and Amy Barrett
Reach Out and Touch Your Customers, Michael Lynn, Joseph-Mykal Le, and David Sherwyn
Blind Justice, Andrea Lyon
Dean's Desk: Legal Clinics Cultivate Essential Lawyering Skills, Andrea Lyon
Defending the Death Penalty Case: What Makes Death Different?, Andrea Lyon
Dying to Win, Andrea Lyon
Election Protection 2012, Andrea Lyon
Equal Access to Evidence: The Case for the Defense Use of Immunity for Essential Witnesses, Andrea Lyon
In Case of Confession, Andrea Lyon
Perspective Is Everything, Andrea Lyon
Self-Defense and Battered Spouse Syndrome: A Legal and Psychological Perspective, Andrea Lyon
The Preliminary Hearing: A Necessary Part of Due Process, Andrea Lyon
Undue Burden, Andrea Lyon
Where Tradition Meets Innovation: Providing a Practice-Oriented Curriculum, Andrea Lyon
Legal Update: Federal Judicial and Regulatory Developments in Mandatory Arbitration, Matthew Lyon
Summary of TBLE Petition to Amend Tenn. S. Ct. Rules 6, 7 & 8, Matthew Lyon
The State of Mandatory Arbitration in Tennessee after Berent v. CMH Homes, Matthew Lyon
Data and Diversity in the Canadian Justice Community, Sabrina Lyon and Lorne Sossin
Forensic Evidence - Toward a Legacy of Truth-Telling and Fair Trial for International Criminal Tribunals, Beth S. Lyons
Amazon didn’t break law by banning sales of Google, Apple streaming players, Daniel Lyons
Assessing the Right to be Forgotten, Daniel Lyons
Beyond Net Neutrality: International Examples Enabling Innovation and Consumer Choice in the Mobile Internet Ecosystem, Daniel Lyons
Commenter, Implementing Real Regulatory Reform at the FCC, Daniel Lyons
Net Neutrality, Daniel Lyons
Net Neutrality Explained: The Consequences of the FCC's Decision to Regulate Broadband Providers, Daniel Lyons
Opinion: Understanding the Economics of Cable Mergers, Daniel Lyons
Panelist, Our Changing Internet and its Regulations, Daniel Lyons
Panelist, Recent Federal Law Changes and Their Impact on the States, Daniel Lyons
Regulating Interconnection, Daniel Lyons
Understand the Economics of Cable Mergers, Daniel Lyons
What’s Next on the Road to Net Neutrality?, Daniel Lyons
What’s Next on the Road to Net Neutrality?, Daniel Lyons
Regulating Interconnection (Lightly!), Daniel A. Lyons
The Interstate Commerce of Abortion: A Constitutional Argument for the Federal Invalidation of Restrictive State Abortion Laws, Kaiya Amelia Lyons
Abuse Disclosure: What Adults Can Tell, Thomas D. Lyon
Applying Suggestibility Research to the Real World: The Case of Repeated Questions, Thomas D. Lyon
Investigative interviewing of the child, Thomas D. Lyon
New Wave in Children’s Suggestibility Research: A Critique , Thomas D. Lyon
The Supreme Court, Hearsay, and CRAWFORD: Implications for Child Interviewers, Thomas D. Lyon
Children’s reasoning about disclosing adult transgressions: Effects of maltreatment, child age, and adult identity, Thomas D. Lyon, Elizabeth A. Ahern, Lindsay A. Malloy, and Jodi A. Quas
Young Children's Competency to Take the Oath: Effects of Task, Maltreatment, and Age, Thomas D. Lyon, Nathalie Carrick, and J A. Quas
Truth induction in young maltreated children: The effects of oath-taking and reassurance on true and false disclosures, Thomas D. Lyon and Joyce Dorado
Relevance Ratio: Evaluating the Probative Value of Expert Testimony in Child Sexual Abuse Cases , Thomas D. Lyon and Jonathan J. Koehler
The History of Children's Hearsay: From Old Bailey to Post-Davis, Thomas D. Lyon and Raymond LaMagna
Legal and psychological support for the NICHD interviewing protocol: Author's response to Vieth (2008), Thomas D. Lyon, Michael E. Lamb, and J.E.B. Myers
Coaching, Truth Induction, and Young Maltreated Children's False Allegations and False Denials, Thomas D. Lyon, Lindsay C. Malloy, J A. Quas, and Victoria A. Talwar
Children's Memory for Conversations About Sexual Abuse: Legal and Psychological Implications, Thomas D. Lyon and Stacia N. Stolzenberg
46. Wrongful acquittals of sexual abuse., Thomas D. Lyon, Stacia N. Stolzenberg, and Kelly McWilliams
Improving HIV-AIDS Treatment and Adherence through Telemedicine, Sabrina M. Ly
Exodus and the Struggle for Deliverance: Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico, Timothy Lytton
Exposing Secrets of the Catholic Church: How Civil Lawsuits Brought the Sex Abuse Scandal to Light, Timothy Lytton
Introduction: An Overview of Lawsuits Against the Gun Industry, Timothy Lytton
Is That Kosher?, Timothy Lytton
Lessons From the L.A. Kosher Meat Scandal, Timothy Lytton
Markets and Morality: Kosher Certification as a Model for Eco-Labeling, Timothy Lytton
Milwaukee Case Could Encourage Gun Stores to Reduce Illegal Sales, Timothy Lytton
Suing the Gun Industry: A Battle at the Crossroads of Gun Control and Mass Torts, Timothy Lytton
The Complementary Role of Tort Litigation in Regulating the Gun Industry, Timothy Lytton
The NRA, the Brady Campaign, and the Politics of Gun Litigation, Timothy Lytton
Assessing Peter Schuck's Diversity in America: Keeping Government at a Safe Distance, Timothy D. Lytton
Banning Front-of-Package Food Labels: First Amendment Constraints on Public Health Policy, Timothy D. Lytton
Book Review, Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church's 2,000-Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse, Timothy D. Lytton
Book Review: Smashing the Idols of Efficiency, Timothy D. Lytton
Building Peace by Teaching Mediation: A New Model of Law and Development, Timothy D. Lytton