About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Associations and the Constitution: Four Questions About Four Freedoms, Nelson Tebbe

Eclecticism, Nelson Tebbe

Excluding Religion, Nelson Tebbe

Excluding Religion , Nelson Tebbe

Free Exercise and the Problem of Symmetry, Nelson Tebbe

Government Nonendorsement, Nelson Tebbe

How to Think About Religious Freedom in an Egalitarian Age, Nelson Tebbe

Privatizing and Publicizing Speech, Nelson Tebbe

Religion and Marriage Equality Statutes, Nelson Tebbe

Religion and Social Coherentism, Nelson Tebbe

Smith in Theory and Practice, Nelson Tebbe

Witchcraft and Statecraft: Liberal Democracy in Africa, Nelson Tebbe

Is the Constitution Special?, Nelson Tebbe and Christopher Serkin

Constitutional Borrowing, Nelson Tebbe and Robert Tsai

The African-American Interest in Higher Law in the Supreme Court: Justices Marshall and Thomas, D. A. Jeremy Telman


CCOs in the Cross-Hairs: Recent Developments in the Regulation of Financial Industry Chief Compliance Officers, Barry R. Temkin and Michelle Atlas

neutral-corner-volume-3-2017 (00728986x9C8CB).pdf, Barry R. Temkin and Kate E. DiGeronimo

Understanding Insurance Issues in Securities Arbitration and Mediation, Barry R. Temkin, Atea Martin, and James Yellen

New Cybersecurity Regulations Promulgated by New York's Department of Financial Services, Barry R. Temkin and Robert Usinger

The Contract, The Law and The Courts, Barry R. Temkin and Robert Usinger

Social Media and the New York Rules of Professional Conduct: Is LinkedIn Attorney Advertising?, Barry R. Temkin and James Q. Walker

Factum of the Charter Committee on Poverty Issues: in the Supreme Court of Canada on Appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal between Mavis Baker, appellant. and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, respondent., John Terry and Craig Scott

Dickinson Law Review Vol. 122(1): Tradition, Innovation, and New Beginnings: Celebrating the History of the Dickinson Law Review, Laurel S. Terry

Foreword: Why “Tradition, Innovation, and New Beginnings: Celebrating the History of the Dickinson Law Review” Is an Appropriate Title for Volume 122(1), Laurel S. Terry

Looking for Competencies in All of the Right Places, Laurel S. Terry

New Leaders, New Laws … and New Perspectives on Creating “Practice Ready” International Lawyers: Materials from Prof. Laurel Terry re Penn State University - Dickinson Law, Laurel S. Terry

The Impact of Global Developments on U.S. Legal Ethics During the Past Thirty Years, Laurel S. Terry

The Impact of Global Developments on U.S. Legal Ethics During the Past Thirty Years, Laurel S. Terry

Transnational Legal Practice [2016], Laurel S. Terry

Lawyer Regulation, AML, and FATF's Mutual Evaluations, Laurel S. Terry and José Carlos Llerena Robles

Cassandra y por qué tuitear chistes no es delito, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Democracia y orden constitucional, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Discursos extremos y libertad de expresión: un análisis jurisprudencial, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Discursos odiosos, que no del odio, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

El discurso del odio como límite a la libertad de expresión en el marco del Convenio Europeo, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

El discurso del odio y el discurso negacionista: ¿ejercicio de una libertad o abuso de derecho?, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

El mal gusto no es delito: apología de la libertad de expresión, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

El mercado ¿libre? de las ideas, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

En defensa de la Constitución, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Entrevista con ocasión de la moción de censura - Onda Regional, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Expresiones intolerantes, delitos de odio y libertad de expresión: un difícil equilibrio, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Expresiones intolerantes, delitos de odio y libertad de expresión: un difícil equilibrio, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Golpe de Estado institucional, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

La reforma de los reglamentos parlamentarios como instrumento para la regeneración democrática, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

La regulación constitucional de la investidura de presidente del Gobierno ante un nuevo escenario político, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Libertad de expresión y discursos de odio en países democráticos, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Libertades comunicativas y censura en el entorno tecnológico global, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Madrid por el derecho a decidir, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Madrid y el derecho a decidir, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Reflexiones sobre la construcción de un sistema integral de protección de los derechos fundamentales como fundamento de la integración europea, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

¿Reformar la Constitución?, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

El Tribunal Constitucional y el Tribunal de Cuentas ante la Ley de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno, Germán M. Teruel Lozano and María José Molina García

Constitución e integración europea: ciudadanía, derechos fundamentales y garantías jurisdiccionales, Germán M. Teruel Lozano, Antonio Pérez Miras, and Edoardo C. Raffiotta

Constitución e integración europea: forma política, gobernanza económica y organización territorial, Germán M. Teruel Lozano, Antonio Pérez Miras, and Edoardo C. Raffiotta

La libertad de expresión en América y Europa, Germán M. Teruel Lozano and Miguel Ángel Presno Linera

The Irony of Mediator as Problem Maker: Mediator Misconduct Setting Aside Mediated Agreements, Fran L. Tetunic

Book Review - strangers in our midst, lasse thomassen, sarah song, annie stilz, kieran oberman, and david miller

Toward a New Theory of the Shareholder Role: A sacred space in corporate transactions, Robert B. Thompson and D. Gordon Smith

Jay Tidmarsh Named Clynes Professor of Law, Jay Tidmarsh

The English Fire Courts and the American Right to Civil Jury Trial, Jay Tidmarsh

The Future of Oral Arguments, Jay Tidmarsh

The Reform of Investment Protection Rules in CETA, TTIP and Other Recent EU-FTAs: Convincing?, Christian Tietje and Kevin Crow

How fair housing programs can be bolstered by laws prohibiting source of income discrimination, J. Rosie Tighe, Megan Hatch, and Joseph Mead

Source of Income Discrimination and Fair Housing Policy, J. Rosie Tighe, Megan Hatch, and Joseph Mead

Extract from William Josephson, Remarks at the University of Chicago Alumni Asso., "The New York Times, Me, the Electoral College and Us", Seth Barrett Tillman

When Timekeeping Software Undermines Compliance, Elizabeth Tippett, Charlotte S. Alexander, and Zev J. Eigen

Children's Rights and Women's Rights: Interrelated and Interdependent, Jonathan Todres

Physician Encounters with Human Trafficking: Legal Consequences and Ethical Considerations, Jonathan Todres

Adolescents' Right to Participate: Opportunities and Challenges for Health Care Professionals, Jonathan Todres and Angela Diaz

Overview, Jonathan Todres, Mark Wojcik, and Cris Revaz

The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Treaty Provisions and Implications of U.S. Ratification, Jonathan Todres, Mark Wojcik, and Cris Revaz

The Complexities of Conducting Research on Child Trafficking, Jonathan Todres and Leslie E. Wolf

Book review - The Beginnings of Islamic Law: Late Antique Islamicate Legal TraditionsThe Beginnings of Islamic Law: Late Antique Islamicate Legal Traditions By Salaymeh Lena., Christopher Tomlins

From Tarde to Deleuze and Foucault . The Infinitesimal Revolution, Sergio Tonkonoff

Some Challenges Facing a Behaviorally-Informed Approach to the Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices, Avishalom Tor

The Next Generation of Behavioural Law and Economics, Avishalom Tor

The Psychology of Competition: A Social Comparison Perspective, Avishalom Tor, Stephen M. Garcia, and Tyrone M. Schiff

The Evolution of American Culture: The Problematic Place of Race and the Right to Have Rights, Gerald Torres

Judges and Juries: Separate Moments in the Same Phenomenon, Gerald Torres and Donald P. Brewster

Algunas propuestas de modificación al Libro de Derecho de Sucesiones del Código Civil, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

Cuestiones prácticas derivadas del derecho de retención del poseedor en materia de mejoras, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

El carácter relativo de la presunción mater semper certa est en los supuestos de maternidad subrogada. A propósito de una reciente sentencia, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

La causal de separación de hecho en el Perú. Aplicaciones jurisprudenciales pos Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

La presunción de sociabilidad de los bienes y la subrogación real en el régimen de sociedad de gananciales, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

Las obligaciones de restitución y de reembolso como efectos de la resolución contractual, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

La solicitud de suspensión de medidas cautelares sin tercería, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

¿Es viable el cambio de apellidos en el Perú?, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and Patricia Herrera Arana

La separación de hecho y el abandono injustificado del hogar conyugal. Notas diferenciadoras a la luz de la jurisprudencia, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and Patricia Herrera Arana

La ineficacia de la donación, Mitchel Torres

La nulidad de los títulos otorgados por Cofopri, Mitchel Torres

Quoted in "4 Details of Trump's New Deportation Rules that Worry an Immigration Lawyer", Kristin Toussaint

Gendering Disability to Enable Disability Rights Law, Michelle A. Travis

At Your Service: Lawyer Discretion to Assist Clients in Unlawful Conduct, Paul R. Tremblay

Law School Curricula and Practice-Readiness: Perfect Partners or Strange Bedfellows?, Paul R. Tremblay

Rebellious Strains in Transactional Lawyering for Underserved Entrepreneurs and Community Groups, Paul R. Tremblay

Small Business Legal Services Providers Roundtable Discussion, Paul R. Tremblay

The Ethics of Representing Founders, Paul R. Tremblay

Massachusetts Legal Ethics: Substance and Practice, Paul R. Tremblay and Michael Fredrickson

The Public Speaks, Again: An International Study of Legal Communication, Christopher R. Trudeau and Christine Cawthorne