About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Domestic Human Rights and Fair Housing Rights (Moderator), Aric Short

Mindfulness for Law Student Effectiveness and Balance, Aric Short

The Reflective Job Search: Mindfulness as a Tool for Law Students Who are Anxious and Adrift, Aric Short

Guns on Campus: A Look at the First Year of Concealed Carry at Texas Universities, Aric K. Short

Institutional Triage: Reflections on Being Acquired, Aric K. Short

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer protection Act: The Evolution of Whistleblower Protections, Employment Contracts and Mandatory Arbitration Agreements, Florence Shu-Acquaye

The Ebola Virus Prevention and Human Rights Implications, Florence Shu-Acquaye

Squaring State Child Vaccine Policy With Individual Rights Under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: Questions Raised in California, Ross D. Silverman J.D., M.P.H. and Wendy F. Hensel

The Second Coming of Dignity, Jonathan S. Simon

Charter Litigation, Social and Economic Rights & Civil Procedure, Vasuda Sinha, Lorne Sossin, and Jenna Meguid

The Constitutional Dimensions of Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery

Confederate Monuments Tell Wrong Story About History, Michael J. Slinger

Sticking to the Union: A Study on the Unionization of Academic Law Libraries, Sarah Slinger

Collective Bargaining, Sara Slinn

Canadian Strike Ballot and Notice Law: Barely a Tempest in a Teapot, Sara Slinn and Eric Tucker

Canadian Strike Ballot and Notice Law: Barely a Tempest in a Teapot, Sara Slinn and Eric Tucker

Community Control over Camera Surveillance: A Response to Bennett Capers’s Crime, Surveillance, and Communities, Christopher Slobogin

Dangerousness and Expertise, Christopher Slobogin

Doubts About Daubert: Psychiatric Anecdata as a Case Study, Christopher Slobogin

Experts, Mental States, and Acts , Christopher Slobogin

Foreword: Is Justice Just Us?, Christopher Slobogin

Government Data Mining and the Fourth Amendment, Christopher Slobogin

Government Dragnets, Christopher Slobogin

Let's Not Bury Terry: A Call for Rejuvenation of the Proportionality Principle, Christopher Slobogin

Making the Most of United States v. Jones in a Surveillance Society: A Statutory Implementation of Mosaic Theory, Christopher Slobogin

Mental Disorder as an Exemption from the Death Penalty: The ABA-IRR Task Force Recommendations, Christopher Slobogin

Mental Illness and the Death Penalty, Christopher Slobogin

Plea Bargaining and the Substantive and Procedural Goals of Criminal Justice: From Retribution and Adversarialism To Preventive Justice And Hybrid-Inquisitorialism, Christopher Slobogin

Policing as Administration, Christopher Slobogin

Psychiatric Evidence in Criminal Trials: To Junk or Not To Junk?, Christopher Slobogin

Scientizing Culpability: The Implications of Hall v. Florida and the Possibility of a “Scientific Stare Decisis”, Christopher Slobogin

Sell’s Conundrums: The Right of Incompetent Defendants to Refuse Anti-Psychotic Medication, Christopher Slobogin

Should Juries and the Death Penalty Mix?: A Prediction About the Supreme Court's Answer, Christopher Slobogin

Standing and Covert Surveillance, Christopher Slobogin

Subpoenas and Privacy , Christopher Slobogin

The Right to Voice Reprised, Christopher Slobogin

The structure of Expertise in Criminal Cases, Christopher Slobogin

Treatment of the Mentally Disabled: Rethinking the Community-First Idea, Christopher Slobogin

The Criminal Defense Lawyer's Fiduciary Duty to Clients with Mental Disability, Christopher Slobogin and Amy R. Mashburn

Reasonable Expectations of Privacy and Autonomy in Fourth Amendment Cases: An Empirical Look at “Understandings” Recognized and Permitted by Society, Christopher Slobogin and Joseph E. Schumacher

A Proposal to Eliminate Director Standards From the Model Business Corporations Act, D. Gordon Smith

Beyond "Public Concern": New free speech standards for public employees, D. Gordon Smith

Chancellor Allen and the Fundamental Question, D. Gordon Smith

Contractually Adopted Fiduciary Duty, D. Gordon Smith

Corporate Governance and Managerial Incompetence: Lessons from Kmart, D. Gordon Smith

Corporate Governance and Managerial Incompetence: Lessons from Kmart, D. Gordon Smith

Doctrines of Last Resort, D. Gordon Smith

Family Law and Entrepreneurial Action, D. Gordon Smith

Firms and Fiduciaries, D. Gordon Smith

How Early Stage Entrepreneurs Select Venture Capitalists, D. Gordon Smith

Independent Legal Significance, Good Faith, and the Interpretation of Venture Capital Contracts, D. Gordon Smith

Legal Precursors of Transaction Cost Economics, D. Gordon Smith

Team Production in Venture Capital Investing, D. Gordon Smith

The "Branding Effect" of Contracts, D. Gordon Smith

The Critical Resource Theory of Fiduciary Duty, D. Gordon Smith

The Dystopian Potential of Corporate Law, D. Gordon Smith

The Exit Structure of Strategic Alliances, D. Gordon Smith

The Exit Structure of Venture Capital, D. Gordon Smith

The Modern Business Judgment Rule, D. Gordon Smith

The Role of Shareholders in the Modern American Corporation, D. Gordon Smith

The Shareholder Primacy Norm, D. Gordon Smith

Venture Capital Contracting in the Information Age, D. Gordon Smith

Entrepreneurs on Horseback: Reflections on the organization of law, D. Gordon Smith and Darian Ibrahim

Law and Entrepreneurial Opportunities, D. Gordon Smith and Darian M. Ibrahim

Law and Entrepreneurial Opportunities, D. Gordon Smith and Darian M. Ibrahim

Contracts as Organizations, D. Gordon Smith and Brayden G. King

Fiduciary Discretion, D. Gordon Smith and Jordan C. Lee

Law & Entrepreneurship: Do courts matter?, D. Gordon Smith and Masako Ueda

Private Ordering with Shareholder Bylaws, D. Gordon Smith, Matthew Wright, and Marcus Kai Hintze

Business Organizations: Cases, Problems, and Case Studies, 1st Edition, Gordon Smith and Cynthia Williams

Business Organizations: Cases, Problems, and Case Studies, 2nd Edition, Gordon Smith and Cynthia Williams

2016 Presidential Election in Review, Mark Caleb Smith

Affordable Care Act, Mark Caleb Smith

Afghanistan Troop Plans, Mark Caleb Smith

Are Political Sex Scandals on the Rise?, Mark Caleb Smith

Candidate Boasts Sexual Past, Mark Caleb Smith

Changing Ohio's Constitution, Mark Caleb Smith

Congressional Address, Mark Caleb Smith

Congressional Hearings, Mark Caleb Smith

Court Lets Travel Ban Mostly Go into Effect, Mark Caleb Smith

Debate of Democratic Candidates for Ohio Governor, Mark Caleb Smith

DeVos Confirmed in Senate, Mark Caleb Smith

Donald Trump Going After Jim Jordan et al, but Ohio Congressman Not Worried, Mark Caleb Smith

Election Day, Mark Caleb Smith

Election Day Wrap, Mark Caleb Smith

Electoral College, Mark Caleb Smith

Explaining Issue 2, Mark Caleb Smith

First 100 Days, Mark Caleb Smith

First 100 Days, Mark Caleb Smith

GOP Veterans, Dem Newcomers Eye Ohio Races, Mark Caleb Smith

Governor's Race Heating Up, Mark Caleb Smith

Handwriting Doesn't Match Claim, Mark Caleb Smith

Impact of Immigration Deal, Mark Caleb Smith

Impeachment Articles, Mark Caleb Smith

In Some Areas of Ohio, Trump’s Popularity Is Still Strong, Mark Caleb Smith

Kasich Releasing Book, Mark Caleb Smith

Leaked Classified Documents, Mark Caleb Smith

Leaked Classified Documents, Mark Caleb Smith

Let's Talk, Mark Caleb Smith

Mandel Borrows Trump's Style in Announcing for 2018 U.S. Senate Race, Mark Caleb Smith