About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Whirlpool Awarded $7.6 Million in Case Against TST Water over Water Filter Design, Kacie Whaley

Values and Capitalism: Immigration, Bert G. Wheeler, Marc A. Clauson, Thomas S. Mach, and Abigail Barnes

Compensating Collegiate Athletes in "Store Credit", Michael N. Widener

21st Century Wiener Conference : AIi and ethics panel notes 15-7-17.docx, Marcus R. Wigan

The contributions of the Melbourne Festival of Organ and Harpsichord and its successors: 1971-2010, Marcus R. Wigan

Hearing aids and music: experimental tests for better algorithm selection and design, Marcus R. Wigan, Peter Blamey, and Justin Zakis

Hearing aids and music Experimental tests for better algorithm selection and design, Marcus R. Wigan, Justin Zakis, and Peter Blamey

A Critique of the Uniquely Adversarial Nature of the U.S. Legal, Economic And Political System And Its Implications For Reinforcing Existing Power Hierarchies, James D. Wilets and Areto A. Imoukhuede

Health Care System Transformation and Integration: A Call to Action for Public Health, Lindsay Wiley

Shaming Vaccine Refusal, Lindsay Wiley

The Emerging Personality of the American Corporation, Cynthia Williams

Why Theodore Dreiser?, Cynthia Williams

Choice of technology and low-cost housing in Latin America: A case study of selected building block technologies in Cd. Juarez, Cynthia A Williams

Corporate Compliance with the Law in the Era of Efficiency, Cynthia A. Williams

The Global Reporting Initiative, Transnational Corporate Accountability, and Global Regulatory Counter-Currents, Cynthia A. Williams

Trends in The Social [Ir]responsibility of American Multinational Corporations: Increased Power, Diminished Accountability, Cynthia A. Williams and John M. Conley

Triumph or Tragedy? The Curious Path of Corporate Disclosure Reform in the U.K., Cynthia A. Williams and John M. Conley

Vets and Debts, Jack F. Williams

A Legal Perspective on Yemen's Attempted Transition from a Unitary to a Federal System of Government, Paul Williams, Tiffany Sommadossi, and Ayat Mujais

61. The Relation Between Young Children’s False Statements and Response Latency, Executive Functioning, and Truth–Lie Understanding., Shanna Williams, Elizabeth C. Ahern, and Thomas D. Lyon

The Practice of Human Rights, Richard Ashby Wilson and Catherine F. Buerger

Executive Agreements Relying on Implied Statutory Authority: A Response to Bodansky and Spiro, David A. Wirth

Fulbright Scholar on Working and Living in Moscow, David A. Wirth

International Economic Law: A Structural and Institutional Approach, David A. Wirth

Investor-State Dispute Proceedings Challenging Environmental Protection Measures, David A. Wirth

Panelist, New Year's Renaissance Weekend, David A. Wirth

Plenary Session, Extraterritorial Application of United States Law, David A. Wirth

Privatization of Governmental (Public) Powers, David A. Wirth

The Once and Future Paris Agreement, David A. Wirth

Trump and the Paris Agreement: The Inside Story, David A. Wirth

Jupiter.doc, Richard S. Wirtz

Jupiter.doc, Richard S. Wirtz

Regional Energy Governance and U.S. Carbon Emissions, Hannah J. Wiseman and Hari M. Osofsky

Why Senate Democrats Should Reject Judge Neil Gorsuch, Patrick Wiseman

Unpacking Affirmative Consent: Not as Great as You Hope, Not as Bad as You Fear, Jonathan Witmer-Rich

Bhutan: Guest Speaker, Defamation and Privacy Law, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Thimphu, Mark E. Wojcik

Bhutan: Instructor, Orientation and Bridging Course, Mark E. Wojcik

Bridging the Gap Between Graduate Law and J.D. Programs: Fostering Inclusion Through Curriculum and Program Design, Mark E. Wojcik

Building and Sustaining Academic Communities Through Blogging and Other Tools, Mark E. Wojcik

Czech Republic: Guest Lecturer, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Under International Law, Mark E. Wojcik

Executive Summary, Mark E. Wojcik

Guest Lecturer (with Prof. William Mock) on International Law, Mark E. Wojcik

HIV and Drug Testing of Non-Ethnic Korean Foreign Teachers in South Korea Found Violative of Convention to Eliminate Racial Discrimination, Mark E. Wojcik

Moderator, Current Issues Affecting the Transgender Community in Our Schools (with Rodrigo Anzures-Oyorzabal)., Mark E. Wojcik

Panel I: Current Landscape and Climate of Schools Transgender Youths Face, Mark E. Wojcik

Panelist, Progress Towards an International Convention to Strengthen the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Persons (with Rosa Celorio and William B.T. Mock Jr.)., Mark E. Wojcik

Panelist, The Law School Admissions Process, Mark E. Wojcik

Some Lessons Learned from the AIDS Pandemic, Mark E. Wojcik

Speaker, Law and Legal Education in the Kingdom of Bhutan, Mark E. Wojcik

State Of Criminal Justice 2017, (ed.) (American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section), Mark E. Wojcik

The Perilous Process of Protecting Process Patents from Infringing Importations, Mark E. Wojcik

To Tell the Truth: Should Attorneys Be Directly Accountable for the Content of Applications for New Radio and Television Broadcast Stations?, Mark E. Wojcik

What U.S. Law Professors Should Know About Legal Research in Canada and Mexico, Mark E. Wojcik

Criminal HIV Exposure Statutes and Public Health in the United States, Leslie E. Wolf

Vulnerable Patients and End-of-Life Decision-Making, Leslie E. Wolf and Sylvia Caley

Vulnerable Patients and End-of-Life Decision-Making, Leslie E. Wolf and Sylvia Caley

As Long As the Water Shall Flow: Bringing Water to Tribal Homelands, Jeanette Wolfley

Biagaweit: Securing Water from the Mighty River in the Snake River Basin Adjudication, Jeanette Wolfley

Jim Crow, Indian Style: The Disenfranchisement of Native Americans, Jeanette Wolfley

Reclaiming A Presence in Ancestral Lands: The Return of Native Peoples to the National Parks, Jeanette Wolfley

Rice v. Cayetano: The Supreme Court Declines to Extend Federal Indian Law Principles to Native Hawaiians Sovereign Rights, Jeanette Wolfley

Tribal Environmental Programs: Providing Meaningful Involvement and Fair Treatment, Jeanette Wolfley

You Gotta Fight for the Right to Vote: Enfranchising Native American Voters, Jeanette Wolfley

You Gotta Fight for the Right to Vote: Enfranchising Native American Voters, Jeanette Wolfley

Against Data Exceptionalism, Andrew Keane Woods

Data Stored Abroad: Ensuring Lawful Access and Privacy Protection in the Digital Era, Andrew Keane Woods, Richard Salgado, Richard Littlehale, and Chris Calabrese

Why Kindergarten is Too Late: The Need for Early Childhood Remedies in School Finance Litigation, Kevin Woodson

Aggravated Sentencing: Blakely v. Washington, Jon Wool and Don Stemen

Changing Fortunes or Changing Attitudes: Sentencing and Corrections Reforms in 2003, Jon Wool and Don Stemen

Learning Outcomes for Cyber Defense Competitions, Amy Woszczynski and Andrew W. Green

Place Matters in Prosecution Research, Ronald F. Wright and Kay L. Levine

Overcoming Hiddenness: The Role of Intentions in Fourth Amendment Analysis, Daniel B. Yeager

Categorical and Individualized Rights- Ordering on Federal Habeas Corpus, Daniel B. Yeager

Categorical and Individualized Rights-Ordering on Federal Habeas Corpus, Daniel B. Yeager

Dangerous Games and the Criminal Law, Daniel B. Yeager

Fiduciary-isms: A Study of Academic Influence on the Expansion of the Law, Daniel B. Yeager

Helping, Doing, and the Grammar of Complicity, Daniel B. Yeager

Kahan on Mistakes, Daniel B. Yeager

Marlowe's Faustus: Contract as Metaphor?, Daniel B. Yeager

Public Safety Exception to Miranda Careening Through the Lower Courts, Daniel B. Yeager

Rethinking Custodial Interrogation, Daniel B. Yeager

Searches, Seizures, Confessions, and Some Thoughts on Criminal Procedure: Regulation of Police Investigation -- Legal, Historical, Empirical, and Comparative Materials, Daniel B. Yeager

Search, Seizure and the Positive Law: Expectations of Privacy Outside the Fourth Amendment, Daniel B. Yeager

Search, Seizure and the Positive Law: Expectations of Privacy Outside the Fourth Amendment, Daniel B. Yeager

Stubbornness of Pretexts, Daniel B. Yeager

Stuffed Deer and the Grammar of Mistakes, Daniel B. Yeager

Do Patent Challenges Increase Competition?, Stephen Yelderman

Daily Fantasy Sports, Investments, and Regulation, Alfred C. Yen

Entity Sports Betting and the Future of Gambling as Recreation, Alfred C. Yen

Liability Waivers and Youth Sports: an Empirical Investigation, Alfred C. Yen

Private Ordering and Notice Failure in the Context of Termination, Alfred C. Yen

Stuck on the Merry-Go-Round: Star Athletica and Terminal Ambiguity in Copyright, Alfred C. Yen

The Challenges of Following Good Advice About Copyright and the First Amendment, Alfred C. Yen

The Puzzle of Deflategate: Private Agreements and the Possibility of Biased Justice, Alfred C. Yen

Third Party Copyright Liability, Internet Service Providers, and the Struggle over Routine Liability, Alfred C. Yen

Decifrando o Fórum João Mendes: o que os números nos dizem?, Luciana L. Yeung

Economic Analysis of Labor Law, Luciana L. Yeung

Encouraging Self-Reflection by Business Honors Students: Reflective Writing, Films, and Self-Assessments, Stephen A. Yoder

Rise of the Machines: Drones, Viruses, and the Future of War, John C. Yoo and Jeremy A. Rabkin

Striking Power: How Cyber, Robots, and Space Weapons Change the Rules for War, John C. Yoo and Jeremy A. Rabkin