About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Changing Regulations of Peer-to-Peer Lending in China, Chang-hsien (Robert) TSAI and HungYi Chen

The FinTech Revolution and Financial Regulation: The Case of Online Supply Chain Financing, Chang-hsien (Robert) TSAI and Kuan-Jung Peng

Obama's Conversion on Same-Sex Marriage, Robert L. Tsai

The Search for State Consensus in American Rights Cases, Robert L. Tsai

The Troubling Sheriff's’ Movement That Joe Arpaio Supports, Robert L. Tsai

Article 11: Freedom of Assembly (Άρθρο 11: Δικαίωμα στη Συνάθροιση), Anna Tsiftsoglou

Beyond Crisis: Constitutional Change in Greece after the Memoranda, Anna Tsiftsoglou

Book Review, 'The Cyprus Bail-in: Policy Lessons from the Cyprus Economic Crisis' (Michaelides A./ Orphanides A., eds), London: Imperial College Press 2016, Anna Tsiftsoglou

Brexit and the ECJ: If the UK plays in EU territory, it has to accept EU rules and referees, Anna Tsiftsoglou

Το Κυπριακό Μνημόνιο στο ΔΕΕ: Όταν η Πολιτική Υπερβαίνει το Δίκαιο;, Anna Tsiftsoglou

Financial Crisis and Judicial Asymmetries: The Case of Greece, Anna Tsiftsoglou and Stelios Koutnatzis

Giving Voice to the Precariously Employed? : Mapping and Exploring Channels of Worker Voice in Occupational Health and Safety, Eric Tucker

A Tale of Two Harrys: The Life, Limits and Demise of Industrial Pluralism in Canada, Eric M Tucker

Book Review: Assault on the Worker: Occupational Health and Safety in Canada by Charles E. Reasons, Lois L. Ross and Craig Paterson, Eric M Tucker

Migrant Workers and Fissured Workforces: CS Wind and the Dilemmas of Organizing Intra-Company Transfers in Canada, Eric M Tucker

On Writing Labour Law History: A Reconnaissance, Eric M Tucker

Uber and the Unmaking and Remaking of Taxi Capitalisms: Technology, Law and Resistance in Historical Perspective, Eric M Tucker

Fixed-Term Contracts and Principle of Equal Treatment in Canada, Eric M Tucker and Alec Stromdahl

Outsourcing and Supply Chains in Canada, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko, John Grundy, and Alec Stromdahl

Assessing the Validity of College Success Indicators for the At-Risk Student: Toward Developing a Best-Practice Model, Leslie Tucker and Oscar McKnight

A “Second Magna Carta”: The English Habeas Corpus Act and the Statutory Origins of the Habeas Privilege, Amanda L. Tyler

Assessing the Role of History in the Federal Courts Canon: A Word of Caution, Amanda L. Tyler

Habeas Corpus in the Anglo-American Legal Tradition, Amanda L. Tyler

Habeas Corpus in Wartime: From the Tower of London to Guantanamo Bay, Amanda L. Tyler

Habeas Corpus and the American Revolution, Amanda L. Tyler

Introduction - Habeas Corpus in Wartime: From the Tower of London to Guantanamo Bay, Amanda L. Tyler

Outlawing Cyber Crimes Against Women in India, Saumya Uma

Shifting Sands: Collaborative Teaching as a Legal Pedagogy, Saumya Uma

Use of Innovative Pedagogy in Teaching Law – Some Personal Experiences, Saumya Uma

Use of Innovative Pedagogy in Teaching Law – Some Personal Experiences, Saumya Uma

Women's Access to Places of Religious Worship in India: The Constitutional Conundrum of Gender Equality versus Freedom of Religion, Saumya Uma

Breathing Life into the Constitution: Human Rights Lawyering in India, Saumya Uma and Arvind Narrain

Property: A Special Right, Laura S. Underkuffler-Freund

A Riff on Billy the Kid, Richard H. Underwood

Following the Rules: Exclusion of Witness, Sequestration, and No-Consultation Orders, Richard H. Underwood

Ringers Revisited, Richard H. Underwood

Something Bad in Your Briefs, Richard H. Underwood

Tips for Handling Workplace Substance Abuse Under Americans with Disabilities Act, Robert J. Usinger and Barry R. Temkin

Introduction To Regulating Innovation In Healthcare: Protecting The Public Or Stifling Progress.pdf, Marilyn Uzdavines and Kathy L. Cerminara

Fast and Reliable Internet: Are We Getting Close on the Farm?, Nicholas Van Allen

Real deal or no deal? A comparative analysis of raw milk cheese regulation in Australia and France, William Van Caenegem and Madeline Taylor

The Role of Law in Educational Decision Making, John H. Vanderzell, Donald W. Dowd, Matthew W. Finkin, and Mark R. Shedd

Arbitrator Behaviour in Asymmetrical Adjudication: An Empirical Study of Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten

Day of Action Against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Speaks Volumes to Canadians, Gus Van Harten

Discipline Sought for Ontario Judge Who Wore Pro-Trump Baseball Cap, Gus Van Harten

Five Justifications for Investment Treaties: A Critical Discussion, Gus Van Harten

Hamilton Judge Under Fire for Donning Trump Hat in the Courtroom, Gus Van Harten

If Donald Trump Kills NAFTA, Canada Could Benefit: Walkom, Gus Van Harten

Investment Rules and the Denial of Change, Gus Van Harten

Investment Treaty Arbitration, Procedural Fairness, and the Rule of Law, Gus Van Harten

Justin Trudeau Signs Free Trade Deal, Gus Van Harten

The Pros and Cons of NAFTA, Gus Van Harten

Trudeau, EU Leaders Sign Canada-European Union Free-Trade Deal, Gus Van Harten

TWAIL and the Dabhol Arbitration, Gus Van Harten

Walkom: The Loose Thread That Could Unravel Canada-EU Trade Deal, Gus Van Harten

Walloon Acceptance of Flawed Canada-Europe Trade Deal Does Canada No Favours: Walkom, Gus Van Harten

We Asked Experts What They Would Like To See From a Renegotiated NAFTA, Gus Van Harten

What Trade Rules Can Canada Turn to if Trump Rips Up NAFTA?, Gus Van Harten

Article Dedication to Patrick K. Duffy (The Trial and Incarceration of Andy Dufresne), Jonathan K. Van Patten

The Trial and Incarceration of Andy Dufresne, Jonathan K. Van Patten

The authoritarian logic of regulatory pluralism: Understanding China’s new environmental actors, Benjamin van Rooij, Rachel E. Stern, and Kathinka Fuerst


French and Italian Food Waste Legislation: An Example for other EU Member States to Follow?, Luis González Vaqué

I profili nutrizionali: una valutazione critica, Luis González Vaqué


La Corte di giustizia e le misure transitorie relative alle indicazioni sulla salute fornite sui prodotti alimentari. Il caso dei " fiori di Bach ", Luis González Vaqué

La interpretación de la expresión «estructura molecular primaria nueva» del Reglamento (CE) no. 258/97, sobre nuevos alimentos y nuevos ingredientes, Luis González Vaqué

La legislación francesa e italiana sobre el desperdicio alimentario: ¿Un ejemplo a seguir por otros Estados miembros de la UE?, Luis González Vaqué

La sentencia del TJUE «TofuTown.com GmbH» (denominaciones utilizadas para la comercialización de alimentos vegetales): fundamentos jurídicos y alcance, Luis González Vaqué

La sentencia «Superfoz-Intermarché» relativa a las tasas sobre el control alimentario [Reglamento (CE) nº 882/2004]: Un precedente peligroso, Luis González Vaqué

La sentenza “Superfoz” relativa alla tassa sul controllo dei prodotti alimentari: un precedente pericoloso?, Luis González Vaqué

L’etichettatura informa davvero il consumatore?, Luis González Vaqué

L’indicazione d’origine degli ingredienti: una rivoluzione francese neo-protezionista?, Luis González Vaqué

Los perfiles nutricionales [artículo 4 del Reglamento (CE) relativo a las declaraciones nutricionales y de propiedades saludables en los alimentos]: ¿Una mala buena idea?, Luis González Vaqué

Possible unfair practices in the marketing of differentiated food products in the Single Market: the concept of the “legitimate expectations” of consumers, Luis González Vaqué

Reflexiones y dudas sobre la responsabilidad penal de las empresas agroalimentarias, Luis González Vaqué

Self-Regulation of the Labelling of the List of Ingredients of Alcoholic Beverages: A Long-Term Solution?, Luis González Vaqué

Sobre la marca figurativa «AVE»: ¿Una cuestión de lenguas? - Sentencia del Tribunal General de 5 de abril de 2017, asunto T-367/15: RenfeOperadora / EUIPO (AVE), Luis González Vaqué

Distribution et consommation dans l’Union européenne : une première approche de l’analyse des deux derniers maillons de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, Luis González Vaqué and Leticia A. Bourges

Estudios de Derecho alimentario en homenaje al Dr. Carlos Barros Santos, Luis González Vaqué and Joaquina Ballarín Ms

Alcance de algunas medidas transitorias relativas a las marcas y a las propiedades saludables en los alimentos (artículo 28.2 del Reglamento nº 1924/2006), Luis González Vaqué and Silvia Bañares Vilella

Entre el Derecho y el sentido común: soluciones técnico-jurídicas para la lucha contra el despilfarro alimentario, Luis González Vaqué and Josep Vives-Rego

Of Fences and Definite Patent Boundaries, Deepa Varadarajan

Trade Secret Precautions, Possession, and Notice, Deepa Varadarajan

Implicit Bias, Resp, Moral Ecology.pdf, Manuel R. Vargas

An Empirical Analysis of Judicial Transformation in Turkey, Ozan O. Varol, Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, and Nuno Garoupa

Tratado de Derechos Reales, Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi

Abortion Law Changes and Legal Implications, Robert Vaughn

Dash Cams, Robert Vaughn

Supreme Court Decision on Dash Cams, Robert Vaughn

Does the Public Understand Intellectual Property Law? Do Lawyers?, David Vaver

Three York University Faculty Appointed to the Order of Canada, David Vaver

“Better o Smart Regulation y principios de buena administración y su ausencia en nuestra Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General”, Jancarlos Jair Vega Lugo

“El derecho de petición y su interpretación por el Tribunal Constitucional"​, Jancarlos Jair Vega Lugo

“La buena fe y seguridad jurídica de los administrados”, Jancarlos Jair Vega Lugo

“Limitaciones del Control difuso en la inaplicabilidad de ordenanzas municipales”, Jancarlos Jair Vega Lugo

Reaching Higher Ground: Avenues to Secure and Manage New Land for Communities Displaced by Climate Change, Robert R.M. Verchick and Maxine Burkett

Birth and decay of the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal (1970–1973): The irony of a wrong electoral predictiontle, Sergio Verdugo sverdugor@udd.cl

Excepciones a la facultad de tasar del artículo 64 del Código Tributario, Gonzalo Vergara Quezada

Restricciones a la rebaja de pérdidas de arrastre, Gonzalo Vergara Quezada