About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Validity and reliability of a submaximal intermittent running test in elite Australian football players, Kristopher Veugelers, Geraldine Ann Naughton, Craig Scott Duncan, Darren Burgess, and Stuart Graham

Los delitos de proposiciones sexuales a menores de edad.pdf, Elky A. Villegas Paiva

Risk assessment matters, but only when implemented well: A multisite study in juvenile probation, Gina M. Vincent, Laura Guy, Rachael T. Perrault, and Bernice Gershenson

Alternatives to Incarceration: Why is California Lagging Behind?, Michael Vitiello

Bargained-for-Justice: Lessons from the Italians?, Michael Vitiello

Brock Turner: Sorting Through the Noise, Michael Vitiello

California's Three Strikes and We're Out: Was Judicial Activism California's Best Hope?, Michael Vitiello

Criminal Law Simulations: Bridge to Practice, Michael Vitiello

Criminal Procedure Simulations: Bridge to Practice, Michael Vitiello

Legalizing Marijuana: A View From Among the Weeds, Michael Vitiello

Making Good Use of a Crisis, Michael Vitiello

Sentencing Policies and Practices in California, Michael Vitiello

Still Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Sentencing Reform in California, Michael Vitiello

The False Dichotomy Between Theory and Skills Training: Why Good Lawyers Need to Pay Attention to TheoryNo Title, Michael Vitiello

"Three Strikes" and the Romero Case: The Supreme Court Restores Democracy, Michael Vitiello

Article III Judges and the Initiative Process: Are Article III Judges Hopelessly Elitist?, Michael Vitiello and Andrew J. Glendon

Feminist, Queer and Sexual Citizenship, Leti Volpp

Feminist, Sexual, and Queer Citizenship, Leti Volpp

Immigrants Outside the Law: President Obama, Discretionary Executive Power, and Regime Change, Leti Volpp

The Indigenous As Alien, Leti Volpp

Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places, Leti Volpp, M. Constable, and B. Wagner

The Compliance Model of Employment Standards Enforcement: An Evidence-based Assessment of its Efficacy in Instances of Wage Theft, Leah F. Vosko, John Grundy, Eric M Tucker, Mark P. Thomas, Andrea M. Noack, Rebecca Casey, Mary Gellatly, and Jennifer Mussell

Employment Standards Enforcement: A Scan of Employment Standards Complaints and Workplace Inspections and Their Resolution Under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, Leah F. Vosko, Andrea M. Noack, and Eric Tucker

European Union Data Privacy Law Reform: General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy Shield, and the Right to Delisting, W. Gregory Voss

First the GDPR, Now the Proposed ePrivacy Regulation, W. Gregory Voss

First the GDPR, Now the Proposed ePrivacy Regulation, W. Gregory Voss

Internet, New Technologies, and Value: Taking Share of Economic Surveillance (2017 U. Ill. J.L. Tech. & Pol'y 469-485 (Issue 2, Fall 2017)), W. Gregory Voss

JIPITEC_8_1_2017_Voss.pdf, W. Gregory Voss

Les défis du droit d'auteur américain (copyright) dans le contexte numérique, W. Gregory Voss

L'impact de la recherche en droit et sa mesure, W. Gregory Voss, Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas, and Vincent Rebeyrol

Chaos Management: Negotiating with Donald Trump: Lessons from the Legal Profession?, John Wade

Ethically ambiguous negotiation tactics (EANTs): What are the rules behind the rules?, John Wade

Editorial, John Wade and Graeme Cooper

Legal Skills Training: Some Thoughts On Terminology and Ongoing Challenges, John H. Wade

Meet MIRAT Legal Reasoning Fragmented Into Learnable Chunks, John H. Wade

The Behaviour of Family Lawyers and the Implications for Legal Education, John H. Wade

FOIA Submissions and Responses ICE, Shoba S. Wadhia

The Future of SPS Governance: SPS-Plus or SPS-Minus?, Markus Wagner

The Interlegality of Transnational Private Law, Robert Wai

Against Remedial Restraint in Administrative Law, Christopher J. Walker

Lawmaking Within Federal Agencies and Without Judicial Review, Christopher J. Walker

Legislating in the Shadows, Christopher J. Walker

Modernizing the Administrative Procedure Act, Christopher J. Walker

Rule 17: Service Outside Ontario, Janet Walker

The Civil Litigation Process : Cases and Materials, Janet Walker

The Constitution of Canada and the Conflict of Laws, Janet Walker

Remembering Perry Wallace, A College Basketball Pioneer, Perry Wallace

Modified Universalisms & The Role of Local Legal Culture in the Making of Cross-border Insolvency Law, Adrian Walters

United States' Bankruptcy Jurisdiction Over Foreign Entities: Exorbitant or Congruent, Adrian Walters

The Centrist Case Against Current (Conservative) Arbitration Law, Stephen Ware

The Centrist Case for Enforcing Adhesive Arbitration Agreements, Stephen Ware

Principles of Arbitration Law, Stephen Ware and Ariana Levinson

Beyond the Panopticon (forthcoming 2017) (with Robert Sloan), Richard Warner

Defending Our Data: Privacy, Security, and the Wave of Data Breaches, Richard Warner

Relational Privacy: Surveillance, Common Knowledge, and Coordination, Richard Warner and Robert H. Sloan

Freedom to Express First Amendment Rights Important Exercise, Tanya Washington

Gorsuch Nomination Guarantee for Compelling Political Theater, Tanya Washington

Washington on the President's Pick, Tanya Washington

Understanding Civil Rights Litigation, Howard M. Wasserman

Book Review: Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery By Steven T. Newcomb, Blake A. Watson

Buying West Florida from the Indians: the Forbes Purchase and Mitchel v. United States (1835), Blake A. Watson

Review of Discovering Indigenous Lands: The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies by Robert J. Miller, Jacinta Ruru, Larissa Behrendt, and Tracey Lindberg, Blake A. Watson

Contemplating Masterpiece Cakeshop, Danielle Weatherby

Blasphemy Prohibitions and Prosecutions: A US Perspective, Russell L. Weaver

Free Speech and Transparency in a Digital Era, Russell L. Weaver

Transparency, Privacy, and Democracy in a Digital Era, Russell L. Weaver

Foreword: The Special Education Cases of 2017, Mark C. Weber

Meaningful Access and Disability Discrimination: The Role of Social Science and Other Empirical Evidence, Mark C. Weber

Meaningful Access and Disability Discrimination: The Role of Social Science and Other Empirical Evidence, Mark C. Weber

Protection for Privacy Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Mark C. Weber

Protection for Privacy Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Mark C. Weber

Social Insurance for Disability, Contemporary Challenges and Insights from Disability Civil Rights, Mark C. Weber

Special Education Law and Litigation Treatise, Mark C. Weber

The Bigger Barrier to Immigration, Mark C. Weber

The Law Is What It Is, But Is It Equitable: The Law of Encroachments Where the Innocent, Negligent, and Willful Are Treated the Same, Olivia L. Weeks

The Law Is What It Is, But Is It Equitable: The Law of Encroachments Where the Innocent, Negligent, and Willful Are Treated the Same, Olivia L. Weeks

A (Thin) Market for Sovereign Control, W. Mark C. Weidemaier

Courts, Sovereign Immunity, and Credible Commitment in Sovereign Debt Markets, W. Mark C. Weidemaier

Market Practice and the Evolution of Foreign Sovereign Immunity, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati

Religious Land Use Regulation Under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, Alan C. Weinstein

Motorists, Motels, Mistakes, and More: Criminal Law Cases in the Supreme Court's 2014-2015 Term, Charles D. Weisselberg, Daniel Chen, and Sameera Mangena

The Community Politics of Domestic Violence.docx, Deborah M. Weissman

Whose Truth: Objective and Subjective Perspectives on Truthfulness in Advocacy, W. Bradley Wendel

Alternative Litigation Finance and anti-Commodification Norms, W. Bradley Wendel

Lawyering with Heart: A Warrior Ethos for Modern Lawyers Reviewing Allan C. Hutchinson, Fighting Fair: Legal Ethics for an Adversarial Age, W. Bradley Wendel

Monroe Freedman: The Ethicist of the Non-Ideal, W. Bradley Wendel

Sally Yates, Ronald Dworkin, and the Best View of the Law, W. Bradley Wendel

AI Ethics in China, South Korea, and Japan, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Case Study: Bad Actors and Service Robots, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Risk Control and Liability Distribution for AI and its Applications, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Robot Law 1.0: On Social System Design for Artificial Intelligence, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

The Future is now - how Artificial Intelligence bring us forward, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

The Future of Work: A Brief Look at Legal Impacts to Automation and Labor Force, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Towards Beneficial AI: A Review of “Ethically Aligned Design (EAD)” Ver.2, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Towards Integrated Governance for Intelligent Robots, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Towards Integrated Governance for Intelligent Robots: A Focus on Social System Design, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

When Robots Meet Eastern Religions: An Example of Taoism, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Quest for Roboethics: An interview with Prof. Rafael Capurro, Yueh-Hsuan Weng and Rafael Capurro

Ethically Aligned Design, Version 2, Yueh-Hsuan Weng and The IEEE Global Initiative

Tackling Abuse in Sport Through Dispute System Design, Maureen A. Weston Prof.