About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

Inequality, Social Resilience, and the Green Economy, Sid Shapiro and Robert R.M. Verchick

Endgame: Philosophical, Clinical and Legal Distinctions between Palliative Care and Termination of Life, Mary J. Shariff PhD and Mark Gingerich PhD

Whose Knowledges? Moving Beyond Damage-Centred Research in Studies of Women in Street-Based Sex Work, Corey S. Shdaimah and Chrysanthi S. Leon

Voices of child care providers: An exploratory study of the impact of policy changes., Corey S. Shdaimah, Elizabeth Palley, and Amanda Miller

U.S. Supreme Court Review: 2017-2018, Miller W. Shealy Jr.

Inventory and Supply Chain Finance.pdf, Duncan Sheehan

Consultation, Developmental Approach to Juvenile Defense on the West Bank, Francine Sherman

I Am Why. Connecting Young Women's Experiences to Policy: Lessons Learned, Francine Sherman

Mapping Girls through the Juvenile Justice System, Francine Sherman

Collaborations between the Juvenile Justice System and Home Visiting Programs: Roundtable Report and Policy Guidelines, Francine Sherman, Jessica Greenstone Wineestone, and Rebecca Fauth

Collaborations between the Juvenile Justice System and Home Visiting Programs, Francine Sherman, Jessica Greenstone Winestone, and Rebecca Fauth

Because It Takes Two: Why Post-Dispute Voluntary Arbitration Programs Will Fail to Fix the Problems Associated with Employment Discrimination Law Adjudication, David S. Sherwyn

We Can Thank Harvey Weinstein for Doing What Congress and the Supreme Court Failed to Do, David S. Sherwyn and Paul Wagner

Distaste or Disability? Evaluating the Legal Framework for Protecting Obese Workers, Jennifer Bennett Shinall

Healthcare Promises for Public Employees, Natalya Shnitser

Sane Gun Policy From Texas? A Blueprint for Balanced State Campus Carry Laws, Aric Short

Religious Belief and the Queer Classroom.pdf, Donn Short

The African Court and Human Rights: What Lies Ahead for the Merged Court?, Florence Shu-Acquaye

Excelence Lost, Marjorie M. Shultz

Commencement Address - Boalt Hall, May 1986, Marjorie Maguire Shultz

A Funded Experience: Selznick's Vision of JSP and the Unfinished Agenda of the Interdisciplinary Movement in Legal Education, Jonathan Simon

Amnesty Now! Ending Prison Overcrowding through a Categorical Use of the Pardon Power, Jonathan Simon

Book Review - Proof of Guilt: Barbara Graham and the Politics of Executing Women in America, Jonathan Simon

Crime, Community, and Criminal Justice, Jonathan Simon

Ely, DeLillo, and the Distrusted Moments of Our Democracy, Jonathan Simon

From a Tight Place: Crime, Punishment, and American Liberalism, Jonathan Simon

Governing Through Crime Metaphors, Jonathan Simon

Law's Violence, the Strong State, and the Crisis of Mass Imprisonment (for Stuart Hall), Jonathan Simon

Misdemeanor Injustice and the Crisis of Mass Incarceration, Jonathan Simon

Racing Abnormality, Normalizing Race: The Origins of America's Peculiar Carceral State and Its Prospects for Democratic Transformation Today, Jonathan Simon

Dignifying Madness: Rethinking Commitment Law in an Age of Mass Incarceration, Jonathan Simon and Stephen A. Rosenbaum

Law as a Humanist Science, Jonathan S. Simon

Wake of the Flood: Crime, Disaster, and the American Risk Imaginary after Katrina, Jonathan S. Simon

Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession, Gregory C. Sisk, Susan Saab Fortney, Charles G. Geyh, Neil W. Hamilton, William D. Henderson, Vincent R. Johnson, Stephen L. Pepper, and Melissa H. Weresh

Broader-based and Sectoral Bargaining Proposals in Collective Bargaining Law Reform: A Historical Review, Sara Slinn

Cases and Materials in Juvenile Law, J. Eric Smithburn

Judicial Discretion, J. Eric Smithburn

In Memoriam: Lord Lowry of Crossgar (1919-1999): A Tribute, John Eric Smithburn

Sentencing in Indiana: Appellate Review of the Trial Court's Discretion, John Eric Smithburn

Dr. Jerry Falwell – Culture Warrior: A Personal Reminiscence, C. Fred Smith

An Evangelical Evaluation of Key Elements in Lesslie Newbigin’s Apologetics, C. Fred Smith

Does Classical Theism Deny God's Immanence?, C. Fred Smith

Review: Lesslie Newbigin: a Theological Life, C. Fred Smith

Whosoever Will: A Review Essay, C. Fred Smith

Bit by Bit: A case study of bloggership, D. Gordon Smith

Insider Trading and Entrepreneurial Action, D. Gordon Smith

Liars And Lying Psychologically Considered., Fred Smith

Without Benefit of Dogma., Fred Smith

Amendment to Section 205.07, Student Ratings of Instruction, Fred Smith and

Appointment of ad hoc committee to draft a new Student Rating of Instruction, Fred Smith and

A uniform procedure for administering SRIs, Fred Smith and

Clarification of the Role of Student Ratings of Instruction in teaching evaluation, Fred Smith and

Comprehensive Review of Administrators, Fred Smith and

Establishment of timeline for transition to new SRI, Fred Smith and

Faculty Comments on SRI Results, Fred Smith and

Faculty Welfare Committee and best practices for evaluation of instruction, Fred Smith and

Motion to amend the Faculty Handbook to better describe the evaluation of teaching, 205.01, Fred Smith and

Motion to remove the wording "adapted" to various learning styles" from the Faculty Handbook., Fred Smith and

New Policy and Procedure Concerning Periodic Review of Deans, Fred Smith and

SRI scores should not be used for comparison, Fred Smith and

Agreement Finances Government Through February 8th, Mark Caleb Smith

Alabama Voters Have Spoken, Mark Caleb Smith

A Legacy in Literacy, Mark Caleb Smith

Budget Battle, Mark Caleb Smith

Cake Debate Sparking LGBT Concerns, Mark Caleb Smith

Cohen Battles Trump, Mark Caleb Smith

Congress Incapable of Passing Legislation?, Mark Caleb Smith

Dayton Mayor Whaley Drops Out of Governor’s Race, Mark Caleb Smith

District 12 and Future Elections, Mark Caleb Smith

Facebook CEO to Testify, Mark Caleb Smith

Find Out Which 51st Ohio House District Candidate Has Spent $76K on TV Ads, Mark Caleb Smith

Gubernatorial Debate at UD, Mark Caleb Smith

Gubernatorial Race Continues to Change, Mark Caleb Smith

Immigration: Who's to Blame?, Mark Caleb Smith

In Ohio, Few Congressional Races are Proving Competitive, Mark Caleb Smith

Is Kucinich Catching a Gun Control Wave Across Ohio?, Mark Caleb Smith

John Kasich's State of the State Address, Mark Caleb Smith

Jordan Announces Run for House Speaker, Mark Caleb Smith

Justice Kennedy Retiring After 31 Years, Mark Caleb Smith

Justice Kennedy, the Supreme Court, and the Christian's Role, Mark Caleb Smith

McCain Chooses Palin at WSU, Mark Caleb Smith

Midterm Election Standings, Mark Caleb Smith

Ohio Race Was Worth Millions to Outside Groups in August. Now? Not So Much., Mark Caleb Smith

Paul Ryan Retirement, Mark Caleb Smith

Political Expert Breaks Down Ohio District 12 Election, Mark Caleb Smith

Remembering Barbara Bush, Mark Caleb Smith

Remembering Barbara Bush, Mark Caleb Smith

Renacci Joins Senate Race, Mark Caleb Smith

Senate Votes to End Shutdown, Mark Caleb Smith

Showdown in Alabama, Mark Caleb Smith

State of Politics, Mark Caleb Smith

The Race for Ohio Governor, Mark Caleb Smith

The Second Amendment, Mark Caleb Smith

White House Facing Fallout, Mark Caleb Smith

Why Cohen's Testimony Can Hurt Trump, Mark Caleb Smith

Human Rights Protections in International Supply Chains—Protecting Workers and Managing Company Risk: 2018 Report and Model Contract Clauses from the Working Group to Draft Human Rights Protections in International Supply Contracts, ABA Section of Business Law, David V. Snyder

Foreword to Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies: The Role of Law, Franklin G. Snyder

Consumer Preferences for Performances Defaults, Franklin G. Snyder and Ann M. Mirabito

Connecting the Disconnected: Communication Technologies for the Incarcerated, Neil Sobol

Determining Limitation Periods for Actions Arising under Federal Statutes, Neil Sobol