The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2018
Using Private Schools to Promote Public Values, Stephen D. Sugarman
Welfare Reform Meets Ideological Impasse, Stephen D. Sugarman
Why No Duty?, Stephen D. Sugarman
Rethinking Collective Responsibility for Education, Stephen D. Sugarman and David L. Kirp
Equal Protection for Non-English-Speaking School Children: Lau v. Nichols, Stephen D. Sugarman and Ellen G. Widess
Introduction, Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, Robert A. Yelle, and Mateo Taussig-Rubbo
Challenges to Civilian Control of the Military: A Rational Choice Approach to the War on Terror, Glenn Sulmasy and John Yoo
Counterintuitive: Intelligence Operations and International Law, Glenn Sulmasy and John Yoo
Book Reviews, Peter Swire and Paul M. Schwartz
Regulating Content on Social Media: Copyright, Terms of Service and Technological Features, Corinne Tan Dr
Regulating Social Media: Copyright's Regulation of Content-Generative User Behaviours on Instagram, Corinne Tan Dr.
Administrative Constitutionalism at the “Borders of Belonging”: Drawing on History to Expand the Archive and Change the Lens, Karen M. Tani
The Unanticipated Consequences of New Deal Poor Relief: Welfare Rights, Empowered States, and the Revival of Localism, Karen M. Tani
Report of the Law Reform Committee on Online Gaming and Singapore, Joyce A. TAN; Aqbal SINGH; Yee Fen LIM; Wai Yee WAN; and Warren B. CHIK,
Appraising 9/11: 'Sacred' Value and Heritage in Neoliberal Times, Mateo Taussig-Rubbo
The NY Department of Financial Services Cybersecurity Regulations: An Update, Barry R. Temkin and Kenneth M. Labbate
Cybersecurity for Law Firms: Recent Developments, Barry R. Temkin and Atea Martin
The Mentally Impaired Client: Who Decides Trial Strategy?, Barry R. Temkin and Diane G. Temkin
Will It Ever End? Preventing Mass Shootings in Florida & the U.S., Vanessa Terrades and Shahabudeen K. Khan
Dickinson Law's Contexts & Competencies Course: A "One-Pager" for NALP, Laurel S. Terry
US State Implementation of 5 Methods of Foreign Lawyer Practice in the United States, Laurel S. Terry
The Relevance of FATF’s Recommendations and Fourth Round of Mutual Evaluations to the Legal Profession, Laurel S. Terry and José Carlos Llerena Robles
Amici curiae en el caso EE.UU. c. Microsoft, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Anonimato y acceso a Internet, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Canciones provocadoras, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Celebremos la Constitución viviéndola democráticamente, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Cuando las palabras generan odio: límites a la libertad de expresión en el ordenamiento constitucional español, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Cultura de la libertad de expresión, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
El rapero prófugo: ¿héroe o villano?, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Enaltecimiento terrorista en Twitter, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Entrevista con ocasión del 40 aniversario de la Constitución - Onda Regional, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Fray Gerundio de Campazas y la evaluación docente, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Identidad personal y reconocimiento del nombre en el espacio europeo: hacia la construcción de un estatuto personal como ciudadanos europeos, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Internet, incitación al terrorismo y libertad de expresión, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La libertad de expresión ante el negacionismo, afirmacionismo y enaltecimiento del genocidio, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La reforma de la Constitución de 1978: razones de su conveniencia y alguna suspicacia sobre su viabilidad, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Oposiciones, una 'última' penúltima tropelía, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Populismo punitivo, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Reportaje 40 años de la Constitución, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Sovranità e rappresentanza: Giustizia costituzionale e nuove forme di partecipazione politica, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Sovranità e rappresentanza: Stato, autonomie territoriali e processi di integrazione sopranazionale, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Una mala praxis y, además, inconstitucional, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Violencia de género, violencia intragénero y violencia transgénero, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
The Law and Harry Potter, Jeffrey E. Thomas and Franklin G. Snyder
Leveling Down Gender Equality.pdf, Tracy A. Thomas
Women and the Law, Tracy A. Thomas
Adopted Statements in the Digital Age: Hearsay Responses to Social Media "Likes", Daniel R. Tilly
Confronting Child Exploitation: The Optional Protocols and the Role of Children's Rights Law, Jonathan Todres
The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Improving Children's Lives, Jonathan Todres
The Trump Effect, Children, and the Value of Human Rights Education, Jonathan Todres
Universal Children's Day: An Opportunity for Common Ground, Jonathan Todres
Violence, Exploitation, and the Rights of the Child, Jonathan Todres
The Complexities of Conducting Research on Child Trafficking, Jonathan Todres and Leslie E. Wolf
Book Review: Nat Turner and the Rising in Southampton County bu David F. Allmendinger Jr., Christopher Tomlins
Book Review of The Inception of Modern Professional Education: C.C. Langdell, 1826-1906, by Bruce A. Kimball, Christopher Tomlins
Fierce and Critical Faith: A Remembrance of Penny Pether, Christopher Tomlins
Foreword: “Law As . . .” III—Glossolalia: Toward a Minor (Historical) Jurisprudence, Christopher Tomlins
Foreword: Law as...III - Glossolalia: Toward a Minor (Historical) Jurisprudence, Christopher Tomlins
In This Issue , Christopher Tomlins
In This Issue , Christopher Tomlins
In This Issue , Christopher Tomlins
In This Issue , Christopher Tomlins
Law As … IV: Minor Jurisprudence in Historical Key. An Introduction, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
No Title, Christopher Tomlins
Organic Poise: Capitalism as Law, Christopher Tomlins
Re-Interpreting Blackstone's Commentaries: A Seminal Text in National and International Contexts, Christopher Tomlins
Review Essay - The Consumption of History in the Legal Academy: Science and Synthesis, Perils and Prospects, Christopher Tomlins
The Confessions of Nat Turner: A Paratextual Analysis, Christopher Tomlins
The Presence and Absence of Legal Mind: A Comment on Duncan Kennedy's Three Globalizations, Christopher Tomlins
Book Review: Rights v. Conspiracy: A Sociological Essay on the History of Labour Law in the United States, Christopher L. Tomlins
Book Review: Whose Law: What Order: Historicist Interventions in the War against Crime, Christopher L. Tomlins
Law and, Law in, Law as: The Definition, Rejection and Recuperation of the Socio-Legal Enterprise, Christopher L. Tomlins
The Heavy Burden of the State: Revisiting the History of Labor Law in the Interwar Period, Christopher L. Tomlins
Age group and gender differences in fears of aging, Vicky C. Tomlin
Retrospective: Richard Pierre Claude (1934-2011), Jeffrey J. Toney and Eric Stover
Nudging - Possibilities, Limitations and Application in European Law and Economics, Avishalom Tor and Klaus Mathis
Aproximaciones prácticas en torno a la cláusula resolutoria expresa como mecanismo de terminación del contrato, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
¿Es viable arbitrar en el Derecho de Familia? La superación de diversos mitos del Derecho de Familia en torno a su carácter arbitrable, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
Entre el derecho a la identidad y la cosa juzgada, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and María José Camino de Menchaca
Las hipotecas de máximo en el sistema de garantías peruano. ¿Qué ocurre con los principios de accesoriedad y especialidad en cuánto al crédito en las hipotecas de máximo?, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi
Supuestos de prueba extemporánea.pdf, Mitchel Torres
Participant, Movement Lawyering Ethics Roundtable, Paul R. Tremblay
Surrogate Lawyering: Legal Guidance, sans Lawyers, Paul R. Tremblay
Surrogate Lawyering: Legal Guidance, sans Lawyers, Paul R. Tremblay
Unauthorized Practice in Transactional Clinics: Representing Out-of-State Clients, Paul R. Tremblay and Alicia Alvarez
Experiential Education and Professional Responsibility: Training Ethical Lawyers in Extraordinary Times, Paul R. Tremblay, Constance A. Browne, Margaret Maisel, and Sue Schechter
Professional Responsibility and Ethics in the Global Legal Market, Paul R. Tremblay, Dmitry Shabelnikov, Marc Polonsky, Thomas McDonald, Gaya Davidyan, and Delphine Nougayrede
Ethical Issues in Claim Substantiation That Troubled You for Years, But You Were Afraid to Ask, Paul R. Tremblay, LaToya Sutton, and Kenneth A. Plevan
Legal and Procedural Information For Asylum Seekers in Cyprus and Europe, Country Report, Nicos Trimikliniotis and Corina Demetriou
Regulatory Cooperation in International Trade and Its Transformative Effects on Executive Power, Elizabeth Trujillo
Choosing Among Authorities for Consumer Financial Protection in Taiwan: A Legal-Theory-Of-Finance Perspective, Chang-hsien (Robert) TSAI
Regulatory Competition and the World Bank’s Doing Business Reports: Taiwan’s Liberalization of the Minimum Capital Requirement for Incorporation as an Example, Chang-hsien (Robert) TSAI