The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2018
The "Cosmo Girl" Invades Middle Schools: Grooming Girls for Disease and Depression, Judith A. Reisman PhD and Mary E. McAlister Esq.
Insuring Sustainable Homeownership, David J. Reiss
The Hunger Games: Amazon Edition, David J. Reiss
The Regulation of Residential Real Estate Finance Under Trump, David J. Reiss
The Trump Administration And Residential Real Estate Finance, David J. Reiss
Inequality and Taxation, James R. Repetti
The Impact of the 2017 Act's Tax Rate Changes on Choice of Entity, James R. Repetti
The Impact of the 2017 Act's Tax Rate Changes on Choice of Entity, James R. Repetti
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Kneecaps American Factory Workers, James R. Repetti
Partnership Income Taxation, 6th Edition, James R. Repetti, William H. Lyons, and Charlene Luke
Frontier Road. Power, History, and the Everyday State in the Colombian Amazon (Simón Uribe), Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
El Estado en la periferia. Historias locales de debilidad institucional en la periferia, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo and Mauricio García-Villegas
Edith Stein y el problema de una fenomenología política, María Eugenia Rey
Governing Experimental Responses: Negative Emissions Technologies and Solar Climate Engineering, Jesse Reynolds
The International Legal Framework for Climate Engineering, Jesse Reynolds
The politics and governance of negative emissions technologies, Jesse Reynolds
International Health Law, Jill D. Rhodes, Edmund G. Howe, Mark E. Wojcik, and Julie Greenberg
A Federal Certificate of Rehabilitation Program: Providing Federal Ex-Offenders More Opportunity for Successful Reentry, Lisa A. Rich
Introduction to the Symposium Edition: New Technology and Old Law: Rethinking National Security, Lisa A. Rich
Teaching Public Policy Drafting in Law School: One Professor's Approach, Lisa A. Rich
Character Assassination: Amending Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b) to Protect Criminal Defendants, Liesa L. Richter
Goldilocks and the Rule 803 Hearsay Exceptions, Liesa L. Richter
A Submission on Intellectual Property and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Matthew Rimmer
A Submission on the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2018 (Cth) to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Matthew Rimmer
Elon Musk's Open Innovation: Tesla, Intellectual Property, and Climate Change, Matthew Rimmer
Intellectual Property and Clean Energy: The Paris Agreement and Climate Justice, Matthew Rimmer
Intellectual Ventures: Patent Law, Climate Change, and Geoengineering, Matthew Rimmer
Metal 3D Printing: Patent Law, Trade Secrets, and Additive Manufacturing, Matthew Rimmer
Northern Exposure: Alaska, Climate Change, Indigenous Rights, and Atmospheric Trust Litigation, Matthew Rimmer
Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products: Landmark Ruling, Matthew Rimmer
School for Scandal: The Supreme Court of the United States, Trade Mark Law and Freedom of Speech in the Age of Trump, Matthew Rimmer
TechShop: Intellectual Property, 3D Printing, and Bankruptcy, Matthew Rimmer
The Alliance of Small Island States: Intellectual Property, Cultural Heritage, and Climate Change, Matthew Rimmer
The Empire Strikes Back: Fossil Fuel Companies, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, International Trade, and Accountable Climate Governance, Matthew Rimmer
The Inspiration of Joseph Stiglitz: Intellectual Property, Sustainable Development, and Inequality, Matthew Rimmer
The Paris Agreement: Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, and Climate Change, Matthew Rimmer
The People's Climate March, Flood Wall Street, and the New York Climate Summit, Matthew Rimmer
The Proposed Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Matthew Rimmer
The Prosecco Wars: Intellectual Property and Geographical Indications under the Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement, Matthew Rimmer
The Road to Paris: Intellectual Property, Human Rights, and Climate Justice, Matthew Rimmer
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Sustainable Development: Access to Genetic Resources, Informed Consent, and Benefit-Sharing, Matthew Rimmer
Cybersecurity and Tax Information: A Vicious Cycle?, Diane M. Ring
Silos and First Movers in the Sharing Economy, Diane M. Ring
Transparency and Disclosure, Diane M. Ring
United States, Diane M. Ring
Leak-Driven Law, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Tax Law's Workplace Shift, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Tax Law's Workplace Shift, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
The Other Labor Law? The New IRC Section 199A and the Impact of Tax on Workplace Arrangements, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
When Data Comes Home: Next Steps in International Taxation's Information Revolution, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Rationality as a Process, Mario J. Rizzo and Glen Whitman
Allocating Property Interests in Ecosystem Services: From Chaos to Flowing Rivers, Kalyani Robbins
Complementary Authority and the One-Way Ratchet: Ecosystem Services Property, Regulation, and Wildlife Conservation, Kalyani Robbins
Introduction, Kalyani Robbins
AALS Law and Film Series, Gideon’s Army, Jenny Roberts
Collaborative Litigation Strategies: Fighting for Collective Change Through Individual Defense, Jenny Roberts
The Ethics of Prosecutorial Involvement in Criminal Records Expungement, Jenny Roberts
The Ethics of Prosecutorial Involvement in Criminal Records Expungement and Moderator, Jenny Roberts
The Rise of Plea Bargains and Decline of the Right to Trial, Jenny Roberts
What Constitutes Excellence in Community-Engaged Scholarship?, Jenny Roberts
Get Out From Under My Land! Hydraulic Fracturing, Forced Pooling or Unitization, and the Role of the Dissenting Landowner, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Tax Law and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary and Worldwide Perspective, Tracey M. Roberts and Roberta F. Mann
What Are Some Different Approaches to Teaching Transactional Lawyering Skills? Building Business and Financial Literacy in Law Studentse, Mary Ann Robinson
Boy Scouts & Burning Crosses: Bringing Balance to the Court’s Lopsided Approach to the Intersection of Equality and Speech, Russell K. Robinson
Unequal Protection, Russell K. Robinson
Masculinity as Prison: Sexual Identity, Race, and Incarceration, Russell K. Robinson
Structural Dimensions of Romantic Preferences, Russell K. Robinson
LGBT Equality and Sexual Racism, Russell K. Robinson and David M. Frost
The Afterlife of Homophobia, Russell K. Robinson and David M. Frost
Executive Opportunism, Presidential Signing Statements, and the Separation of Powers, Daniel B. Rodriguez, Edward H. Stiglitz, and Barry R. Weingast
Evaluating Corporate Speech About Science, Shannon Roesler
Beyond reason: activism and law in a time of climate change, Nicole Rogers
The Tortious Second Amendment: A Response to Andrew McClurg’s the Right to be Negligent, Ediberto Roman
Immigration and the Allure of Inclusion, Ediberto Román
LatCrit VI, Outsider Jurisprudence and Looking beyond Imagined Borders, Ediberto Román
Law Professor and Accidental Historian: The Scholarship of Michael A. Olivas, Ediberto Román
Writing, Mentoring, and Even Battling Lurking Variables, Ediberto Román
Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, and Impeachment, Ediberto Roman, Melissa Gonzalez, and Dianet Torres
Profound Sophistication or Legal Sophistry, Ediberto Roman, Katryna Santa Cruz, Melissa Gonzalez, and Dianet Torres
Hispanics and the Criminal Justice System, Leo Romero and Luis G. Stelzner
Apuntes en torno a la cláusula de restricción a los consumidores de ingresar a las salas de cine con productos adquiridos fuera de dichos establecimientos ¿Es o no una cláusula vejatoria?.pdf, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
Dignity Takings and Wage Theft, César F. Rosado Marzán
Leon Fink and Juan Manuel Palacio, Labor Justice across the Americas (book review, forthcoming), César F. Rosado Marzán
The Labor Judge Unleashed: Rule of Law and Labor Rights in "Neoliberal" Chile, César F. Rosado Marzán
Worker Centers and the Moral Economy: Disrupting through Brokerage, Prestige, and Moral Framing, César F. Rosado Marzán
Organizing the State: The 'New Labor Law' Seen from the Bottom-Up, César F. Rosado Marzán and Michael M. Oswalt
The Representative Equality Principle: Disaggregating the Equal Protection Intent Standard, Bertrall Ross
Administering Suspect Classes, Bertrall L. Ross II
Administering Suspect Classes, Bertrall L. Ross II
Paths to Resistance to Our Imperial First Amendment, Bertrall L. Ross Jr.
The State as Witness: Windsor, Shelby County, and Judicial Distrust of the Legislative Record, Bertrall L. Ross II
Equality, Rights, and Administrative Agencies, Bertrall Ross, Mila Sohoni, Gillian Metzger, Sam Bagenstos, and Margaret H. Lemos
Exceptional Indifference: An International Perspective on U.S. Poverty, Ezra Rosser
The Costs and Elusive Gains of Creating Complementarities Between Party and Popular Democracy: A Response to Ethan J. Leib & Christopher S. Elmendorf, Bertrall L. Ross II
Book Review of The Collapse of American Criminal Justice, by William J. Stuntz, Andrea Roth
Trial by Machine, Andrea Roth
Data Mining and Internet Profiling: Emerging Regulatory and Technological Approaches, Ira S. Rubinstein, Ronald D. Lee, and Paul M. Schwartz
Resolution 07-02-2018 Family Code suspension of licenses.pdf, Catherine L. Rucker