About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

Resolution 07-03-2018 suspension of professional licenses.pdf, Catherine L. Rucker

Resolution 10-04-2018 Diaper Changing Stations in Restaurants.pdf, Catherine L. Rucker

Resolution 11-05-2018 HOA Board Members Standards of Conduct.pdf, Catherine L. Rucker


Breathing Air With Heft: An Experiential Report on Environmental Law and Public Health in China, Erin Ryan

Juliana Rehearing (Ryan).pdf, Erin Ryan

Predicting Danger in Immigration Courts, Emily Ryo

Representing Immigrants: The Role of Lawyers in Immigration Bond Hearings, Emily Ryo

A National Study of Immigration Detention in the United States, Emily Ryo and Ian Peacock

Quoted in "DACA Injunction Adds to Limbo for ‘Dreamers’ as Trump Crackdown, Hill Talks Continue", Maria Sacchetti, Patricia Sullivan, and Ed O'Keefe

New Developments in LGBT Rights within the Inter-American System of Human Rights, Macarena Sáez

Comparative Analysis of Heavy Metals in Irrigation Water and Vegetables along Ginzo Waste Channel, Katsina State, Asmau I. Safana and Yelwa R. Tasiu PhD

Antitrust Law as a Problem in Economics, Chris Sagers

Antitrust, Political Economy, and the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, Chris Sagers

Could the Steward Health v. BCBS Trial Revitalize Monopolization Law?, Chris Sagers

#LOLNothingMatters, Chris Sagers

No Fair Hearing for the DoJ in the AT&T-Time Warner Decision, Chris Sagers

Ohio v. American Express: Clarence Thomas Sets Sail on a Sea of Doubt, and, Mirabile Dictu, It’s Still a Bad Idea, Chris Sagers

The AT&T–Time Warner Merger Is Already Damaging, Chris Sagers

Whole Foods? Seriously? Why Are We Talking About Whole Foods?, Chris Sagers

Business Organizations, Chris Sagers and Theresa A. Gabaldon

Who Should Conservatives Blame for Alex Jones’ Ban From Social Media?, Chris Sagers and Robert H. Lande

The Law of Antitrust: An Integrated Handbook (Hornbook Series), Chris Sagers, Lawrence A. Sullivan, and Warren S. Grimes

Chapter 4: Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest (multi-authored work), Victoria Sahani

Defining Access to Justice in International Arbitration, Victoria Sahani

Third-Party Financing in Investment Arbitration (with Mick Smith and Christiane Deniger of Calunius Capital), Victoria Sahani

Reflections on Accountability: The United States’ Violations of International Law on Jeju Island in the Aftermath of World War II, Natsu T. Saito

Indefinite Detention, Colonialism, and Settler Prerogative in the United States, Natsu Taylor Saito

Anomalías Societarias, La Sociedad en Formación, Max Salazar Gallegos

Anomalías Societarias, La Sociedad Irregular, Max Salazar Gallegos

Fusiones Modificaciones estructurales o Reorganizaciones, Max Salazar Gallegos

Freedom to Tinker, Pamela Samuelson

Functionality and Expression in Computer Programs: Refining the Tests for Software Copyright Infringement, Pamela Samuelson

Possible Futures of Fair Use, Pamela Samuelson

Strategies for Discerning the Boundaries of Copyright and Patent Protections, Pamela Samuelson

Three Reactions to MGM v. Grokster, Pamela Samuelson

Petrobras in Bolivia: Is there a rule of law in the “primitive” world?, Michelle R Sanchez-Badin Mrs.

Contempt Fines and the Eleventh Amendment, John E. Sanchez

Aquifers Shared Between Mexico and the United States: Management Perspectives and Their Transboundary Nature, Rosario Sanchez and Gabriel Eckstein

Identifying and characterizing transboundary aquifers along the Mexico–US border: An initial assessment, Rosario Sanchez, Victoria Lopez, and Gabriel Eckstein

Safety from Flawed Forensic Sciences Evidence, Boaz Sangero


A New Philosophy in the Supreme Court, Robert M. Sanger

“Collusion” and the Criminal Law, Robert M. Sanger

Presenza dell'avvocato e refusione degli onorari nella mediazione bancaria (ABF) e finanziaria (ACF), Valerio Sangiovanni

Cultural Analysis, Cultural Studies, and the Situation of Legal Scholarship, Austin Sarat and Jonathan Simon

Associate Director, Hierarchies of the Collective: Mind, Body, Spirit, Evangeline Sarda

Associate Director of Training, Authority and Leadership in Groups and Organizations: Visible and Invisible, Evangeline Sarda

Organizer and Panelist, "AKRI is 50 - Celebration & Dialogues", Evangeline Sarda

Organizer, Training in Role Analysis and Application, Evangeline Sarda

Organizer, Training - Social Dreaming at Work, Evangeline Sarda

Training and Research in Social Dreaming Matrix, Evangeline Sarda

00013-2018-AI copia.pdf, Jose Luis Sardon

00013-2018-AI copia.pdf, Jose Luis Sardon

00013-2018-AI copia.pdf, Jose Luis Sardon

CNM: una alternativa, Jose Luis Sardon

Cuando cuatro votos son igual a cinco, Jose Luis Sardon

Ejecución de Decisiones CIDH: dilemas actuales, Jose Luis Sardon

Fundamento de voto Exp. 00006-2018-PI/TC (cuestión de confianza), Jose Luis Sardon

Fundamento de voto Exp. 00008-2017-AI (Fonavi II), Jose Luis Sardon

Fundamento de voto Exp. 00012-2018-PI/TC (publicidad estatal en medios privados)., Jose Luis Sardon

La formación ética en la universidad en el desarrollo de una sociedad más integra y transparente, Jose Luis Sardon

Los partidos políticos en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional, Jose Luis Sardon

Peru: Reforma Constitucional, Jose Luis Sardon

Peru's Constitutional Reform, Jose Luis Sardon

Retos y lecciones aprendidas en los procesos electorales recientes de las Américas, Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular conjunto c/Ferrero Exp. 05461-2015-PHC/TC (Ugalde Alfaro: extradición)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00001-2018-PI/TC (ley antitransfuguismo 2)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00008-2015-AI (fusión de entidades estatales), Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00008-2018-PI/TC (control de reformas constitucionales)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00008-2018-PI/TC (control de reformas constitucionales)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00015-2012-PI/TC (Reforma del Sistema Privado de Pensiones)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00383-2016-PHC/TC (Chacón Málaga)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 00889-2017-PA/TC (Díaz Cáceres de Tinoco: sentencias estructurales)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 01499-2015-PA/TC (Aris Industrial S.A.: arbitraje potestativo)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 01881-2015-PA/TC (Vidarte Morales: inexistencia derecho a la reposición 4)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 03958-2017-PHC/TC (Fujimori 2), Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 04780-2017-PHC/TC (Humala-Heredia)., Jose Luis Sardon

Voto singular Exp. 06590-2015-PA/TC (Fernández Prada Velásquez: inexistencia del derecho a la reposición 3), Jose Luis Sardon

Conceptualizing a Framework of Institutionalized Appellate Arbitration in International Commercial Arbitration, Axay Satagopan

Eco-economy sustainability model, Harry D. Saunders

Household Capital Accumulation model, Harry D. Saunders

Other, Akseli Saviranta

Other, Akseli Saviranta

Co-Editor, Special Libraries, Special Challenges column, Public Services Quarterly (2018 - ), Deborah Schander

Library Consolidation: A Good Thing or Absorption into the Borg?, Deborah Schander

Setting Priorities, Meeting Deadlines, and Managing Projects for Law Librarians, Deborah Schander

Panel 2: Countering Violent Homegrown Extremism: Lessons Learned and Challenges for the Future, David Schanzer, Sahar F. Aziz, Margaret Hu, and Deborah Ramirez

Religious Monopolies and the Commodification of Religion, Brett G. Scharffs, Shima Baradaran-Robison, and Elizabeth A. Sewell

The Double-Edged Effect of Contracts on Alliance Performance, Oliver Schilke and Fabrice Lumineau

Book Review )Reviewing Laura Kalman, The Long Reach of the Sixties: LBJ, Nixon, and the Making of the Contemporary Supreme Court), Christopher W. Schmidt

Originalism and Congressional Power to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment, Christopher W. Schmidt

Quiet Justice: Book Review of Melissa Milewski, Litigating Across the Color Line: Civil Cases Between Black and White Southerners from the End of Slavery to Civil RIghts (2017), Christopher W. Schmidt

The Parkland Students Can Transform the Gun-Control Movement. Here's How., Christopher W. Schmidt

The Sit-Ins: Protest and Legal Change in The Civil Rights Era, Christopher W. Schmidt

Takedown and Today's Academic Digital Library, Brianna L. Schofield and Jennifer M. Urban

Torgerson's Twilight: The Antidiscrimination Jurisprudence of Judge Diana E. Murphy, David Schraub

Bridges II: The Law-STEM Alliance & Next Generation Innovation, David L. Schwartz, Leslie Oster, Devin R. Desai, Jay P. Kesan, Pierre Larouche, Daryl Lim, Ivory Mills, Pilar Ossorio, Laura Pedraza-Fariña, Jacob S. Sherkow, Jessica Silbey, D. Daniel Sokol, Harry Surden, Ryan Whalen, and Christopher S. Yoo

From Victorian Secrets to Cyberspace Shaming (reviewing Guarding Life's Dark Secrets: Legal and Social Controls over Reputation, Propriety, and Privacy by Lawrence Friedman), Paul M. Schwartz

Privacy Inalienability and the Regulation of Spyware, Paul M. Schwartz