The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Propertizing the Immaterial: The Commodification of Valuable Intangibles, Alexandra E. George
The (In)Justice of Globalisation by Intellectual Propertisation, Alexandra E. George
Like a Virgin? Virginity Testing as HIV/AIDS Prevention: Human Rights Universalism and Cultural Relativism Revisited, Erika R. George
12th Annual Competition Law and Policy Workshop- The Future of Article 82: Dissecting the Conflict, David J. Gerber
A Comparative Perspective in The Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe, David J. Gerber
Competition Law and the WTO: Rethinking the Relationship, David J. Gerber
Competition Law, Contracts and Fairness : Comments on the Relationship, David J. Gerber
Private Enforcement of Competition Law: A Comparative Perspective, David J. Gerber
Reading the Map of European Private Law: Language and Knowledge in Contemporary Comparative Law, David J. Gerber
Laws Against Bubbles: an Experimental-Asset-Market Approach to Analyzing Financial Regulation, Erik F. Gerding
Clients, Empathy, and Compassion: Introducing First-Year Students to the “Heart” of Lawyering, Kristin B. Gerdy
Restatement Third, Economic Torts and Related Wrongs, Council Draft No. 2, Mark P. Gergen
Restatement Third, Economic Torts and Related Wrongs, Preliminary Draft No. 3, Mark P. Gergen
Proximate Cause and Responsibility, Peter M. Gerhart
The Death of Strict Liability, Peter M. Gerhart
Vincent as a Negligence Case, Peter M. Gerhart
“Cultural Treatment” and “Most-Favoured-Culture” Principles to Promote Trade Related Cultural Diversity, Christophe Roy Germann
Superfund "Arranger" Liability: Why Ownership of the Hazardous Substance Matters, Aaron Gershonowitz
A Student's Guide to the Internal Revenue Code, Richard Gershon
Editorial About Dean Gershon, Richard Gershon
Newspaper Article, Richard Gershon
An Informational Approach to the Mass Imprisonment Problem, Adam M. Gershowitz
Raise the Proof: A Default Rule for Indigent Defense, Adam M. Gershowitz
Internet Usage Monitoring in the Workplace: Its Legal Challenges and Implementation Strategies, Pamela Gershuny
The Role of Copyright Collectives in Web 2.0 Music Markets, Daniel J. Gervais
South Dakota Practice Guide, Thomas E. Geu
The New PRC Limited Partnership Enterprise Law and the Limited Partnership Law of the United States: A Selective Analytical Comparison , Thomas E. Geu
Foreclosure and Dissolution Rights of a Member’s Creditors: No Cause for Alarm, Thomas E. Geu and Thomas Rutledge
Practical Guide to Limited Liability Limited Partnerships, Thomas E. Geu and Thomas Rutledge
The New PRC Limited Partnership Enterprise Law and the Limited Partnership Law of the United States: A Selective Analytical Comparison, Thomas E. Geu and Yong Wu
Disney in a Comparative Light, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Abortion as a Human Right - International and Regional Standards, Jaime M. Gher and Christina Zampas
El carácter competitivo de las fuentes del Derecho, Enrique Ghersi
¿Quién es el dueño del subsuelo?, Enrique Ghersi
Life and the Louisiana Supreme Court: Jus Dicere, No Jus Dare, Michelle W. Ghetti
Codice generale del diritto industriale. Proprietà intellettuale e concorrenza (General code of intellectual property law. Intellectual property and antitrust), Gustavo Ghidini, Andrea Stazi, and Gianni Capuzzi
Race Specific Patents, Commercialization, & Intellectual Property Policy, Shubha Ghosh
Equal Rights for Equal Rites?: Victim Allocution, Defendant Allocution, and the Crime Victims' Rights Act, Mary Margaret Giannini
Equal Rights for Equal Rites?: Victim Allocution, Defendant Allocution, and the Crime Victims' Rights Act, Mary Margaret Giannini
On Sony, StreamCast and Smoking Guns, Rebecca Giblin
A Comprehensive Review of Revised Article 9, Willa E. Gibson
Deposit Account Financing Under Revised Article 9, Willa E. Gibson
Agências e Falácias, Ivo T. Gico
Direito da Concorrência - aula 20.04.2007, Ivo T. Gico
Diretrizes Políticas das Telecomunicações no Brasil, Ivo T. Gico
Liberdade de escolha I: Idosos, Ivo T. Gico
Liberdade de Voto, Ivo T. Gico
Liberdade no Mundo Moderno e o Estado Meio, Ivo T. Gico
Agreements That Restrict an Attorney's Practice, Grace M. Giesel
Client Responsibility for Lawyer Conduct: Examining the Agency Nature of the Lawyer-Client Relationship, Grace M. Giesel
Nonrefundable Fees; The Substance, Not the Label Matters, Grace M. Giesel
Required to Report Misconduct, Grace M. Giesel
The Saga of the Selective Waiver Doctrine, Grace M. Giesel
Tutela antidiscriminatoria e diritti fondamentali, Fabio Giglioni
Estate Management Software, Mark R. Gillett
Estate Management Software, Mark R. Gillett
Technology and the Practice of Law: Ethical and Practical Considerations, Mark R. Gillett
Base Wretches and Black Wenches: A Story of Sex and Race, Violence and Compassion, During Slavery Times, Jason A. Gillmer
Love You Madly: The Life and Times of the Neighborhood Legal Services Program of Washington D.C., Brian G. Gilmore
Controlling Family Shareholders in Developing Countries: Anchoring Relational Exchange, Ronald J. Gilson
Controlling Family Shareholders in Developing Countries: Anchoring Relational Exchange, Ronald J. Gilson
Forcing Fairness in State Taxation, Randall Gingiss
The Domestic Legal Status of Customary International Law in Comparative Perspective, David M. Ginn
Law and the Liberal Transformation of the Northeast Asian Legal Complex, Tom Ginsburg
Lessons for Democratic Transitions: Case Studies from Asia, Tom Ginsburg
The Unreluctant Litigant? An Empirical Analysis of Japan's Turn to Litigation, Tom Ginsburg and Glenn Hoetker
Odious Debt, Odious Credit, Economic Development and Democratization, Tom Ginsburg and Thomas Ulen
Thinking Like a Lawyer: The Heuristics of Case Synthesis, Jane Kent Gionfriddo
gismondi_article_1(1).pdf, Giovanna E. Gismondi
Judicial discretion in the late ius commune, Adolfo G. Giuliani
When Obscenity Discriminates, Elizabeth M. Glazer
When Obscenity Discriminates, Elizabeth M. Glazer
A Pedestrian Transit Mall on Peachtree? How History, Policy, and Legislation Can Recreate A Proud Town, Collin R. Glidewell
Causes and impacts of environmental changes in Gedaref, Sudan, Edinam K. Glover
Integrated Product Policy and the “Polluter Pays” Principle – Environmental responsibility, liability and sustainability of products”, Edinam K. Glover
Legal Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation in sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Burkina Faso, Edinam K. Glover
Partnership between Public and Private Actors in Forest-Sector Development in sub-Saharan Africa, Edinam K. Glover
Sustainable Development in National and International Law. Organized by the Nordic Environmental Law Network (NELN), Oslo, Norway, Edinam K. Glover
Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Edinam K. Glover and Daniel Angeli
Participatory forest management strategies for increasing the forest cover in Gedaref, Sudan, Edinam K. Glover, Elnour A. Elsiddig, Olavi Luukkanen, and Erkki J. Hollo
Participatory forest management strategies for increasing the forest cover in Gedaref, Sudan., Edinam K. Glover, Elnour A. Elsiddig, Olavi Luukkanen, and Erkki J. Hollo
Operationalizing sustainable development in legal systems and in international law: Challenges and Lessons Learned in dryland Africa based on experiences from Sudan, Edinam K. Glover, Elnour A. Elsiddig, Olavi Luukkanen, and Michael Mehling
Timely Filing in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Cases: Does Rule 3002(c)'s Deadline Apply to Secured Creditors?, Mark Glover
The Series LLC, and a Series of Difficult Questions, Carol Goforth
Why Arkansas Should Adopt the Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, Carol Goforth
The "How" of Enforcing the Fourteenth Amendment: How the Rehnquist Court's Treatment of Implementation, Not Interpretation, Is the True Post-Boerne Failing, Rebecca L. Goldberg
Social implications of national security workshop conducted, B. Goldie and K. Michael
Legal Construct Validation: Expanding Empirical Legal Scholarship To Unobservable Concepts , David S. Goldman
Legal Construct Validation: Expanding Empirical Legal Scholarship to Unobservable Concepts, David S. Goldman
Judicial Paradoxes, Randolph R. Goldman
Judicial Paradoxes, Randolph R. Goldman
The Yukos Money Laundering Case: A Never-ending Story, Dmitry Gololobov
The Yukos Money Laundering Case: A Never-Ending Story, Dmitry Gololobov
European Contract Law and Economic Welfare: A View from Law and Economics, Fernando Gómez
La eficacia del deber de pasividad de los administradores sociales en presencia de una OPA: mecanismos privados frente a públicos, Fernando Gómez
Should We Trust the Gatekeepers? Auditors’ and Lawyers’ Liability for Clients’ Misconduct, Fernando Gómez and Juan-José Ganuza