The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
The Case for Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products, Becky Freeman, Simon Chapman, and Matthew Rimmer
A First Principles Approach to Communications' Privacy, Susan Freiwald
The Fourth Amendment Status of Stored E-mail: The Law Professors’ Brief in Warshak v. United States, Susan Freiwald and Patricia L. Bellia
Rezension des Kommentars zum Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetz von Klaus Adomeit und Jochen Mohr, Hartmut H. Frenzel
Rezension zu Umweltrecht von Michael Kotulla, Hartmut H. Frenzel
Manipulated Doctrines, Improper Distinctions, and the Law of Racial Vote Dilution, Avram D. Frey
Internet 3.0: Identifying Problems and Solutions to the Network Neutrality Debate , Robert M. Frieden
Internet Packet Sniffing and Its Impact on the Balance of Power , Robert M. Frieden
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: New Strategies for Selective Regulation of Information Services, Robert M. Frieden
A Primer on Network Neutrality, Rob M. Frieden
Network Neutrality and Its Potential Impact on Next Generation Networks , Rob M. Frieden
Network Neutrality and Its Potential Impact on Next Generation Networks , Rob M. Frieden
The Costs and Benefits of Separating Wireless Telephone Service From Handset Sales and Imposing Network Neutrality Obligations, Rob M. Frieden
The Costs and Benefits of Separating Wireless Telephone Service From Handset Sales and Imposing Network Neutrality Obligations, Rob M. Frieden
The Costs and Benefits of Separating Wireless Telephone Service From Handset Sales and Imposing Network Neutrality Obligations, Rob M. Frieden
Of Exigent Circumstances and Constitutional Authority: Congress, the President, and Domestic Electronic Surveillance, Lawrence Friedman and Victor Hansen
The Inheritance Process in San Bernardino County, California, 1964: A Research Note, Lawrence M. Friedman, Christopher J. Walker, and Ben Hernandez-Stern
Is Activism the Meaning of Life? (Foreword), Bruce Friedrich and Mark Hawthorne
Trespass to (Virtual) Chattels: Assessing Online Gamers’ Authority to Sell In-Game Assets Where Adhesive Contracts Prohibit Such Activity, Alfred Fritzsche
Reconciling Peace with Justice - A Cooperative Division of Labor, Anita B. Frohlich
The Choice-Necessity Paradigm: Rethinking Debtor-Creditor Relationships in the Consumer Context, David Fuller
Forced Migration: Law and Policy , Maryellen Fullerton, D. Martin, A. Allinkoff, and H. Motomura
An Economic Strategy to Address Climate Change and Promote Energy Security, Jason Furman, Jason Bordoff, Pascal Noel, and Manasi Deshpande
Access to Healthcare and Political Ideology: Wouldn't You Really Rather Have a Pony?, Barry R. Furrow
Managing Liquidity Risk in a Changing Debt Environment: The Issuer's Perspective , José Gabilondo
“Be Aware of Agreements So You Don’t Lose Your Right to Arbitrate”, Abraham Gafni
“Complying With the Requirements of the Arbitration Agreement”, Abraham Gafni
“Creating an Arbitration Procedure for Holocaust Insurance Claims”, Abraham Gafni
“Some Suggestions for Trying an Arbitration Case”, Abraham Gafni
“Who Makes the Decision of Whether and How to Arbitrate”, Abraham Gafni
Keeping Stigma Out of Administrative Law: An Explanation of Consistent Beliefs, Roberto Galbiati and Nuno Garoupa
'Aux Armes, Citoyens!:' Time for Law Schools to Lead the Movement for Free and Open Access to the Law, Ian Gallacher
'Aux Armes, Citoyens!:' Time for Law Schools to Lead the Movement for Free and Open Access to the Law , Ian Gallacher
Conducting The Constitution: Justice Scalia, Textualism, And The Eroica Symphony, Ian Gallacher
Mapping the Social Life of the Law: An Alternative Approach to Legal Research, Ian Gallacher
"Who Are Those Guys?:" The Results of a Survey Studying the Information Literacy of Incoming Law Students, Ian Gallacher
A Shadow Report on Human Trafficking in Lao PDR: The U.S. Approach v. International Law, Anne T. Gallagher
Tax and Terrorism: A New Partnership?, Michelle Gallant
50 Colors of Formica: Legal Realism in the Israeli Competition Law (in Hebrew), Michal Gal
Below-Cost Price Alignment: Meeting or Beating Competition, Michal Gal
Necessary Reforms of the Israeli Competition Law (in Hebrew), Michal Gal
The 'Cut and Paste' of Article 82 of the EC Treaty in Israel: Conditions for a Successful Transplant, Michal Gal
The Effects of Smallness and Remoteness on Competition Law - The Case of New Zealand, Michal Gal
Six Principles for Limiting Government-Facilitated Restraints on Competition, Michal Gal and Inbal Faibish
A Bell on the Cat's Neck: Monopoly Declarations under the Israeli Competition Law (in Hebrew), Michal Gal and Amir Israeli
Wrestling With MUDs to Pin Down the Truth About Special Districts, Sara Galvan
Pubblicita' ingannevole e comparativa. Anni 2004, 2005 e primo semestre 2006 (Deceptive and comparative advertising. Years 2004, 2005 and first semester 2006), Alberto Maria Gambino and Andrea Stazi
La clause de limitation des bénéfices dans la convention de double imposition entre la Suisse et les Etats-Unis, Raphael Gani
Settlement of Disputes under the United States-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement, David A. Gantz
Investor-States disputes in Latin America, Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar
Global Justice and the Bretton Woods Institutions, Frank J. Garcia
Inauguración del año judicial 2007, José Francisco García
Más allá del Royalty: Análisis crítico de la tributación minera, José Francisco García
Radiografía al trabajo del Poder Judicial: Corte Suprema y Cortes de Apelaciones , José Francisco García
Reforma al Poder Judicial: una agenda para la discusión , José Francisco García
Tres aportes de El Federalista a la Teoría Constitucional Moderna, José Francisco García
Aplicación del modelo de análisis envolvente de datos a las cortes de apelaciones, José Francisco García and Rodrigo Castro
Making Money Making Music, Alan E. Garfield
The Case for First Amendment Limits on Copyright Law, Alan E. Garfield
“We the People” Through Young Eyes, Alan E. Garfield
What Should We Celebrate on Constitution Day?, Alan E. Garfield
Optimal Law Enforcement and Criminal Organization, Nuno Garoupa
The Economics of Judicial Councils, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Cooperative Parenting: Programs and Prospects, Marsha Garrison
Reforming Divorce: What's Needed and What's Not, Marsha Garrison
The Decline of Formal Marriage: Inevitable or Reversible?, Marsha Garrison
The Empire of Illness: Competence and Coercion in Health-Care Decision Making, Marsha Garrison
Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions, Marsha Garrison, H.D. Krause, L.D. Elrod, and J.T. Oldham
Judicial Review of Constitutionality in Argentina: Background Notes and Constitutional Provisions, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Cold Comfort Pharmacy: Pharmacist Tort Liability for Conscientious Refusals to Dispense Emergency Contraception, Kristen Marttila Gast
Artificial Judicial Environmental Activism: Oposa v. Factoran as Aberration, Dante B. Gatmaytan
Changing Constitutions: Judicial Review and Redemption in the Philippines, Dante B. Gatmaytan
Economic Analysis of Law in North America, Europe and Israel, Oren Gazal-Ayal
Economic Analysis of "Law & Economics", Oren Gazal-Ayal and
Screening, Plea Bargains and the Innocent Problem, Oren Gazal
Plea Bargains Only for the Guilty, Oren Gazal and Oren Bar-Gill
Uncivil Religion: Judeo Christianity and the Ten Commandments, Frederick Mark Gedicks
Uncivil Religion: Judeo Christianity and the Ten Commandments, Frederick Mark Gedicks
Introduction: Dred Scott After 150 Years: A grievous Wound Remembered, John L. Gedid
Law and Government Institute: Rapid Growth in Faculty, Offerings, Speakers, John L. Gedid
Human Rights and Social Policy in New Zealand, Claudia Geiringer and Matthew S. R. Palmer
Business Outsourcing and the Agency Cost Problem, George Geis
Rethinking Profiling: A Cognitive Model of Bias and Its Legal Implications, Alex Geisinger
An Expressive Jurisprudence of the Establishment Clause, Alex C. Geisinger and Ivan E. Bodensteiner
A Theory of Expressive International Law, Alex Geisinger and Michael Ashley Stein
A Top Ten List of Online Tax Resources, Marjorie Gell
Juristischer Diskurs und Rechtsökonomie (Legal Discourse and the Economic Analysis of Law), Martin Gelter and Kristoffel Grechenig
Subordination of Shareholder Loans from a Legal and Economic Perspective, Martin Gelter and Jürg Roth
Bell Atlantic v. Twombly: Pleading Standards and Court Access, Steven S. Gensler
Developments in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Steven S. Gensler
E-discovery: New Adventures in Client Babysitting, Steven S. Gensler
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Rules and Commentary, Steven S. Gensler
Contract-Centered Veil Piercing, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos
Intellectual Property and the Internet, Alexandra E. George