The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Toxic Torts at Ground Zero, Jean M. Eggen
Testimony on 'Subprime Mortgage Market Turmoil: Examining the Role of Securitization', Kurt Eggert
L'age dans le monde du travail aux Etats-Unis, Howard C. Eglit
Integrating On-Line and Print Research Training: A Guide for the Wary (with Kari Aamot), Suzanne Ehrenberg
From Wildcatters to Wall Street: The Role of Independents and Small Operators in today's Oil Patch, Monika Ehrman
Geology and Reservoir Engineering, Monika Ehrman
The Evolution and Endpoint of Responsibility: The FCPA, SOX, Leftist Leaders, Gratuitous Promises, and a Novel CSR Code, Aaron N Einhorn
Large-scale Disasters Attacking the American Dream: How to Protect and Empower Homeowners and Lenders, Matthew D. Ekins
Can Institutions Build Unity in Multiethnic States?, Zachary Elkins and John Sides
The Independence of International Arbitrators: An Arbitrator's Perspective, Ahmed S. El Kosheri and Karim Y. Youssef
ADR Gone Wild!: One State’s Experience with a Radical Trust and Estate Dispute Resolution Act, Kirsten M. Elliott
All Sprawled Out: How the Federal Regulatory System Has Driven Unsustainable Growth, Chad Emerson
Delegating Discrimination: Why Discretionary Licensing Statutes Controlling Concealed Carry Weapons Permits Contravene the Rule of Law, Robert J. Endorf
Majoritarian Democracy in a Federalist System: The Late Chief Justice Rehnquist and the First Amendment, Sheri J. Engelken
European Law in American Courts: Foreign Law as Evidence of Domestic Law, Eric A. Engle
Green with Envy? Greenmail is Good! Rational Economic Responses to Greenmail in a Competitive Market for Capital and Managers, Eric A. Engle
Ethics in Transition: Unrepresented Litigants and the Changing Judicial Role, Russell Engler
Unlocking the Secrets of Highly Successful Legal Writing Students, Anne M. Enquist
How the Old World Encountered the New One: Regulatory Competition and Cooperation in European Corporate and Bankruptcy Law, Luca Enriques and Martin Gelter
Batallas en el sistema financiero internacional: Críticas y réplicas contemporáneas en torno al Fondo Monetario Internacional y al Banco Mundial, David Enríquez Rosas
Hidrocarburos Transfronterizos, Estados Unidos y México: Una aproximación a su situación jurídica internacional, David Enríquez Rosas
La independencia judicial, David Enríquez Rosas
Sistema Financiero Internacional, David Enríquez Rosas
Cruzando Límites: México ante los desafíos de sus yacimientos transfronterizos, David Enríquez Rosas, Juan Pardinas, Lourdes Melgar, and Miriam Grunstein
Interpreting the Fourteenth Amendment: Two Don’ts and Three Dos, Garrett Epps
Exploration of Minimum Age Employment Policies in Professional Sports, Adam Epstein
Michigan High Schools Now in Sync, Adam Epstein
The Fundamentals of Teaching Sports Law, Adam Epstein
Chapter 1; Part I (B), Part II (A & B), Part III (A & B), Part IV (A, B, C, D, & E); Chapter 3, Jules Epstein
DNA Evidence, Jules Epstein
Drug Offenses and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Jules Epstein
I’ll Never Forget That Face . . . (But I Might Not Remember It Accurately), Jules Epstein
Jury Selection in Sex Offense Cases, Jules Epstein
Sexually Violent Predators, Jules Epstein
The Great Engine That Couldn’t: Science, Mistaken Identifications, and the Limits of Cross-Examination, Jules Epstein
The Prosecution and Defense of Child Sexual Assault, Jules Epstein
Fallibility + Unchecked Power = Trouble, C. Peter Erlinder
Reforming Federal Personal Injury Litigation by Incorporation of the Procedural Innovations of Scotland and Ireland: An Analysis and Proposal, Daniel H. Erskine
The Trial of Queen Caroline and The Clinton Impeachment: Legal Procedures as Political Weapons, Daniel H. Erskine
The U.S.-EC Dispute Over Customs Matters: Trade Facilitation, Customs Unions, and the Meaning of WTO Obligations, Daniel H. Erskine
El error en los Contratos. Justificaciones Impuras para la Modificación de las Reglas de Anulación, Freddy Escobar
Overabundant deer: Better management through research, Dwayne R. Etter, Timothy R. Van Deelen, Daniel R. Ludwig, Karmen M. Hollis, James E. Chelsvig, and Richard E. Warner
Contracts Companion for Writers, Tonya M. Evans
Copyright Companion for Writers, Tonya M. Evans
The Effect that Mediator Styles Impose on Neutrality and Impartiality Requirements of Mediation, Susan Nauss Exon
MavenRank: Identifying Influential Members of the US Senate Using Lexical Centrality, Anthony Fader, Dragomir Radev, Michael H. Crespin, Burt L. Monroe, Kevin M. Quinn, and Michael Colaresi
Discretionary Persistent Felony Offender Sentencing In New York: Can it survive Apprendi ?, Joseph E. Fahey
Throwing Away The Key: An Examination of New York's Sex Offender Civil Commitment Law, Joseph E. Fahey
Derogation from Labour Law Statutes under Swedish law, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Fuck, Christopher M. Fairman
Fuck and Law Faculty Rankings, Christopher M. Fairman
Fuck and Law Faculty Rankings, Christopher M. Fairman
Why We Still Need A Model Rule for Collaborative Law: A Reply to Professor Lande, Christopher M. Fairman
Reforming the Judiciary Through Immigration Reform, Jill E. Family
Bilateral Agreements and Fair Trade Practices: A Policy Analysis of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, Kevin J. Fandl
Immigration Posses: U.S. Immigration Law and Local Enforcement Practices, Kevin J. Fandl
U.S. Trade Policy and Bilateral Trade Agreements, Kevin J. Fandl
A Social Defense of Sarbanes-Oxley, JAMES A. FANTO
Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation (with Norman Poser, 4th ed. 2007) (with annual supplement, 2008), JAMES A. FANTO
The Continuing Need for Broker-Dealer Professinalism in IPOs, JAMES A. FANTO
Bringing Environmental Assessment into the Digital Age, Daniel A. Farber
Environmental Trading Schemes and the Constitutional Leverage Effect, Daniel A. Farber
Legislative Constitutionalism in a System of Judicial Supremacy, Daniel A. Farber
Public Choice and Public Law, Daniel A. Farber
Retained by the Police: The 'Silent' Ninth Amendment and the Constitutional Rights Americans Don't Know They Have, Daniel A. Farber
Winds of change hit the legal profession, John H. Farrar
Stormy Weather Ahead? The Legal Environment of Global Climate Change, Richard O. Faulk
Stormy Weather Ahead? The Legal Environment of Global Climate Change, Richard O. Faulk
Alchemy in the Courtroom? The Transmutation of Public Nuisance Litigation, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Mexico Joins the MIGA Convention, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Book Review - Courts and Federalism: Judicial Doctrine in the United States, Australia, and Canada, Malcolm M. Feeley
Federalism: Political Identity and Tragic Choice, Malcolm M. Feeley
Keynote Address - Three Hypotheses about Crime in Japan, Malcolm M. Feeley
Opening Address - Trial Courts, Malcolm M. Feeley
The State, Civil Society, and the Legal Complex in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change, Malcolm M. Feeley and Setsuo Miyazawa
Author meets critic sesson on Federalism book, Malcolm M. Feeley and Edward Rubin
An Appreciation of Folk Devils and Moral Panics: A North American Appreciation, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
An Appreciation of Folk Devils and Moral Panics: A North American Appreciation, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
The Crime, The Case, The Killer Cocktail: Why Maryland's Capital Punishment Procedure Constitutes Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Matthew E. Feinberg
Jogösszehasonlítás: tudományelméleti és tudománytörténeti töredékek. (Fragments of a Theory and a History of Comparative Law), Balázs Fekete
Strategic Appointments, Sven Feldmann and Anthony Bertelli
Differing Shades of Meaning, Robin C. Feldman
The Role of International Human Rights Law in the American Decision to Abolish the Juvenile Death Penalty, William A. Feldman
Coolhunting the Law, Mark Fenster
Regulating Land Use in a Constitutional Shadow: The Institutional Contexts of Exactions, Mark Fenster
The Takings Clause, Version 2005: The Legal Process of Constitutional Property Rights, Mark Fenster
El juicio de amparo en la jurisprudencia, Vicente Fernández Fernández