The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Liberal Justices' Reliance on Legislative History: Principle, Strategy, and the Scalia Effect, James J. Brudney
Culture, Sovereignty, and Hollywood: UNESCO and the Future of Trade in Cultural Products, Christopher M. Bruner
L’esclusione dell’unico socio accomandatario in una società in accomandita semplice in cui siano ravvisabili due contrapposti centri di interesse, Ferdinando Bruno
Ambito soggettivo ed oggettivo dell’informazione privilegiata post Market Abuse Directive, Ferdinando Bruno and Nicoletta Ravasio
Il destino dell'operatore qualificato alla luce della MiFID, Ferdinando Bruno and Andrea Rozzi
La collateralizzazione degli strumenti finanziari derivati OTC («over the counter») in Italia, Ferdinando Bruno and Andrea Rozzi
La Market Abuse Directive e la tutela della Consob: il risarcimento della Commissione in caso di aggiotaggio, Ferdinando Bruno and Andrea Rozzi
Social Security and Government Deficits: When Should We Worry?, Neil H. Buchanan
Incitement to Violence Under Israeli Law and the Scope of Protection of Political Speech Under Israeli Freedom of Speech Jurisprudence: A Comparative Analysis and an Alternative Perspective, michal buchhandler-raphael
A Comparative Study in the Law of the Ostensible: Apparent Agency in the U.S. and Russia, Sergey Budylin
Is Allofmp3 Legal? Non-Contractual Licensing Under Russian Copyright Law, Sergey Budylin and Yulia Osipova
Total Upgrade: Intellectual Property Law Reform in Russia, Sergey Budylin and Yulia Osipova
The New Chinese Bankruptcy Law: Text and Limited Comparative Analysis, Samuel L. Bufford
Essential Facilities in Telecommunications Industry and Legal Considerations for Thailand, piyabutr bunaramrueang
Telecommunications in Transitioning towards General Competition: A Comparative Study on Interconnection in the U.S., the EU and Thailand, piyabutr bunaramrueang
Thailand and Its Shortcut towards General Competition in Telecommunications Industry, piyabutr bunaramrueang
Thailand and Its Shortcut towards General Competition in Telecommunications Industry, piyabutr bunaramrueang
Nonjurisdictionality or Inequity, Elizabeth C. Burch
Reassessing Damages in Securities Fraud Class Actions, Elizabeth C. Burch
Securities Class Actions as Pragmatic Ex Post Regulation, Elizabeth C. Burch
Multilateral Climate Change Mitigation, Prof. Elizabeth Burleson
Tribal, State, and Federal Cooperation to Achieve Good Governance, Prof. Elizabeth Burleson
Mareva Injunction & Anton Piller, Vinayak Burman
The Essence of Press Note 18/1998 & 1/2005 (Joint Ventures in India), Vinayak Burman
Efectividad en la lucha contra la delincuencia organizada, Edgardo Buscaglia
The Economic Factors Behind Legal Integration: A Jurimetric Analysis of the Latin American Experience, Edgardo Buscaglia
Terrorismo y delincuencia organizada, un enfoque de Derecho y Economía, Edgardo Buscaglia and Andrés Roemer
European Tort Law – A Way Forward, Mauro Bussani
Las diversidades y el derecho, Mauro Bussani
Le garanzie reali al servizio dello Stato, Mauro Bussani
Los modelos de las garantías reales en civil y en common law. Una aproximación de derecho comparado, Mauro Bussani
Orient Express Law, Mauro Bussani
The Many Faces of Equity. A Comparative Survey of the European Civil Law Tradition, Mauro Bussani and Francesca Fiorentini
How to Approach’ for Online Programs, William H. Byrnes
Obtaining the Skills Required for Performing Tax Process Outsourcing, William H. Byrnes
Risks and Opportunities in a Global Economy – Perspective on the Investment Horizon, William H. Byrnes
The Economic State of International Financial Services and Its Socio-Economic Impact, William H. Byrnes
El aporte del trabajo a tiempo parcial a la flexibilización de la jornada de trabajo en Chile, un camino por descubrir, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
El trabajo a tiempo parcial, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
La actual regulación de la jornada de trabajo y su necesidad de flexibilización, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
El régimen jurídico de inmunidades en México en Inmunidades y prerrogativas en Latinoamérica, José Antonio Caballero Juárez and Rodrigo Meneses
El nivel inventivo en la nueva jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema estadounidense, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
La figura general de competencia desleal en el Derecho argentino, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Las reglas de gobierno corporativo y su aplicación en la Argentina y en los Estados Unidos, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Diccionario de Derecho, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Manuel Ossorio y Florit
Attempt, Reckless Homicide, and the Design of Criminal Law, Michael T. Cahill
Criminal Law’s "Mediating Rules": Balancing, Harmonization, or Accident?, Michael T. Cahill
Retributive Justice in the Real World, Michael T. Cahill
Microchip Implants and Future Applications, M. Cahill and K. Michael
Legal Pluralism and Women's Rights: A Study in Postcolonial Tanzania, Mark J. Calaguas, Cristina M. Drost, and Edward R. Fluet
Time Well Spent: Congressional Daylight Saving Time Legislation Saves Lives, Not Just Oil, Steve P. Calandrillo
Lincoln and Religion, Samuel W. Calhoun
Law and Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technology: A Prolegomenon to Future Law Librarianship, Paul D. Callister
Law and Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technology: A Prolegomenon to Future Law Librarianship, Paul D. Callister
Reasonableness, Justice and the No-Duty-to-Rescue Rule of Torts, Alan Calnan
The Fault(s) in Negligence Law, Alan Calnan
Gli effetti dello sciopero, piera campanella
Le modalità di attuazione ed i limiti all'esercizio del diritto (di sciopero), piera campanella
Profili collettivi di tutela della salute e rappresentanza dei lavoratori per la sicurezza: disciplina legislativa, bilancio applicativo, prospettive di riforma, piera campanella
From Due Process to Crime Control: The Decline of Liberalism in the Irish Criminal Justice System, Liz Campbell
The Criminal Justice Act 2007 - A Theoretical Perspective, Liz Campbell
Theorising Asset Forfeiture in Ireland, Liz Campbell
The Failure of Adversary Process in the Administrative State, Bryan T. Camp
The Play's The Thing: A Theory of Taxing Virtual Worlds, Bryan T. Camp
Hope without optimism: Legal education in Spain at the threshold of Bologna Plan, Josep Cañabate
Healthy Competition: What’s Holding Back Health Care and How to Free It, Michael F. Cannon
Evasión Fiscal, Una Elección Racional, Mauricio Cano del Valle
Closing the Border and Opening the Door: Mobility, Adjustment, and the Sequencing of Reform, Timothy A. Canova
Non-State Actors and the International Institutional Order: Central Bank Capture and the Globalization of Monetary Amnesia, Timothy A. Canova
Missouri Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Immigration Court: Bullies of the Bench , Stacy Caplow
Caducidad de la oferta por muerte del oferente. Análisis del artículo 1383 del Código Civil, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Giovanni Comandé, "El daño a la persona y la Corte constitucional: entre derechos fundamentales, cuantificación y desigualdad de tratamiento jurídico", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Guido Alpa y Alberto Giampieri, "Análisis económico del derecho y análisis del método: la cuestión del daño contractual", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Mauro Bussani, "Las diversidades y el derecho", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Racial Adjudication, Andrew Carlon
Dignity - The Enemy from Within: A Theoretical and Comparative Analysis of Human Dignity as a Free Speech Justification, Guy E. Carmi
Is International Trade Really Making Developing Countries Dirtier and Developed Countries Richer?, Maria Vittoria C. Carminati Garbino
Comparative Consumer Bankruptcy, Durham: Carolina Academic Press
The Iran – U.S. Claims Tribunal and Investment Arbitration: Understanding the Claims Settlement Declaration as a Retrospective BIT, David D. Caron
Towards A Political Theory of International Courts and Tribunals, David D. Caron
Towards A Political Theory of International Courts and Tribunals, David D. Caron
The United States and the 1982 Law of the Sea Treaty, 12 ASIL INSIGHT, Issue 4, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
El Tribunal Constitucional peruano cumple 10 años desde su reinstalacion, Edgar Carpio Marcos and Pedro Grandez Castro
El Tribunal Constitucional peruano cumple 10 años desde su reinstalación, Edgar Carpio Marcos and Pedro Grandez Castro
The Principal-Agent-Client Model and the Southern African Development Community Anti-Corruption Protocol, Indira M. Carr
Fixing Fair Use, Michael W. Carroll
Musicians in Copyright's Federated Domain presented at Duke University School of Law, Michael W. Carroll
Musicians in Copyright's Federated Domain presented at Duke University School of Law, Michael W. Carroll
Patent Injunctions and the Problem of Uniformity Cost, Michael W. Carroll
A Study of Local Governments Participating in the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program and Populations Served, Thomas Lyons Carr III
Deveres Instrumentais e Custos de Transação, Cristiano Carvalho