The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Intellectual Property in Global Sourcing: the Art of the Transfer, Sonia Baldia
Key Issues in Offshore BPO, Sonia Baldia
Knowledge Process Outsourcing to India: Important Considerations for U.S. Companies, Sonia Baldia
Thinking Outside the BPO - KPO to India, Sonia Baldia
Explaining the Spread of At-Will Employment as an Inter-Jurisdictional Race-to-the-Bottom in Employment Standards, Richard A. Bales
Explaining the Spread of At-Will Employment as an Inter-Jurisdictional Race-to-the-Bottom of Employment Standards, Richard A. Bales
Gazing into the Crystal Ball of Future Developments in Delaware Corporate Law: What if the Past is not Prologue?, R. Franklin Balotti and Seth Barrett Tillman
Faculty Math: The Economics of Legalizing the "Grey Album,", Derek Bambauer
Faulty Math: Analyzing Copyright's Economic Calculus for Derivative Works (Invited speaker), Derek Bambauer
Faulty Math: The Economics of Legalizing "The Grey Album", Derek Bambauer
What Ifs and Other Alternative Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw Storie (Moderator), Derek Bambauer
French Judges' Far Reaching Powers in Partners and Shareholders Disputes, Jean-Charles Bancal
Contempt of Court and Criticism of the Judiciary: Tales of Discord between Courts and the Media in India, Arpan Banerjee
Does Santa Have a Color? (A digital video short), Taunya L. Banks
Law of forbidden subsidies under the WTO subsidies and countervailing measures agreement. An analysis of WTO jurisprudence., Juan David Barbosa and Diego Bernal
Arbitraje internacional en materia de impuestos: la cláusula de excepción de tributación, Juan David Barbosa and Wendy Galarza
La Cláusula de Excepción de Tributación en los Tratados de Libre Comercio: El Artículo 22.3 del TLC con EE.UU., Juan David Barbosa and Juan Pablo Godoy
Constitucionalismo y democracia: una perspectiva interamericana, Robert S. Barker
Stability, Activism and Tradition: The Jurisprudence of Costa Rica’s Constitutional Chamber, Robert S. Barker
Why Not Costa Rica? Judging the United States by Foreign Law, Robert S. Barker
Tribal Settlements In The Time Of Growth And Water Supply Uncertainty: The Arizona Water Settlement Act, 2004, Rosalind Heather Bark
'Prima Paint' Pushed Compulsory Aribitration under the 'Erie' Train, Richard L. Barnes
Law as Symbol: Appearances in the Regulation of Investment Advisers and Attorneys, Larry D. Barnett
The Roots of Law, Larry D. Barnett
The People or The State?: Chisholm v. Georgia and Popular Sovereignty, Randy E. Barnett
Preschool Education Studies: A Bibliography Organized by Research Strengths, William S. Barnett
Revving up Head Start: Lessons from recent research., William S. Barnett
Surprising agreement on Head Start: Compli/ementing Curry and Besharov, William S. Barnett
Early childhood program design and economic returns: Comparative benefit-cost analysis of the Abecedarian program and policy implications, William S. Barnett and Leonard Masse
Who Goes to Preschool and Why Does it Matter? (Updated), William S. Barnett and Donald Yarosz
Two-way and monolingual English immersion in preschool education: An experimental comparison., William S. Barnett, Donald J. Yarosz, Jessica Thomas, and Dulce Blanco
Ideology, Propaganda and Legal Discourse in the Argument Culture, David Barnhizer
Reverse Colonization, David Barnhizer
Reverse Colonization: Islam, Honor Cultures and the Confrontation between Divine and Quasi-Secular Natural Law, David Barnhizer
The "Delicately Constituted Fiction" of the Rule of Law, David Barnhizer
Bioethics and Law in the United States: A Legal Process Perspective, Charles H. Baron
Legal Methodologies for Maximizing Freedom of Scientific Research, Charles H. Baron
Twilight in the Zone of Insolvency: Fiduciary Duty and Creditors in Troubled Companies, Royce de R. Barondes, Lisa Fairfax, Lawrence A. Hamermesh, Robert Lawless, Jonathan C. Lipson, and Russell C. Silberglied
Masking Redistribution (or its Absence), Jonathan Baron and Edward J. McCaffery
Starving the beast: The psychology of budget deficits, Jonathan Baron and Edward J. McCaffery
Eight Ways to Defeat or Minimize ERISA Reimbursement Claims, Roger Baron
La teoría de los juegos y el lenguaje institucional, Julia Barragán
A Theory of Procedural Common Law, Amy Coney Barrett
Property and Freedom, Benjamin Barros
El poder de las instituciones, Enrique Barros Bourie
La diferencia entre "estar obligado" y "ser responsable" en el Derecho de los contratos, Enrique Barros Bourie
Reformas judiciales pendientes. Algunas ideas para facilitar la discusión, Enrique Barros Bourie
The Great Alliance: Rationalism, Historicism, and Positivism in the Formation of Modern Law, Paulo Barrozo
When Second Comes First: Correcting Patent’s Poor Secondary Incentives through an Optional Patent Purchase System, Jordan Barry
Do Judges Systematically Favor the Interests of the Legal Profession? , Benjamin H. Barton
Arresting Technology: An Essay, Ann Bartow
Fair Use and the Fairer Sex: Gender, Feminism, and Copyright Law, Ann Bartow
Open Access, Law, Knowledge, Copyrights, Dominance and Subordination, Ann Bartow
The Feminist Pervasion: How Gender-Based Scholarship Informs Law and Law Teaching, Ann Bartow
Trademarks of Privilege: Naming Rights and the Physical Public Domain, Ann Bartow
The Constitutional Structure of Disestablishment, Ian C. Bartrum
Depletion-Safe Tuna: Has the UNCLOS Tribunal Usurped its Members’ Democracy?, Etan M. Basseri
Financing Coffee Farmers in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities, Anne Bastin and Nicola Matteucci
Collection of Consumption Taxation in an E-Commerce Environment , Subhajit Basu
E-Commerce: Taxation Without Representation!, Subhajit Basu
Electronic Government and Digital Inclusion: Examples from India, Subhajit Basu
Global Perspectives on E-Commerce Taxation Law, Subhajit Basu
Impact of E-commerce on Consumers and Small Firms, Subhajit Basu
Queen’s Online for Learning and Teaching in Law in Information Society Module, Subhajit Basu
Regulating Cyberstalking , Subhajit Basu and Richard Jones
Beyond Access: Harmonization of Legal Frameworks to Bridge the Digital Divide in Developing Countries, Subhajit Basu and Joseph Mwaura
Digital Divide in the Digital Age, Subhajit Basu and Joseph Mwaura
Offshore technology outsourcing: overview of management and legal issues, Subhajit Basu and A Pai
Law in the Time of Cholera: Disease, State Power, and Quarantine Past and Future, Felice J. Batlan
Addressing the Incoherency of Judicial Interpretation of the Preemption Provision of the Copyright Act of 1976, Joseph P. Bauer
"Give The Lady What She Wants" -- As Long As It's Macy's, Mark D. Bauer
Whither Dr. Miles?, Mark D. Bauer
Class Actions and Group Litigation in Switzerland, Samuel P. Baumgartner
How Well Do U.S. Judgments Fare in Europe?, Samuel P. Baumgartner
Transnational Litigation in the United States: The Emergence of a New Field of Law (reviewing Gary B. Born & Peter B. Rutledge, International Civil Litigation in the United States (2007))., Samuel P. Baumgartner
Contemporary Legal Lessons from the Holocaust, Michael Bazyler
In the Footsteps of Raphael Lemkin, Michael Bazyler
Book Review: Presidential Defiance of "Unconstitutional" Laws: Reviving the Royal Prerogative, J. Randy Beck
Christian Faith and Political Life: A Dialogue [with Jason Carter], J. Randy Beck
The Essential Holding of Casey: Rethinking Viability, J. Randy Beck
The False Claims Act and the English Eradication of Qui Tam Legislation, J. Randy Beck
The Heart of Federalism: Pretext Review of Means-End Relationships, J. Randy Beck
Challenging Assumptions about Criminal Profiling: Court as Profiler, Sharon Beckman
Works in Progress, Sydney A. Beckman
Advanced Legal Writing Grading Rubric, Sydney Aaron Beckman
Asserting and Overcoming Hearsay Objections in the Electronic Age, Sydney Aaron Beckman
Evidentiary Issues in Bankruptcy Court, Sydney Aaron Beckman
From CD to MP3: Compression in the New Age of Technology (Overlooked Infringement or Fair Use?), Sydney Aaron Beckman
South Carolina Trial Objections - Quick Reference Card, Sydney Aaron Beckman
Texas Trial Objections - Quick Reference Card, Sydney Aaron Beckman
UCCJEA TEXT, Sydney Aaron Beckman
Integrating Feedback: Creating a Response Oasis in an IT Mirage, Sydney Aaron Beckman and Gordon Russell
Integrating Feedback: Creating a Response Oasis in an IT Mirage, Sydney Aaron Beckman and Gordon Russell
Effective Use of "Clickers" in the Classroom, Sydney Aaron Beckman and David Thomson
Where's the Syllogism?: Gonzales, Casey and the Viability Rule, Randy Beck
Disintegration of the CFSP During The War in Iraq, Ekici Behsat
Codifying Copyright's Misuse Defense, Tom W. Bell