The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Princípios e Conseqüências: A Teoria da Escolha Racional como critério de ponderação - introdução ao problema, Cristiano Carvalho
The Juridical Discourse of the World Trade Organization: The Method of Interpretation of the Appellate Body's Reports, Evandro Menezes de Carvalho
El delito de tráfico de drogas y el principio de proporcionalidad, José Theodoro C. Carvalho
Historia de las drogas y de la guerra contra su difusión, José Theodoro C. Carvalho
Intervención de las comunicaciones telefónicas en España, José Theodoro C. Carvalho
La ley antitabaco espanhola y los derechos fundamentales, José Theodoro C. Carvalho
La tenencia de drogas, la cuantidad incautada y la sanción adecuada, José Theodoro C. Carvalho
New York Criminal Law, Eve Cary, Richard A. Greenberg, Lynn W.L. Fahey, and Martin Marcus
New York Criminal Law, Eve Cary, Hon. Martin Marcus, and Lynn W.L. Fehey
Criminal Forfeiture Procedure in 2007: A Survey of Developments in the Case Law, Stefan D. Cassella
Using the Forfeiture Laws to Protect Archaeological Resources, Stefan D. Cassella
A Structuralist Critique of the Journalist's Privilege, John D. Castiglione
Hudson and Samson: The Roberts Court Confronts Privacy, Dignity, and the Fourth Amendment, John D. Castiglione
Hudson and Samson: The Roberts Court Confronts Privacy, Dignity, and the Fourth Amendment, John D. Castiglione
El derecho y la economía de la discriminación legal por edad, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Fragilidade da comunicação entre órgãos jurisdicionais, Alexandre B. Cateb
Poder Judiciário: Fragilidade da Comunicação entre órgãos jurisdicionais, Alexandre B. Cateb
Breves considerações sobre a teoria dos contratos incompletos, Alexandre B. Cateb and José Alberto A. Gallo
Breves anotações sobre a função social da empresa, Alexandre B. Cateb and Fabricio S. Oliveira
“Hands off my taxes!”: a comparative analysis of direct democracy and taxation, Amleto Cattarin
Christian Legal Theory: The Example of Dooyeweerd's Critique of Romanist Individualism and Germanic Communitarianism in Property Law, David S. Caudill
Images of Expertise: Converging Discourses on the Use and Abuse of Science in Massachusetts v. EPA, David S. Caudill
Lacan, Law, and Science: Striking the Balance Between Real and Symbolic, David S. Caudill
Legal Ethics and Scientific Testimony: In Defense of Manufacturing Uncertainty, Deconstructing Experts, and Other Trial Strategies, David S. Caudill
Neo-Calvinism and Science: A Christian Perspective on post-Daubert Law/Science Relations, David S. Caudill
The Year of Truman Capote: Legal Ethics and In Cold Blood, David S. Caudill
Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities as a CLE Ethics Text, David S. Caudill
A norma de configuração do papel social de empresário no direito brasileiro, Cássio Cavalli
A norma de configuração do papel social de empresário no direito brasileiro, Cássio Cavalli
Apontamentos sobre a teoria do estabelecimento empresarial no direito brasileiro, Cássio Cavalli
"Using Connected Legal Writing Assignments to Help Students Think Outside of the Assignment and About the Bigger Picture", Candace Mueller Centeno
Exploring the Obligation to Comply: Investment and WTO law, Julien Chaisse
Growing Misuse of Anti-Dumping Provisions - Analysing Some Pertinent Concerns, Julien Chaisse
Le dossier agricole dans le Round de Doha, Julien Chaisse
Implementing WTO Rules through Negotiations and Sanction: The Role of Trade Policy Review Mechanism and Dispute Settlement System, Julien Chaisse and Debashis Chakraborty
Prospects for a Multilateral Framework on Investment - The Indian Bolt, Julien Chaisse, Debashis Chakraborty, and Arup Guha
L’économie politique du brevet au Sud – Variations indiennes sur le brevet pharmaceutique (in french), Julien Chaisse and Samira Guennif
Present Stakes around Patent Political Economy: Legal and Economic Lessons from the Pharmaceutical Patent Rights in India, Julien Chaisse and Samira Guennif
Science Before Law: American Exceptionalism in the Kyoto Protocol and the Development of a Global Norm of Environmental Compliance, Elizabeth L. Chalecki
Entrepreneurship in Beel Fisheries of Assam: A Case Study of Haribhanga Beel, Ganesh Chandra
काटाल मात्स्यिकी की प्रबंधन प्रणाली -एक अध्यन (Management System of Katal Fisheries: An study), Ganesh Chandra, K K. Sharma, and M. Choudhury
Statement of Steven L. Chanenson Before the United States Sentencing Commission Regarding Retroactivity of Crack Guidelines Amendments, Steven L. Chanenson
Can and Will Information Spur Post-Modern Setencing Reforms?, Steven L. Chanenson and Douglas A. Berman
Federal Cocaine Sentencing in Transition, Steven L. Chanenson and Douglas A. Berman
Asserting Foreign Patent Claims in U.S. Federal Courts: What’s Left after Voda v. Cordis?, Eric D. Chan
The FDA and the Future of the Brain-Computer Interface: Adapting FDA Device Law to the Challenges of Human-Machine Enhancement, Eric D. Chan
Content on the Fly: The Growing Need for Regulation of Video Content Delivered via Cellular Telephony, Jacob M. Chapman
Doomsday: A Look at the Ethical Issues behind the Government's Coercive Powers in Response to a Public Health Nightmare., Jacob M. Chapman
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Sixty: Is It Still Right for the United States?, Tai-Heng Cheng
Dynamic Statutory Drafting: Calculating the Price of Legislative Imprecision, Jim Chen
The New Chinese Property Code: A Giant Step Forward?, Lei Chen
The Unavoidable Necessity of Formalizing Condominium Ownership in China: A Pilot Study, Lei Chen and Hanri Mostert
略论法国行政法中的裁量权及其司法控制 [On the judical control of discretionary power in French administrative law], Yongxi Chen
Prediction Markets and the First Amendment, Miriam A. Cherry
Beyond Conspiracy? Anticipatory Prosecution and the Challenge of Unaffiliated Terrorism, Robert Chesney
Disaggregating Deference: The Judicial Power and Executive Treaty Interpretations, robert chesney
Judicial Review, Combatant Status Determinations, and the Possible Consequences of Boumediene, robert chesney
State Secrets and the Limits of National Security Litigation, robert chesney
The Plot Thickens: The Appellate Brief as Story, Kenneth D. Chestek
The Discourse on Insolvency and Negligence in Eighteenth-Century China, Pengsheng Chiu
Change Distorted Rules, Sungjoon Cho
Doha’s Development, Sungjoon Cho
Of the World Trade Court's Burden, Sungjoon Cho
Remedying Trade Remedies, Sungjoon Cho
The Bush Administration and Democrats Reach a Bipartisan Deal on Trade Policy, Sungjoon Cho
The Bush Administration and Democrats Reach a Bipartisan Deal on Trade Policy, Sungjoon Cho
Toward a New Economic Constitution: Judicial Disciplines on Trade Politics, Sungjoon Cho
Toward an Identity Theory of International Organizations, Sungjoon Cho
Constitutionalism in Divided Societies, Sujit Choudhry
Constitutionalism in Divided Societies, Sujit Choudhry
Does the World Need More Canada? The Politics of the Canadian Model in Constitutional Politics and Political Theory, Sujit Choudhry
Education, Administration, and Justice: Essays in Honour of Frank Iacobucci, Sujit Choudhry
Frank Iacobucci as Constitution-Maker: From the Quebec Veto Reference, to the Meech Lake Accord and the Quebec Secession Reference, Sujit Choudhry
Referendum? What Referendum?, Sujit Choudhry
The Migration of Constitutional Ideas, Sujit Choudhry
Is Every Ballot Equal? Visible Minority Vote Dilution in Canada, Sujit Choudhry and Michael Pal
Commentary on the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Governing the Duties between Lawyer and Client, William J. Chriss
Personhood and the Right to Privacy in Texas, William J. Chriss
Going Back to Kindergarten: Considering the Application of Waldorf Principles to Legal Education, Leah Christensen
Legal Reading and Law School Success: An Empirical Study, Leah M. Christensen
"The Paradox of Legal Expertise: A Study of Experts and Novices Reading the Law", Leah M. Christensen
Navigating the Article Selection Process: An Empirical Study of Those With All the Power--Student Editors, Leah M. Christensen and Julie A. Oseid
Steekpartij voor de spiegel, Jenneke Christiaens
Marshes, Marshes, Marshes: Regulatory Implementation Strategies for Urban Coastal Wetlands, Caleb W. Christopher
The Seas They Are A Changin': Natural Law & Local Custom As Marine Enforcement Strategies for Pacific Island Nations, Caleb W. Christopher
Watts My Line? Energy Generation Siting Strategies for Urban Areas, Caleb W. Christopher
Deposit Insurance Altered the Composition of Bank Suspensions during the 1920s: Evidence from the Archives of the Board of Governors, Ching-Yi Chung and Gary Richardson
Counterproductive and Counterintuitive Counterterrorism: The Post-September 11 Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Marisa Cianciarulo on Matter of A-T-, 24 I. & N. Dec. 296, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Modern-Day Slavery and Cultural Bias: Proposals for Reforming the U.S. Visa System for Victims of International Human Trafficking, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
The Trafficking and Exploitation Victims Assistance Program: A Proposed Early Response Plan for Victims of International Human Trafficking in the United States, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
U Visas and the Law Enforcement Certification Requirement, Marisa S. Cianciarulo and Neda Sargordan
2007 Election Law Issues, Legislation and Reforms, Herb Cihak