About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2008


Of Sovereignty, States, and Standing, Calvin R. Massey

Humancentric applications of RFID implants: the usability contexts of control, convenience and care, Amelia Masters and Katina Michael

Lend me your arms: the use and implications of humancentric RFID, Amelia Masters and Katina Michael


Hedonic Adaptation and the Settlement of Civil Lawsuits, Jonathan S. Masur, John Bronsteen, and Christopher Buccafusco

The 2000 Presidential Election Controversy, Manoj Mate and Matthew Wright


La larga marcha del topo neoliberal y la ideología del reformismo, Ugo Mattei


The economic crisis is showing the decline of western world-wide hegemony - Portuguese translation -, Ugo Mattei

Plunder: when the Rule of Law is Illegal, Ugo Mattei and Laura Nader

Interoperability Provision in Next Generation Communications: The case of Italian DTV, Nicola Matteucci

IPRs Strategies and Open Standards Diffusion in Network Industries, Nicola Matteucci


La televisione digitale terrestre in Italia (Terrestrial Digital TV in Italy), Nicola Matteucci

Multiplatform Competition and State Aid in EU Digital TV: A Comparative Assessment, Nicola Matteucci


Multiplatform Competition and State Aid in EU Digital TV: A Comparative Assessment, Nicola Matteucci


Open Standards and Interoperability in EU Digital TV: Economics and Policy Issues, Nicola Matteucci

Open Standards and Interoperability in EU Digital TV: Economics and Policy issues, Nicola Matteucci

See the complete list of publications at the University's home page, Nicola Matteucci


Hart's 'Postscript' and the Nature of Legal Theory, Matteo Mattioni


Hart's 'Postscript' and the Nature of Legal Theory, Matteo Mattioni


Rättighetssubjekt eller omsorgsobjekt - hand i hand eller stick i stäv? Exemplet barn i institutionsvård, Titti Mattsson


Ungas delaktighet. Exemplet institutionsvård, Titti Mattsson


Children’s Rights to Representation: A Comparison Between Sweden and England, Titti Mattsson and Eva Ryrstedt

Children’s Rights to Representation: A Comparison Between Sweden and England, Titti Mattsson and Eva Ryrstedt

Symbolic Harms, Andrea Matwyshyn

21st Century Leadership. Workshop, Tom Matyók and Sherrill W. Hayes

Closer Look at a Technical Self-Employment Tax Issue, James Edward Maule


Closer Look at a Technical Self-Employment Tax Issue, James Edward Maule

"Deduction Limitations: In General" Tax Management Portfolio Series (in publication stages), James Edward Maule

"Deductions: Overview and Conceptual Aspects," Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule

"The Accelerated Cost of Recovery System (ACRS)," Tax Management Portfolio Series (in publication stages), James Edward Maule

A Modest Proposal? Should NOBC Members Use Rule 5.1 More Proactively? (Panelist), Judith L. Maute


Bar Associations, Self-Regulation and Consumer Protection: Whither Thou Goest?, Judith L. Maute

Change is in the Air: U.K. Legal Services Act (2007), Judith L. Maute

Models of Professional Regulation (Panelist), Judith L. Maute

The Ballad of Willie and Lucille: Disappointed Expectations of Contract Law and of the Legal System (Keynote Luncheon Speaker), Judith L. Maute

The Ballad of Willie and Lucille: Disappointed Expectations of Contract Law and the Legal System (Documentary Film), Judith L. Maute


Ripping Off Grandma and Grandpa without Hurting the Banks of America: Allowing the Elderly and Other Easy Prey to Pay for the Crimes of Immoral Individuals and Institutions, Brett D. Maxfield


The differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells from monkey embryonic stem cells., XiaoCui Ma, Jian Wu, and M A. Zern


El discurso sobre la libertad de la abogacía del canciller Henri François d'Aguesseau traducida al castellano por Antonio López Matoso, abogado de la real audiencia de México (facsímil de edición mexicana de 1812), Alejandro Mayagoitia


Juárez y el Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México: Libertades en jaque en el México liberal, Alejandro Mayagoitia

"Duo erunt in carne una" and the medieval canonists, Laurent Mayali

Duo in Carne Una and the Medieval canonists, Laurent Mayali

The Pulpit, Politics, and Institutional Free Exercise, Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer


What Is This “Lobbying” That We Are So Worried About?, Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer


Schumpeterian Law: Rethinking the Role of Law in Fostering Entrepreneurship, Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger


Climate Change and the Political Question Doctrine, James R. May


Climate Change, Constitutional Consignment, and the Political Question Doctrine, James R. May


Constitutional Climate Change in the Courts, James R. May


Constitutional Law: 2008 Annual Report, James R. May


Of Happy Incidents, Climate, Federalism, and Preemption, James R. May


The Role of Science and Engineering in Water Regulation Over the Past 100 Years, James R. May and Patrick Clary


Brief of Environmental Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents, Entergy v. EPA, ___ U.S. ___, Nos. 07-588, 07-589 and 07-597, James R. May and Jared A. Goldstein


Modifying Fixation: Why Fixed Works Need to be Archived to Justify the Fixation Requirement, Yoav D. Mazeh


Building digital commons through open access management of copyright-related rights, Giuseppe Mazziotti


DRM e abuso di posizione dominante: il caso iTunes, Giuseppe Mazziotti


EU Digital Copyright Law and the End-User, Giuseppe Mazziotti


The Secret Life of Patents (Invited Symposium Contribution) (with Matthew Moore), Jason Mazzone

The Security Constitution, Jason Mazzone

Use of Military Force at Home [Symposium, Guantanamo Bay: The Global Effects of Wrongful Detention, Torture & Unchecked Excecutive Power], Jason Mazzone


Improving the substance and content of civil and political rights under the African human rights system, Morris K. Mbondenyi


The curse of ethnic belonging: An analysis of Kenya’s 2007 post-elections conflicts in the light of democracy and human rights, Morris K. Mbondenyi


Beyond the Prisoners' Dilemma: Coordination, Equity, and Law, Richard H. McAdams


Game Theory and Law: A (Lack of) Progress Report, Richard H. McAdams


The "Foundations" of Anti-Foundationalism -- Or, Taking the Ninth Amendment Lightly: A Comment on Farber's Book on the Ninth Amendment, Thomas B. McAffee

A Consumed Income Tax: A Fair and Simple Plan for Tax Reform, Edward McCaffery

Where's the Sex in Fiscal Sociology? Taxation and Gender in Comparative Perspective, Edward J. McCaffery

Behavioral Public Finance, Edward J. McCaffery

Comments on Liebman and Zeckhauser, Simple Humans, Complex Insurance, Subtle Subsidies, Edward J. McCaffery

Ten Facts About Fundamental Tax Reform, Edward J. McCaffery


Quas Primas and the Economic Ordering of Society for the Social Reign of Christ the King; A Third Perspective on the Bainbridge/Sargent Law and Economics Debate, Brian M. McCall

Quas Primas and the Economic Ordering of Society for the Social Reign of Christ the King: A third perspective on the Bainbridge/Sargent Law and Economics debate, Brian M. McCall

Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury, Brian M. McCall


Unprofitable Lending: Modern Credit Regulation and the Lost Theory of Usury, Brian M. McCall


Neuroscientific Evidence in the Law: Fascinating Science, but to Laymen It's Still Phrenology, John M. McCarthy

Is it the End of Barcodes in Supply Chain Management? , Luke McCathie and Katina Michael


Should Commission of a Contemporaneous Arson, Burglary, Kidnapping, Rape or Robbery be Sufficient to Make a Murderer Eligible for a Death Sentence?--An Empirical and Normative Analysis, David McCord

Integrating paleoecology and genetics of bird populations in two sky island archipelagos, John E. McCormack, Bonnie S. Bowen, and Thomas B. Smith

Mexican jay (Aphelocoma ultramarina), John E. McCormack and L. Jerram Brown

Speciation in the highlands of Mexico: genetic and phenotypic divergence in the Mexican jay (Aphelocoma ultramarina), John E. McCormack, A. Townsend Peterson, E. Bonaccorso, and Thomas B. Smith

Niche expansion leads to small-scale adaptive divergence along an elevation gradient in a medium-sized passerine bird, John E. McCormack and Thomas B. Smith


China and Climate Change: Domestic Environmental Needs, Differentiated International Responsibilities, and Rule of Law Weaknesses, Patricia Ross McCubbin


Blogging: Self Presentation and Privacy, Karen McCullagh


Using Online Surveys in ESLR, Karen McCullagh


What is 'private' data?, Karen McCullagh


2008-2009 Student's Guide to Article 9 and Related Statutes, Elizabeth McCullough

Getting Beyond Religion as Science: "Unstifling" Worldview Formation in American Public Education, Barry McDonald

The Federal Circuit In Bilski: The Machine-or-Transformation Test, Benjamin J. McEniery




Regulation Short-Cut: Re-route Pa. Code Searches to the Internet for Quicker, More Efficient Legal Research, Matthew McGovern


Constitutional Easements: A New Approach to Permanent Monuments in Traditional Public Forums, Paul E. McGreal


Social Capital in Constitutional Law: The Case of Private Norm Enforcement Through Prayer at Public Occasions, Paul E. McGreal


Ecosystem-Based Management and Traditional Property Rights: Some Legal and Policy Issues for Consideration, Chad J. McGuire


Operational Issues in U.S. Fisheries Management: What are some of the Major Scientific, Political, and Legal Hurdles to Implementing Ecosystem-Based Management, Chad J. McGuire and Bradley P. Harris


Rights-Based Fisheries and Ecosystem-Based Management: Maybe Scientists and Fishermen Know the Way?, Chad J. McGuire and Bradley P. Harris

The Back-Ended Issues of U.S. Fisheries Management, Chad J. McGuire and Bradley P. Harris


Marketing to Helicopter Parents: Hovering Headache or Untapped Economic Resource, Oscar T. McKnight, Ronald Paugh, Aaron McKnight, and Heidi Parker

SIFE Ethics Dialogue -- "Ethical Issues and Concerns in Business, Oscar T. McKnight, D Sorrell, C LaFountain, and J Kalamas

Creative License: A Conversation about Music, Sampling and Fair Use, Kembrew McLeod

Freedom of Expression® Als Eingetragenes Markenzeichen/Trademarking Freedom of Expression®, Kembrew McLeod

Humor in Music, Kembrew McLeod

It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back: A Conversation With Public Enemy., Kembrew McLeod