The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Beyond Guantanamo, Obstacles and Options, Greg McNeal
An Abbreviated Legislative History and Timeline Regarding the Development of Section 949(b) of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, Gregory S. McNeal
Beyond Guantanamo, Military Commissions and National Security Courts: Options and Obstacles, Gregory S. McNeal
Cyber Embargo: Countering the Internet Jihad, Gregory S. McNeal
Cyber Embargo: Countering the Internet Jihad, Gregory S. McNeal
The Legal Impact of Homeland Security On Businesses, Gregory S. McNeal
New Research into Fairness in Administrative Hearings, Chris McNeil
Perceptions of Fairness in US State Agency Hearings, Chris McNeil
Public Access and Media Rules for Administrative Adjudicators in High Profile Hearings, Chris McNeil
The Public's Right of Access to "Some Kind of Hearing", Chris McNeil
"The Public's Right of Access to 'Some Kind of Hearing' - Creating Policies that Protect the Right to Observe Agency Hearings", Chris McNeil
Foreword, Kent McNeil
Nudging for Liberty: Values in Libertarian Paternalism, Michael S. McPherson and Matthew A. Smith
Modern Disparities in Legal Education: Emancipation from Racial Neutrality, David Mears
Remedies for Wrong Preliminary Injunctions: The Case for Disgorgement of Profits and only Partial Liability for Harms, Barak Medina and Ofer Grosskopf
Repairing (the Doctrine of) Irreparable Harm: Economic Analysis of Preliminary Injunctions, Barak Medina and Ofer Grosskopf
Copyright and Fair Use in the New Digital Age, Jonathan R. Medina
Legal pluralism and islam in the scales of the European Court of Human Rights : the limits of categrorical balancing, Karen Meerschaut and Serge Gutwirth
Foreword, Michele L. Mekel
La evasión fiscal, un enfoque económico, Pablo Antonio Melo Caraza
Como debelar a atual crise mundial e evitar que novas aconteçam, Lucas Mendes
Esta crise é mais um colapso gerado pelo capitalismo?, Lucas Mendes
Securities Regulation in Low-tier Listing Venues: The rise of the Alternative Investment Market, Jose M. Mendoza
Second Life and Other Virtual Worlds: A Roadmap for Research (Follow-Up Article to the 2007 International Conference on Information Systems Panel), Brian Mennecke, David McNeill, Matthew Ganis, Edward Roche, David A. Bray, Benn Konsynski, Anthony Townsend, and John Lester
Economics of Intellectual Property Law, Robert P. Merges
IP and Business Models: Patent Quality and Reliable Assets, Robert P. Merges
The Concept of Property in the Digital Age, Robert P. Merges
Intellectual property in the new technological age : 2008 case and statutory supplement, Robert P. Merges, Peter Seth Menell, and Mark A. Lemley
Intellectual property in the new technological age : 2008 case and statutory supplement, Robert P. Merges, Peter Seth Menell, and Mark A. Lemley
Thomas Jefferson, Natural Law, and the Problem of Slavery during the Revolutionary Period, William G. Merkel
Az új akadémiai törvény-tervezet margójára, Milan Meszaros
Discovery of new species: The CALIFORNIAN BACKWARD SINGING COYOTE, Milan Meszaros
Inherent Spin Versus Hidden Variables Teorem, Milan Meszaros
John Archibald Wheeler the Noble Titan ("No question? -No answer!"), Milan Meszaros
None of Universe Evolution Models Exist, Milan Meszaros
Spinless Schrödinger Equation No Exist, Milan Meszaros
Lawsuits in Context, Ernest Metzger
A Critical Reassessment of the GAO Bid-Protest Mechanism, Robert Metzger and Daniel Lyons
"William Littell, Kurt X. Metzmeier
Patent Carrots and Sticks: An Economic Model of Nonobviousness, Michael J. Meurer and Katherine J. Strandburg
Judicial Behavior in Israel: A Socio-Cultural Strategic Approach, Assaf Meydani
On Society, Law and Public Policy, Assaf Meydani
Political Entrepreneurs and Electoral Capital: The Case of the Israeli State Economy Arrangement Law, Assaf Meydani
The Feasibility of Regional Elections in Israel, Assaf Meydani
The interrogation policy of the Israeli General Security Service: Between Law and Politics, Assaf Meydani
The Supreme Court Versus The Knesset – A Theory of Moves Perspective, Assaf Meydani and Shlomo Mizrahi
Termination of a Lease Contract: General view from Czech and Illinois Law, Carissa Meyer, Marketa Selucka, and Johan Schweigl
Bruno Salama explica o que é a disciplina Direito e Economia e como sua compreensão pode melhorar nosso entendimento de justiça., Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Como funciona a proteção dos acionistas minoritários de companhias abertas no Brasil? (with Viviane Muller Prado), Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Direito, Justiça e Eficiência: A Perspectiva de Richard Posner, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
O que é Direito e Economia?, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
O que é Pesquisa em Direito e Economia?, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
O que é Pesquisa em Direito e Economia?, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Patent Bargains in NICs: The Case of Brazil, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Patent Bargains in NICs: The Case of Brazil, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
The Protection of Minority Shareholders in Brazil, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Towards a Post-WTO Bargaining Theory: The Case of Patents, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Patent Bargains in NICs: The Case of Brazil, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Daniel Benoliel
A Economia da Arbitragem: Escolha Racional e Geração de Valor, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Antonio Celso Pugliese
In Defense of the International Treaty Arbitration System, Daniel S. Meyers
Customary International Law in the 21st Century, Timothy L. Meyer and Andrew T. Guzman
International Common Law: The Soft Law of International Tribunals, Timothy L. Meyer and Andrew T. Guzman
Engineering Greater Resilience or Radical Transhuman Enhancement?, Andy Miah
Letter to Utopia, Andy Miah
Anti-Corruption Law: Corporate Defences, Imputed Liability and Claim Fustration, Bryane Michael
Anti-Corruption Law in Local Government: Legal Issues related to Ordinance- Design and Municipal-Level Anti-Corruption Agencies in Macedonia, Bryane Michael
Basic Legal Concepts in Anti-Corruption: Defining Jurisdiction, Civil Remedies, and Damages in the Case of Albania, Bryane Michael
Conflict of Interest and Public Party Finance (Corruption Remix), Bryane Michael
How to Draft Comments on Legislation, Bryane Michael
Implementing International AntiCorruption Conventions, Bryane Michael
Jurisdictional Issues in Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement: Issues for Bosnia, Bryane Michael
Model Ethics Office Regulation, Bryane Michael
Organic Regulation Establishing an Internal Affairs Unit in Customs, Bryane Michael
Quantitative Methods of Anti-Corruption Agencies and Internal Security Units, Bryane Michael
The European Law Enforcement Net: Europol and Eurojust, Bryane Michael
The Evolution of the Anti-Corruption Industry in the Third Wave of Anti-Corruption Work, Bryane Michael
Антикорупційні заходи в Україні на придністровському кордоні, Bryane Michael
When EU Law meets Arabic Law: Assessment of Anti-Corruption Law in Morocco and Some Proposed Amendments, Bryane Michael and Abdelaziz Nouaydi
The Paradigm Shift in Transnational Organised Crime, K. Michael
Homo Electricus and the Continued Speciation of Humans, Katina Michael
Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Change in a Leading Telecommunications Equipment Vendor: A Case Study on Southern Networks, Katina Michael
Location-Based Services: a vehicle for IT&T convergence , Katina Michael
Social and Organizational Aspects of Information Security Management, Katina Michael
The importance of conducting geodemographic market analysis on coastal areas: a pilot study using Kiama Council, Katina Michael
Trends in the Selection of Automatic Identification Technology in Electronic Commerce Applications, Katina Michael
The use of information and communication technology for the preservation of Aboriginal culture: the Badimaya people of Western Australia, Katina Michael and L. Dunn
Applications of Human Transponder Implants in Mobile Commerce, Katina Michael and Amelia Masters
Realized Applications of Positioning Technologies in Defense Intelligence, Katina Michael and Amelia Masters
The advancement of positioning technologies in defense intelligence, Katina Michael and Amelia Masters
The pros and cons of RFID in supply chain management, Katina Michael and Luke McCathie
The emerging ethics of humancentric GPS tracking and monitoring, Katina Michael, Andrew McNamee, and M G. Michael
Location-Based Intelligence – Modeling Behavior in Humans using GPS, Katina Michael, Andrew McNamee, M G. Michael, and Holly Tootell