The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Residential Landlord-Tenant Appeals in the Appellate Term—Part III, Gerald Lebovits
Residential Landlord-Tenant Appeals in the Appellate Term—Part IV, Gerald Lebovits
Section 8: New York's Legal Landscape—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Section 8: New York's Legal Landscape—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
Section 8: New York's Legal Landscape—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
Single Room Occupancy Law in New York City, Gerald Lebovits
Winning Oral Argument: Do's and Don'ts, Gerald Lebovits
Write to Win, Gerald Lebovits
Book Review of Thomas J. Davis, Race Relations in America: A Reference Guide with Primary Documents, Brant T. Lee
Freedom of the Press 2.0, Edward Lee
Freedom of the Press 2.0, Edward Lee
Introduction: The Future of Patent Reform (symposium), Edward Lee
Warming Up to User-Generated Content, Edward Lee
Contracting to Preserve Open Science: The Privatization of Public Policy in Patent Law, Peter Lee
Contracting to Preserve Open Science: The Privatization of Public Policy in Patent Law, Peter Lee
The Evolution of Intellectual Infrastructure, Peter Lee
Civic Engagement as a Pathway to Partisanship Acquisition for Asian Americans, Taeku Lee
Elite Opinion Theory and Activated Mass Opinion, Taeku Lee
Politics, Asian American, Taeku Lee
Race, Immigration, and the Identity-to-Politics Link, Taeku Lee
Judicial Pragmatism, Arthur G. LeFrancois
Lyons v. Oklahoma, 322 U.S. 596 (1944), Arthur G. LeFrancois
Skinner v. Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535 (1942), Arthur G. LeFrancois
The Formal Structure of Patent Law and the Limits of Enablement, Jeffrey A. Lefstin
Mixing Property, Amnon Lehavi
The Property Puzzle, Amnon Lehavi
Substance or Illusion? The Dangers of Imposing a Standing Threshold, Amanda Leiter
Technologies de l’information et droit : Défis, conflits, complémentarités, Daniel Le Métayer and Antoinette Rouvroy
Amicu s Curiae Brief to US Supreme Court in People v. Dwayne Giles , along with DV LEAP,Legal Momentum, and Bingham McCutchen, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Does Form Follow Function?: Academic Law Libraries' Ogranizational Structures for Collection Development, Connie Lenz and Helen Wohl
Does Form Follow Function?: Academic Law Libraries' Ogranizational Structures for Collection Development, Connie Lenz and Helen Wohl
Constraints and Opportunities for Courts, J. Rich Leonard
History and Current Renovations of The Century Station Federal Building, J. Rich Leonard
Modification of Home Mortgages in Bankruptcy Cases, J. Rich Leonard
Organization and Jurisdiction of the United States Bankruptcy Court, J. Rich Leonard
The Saucier Qualified Immunity Experiment: An Empirical Analysis, Nancy Leong
Inflando los resarcimientos con automatismos. El daño al proyecto de vida y otros espejismos de la magistratura peruana, Leysser L. Leon
Police Interrogation and American Justice, Richard Leo
Crowning the New King: The Statutory Arbitrator and the Demise of Judicial Review, Michael H. LeRoy
Do Courts Create Moral Hazard? When Judges Nullify Employer Liability in Arbitrations: An Empirical Analysis, Michael H. LeRoy
Moreau Lislet: The Man Behind the Digest of 1808, Alain Levasseur and Vicenç Feliú
Saiban In Seido: Lost in Translation?, Douglas G. Levin
Can Prosecutors Be Social Workers?, Kay L. Levine
The External Evolution of Criminal Law, Kay L. Levine
The Food Stays in the Kitchen: Everything I Needed to Know About Statutory Interpretation I Learned by the Time I was Nine, Hillel Levin
A Critique of the American Bankers Association's Study on Credit Card Regulation, Adam J. Levitin
Priceless? The Competitive Costs of Credit Cards, Adam J. Levitin
Priceless? The Social Costs of Credit Card Merchant Restraints, Adam J. Levitin
The Effect of Bankruptcy Strip-Down on Mortgage Markets, Adam J. Levitin and Joshua Goodman
Mega-Cases, Diversity, and the Elusive Goal of Workplace Reform, Nancy Levit
Happy Law Students, Happy Lawyers, Nancy Levit and Douglas Linder
Law prof adds hid voice to ongoing conversation on race, Hope Lewis
"New" human rights : U.S. ambivalence toward the international economic and social rights framework, Hope Lewis
Comedy or Tragedy: The Tale of Diversity Jurisdiction Removal and the One-Year Bar, Michael W. Lewis
Comedy or Tragedy: The Tale of Diversity Jurisdiction Removal and the One-Year Bar, Michael W. Lewis
Droits de l'homme, droits du citoyen: les présupposés de la jurisprudence américaine et européenne, Gregory Lewkowicz
2008-09 CNU blog posts, Michael Lewyn
2008 CNU blog posts, Michael Lewyn
Circular Logic, Michael E. Lewyn
How Dangerous Is Jacksonville?, Michael E. Lewyn
Jacksonville: Not So Driver Friendly, Michael E. Lewyn
Life After Oil, Michael E. Lewyn
Lots of It, Michael E. Lewyn
Pedestrian Safety is Not A Tort, Michael E. Lewyn
Sprawl In Europe And America, Michael E. Lewyn
Sprawl, Y'All, Michael E. Lewyn
The Road Not Taken, Michael E. Lewyn
Why Pedestrian-Friendly Street Design is Not Negligent, Michael E. Lewyn
Why Pedestrian-Friendly Street Design Is Not Negligent, Michael E. Lewyn
The Medium of Exchange Paradigm: A Fresh Look at Compensated Live-Organ Donation, Dean Lhospital
The Medium of Exchange Paradigm: A Fresh Look at Compensated Live-Organ Donation, Dean Lhospital
The CFI Microsoft Judgment and TRIPS Competition Flexibilities, Hans Henrik Lidgard
Are there general principles of community law affecting private law?, Hans Henrik Lidgard and Xavier Groussot
CERCLA's Cost Recovery Statute of Limitations: Closing the Books or Waiting for Godot?, Alfred Light
Beyond the Myth of Everglades Settlement: The Need for a Sustainability Jurisprudence, Alfred R. Light
CERCLA's Cost Recovery Statute of Limitations: Closing the Books or Waiting for Godot?, Alfred R. Light
CERCLA's Wooden Iron: The Contribution Counterclaim, Alfred R. Light
Research in the Wild: CALR and the Role of Informal Apprenticeship in Attorney Training, Judith Lihosit
Kas Paabeli torn? Mõned märkused rahvusvaheliste lepingute erikeelsete tekstide õigusliku tähenduse kohta, Rain Liivoja
Review of "UN Peacekeeping in Lebanon, Somalia and Kosovo: Operational and Legal Issues in Practice" by Ray Murphy, Rain Liivoja
The Scope of the Supremacy Clause of the United Nations Charter, Rain Liivoja
Le droit comme objet de conflit culturel anglo-français dans la Palestine mandataire, Assaf Likhovski
Two Horwitzian Journeys, Assaf Likhovski
Venus in Czernowitz: Sacher-Masoch, Ehrlich and the Fin de Siècle Crisis of Legal Reason, Assaf Likhovski
The Legacy of English Tax Law in Israel, Assaf Likhovski, Tsilly Dagan, and Yoram Margalioth
The Puzzle of Privileges in Interstate Litigation, Graham C. Lilly
Neither Sheep Nor Peacocks: T.O. Elias and Post-Colonial International Law, Chin Leng Lim
Evangelizing Climate Change, Albert C. Lin
Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason: Why Dynamic or Static Approaches Should be Taken in the Interpretation of Treaties, Ulf Linderfalk
Who are ‘the parties’? Article 31 § 3(c) of the 1969 Vienna Convention, and the ‘Principle of Systemic Integration’ Revisited, Ulf Linderfalk
The FLSA in the Virtual Office: How Employers Can Ensure They Have Fully Compensated Their Non-exempt Employees in the Age of the BlackBerry, Jessica Linehan and JoAnne Sweeny
Effects of Reproductive and Demographic Changes on Breast Cancer Incidence in China: A Modeling Analysis, Eleni Linos, Demetri Spanos, Bernard A. Rosner, Katerina Linos, Therese Hesketh, Jian Ding Qu, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng, and Graham A. Colditz
Billy Budd, Joseph Story, and Racial Liberals Frying Fish--A Polemical Essay, Peter Linzer
Op-Ed., Signing Statements Risk Abuse of Power, Robert Justin Lipkin
Unconstitutional on its Face, Robert Justin Lipkin