The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
The MCS and Enforcement Regime, Rosemary Rayfuse and Evelyne Meltzer
Inside the Marble Palace: The Domestication of the Supreme Court (reviewing Christopher Buckley, Supreme Courtship), Laura K. Ray
Looking for Trouble: Framing and the Dignitary Interest in the Law of Self-Defense, Margaret Raymond
Recognition of Overseas Same Sex Marriages: A Matter of Equality and Sound Statutory interpretation, Dr Leonardo J. Raznovich
How a Mediation Clinic Can Inform the Curriculum, Dr Leonardo J. Raznovich and Ben Waters
Interoperability: Intellectual Property vs. Anti-Trust, Kevin W. Reckamp
Evidence-Based Sentencing: The Science of Sentencing Policy and Practice, Richard E. Redding
The President's Brain (No, Not Karl Rove): How Bush’s Psyche Shaped His Decision-Making, Richard E. Redding
The Psychology of Political Correctness, Richard E. Redding
The Effects of Different Forms of Risk Communication on Judicial Decision Making, Richard E. Redding and John Dolores
Alford pleas in the age of innocence, Allison D. Redlich and Asil Ozdogru
Political Advertisements in the Era of Fleeting Indecent Images and Utterances, LaVonda N. Reed-Huff
Parallel Lines Never Meet: Why the Military Disability Retirement and Veterans Affairs Department Claim Adjudication Systems Are a Failure, Thomas J. Reed
Comment: The Ninth Circuit’s en banc Ruling in United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc. Sets New Rules for Computer Searches, but for How Long?, Derek Regensburger
Comment: The Ninth Circuit’s en banc Ruling in United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc. Sets New Rules for Computer Searches, but for How Long?, Derek Regensburger
Empathy and Pragmatism in the Choice of Constitutional Norms for Religious Land Use Disputes, Elizabeth Reilly
Infinite Hope-- Introduction to the Symposium: the 140th Anniversary of the Fourteenth Amendment, Elizabeth Reilly
The Union as it Wasn't and the Constitution as it Isn't: Section Five and Altering the Balance of Power, Elizabeth Reilly
Marks of Mayhem & Murder: When a Few Bad "Mongols" Spoil the Bunch, Should the Government Seize a Motorcycle Association's Registered Trademark?, Tracy L. Reilly
Any Real Men Left in Britain?, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Federal Fraud: Porn Addicts at NSF, Judith A. Reisman PhD
'Free Love' '60s? Not Quite, Judith A. Reisman PhD
GLSEN and the Hitler Youth, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Hello Bunny!: Playboy Utilizes Spencer's Gifts and Kiddie Designs at Your Local Shopping Mall, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Kinsey's Sex in the Pulpit, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Obama's Injuctice Department, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Obama's Porn Lawyer a National Security Risk, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Picture Poison: Viewing Pornography for A Living Can Be Deadly, Judith A. Reisman
Playboyt Targets Kids by Stripping Marge Simpson, Judith A. Reisman PhD
The First High Court [Australian] Judge to Declare His Homosexuality, Has Paid Emotional Tribute to Alfred Kinsey, Judith A. Reisman PhD
The Kinsey/Planned Parenthood/Big Pornography Morality Heist, Judith A. Reisman PhD
TV Broadcast on School Violence, Judith A. Reisman PhD
What Sexual 'Freedom' has Wrought, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Coming Out of Conservatorship: Developing an Exit Strategy for Fannie and Freddie, David J. Reiss
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Future of Federal Housing Finance Policy:, David J. Reiss
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Future of Federal Housing Finance Policy: A Study of Regulatory Privilege, David J. Reiss
Rating Agencies and Reputational Risk, David J. Reiss
Ratings Failure: The Need for A Consumer Protection Agenda in Rating Agency Regulation, David J. Reiss
The Role of the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Duopoly in the American Housing Market, David J. Reiss
Account Me In: Agencies in Quest of Accountability, Dorit R. Reiss
Collecting a Libel Tourist's Defamation Judgment?, Doug Rendleman
Collecting a Libel Tourist's Defamation Judgment?, Doug Rendleman
Punitive Damages - Something for Everyone?, Doug Rendleman
The privacy-value-control harmonization for RFID adoption in retail, B. D. Renegar and Katina Michael
The privacy-value-control harmonization for RFID adoption in retail, Ben D. Renegar and K. Michael
Do We Need the Estate and Gift Tax?, James R. Repetti
The Uneasy Case for Efficiency in Tax Policy, James R. Repetti
The Estate Tax Non-Gap: Why Repeal a 'Voluntary' Tax?, James R. Repetti and Paul L. Caron
Federal Wealth Transfer Taxation: Cases and Materials, James R. Repetti, Paul R. McDaniel, and Paul L. Caron
El Defensor protagonista, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
A Half Century of the Maryland Law Review, William L. Reynolds
Foreword: The Legal History of the Great Sit-In Case of Bell v. Maryland, William L. Reynolds
Judicial Process in a Nutshell, William L. Reynolds
Legal Process and Choice of Law, William L. Reynolds
Luther Martin, Maryland and the Constitution, William L. Reynolds
Maryland and the Constitution of the United States: an Introductory Essay, William L. Reynolds
The Continued Importance of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, William L. Reynolds
The Court of Appeals of Maryland: Roles, Work and Performance - Part I, William L. Reynolds
The Court of Appeals of Maryland: Roles, Work and Performance - Part II: Craftsmanship and Decision-Making, William L. Reynolds
The Iron Law of Full Faith and Credit, William L. Reynolds
Who Are the Juristocrats? Guerrilla Warfare among the Courts, William L. Reynolds
Survey of the Law of Cyberspace: Electronic Contracting Cases 2008-2009, William L. Reynolds and Juliet M. Moringiello
Survey of the Law of Cyberspace: Internet Contracting Cases 2004-2005, William L. Reynolds and Juliet M. Moringiello
The Full Faith and Credit Clause: a Reference Guide to the United States Constitution, William L. Reynolds and William M. Richman
A Practitioner's Guide to the Maryland Antitrust Act, William L. Reynolds and James D. Wright
Equal Divisions in the Supreme Court: History, Problems, and Proposals, William L. Reynolds and Gordon G. Young
A Price Theory of Legal Bargaining: An Inquiry into the Selection of Settlement and Litigation Under Uncertainty, Robert J. Rhee
A Principled Solution for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims, Robert J. Rhee
A Production Theory of Pure Economic Loss, Robert J. Rhee
Bonding Limited Liability, Robert J. Rhee
Bonding Limited Liability, Robert J. Rhee
Catastrophic Loss, Alternative Risk Transfer, and Terrorism Insurance, Robert J. Rhee
Catastrophic Risk and Governance After Hurricane Katrina: a Postscript to Terrorism Risk in a Post-9/11 Economy, Robert J. Rhee
Corporate Ethics, Agency, and the Theory of the Firm, Robert J. Rhee
Insurance for Acts of Terrorism, Robert J. Rhee
Participation and Disintermediation in a Risk Society, Robert J. Rhee
Probability, Policy and the Problem of Reference Class, Robert J. Rhee
Terrorism Risk in a Post-9/11 Economy: The Convergence of Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Action, Robert J. Rhee
The Application of Finance Theory to Increased Risk Harms in Toxic Tort Litigation, Robert J. Rhee
The Effect of Risk on Legal Valuation, Robert J. Rhee
The Madoff Scandal, Market Regulatory Failure and the Business Education of Lawyers, Robert J. Rhee
The Madoff Scandal, Market Regulatory Failure and the Business Education of Lawyers, Robert J. Rhee
The Socratic Method and the Mathematical Heuristic of George Polya, Robert J. Rhee
Tort Arbitrage, Robert J. Rhee
Toward Procedural Optionality: Private Ordering of Public Adjudication, Robert J. Rhee
Formação da Comunidade Européia: Cristianismo e democracia na Declaração de Robert Schuman, Daniela Menengoti Ribeiro
A inconstitucionalidade da negativa da cidadania italiana por via maternal: A lei italiana e as decisões contemporâneas, Daniela Menengoti Ribeiro and Daniel Patroni
A Submission to the House Standing Committee on Procedure Inquiry into the Effectiveness of House Committees, Simon Rice and Matthew Rimmer
A Submission to the House Standing Committee on Procedure Inquiry into the Effectiveness of House Committees, Simon Rice and Matthew Rimmer
The Evolution and Anatomy of Recent Climate Change Bills in the U.S. Senate: Critque ad Recommendations, Kenneth R. Richards
Privacy and the Limits of History, Neil M. Richards
Rethinking Free Speech and Civil Liability, Neil M. Richards and Daniel J. Solove
Intensified Regulatory Scrutiny and Bank Distress in New York City during the Great Depression,” with Patrick Van Horn, Gary Richardson
Making Property Productive: Reorganizing Rights to Real and Equitable Estates in Britain, 1660 to 1830, Gary Richardson
Religion, Longevity, and Cooperation: The Case of the Craft Guild, Gary Richardson
Legitimacy, Court Experts and the Lens of the Past: Narratives of Impropriety in a Schools Desegregation Suit, Anne Richardson Oakes
Pedagogy of Rape Shield Laws: Using Procedure to Teach Doctrine, Lisa A. Rich
Understanding Conflict of Laws, William M. Richman and William L. Reynolds
Sir William Schwenck Gilbert and the Illogic of the Law.pdf, Michael L. Richmond