The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
The New Originalism Meets the Fourteenth Amendment: Original Public Meaning and the Problem of Incorporation, Lawrence Rosenthal
Restoring Equal Justice: Towards General Progressive Fee Shifting, Issachar Rosen-Zvi
Cutting Funding for Oral Contraceptives: Violation of Equal Protection Rights and the Disparate Impact on Women's Healthcare, rachel v. rose
Poor Prognosis for Increasing Numbers of Medicare Recipients, If Reimbursement to Providers Continues to Under Pace the Rate of Inflation., rachel v. rose
Poor Prognosis for Increasing Numbers of Medicare Recipients, If Reimbursement to Providers Continues to Under Pace the Rate of Inflation., rachel v. rose
Poor Prognosis for Increasing Numbers of Medicare Recipients, If Reimbursement to Providers Continues to Under Pace the Rate of Inflation., Rachel V. Rose
Minor v. Happersett, Bertrall L. Ross
Republican Party of Minnesota v. White, Bertrall L. Ross
United Jewish Organization v. Carey, Bertrall L. Ross
Assumptions Regarding Indians and Judicial Humility: Thoughts from a Property Law Lens, Ezra Rosser
On Becoming ‘Professor’: A Semi-Serious Look in the Mirror, Ezra Rosser
Painting Preemption with the Wrong Brush: The Misapplication of the Preemption Doctrines in Von Saher v. Norton Simon Museum of Art, Alexis H. Rossman
Judicial Review of NCAA Decisions: Evaluation of the Restitution Rule and a Call for Arbitration, Stephen F. Ross
The effects of suspension of punishment in penal law., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Safety in Numbers?: Deciding When DNA Alone Is Enough To Convict, Andrea L. Roth
Safety in Numbers?: Deciding When DNA Alone Is Enough To Convict, Andrea L. Roth
Safety in Numbers?: Deciding When DNA Alone Is Enough To Convict, Andrea L. Roth
Safety in Numbers?: Deciding When DNA Alone Is Enough To Convict, Andrea L. Roth
Tributes to Professor Andy King, Karen H. Rothenberg, William L. Reynolds, Jana B. Singer, Gordon G. Young, and David Rosen
Tributes to Professor Andy King, Karen H. Rothenberg, William L. Reynolds, Jana B. Singer, Gordon G. Young, and David Rosen
The limits of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: Defining bays and redefining regulatory control, Donald R. Rothwell and Brad Jessup
Dormant Commerce Clause, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Transparency, Judicial Ethics, and a Judicial Solution: An Inspector General for the Courts, Ronald D. Rotunda
Kenneth W. Starr: A Biography, Ronald D. Rotunda
Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Professional Responsibility: A Student's Guide, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Catholic Social Teaching and Global Migration: Bridging the Paradox of Universal Human Rights and Territorial Self-Determination, Vincent D. Rougeau
Real Americans, Real Catholics: Race, Religion and the 2008 Election, Vincent D. Rougeau
Reforming the Legal Profession through Faith-Based Service Learning for Law Students: Notre Dame's 'Just Communities' Project, Vincent D. Rougeau
Carlene, consent, and concurrent majorities: democracy versus equality under law, Tom Round
Carlene, consent, and concurrent majorities: democracy versus equality under law, Tom Round
Carlene, consent, and concurrent majorities: democracy versus equality under law, Tom Round
Representation-reinforcement and Australian constitutionalism, Tom Round
Representation-reinforcement and Australian constitutionalism, Tom Round
Gouverner: détecter et prévenir!, Antoinette Rouvroy
Governmentality in an Age of Autonomic Computing. Technology, Virtuality and Utopia., Antoinette Rouvroy
Inconscience de la norme et efficacité: data-mining, profilage et environnements intelligents., Antoinette Rouvroy
Multimodal Interactions of and Observation of Users in a Controlled Environment (MIAUCE), Antoinette Rouvroy
Multimodal Interactions of and Observation of Users in a Controlled Environment (MIAUCE), Antoinette Rouvroy
Regulation through law vs. regulation through technology: the virtues of the explicit., Antoinette Rouvroy
Technology, Virtuality and Utopia., Antoinette Rouvroy
Technology, Virtuality and Utopia. Governmentality in an Age of Autonomic Computing., Antoinette Rouvroy
Détecter et prévenir : de la digitalisation des corps et de la docilité des normes., Antoinette Rouvroy and Thomas Berns
Le corps statistique, Antoinette Rouvroy and Thomas Berns
Le droit à l'autodétermination informationnelle et la valeur du développement personnel: une réévaluation de l'importance du droit à la protection de la vie privée pour la démocratie., Antoinette Rouvroy and Yves Poullet
The right to informational self-determination and the value of self-development. Reassessing the importance of privacy for democracy., Antoinette Rouvroy and Yves Poullet
A Sociological Approach to Misappropriation, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Contributory Negligence, Technology, and Trade Secrets, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Jon & Kate Plus the State: Why Congress Should Protect Children in Reality Programming, Dayna B. Royal
Take Your Gun To Work and Leave it in the Parking Lot: Why the OSH Act does not Preempt State Guns-at-Work Laws, Dayna B. Royal
Foss Vs Harbottle, Sujata Roy
Book Review: Margaret L. Moses, The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration (New York: Cambridge Univ. Press 2008), Paul G. Rozelle
Book Review: Margaret L. Moses, The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration (New York: Cambridge Univ. Press 2008), Paul G. Rozelle
La Mauvaise Qualité de la Loi : Vagueness Doctrine at The French Constitutional Council, Patricia RRAPI
Facilitating Wage Theft: How Courts Use Procedural Rules to Undermine Substantive Rights of Low-Wage Workers, Nantiya Ruan
Why Federalism Matters: Implications for Tax Policy, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Robert P. Inman
Liberalization of SGEIs in European Union, Nicola Ruccia
Massive Problems in the Administrative State: Strategies for Whittling Away, J.B. Ruhl and James E. Salzman
La marca renombrada, ¿un obstaculo a la libre competencia?, Salvador Francisco Ruiz Medrano
Régimen Jurídico de los inventores sujetos a una relación de trabajo, especial referencia a trabajadores de universidades., Salvador Francisco Ruiz Medrano Dr. and Lourdes Sánchez Díaz de León Mtra.
A Proposal to Regulate Farm Animal Confinement and Overview of Current and Proposed Laws, Elizabeth Rumley
AALL Academic Law Library Special Interest Section’s Task Force on the ABA Standards Review, Gordon R. Russell
Exporting Class Actions to the European Union, Tiana Leia Russell
vsdfjkvsdjkvnsd, Luigi Russi
Beyond I-Got-Mine-Jack Health Care, Erin Ryan
Breaking Ground on the New Green Deal, Erin Ryan
How the New Federalism Failed Katrina Victims, Erin Ryan
Separate Representation and Family Courts – do we need it in the Nordic Countries?, Eva Ryrstedt
The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, Happiness…and Fairness? Property Division in American and English Big Money Divorce Cases, Margaret Ryznar
To Work, or Not to Work? The Immortal Tax Disincentives for Married Women, Margaret Ryznar
To Have and to Hold, for Richer or Richer: Premarital Agreements in the Comparative Context, Margaret Ryznar and Anna Stępień-Sporek
Comentario al libro "Testamento: Disposizioni generali" del profesor Stefano delle Monache, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
De los periodos precontractuales y de su verdadera y exacta explicación cientifica: Una aproximacion a la propuesta teorica de Gabriele Faggela, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
La diligencia o la imposibilidad: ¿Cuál de ellos es el verdadero criterio de exoneración de responsabilidad contractual?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
La responsabilidad precontractual en debate: Panorama de la doctrina jurídica nacional, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Israeli Constitutional law and Citizenship Erosion: Transfer of Populated territory and Oath of Allegiance, ilan saban
Full Faith and Credit in the Early Congress, Stephen E. Sachs
The effects of exaggeration in labor lawsuits in Mexico, Joyce Sadka, Alexander Gotthard, and David Kaplan
Hyperownership in a Time of Biotechnological Promise: The International Conflict to Control the Building Blocks of Life, Sabrina Safrin
Treaties in Collision: The Biosafety Protocol and the World Trade Organization Agreements, Sabrina Safrin
Proliferating Rules of Per se Legality in Antitrust: The Great Swiss Cheese and the Myth of Theoretical Unification, Chris Sagers
Marco Jurídico-Político de la Puebla de los Ángeles en 1808, Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
Transformacion_de_Sociedades_y_Otras_Per.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Are Legal Transplants Impossible?, Mohammad Rizal Salim
Are Legal Transplants Impossible?, Mohammad Rizal Salim