The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Rediscovering Human rights From Critical Legal Perspective, Durgambini Arun Patel
Gender Mainstreaming in Social Protection by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Getting Foothold in Politics: Women in Political Decision Making Process, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Neera Desai (1925-2009): Pioneer of Women’s Studies in India, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prison Sentencing and Confinement for Child Sex Offenders, Steven Patrick and Robert Marsh
Peru (Anti-Cartel Enforcement), Carlos A. Patrón
Regístrame, Pezweón, Carlos A. Patrón and Oscar Sumar
Volunteer motivation and demographic influences at a professional tennis event, Gina Pauline and Jeffrey S. Pauline
Comparative Law – Preparatory Study Group Report, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
Preliminary Abstract 1, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
Collusion in Convergent Markets, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Crisis Económica y Política Antimonopolios, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Crisis Económica y Política de Competencia en México, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
On Refusals to Deal in the European Competition Regime, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Sanciones Económicas y Compensación de Daños en el Régimen de Competencia Mexicano, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Peru (Mergers & Acquisitions Review), José Antonio Payet, Carlos A. Patrón, and Susan Castillo
Capitalización e Inversión, la Única Salida de la Pobreza, Luis Pazos de la Torre
Capitalización e inversión, única salida de la pobreza, Luis Pazos de la Torre
Contaminación y mercado, Luis Pazos de la Torre
Contaminación y Mercado, Luis Pazos de la Torre
De crisis financiera a recesión, Luis Pazos de la Torre
Diez Mentiras Sobre los Impuestos, Luis Pazos de la Torre
El mito de la educación gratuita, Luis Pazos de la Torre
La crisis y cómo librarla, Luis Pazos de la Torre
La venganza del mercado, Luis Pazos de la Torre
¿Quién decide en México?, Luis Pazos de la Torre
¿Quién decide en México?, Luis Pazos de la Torre
Landscape genetics of California mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus): The roles of ecological and historical factors in generating differentiation, Katherine M. Pease, Adam H. Freedman, John P. Pollinger, John E. McCormack, Wolfgang Buermann, Jeff Rodzen, Jim Banks, Erin Meredith, Vernon C. Bleich, Robert J. Schaefer, Ken Jones, and Robert K. Wayne
Prophetic or Misguided? The Fifth Circuit’s (Increasingly) Unpopular Approach to the Work Product Doctrine, Claudine Pease-Wingenter
Leveling the Playing Field in GMO Risk Assessment: Importers, Exporters and the Limits of Science, Alison Peck
Review essay on Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen, Amy L. Peikoff
Skeptical Environmentalist or Statistical Spin-Doctor?: Bjørn Lomborg and the Relationship Between Environmental Law and Environmental Progress, Robert Percival
Testimony of Robert V. Percival Regarding the Scope of Federal Jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act, Robert Percival
21世纪环境法展望 (Environmental Law in the 21st Century), Robert V. Percival
Checks Without Balance: Executive Office Oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency, Robert V. Percival
Conservation and Renewable Energy Sources as Supply Alternatives for New York's Electric Utilities, Robert V. Percival
El Surgimiento del Derecho Ambiental Global, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Federalism: Historical Roots and Contemporary Models, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Law in the Supreme Court: Highlights from the Blackmun Papers, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Law in the Supreme Court: Highlights From the Marshall Papers, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Law in the Twenty-First Century, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Legislation and the Problem of Collective Action, Robert V. Percival
Global Environmental Accountability: The Missing Link, Robert V. Percival
"Greening" the Constitution - Harmonizing Environmental and Constitutional Values, Robert V. Percival
Massachusetts v EPA: Escaping the Common Law's Growing Shadow, Robert V. Percival
Overcoming Interpretive Formalism: Legislative Reversals of Judicial Constructions of Sovereign Immunity Waivers in the Environmental Statutes, Robert V. Percival
Presidential Management of the Administrative State: the Not-so-Unitary Executive, Robert V. Percival
Protecting Coastal and Estuarine Resources - Confronting the Gulf Between the Promise and Product of Environmental Regulation, Robert V. Percival
Regulatory Evolution and the Future of Environmental Policy, Robert V. Percival
Resolución de Conflictos Ambientales: Lecciones Aprendidas de la Historia de la Contaminación de las Fundiciones de Minerales, Robert V. Percival
Responding to Environmental Risk: A Pluralistic Perspective, Robert V. Percival
Restoring Regulatory Policy to Serve the Public Interest, Robert V. Percival
Risk Based Decision-making at the Environmental Protection Agency, Robert V. Percival
Separation of Powers, the Presidency and the Environment, Robert V. Percival
Still Needed: Enforcement, Public Role, Robert V. Percival
The Bounds of Consent: Consent Decrees, Settlements and Federal Environmental Policy Making, Robert V. Percival
The Challenge of Chinese Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
The Clean Water Act and the Demise of the Federal Common Law of Interstate Nuisance, Robert V. Percival
The Ecology of Environmental Conflict: Risk, Uncertainty and the Transformation of Environmental Policy Disputes, Robert V. Percival
The Frictions of Federalism: The Rise and Fall of the Federal Common Law of Interstate Nuisance, Robert V. Percival
The Globalization of Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
The Role of the Council on Competitiveness in Regulatory Review, Robert V. Percival
Water Pollution Control: Lessons from Transnational Experience, Robert V. Percival
Who's Afraid of the Precautionary Principle?, Robert V. Percival
Law and the Environment: a Multidisciplinary Reader, Robert V. Percival and Dorothy C. Alevizatos
Escaping the Common Law's Shadow: Standing in the Light of Laidlaw, Robert V. Percival and Joanna B. Goger
The Role of Attorney Fee Shifting in Public Interest Litigation, Robert V. Percival and Geoffrey P. Miller
Environmental Law: Statutory and Case Supplement with Internet Guide, 2009-2010, Robert V. Percival and Christopher H. Schroeder
Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy, Robert V. Percival, Christopher H. Schroeder, Alan S. Miller, and James P. Leape
NOTA SOBRE RELIGIOSIDAD Y DEMOCRACIA [final proofs], Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut
Religiosidad, Democracia, Laicismo, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut
Religiosidad, Democracia, Laicismo, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut
Religiosidad, Democracia, Laicismo, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut
Substance Abuse in America: Then and Now, Edward Perez
“Imaginando historias feministas a ambos lados del Estrecho: Las escritoras españolas se enfrentan al racismo”, Gema Pérez-Sánchez
Hobbes: Caos de la conepción liberal, Alejandro Pérez y Soto Dominguez
Impairment, Disability and the Legal Construction of Disability in the United States and Europe, Vlad Perju
Invited Participant: Conference on Comparative Administrative Law, Vlad Perju
Positional Objectivity and the Case for Proportionality Analysis, Vlad Perju
Reason and Authority in the European Court of Justice, Vlad Perju
Policy Options for the Obama Administration: The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as a Tool Against State Sponsors of Terrorism, Steve Perles and Gabriel C. Lajeunesse
Independence for Kosovo: Chronicle of the Ahtisaari Plan (forthcoming 2009), Henry H. Perritt
The Road to Independence for Kosovo: A Chronicle of the Ahtisaari Plan, Henry H. Perritt
2009 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Acts of Parliament: Privatisation, Promulgation and Crown Copyright – Is There a Need for a Royal Royalty?, Mark Perry
Book Review of "Intellectual Proptery Rights in EU Law: Free Movement and Competition Law, Mark Perry
From Pasteur to Monsanto: Approaches to Patenting Life in Canada, Mark Perry
Open Access Week (Retention of Author Rights), Mark Perry
Policies, Rules and Their Engines: What do They Mean for SLAs?, Mark Perry and Michael Bauer
Legal Protocols and Practices for Managing Copyright in Electronic Theses, Mark Perry and Paula Callan
FLOSS as Democratic Principle, Mark Perry and Brian Fitzgerald
Performance Rights for Software, Mark Perry and Stephen M. Watt
Skolkläder och yttrandefrihet [Freedom of expression concerning pupils’ clothes in schools], Vilhelm Persson
Rethinking Anticircumvention's Interoperability Policy, Aaron K. Perzanowski