The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
"Polyamory as a Sexual Orientation", Ann E. Tweedy
“Negating the Legal Problem of Having ‘Two Masters’: A Framework for L3C Fiduciary Duties and Accountability,”, John E. Tyler III
“Respecting Foundation and Charity Autonomy: How Public is Private Philanthropy?”, John E. Tyler III and Evelyn Brody
“Making the Case for Changing U.S. Policy Regarding Highly Skilled Immigrants,”, John E. Tyler III and Peter Schuck
The political consequences of legal victories: ballast regulation and the Clean Water Act, Zdravka Tzankova
The political consequences of legal victories: ballast regulation and the Clean Water Act, Zdravka Tzankova
The ALI Principles and the CLIP Project – a Comparison, Benedetta Carla Angela Ubertazzi
Treating the Wounds of Crime (Interview with Hank Shea), Amelia J. Uelmen
Cable Television, New Technologies and the First Amendment After Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. F.C.C., Erik Ugland
Can Google-TV Help Liberate Cable-TV?, Erik Ugland
'My Little Genius' and the Role of the FCC, Erik Ugland
The Aims of Public Scholarship in Media Law and Ethics, Erik Ugland
The New Abridged Reporter's Privilege: Policies, Principles and Pathological Perspectives, Erik Ugland
The Reporter's Privilege Goes Incognito In Wisconsin, Erik Ugland
Who Is a Journalist and Why Does it Matter? Disentangling the Legal and Ethical Arguments, Erik Ugland and Jennifer Henderson
Newspaper Theft, Self-Preservation and the Dimensions of Censorship, Erik Ugland and Jennifer Lambe
Judicial Independence in Light of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary: Who has the Right Idea?, Ubaid ul-Haq
Judicial Independence in Light of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary: Who Has the Right Idea?, Ubaid ul-Haq
Judicial Independence in Light of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary: Who has the Right Idea?, Ubaid ul-Haq
Resume, Ubaid ul-Haq
White Phosphorus: Smokescreen or Smoke and Mirrors?, Ubaid ul-Haq
At Least You (Should) Have Your Health: Implementing the Right to Health Through the Capability Approach, Michael R. Ulrich
cv, Saumya Uma
cv, Saumya Uma
Impunity Writ Large: A Study of Crimes by the JSTF, Saumya Uma
Kandhamal: The Law Must Change its Course, Saumya Uma
Research synopsis, Saumya Uma
Research synopsis, Saumya Uma
Introduction to the Copyright Reform Act, Jennifer M. Urban
Updating Fair Use for Innovators and Creators in the Digital Age: Two Targeted Reforms, Jennifer M. Urban
Mobile Phones and Privacy, Jennifer M. Urban, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, and Su Li
Mobile Phones and Privacy, Jennifer M. Urban, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, and Su Li
Copyright Abuse and Notice, Jennifer M. Urban, Allen W. Wang, Pan C. Lee, and Daniel S. Park
The Quest to Save Journalism: A Legal Analysis of New Models for Newspapers From Nonprofit Tax-Exempt Organizations to L3Cs, Nikki Usher M.A. and Michelle D. Layser J.D., LL.M.
Abolishing the Missing-Claim Rule for Judicial Cancellations, Ryan G. Vacca
Preempting Parochialism and Protectionism in Power, Sandeep Vaheesan
Reviving an Epithet: A New Way Forward for the Essential Facilities Doctrine, Sandeep Vaheesan
Reviving an Epithet: A New Way Forward for the Essential Facilities Doctrine, Sandeep Vaheesan
Reviving an Epithet: A New Way Forward for the Essential Facilities Doctrine, Sandeep Vaheesan
The (Not So) Great Depression of the 21st Century and Its Impact on Brazil, Marcos A. P. Valadão and Ivo T. Gico
A Lay Word for a Legal Term: How the Popular Definition of Charity has Muddled the Perception of the Charitable Deduction, Paul J. Valentine
Exploring the Ethicality of Firing Employees Who Blog, Sean Valentine, Gary Fleischman, Robert Sprague, and Lynn Godkin
Shaping Reforms and Business Models for the OTC Derivatives Market. Quo vadis?, Diego Valiante
The Market for Subprime Lending: a Law and Economics Analysis of Market Failures and Policy Responses, Diego Valiante
Book Review: In Mixed Company: Taverns and Public Life in Upper Canada, Nicholas Van Allen
GIS Meets Drink and Culture: Problems and Possibilities for Space-Based Tavern Studies, Nicholas Van Allen
Copyright liability for the playing of 'music on hold': Telstra Corporation Ltd v Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd, William van Caenegem
Data Access v PowerFlex, William Van Caenegem
Intellectual property law in Australia, William Van Caenegem
The Decline and Fall of the American Judicial Opinion, Part II: Back to the Future from The Roberts Court to Learned Hand -- Segmentation, Audience, and the Opportunity of Justice Sotomayor, Jeffrey A. Van Detta
What Determines Professionals’ Bankruptcy Fees: An Empirical Investigation, Gijs van Dijk and Martin Gramatikov
From Objective Right to Subjective Rights: The Franciscans and the Interest and Will Conceptions of Rights, Siegfried Van Duffel
Ockham's Theory of Natural Rights, Siegfried Van Duffel and Jonathan Robinson
You Infringed My Patent, Now Wait Until I Sue You: The Federal Circuit’s Decision in Avocent Huntsville Corp. v. Aten International Co., Marta R. Vanegas LL.M.
Suing the Prosecutor, Jonathan Van Patten
Negotiating at the Interface of Power & Law: The Crime of Aggression, Beth Van Schaack
“The Grass That Gets Trampled When Elephants Fight”: Will the Codification of the Crime of Aggression Protect Women?, Beth Van Schaack
“El Derecho de la UE relativo a los organismos modificados genéticamente: la Comisión Europea cambia de estrategia para permitir, restringir o prohibir su cultivo”, Luis González Vaqué
“El Reglamento n° 261/2004 sobre asistencia y compensación de los pasajeros aéreos: el TJCE clarifica ('ma non troppo') los conceptos de retraso y cancelación de un vuelo”, Luis González Vaqué
“El TJUE precisa el alcance de la noción de mala fe en caso de registro abusivo de nombres de dominio (Reglamento nº 874/2004): la sentencia 'Internetportal und Marketing GmbH'”, Luis González Vaqué
“El TJUE se pronuncia sobre la legalidad del 'keyword advertising' (publicidad a partir de palabras clave): la sentencia 'Google France y Google'”, Luis González Vaqué
“Libertad de establecimiento: el TJUE declara ilegales algunos criterios de aplicación de la normativa asturiana para la autorización de farmacias (sentencia 'Blanco Pérez y Chao Gómez')”, Luis González Vaqué
“Marca comunitaria - Forma de una botella de cuello helicoidal: sentencia del Tribunal General 'Weldebräu/OAMI - Kofola Holding' de 4 de marzo de 2010, asunto T-24/08”, Luis González Vaqué
“Modalidades de utilización en la publicidad de declaraciones de las propiedades saludables autorizadas por la Comisión en virtud de los Reglamentos n° 983/2009 y n° 1024/2009”, Luis González Vaqué
“Modalidades de utilización en la publicidad de declaraciones de las propiedades saludables autorizadas por la Comisión en virtud de los Reglamentos nº 983/2009 y nº 1024/2009”, Luis González Vaqué
“High noon: the Italians try to play solo the health claims game”, Luis González Vaqué and Sebastián Romero Melchor
On the Value of Philosophy: The Latin American Case, Manuel R. Vargas
State Immunity from Execution: In Search of a Remedy, René Värk and Dmitri Zdobnõh
India Recognizes Limited Liability Partnerships – Any Attraction for US Investors?, Vikas Varma
Toward a Broadband Public Interest Standard, Anthony E. Varona
Toward a General Theory of Standards of Proof, Fredrick E. Vars
A Few Inconvenient Truths about Michael Crichton's State of Fear: Lawyers, Causes and Science, Lea B. Vaughn
Feeling at Home: Learning, Law, Cognitive Science, and Narrative, Lea B. Vaughn
Conflict amid investment treaty and tobacco control measures, A preliminary case analysis: Philip Morris Products S.A., et al. vs. Uruguay, Rodrigo Alberto Vazquez Martinez
Locked-in scientific evidence: the WTO EC-Biotech dispute, Elisa Vecchione
The Michigan Guidelines on the right to work, Juliana Vengoechea Barrios
Saving Seaborn: Ownership Not Marriage as the Basis of Family Taxation, Dennis Ventry
Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post-Katrina World, Robert R.M. Verchick
ONE L REVISITED: Tales from the Back Bench, Robert R.M. Verchick
Compulsory ex Ante Control: Rise and Fall of the Control Over the Legislator, Sergio Verdugo
¿Control obligatorio para todos los tratados internacionales? Crítica a una propuesta inconveniente, Sergio Verdugo
Entre la responsabilidad internacional del Estado y la supremacía de la Constitución: Una propuesta para enriquecer el debate nacional, Sergio Verdugo
Indulto Bicentenario, Sergio Verdugo
Unconstitutionality and procedural defects. A problem solved?, Sergio Verdugo
El principio de irretroactividad de las sanciones debe aplicarse en forma estricta: el caso del artículo 4º de la Ley Chilecompra, Sergio Verdugo and José Manuel Díaz de Valdés
Interpretación Legal Creativa, Sergio Verdugo and José Francisco García
De las superintendencias a las agencias regulatorias independientes en Chile: Aspectos constitucionales y de diseño regulatorio, Sergio Verdugo and José Francisco García
Tribunal Constitucional, certiorari y precedente, Sergio Verdugo and José Francisco García
Defending Against Shareholder Proxy Access: Delaware's Future Reviewing Company Defenses in the Era of Dodd-Frank, J.W. Verret
Separation of Bank and State: The Bailout Meets Federal Budget Law, J.W. Verret
The Frequency, Predictability, and Proportionality of Jury Awards of Punitive Damages in State Courts: A New Audit, Neil Vidmar and Mirya R. Holman