The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Extract from United States Code Service, Section on 1 U.S.C.S. § 106, citing Bruhl-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Service, Section on 2 U.S.C.S. § 8, citing Levinson-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Service, Section on Amendment I, citing Stone-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Service, Section on Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, citing Bailey-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Verbal Tenses, Passive Voice and Reported Speech: Grammar, Uses, Exercises (2010), citing Tillman & Tillman's A Fragment on Shall and May, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for "Hollingsworth v. Virginia," citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for "Shall and Will" citing Tillman & Tillman's "A Fragment on Shall and May", Seth Barrett Tillman
How the Founders and Ratifiers Experienced Time and Language: Implications for Modern Interpretations of the Constitution (not yet drafted, planned for 2011-2012 publication), Seth Barrett Tillman
LeElle B. Krompass, Preface, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (2010), acknowledging Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Presentation: The Persistent Problem of Constitutional Memory, Seth Barrett Tillman
Professor Jeremy D. Bailey's The Traditional View of Hamilton’s Federalist No. 77 and an Unexpected Challenge: A Response to Seth Barrett Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Some Conjectures on the Original Public Meaning of the Constitution's Quorum Clause (not yet drafted, planned for 2011-2012 publication), Seth Barrett Tillman
Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Enforceability of the Career Offenders Guideline -- U.S.S.G. § 4B1.1 (not yet drafted, planned for 2011-2012 publication), Seth Barrett Tillman
The Annals of Congress, the Original Public Meaning of the Succession Clause, and the Problem of Constitutional Memory (2009) (unpublished manuscript), Seth Barrett Tillman
The Mini-Unitary Executive and the Original Public Meaning of the Opinions-in-Writing Clause (not yet drafted, planned for 2011-2012 publication), Seth Barrett Tillman
The Puzzle of Hamilton's Federalist No. 77, Seth Barrett Tillman
United States Senate Document -- The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (Supp. 2010), citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Wilkes University Course: Summer 2009 -- How Not To Read The Federalist Papers, Seth Barrett Tillman
Adjudicating Appearance: From Identity to Personhood, Yofi Tirosh
A Name of One's Own: Gender and Symbolic Legal Personhood in the European Court of Human Rights, Yofi Tirosh
Comment on James Boyd White's book "Living Speech" (Princeton 2006), Yofi Tirosh
Interview on the introduction to Mill's Subjection of Women, La'Isha, Yofi Tirosh
John Stewart Mill's The Subjection of Women - Review, Yofi Tirosh
טור בדה-מרקר: פרסומת פוגעת במימון הציבור Op-ed on commercial free speech, Yofi Tirosh
כתבה ברשת ב' על ייצוג נשים במו"מ לשלום Radio story on women in peace talks, Yofi Tirosh
פרשנות בגל"צ על הודעת נתניהו כי ימנה אישה למו"מ לשלום Radio legal commentary on women in the peace negotiations team, Yofi Tirosh
ראיון ב"דין ודברים" רשת ב Radio interview on women's representation and on the limits of commercial free speech, Yofi Tirosh
ראיון בלונדון את קירשנבאום על נשים בוועדת טירקל TV interview on women in the flotilla investigating commitee, Yofi Tirosh
ראיון לגל"צ על מינוי נשים למו"מ לשלום An interview on nominating women to the 2010 Middle East peace talks, Yofi Tirosh
Sorry Ma'am, Your Baby is an Alien: Outdated Immigration Rules and Assisted Reproductive Technology, Scott Titshaw
The Meaning of Marriage: Immigration Rules and Their Implications for Same-Sex Spouses in a World Without DOMA, Scott Titshaw
The Economy of Undocumented Migration: Taxation and Access to Welfare, Mats Tjernberg
Patenting the Fingerprint of God: How Gene Patents Violate the Products of Nature Doctrine, Timothy M. Todd
Recovery Of Interest On A Tax Underpayment Caused By A Tax Advisor's Negligence, Jacob L. Todres
A Human Rights Approach to Preventing Child Sex Trafficking, Jonathan Todres
aking Prevention Seriously: Developing a Comprehensive Response to Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, Jonathan Todres
Taking Prevention Seriously: Developing a Comprehensive Response to Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, Jonathan Todres
Over 20 Million Aborted: Why Planned Parenthood Targets the Inner-City, La Verne Tolbert
In the Best Interest of the Child – Contemporary Parenthood, Tatiana Tolstoy Kongstad
In the Best Interest of the Child – Contemporary Parenthood, Tatiana Tolstoy
Expanding Boundaries: A Century of Legal History, Christopher Tomlins
Freedom Bound: Law, Labor, and Civic Identity in Colonizing English America, 1580-1865, Christopher Tomlins
The Legalities of English Colonizing: Discourses of European Intrusion upon the Americas, c.1490-1830, Christopher Tomlins
Toward a Materialist Jurisprudence, Christopher Tomlins
Who Owns America?, Christopher Tomlins
Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Development, Gautami S. Tondapu
Spy in the Sky Zooms in on Illegal Backyard Pools, Shannon Tonkin and K. Michael
No te rindas amigo, Mitchel Torres
Towards a Constitutionally Protected Public Domain, Elizabeth Townsend Gard
Coconspirators, "Coventurers," and the Exception Swallowing the Hearsay Rule, Ben L.W. Trachtenberg
International Law and Domestic Political Coalitions: The Grand Theory of Compliance with International Law, Joel P. Trachtman
Guidelines for Effective Grading and Feedback: Workshop for New Legal Writing Faculty, Judith B. Tracy
What Legal Employers Want... and Really Need, Judith B. Tracy
What a Difference a Day Makes, or Does It? Work/Family Balance and the Four-Day Work Week, Michelle A. Travis
Leader, Clinical Law Review Writer's Workshop, Community Economic Development, Paul R. Tremblay
Moderator, Beyond Individual Litigation: Groups, Transactions and Policy Clinics, Paul R. Tremblay
Panelist, 'Practice Ready' Initiatives, Paul R. Tremblay
Presenter, Counseling Community Groups, Paul R. Tremblay
Presenter, Organizing Your Transactional Work: Decisionmaking, Strategic Planning, and a "Theory of the Project", Paul R. Tremblay
Workshop Presenter, Ethics Training for Legal Services Lawyers, Paul R. Tremblay
Análisis sobre decisiones de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas en México, Jorge Triana
Making Sense of State Action, Lauren E. Tribble, John Dorsett Niles, and Jennifer N. Wimsatt
Free Movement of Workers in Cyprus and the EU, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Gauging Deviance: Capitalist modernity, deviance and human progress, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Polarisations in the world-system, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Racist and related hate crimes in Cyprus [By Nicos Trimikliniotis & Corina Demetriou], Nicos Trimikliniotis
We must begin to view the World differently: only then perhaps we can change it!, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Η παρακμή του Κυπριακού καθεστώτος εξαίρεσης: Από την οργανική κρίση στην υπέρβαση του «δόγματος της ανάγκης»;, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Ρατσιστική βία και εγκλήματα ρατσιστικού μίσους στην Κύπρο, Nicos Trimikliniotis
How Regulatory Frameworks Fight Cancer: Two Examples from the United States and the European Union, Louise G. Trubek, Thomas R. Oliver, Chih-Ming Liang, Matt Mokrohisky, and Toby Campbell
Mexican Families & United States Immigration Reform, Bernard Trujillo
Demand and Supply Forces in the Market for Law Interplaying through Jurisdictional Competition: Basic Theories and Cases, Chang-hsien Tsai
Book Review of Beau Breslin, "From Words to Worlds: Exploring Constitutional Functionality", Robert L. Tsai
John Brown's Constitution, Robert L. Tsai
John Brown's Constitution, Robert L. Tsai
The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai
Burning Crosses on Campus: University Hate Speech Codes, Alexander Tsesis
A New World for Black Boys by 2025, Rhonda Tsoi-A-Fatt Bryant
Reauthorizing ESEA: Considerations for Dropout Prevention and Recovery, Rhonda Tsoi-A-Fatt Bryant
We Dream A World: The 2025 Vision for Black Men and Boys, Rhonda Tsoi-A-Fatt Bryant
Sex on the Brain: Adolescent Psychosocial Science and Sanctions for Risky Sex (forthcoming 2010), Lisa A. Tucker
The Other Side of the Story: Using Graphic Organizers as Cognitive Learning Tools to Teach Students to Construct Effective Counter-Analysis (forthcoming 2010), Lisa A. Tucker and Christine N. Coughlin
Book Review. Joan Biskupic, An American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Marbury v. Madison and the Foundation of Law, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Building Social Movement Unionism: The Transformation of the American Labor Movement, Lowell Turner and Richard W. Hurd
Building Social Movement Unionism: The Transformation of the American Labor Movement, Lowell Turner and Richard W. Hurd
Revival of the American Labor Movement: Issues, Problems, Prospects, Lowell Turner, Harry C. Katz, and Richard W. Hurd
Revival of the American Labor Movement: Issues, Problems, Prospects, Lowell Turner, Harry C. Katz, and Richard W. Hurd
Case Note: Nabozny v. Podlesny, William B. Turner
Running the Gamut from A to B: Federal Trademark and False Advertising Law, Rebecca Tushnet
Unfair Competition and Uncommon Sense, Rebecca Tushnet
"Polyamory as a Sexual Orientation", Ann E. Tweedy