About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2010


When Natural Science Meets the Dismal Science, Stephanie Tai


The Anglo-American Perspective on Freezing Injunctions, masayuki tamaruya


A Little Bird Told Me About the Trial: Revising Court Rules to Allow Reporting from the Courtroom Via Twitter, Mark L. Tamburri, Thomas M. Pohl, and M. Patrick Yingling

Private Equity Investment in Failed Banks: Controlling Risks to the Federal Safety Net, Robert M. Tammero Jr

Community and the law: A critical reassessment of American liberalism and Japanese modernity, Takao Tanase


A First Amendment Theory for Protecting Attorney Speech, Margaret C. Tarkington

Environmental Law: Then and Now (forthcoming 2010), Dan Tarlock

Four Challenges for International Water Law (2010), Dan Tarlock

Tribal Justice and Property Rights: The Evolution of Winters v. United States, Dan Tarlock

Water Demand and Energy Production in a Time of Climate Change, Dan Tarlock


Preserving Tax Exempt Status for Your Nonprofit Client, Timothy R. Tarvin

The Growth of Government Springs More from Ideas than from Vested Interests, Slavisa Tasic

Corso di Diritto Tributaio - Economia - Parte Generale - 5, Thomas Tassani

Corso di Diritto Tributario - Economia - Parge Generale -4, Thomas Tassani

Corso di Diritto Tributario - Economia - Parte Generale - 2, Thomas Tassani

Corso di Diritto Tributario - Economia - Parte Generale - 3, Thomas Tassani

Corso di Diritto Tributario - Economia - Parte Generale - 6, Thomas Tassani

Corso Diritto Tributario Economia - Parte Generale - 1, Thomas Tassani


Consent To Settle? A New Twist In The tr-Partite Relationship, David F. Tavella


Consnet To Settle? A New Twist In The Tri-Partite Relationship, David F. Tavella


Duty Of Care To Spectators At Sporting Events: A Unified Theory, David F. Tavella

Advise and Consent For Federal Judges: A New Alternative Based On Contract Law, David F. Tavella and Anne Marie Tavella

Advise and Consent For Federal Judges: A New Alternative Based On Contract Law, David F. Tavella and Anne Marie Tavella


“Your Results May Vary”: Protecting Students and Taxpayers through Tighter Regulation of Proprietary School Representations, AARON N. TAYLOR

"Your Results May Vary": Protecting Students and Taxpayers Through Tighter Regulation of Proprietary School Representations, Aaron N. Taylor


Insurance as a Mitigation Mechanism: Managing International Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Nationwide Mandatory Climate Change Catastrophe Insurance, Anastasia M. Telesetsky


Cleaning up the Muck: Clarifying the Scope of CERCLA's Potentially Responsible Parties, Matthew K. Telford


Plural Vision: International Law Seen Through the Varied Lenses of Domestic Implementation, D. A. Jeremy Telman

Plural Vision: International Law Seen Through the Varied Lenses of Domestic Implementation, D. A. Jeremy Telman


Are Registered Representatives Subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act?, Barry R. Temkin


Is Law Firm Discrimination Unethical?, Barry R. Temkin


Open Questions on the Duty to Advise of the Right to Select Independent Counsel, Barry R. Temkin

Oxford University Press: Rules of Professional Conduct/ Rule 1.16: Declining or Teminating Representation, Rule 1.17: Sale of Law Practice, Rule 1. 18: Duties to Prospective Clients, Barry R. Temkin


Settling Away: Unreported Private Settlement of Customer Complaints in the Securities Industry, Barry R. Temkin


State Regulation of Unauthorized Practice of Law in Arbitration, Barry R. Temkin


Supervision Duties Under the Commodity Exchange Act, Barry R. Temkin

Christian Legal Society v. Martinez--Mediating the Cultural Civil War, Harry F. Tepker Jr.


The Dean Takes His Stand: Julian Monnet's 1912 Harvard Law Review Article Denouncing Oklahoma's Discriminatory Grandfather Clause, Harry F. Tepker Jr.

Originalism: A Dialogue, Harry F. Tepker Jr. and John McGinnis


Transnational Legal Practice 2009, Laurel S. Terry, Carole Silver, and Ellyn Rosen


Apoyo al Campus de Excelencia Internacional MareNostrum, Germán M. Teruel Lozano


Apuntes generales sobre la libertad de expresión en Internet, Germán M. Teruel Lozano


La libertad de expresión en Internet y sus garantías constitucionales en el control de contenidos de páginas web, Germán M. Teruel Lozano


Los programas europeos de juventud al socaire de la capitalidad cultural europea, Germán M. Teruel Lozano


Retention of Title Clauses in Australia, Dilan J. Thampapillai


A Risky Theory of Business Cycles, David C. Thomas

Feminist Legal History (TJ Boisseau & Tracy A. Thomas, Editors), Tracy A. Thomas


Sex v. Race, Again, Tracy A. Thomas


The Next Stage of Health Care Reform: Controlling Costs by Paying Health Plans Based on Health Outcomes, Dale B. Thompson


The Next Stage of Health Care Reform: Controlling Costs by Paying Health Plans Based on Health Outcomes, Dale B. Thompson


Cultural Losses and Cultural Gains: Ethical Dilemmas in WWII-Looted Art Repatriation Claims against Public Institutions, Erin L. Thompson


The Relationship between Tax Deductions and the Market for Unprovenanced Antiquities, Erin L. Thompson


Cleaning up the Refuse from a Financial Crisis: The Case for a Resolution Management Corporation, James B. Thomson


On Systemically Important Financial Institutions and Progressive Systemic Mitigation, James B. Thomson


Reinventing the Night-watchman State?, Malcolm Thorburn


Law, Facts, and Power, Elizabeth Thornburg


The Managerial Judge Goes to Trial, Elizabeth Thornburg


Frequently Asked Questions for Taxpayers with Undisclosed Foreign Bank Accounts, Kevin E. Thorn

Conviction and punishment: Free press and competitive election as deterrents to corruption, Xiaowen Tian and Vai Io Lo

Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader, Steven Tibbetts and Craig Hemmens


Who Killed Oscar Grant?: A Legal-Eulogy of the Cultural Logic of Black Hyper-Policing in the post-Civil Rights Era, Donald F. Tibbs

Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, Donald F. Tibbs and Thomas J. Davis

Foreign Citizens as Members of Transnational Class Actions, Jay Tidmarsh

Procedure, Substance, and Erie, Jay Tidmarsh


Resolving Cases on the Merits, Jay Tidmarsh


A Fragment on Shall and May, Nora Rotter Tillman and Seth Barrett Tillman

AALS Faculty Appointments Register Course Selection, Seth Barrett Tillman

Adjunct Professor, Rutgers School of Law-Newark, Constitutional Law II (Spring 2010), Seth Barrett Tillman


A Fragment on our Nation's Name and Lost Legislative Past (not yet drafted, planned for 2011-2012 publication), Seth Barrett Tillman


Approbation of Tillman's The Puzzle of Hamilton's Federalist No. 77: Letter from Professor Forrest McDonald to Seth Barrett Tillman (Feb. 14, 2009), Seth Barrett Tillman


BRIEF: Blades v. Wisehart: Defendants' Joint Answering Post-Trial Brief -- Filed July 1, 2010 -- in the Delaware Court of Chancery citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Byron F. Egan, Duties of Owners and Governing Persons Among Different Types of Entities, Advanced Business Law Strategies Course (San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 22, 2010), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation list to A Fragment on Shall and May, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to Legislative Officer Succession, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation list to The Annals of Congress, the Original Public Meaning of the Succession Clause, and the Problem of Constitutional Memory, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to The Puzzle of Hamilton's Federalist No. 77, Seth Barrett Tillman


Course Syllabus: Issues in American and Commonwealth Legislative Practice & Procedure, Seth Barrett Tillman

Early American Almanacs, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from BNA Corporate Practice Series (2010), citing Bigler and Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Gary Lawson, Teacher’s Manual to Federal Administrative Law (5th ed. 2010), citing Lawson-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Geoffrey P. Miller's The Corporate Law Background of the Necessary and Proper Clause, appearing in The Origins of the Necessary and Proper Clause (2010) citing Tillman's Why Our Next President May Keep His or Her Senate Seat: A Conjecture on the Constitution’s Incompatibility Clause, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from James D. Cox & Thomas Lee Hazen's Treatise on the Law of Corporations (3d ed. 2010) citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from John Cannan's Points of Order in Law Library Lights citing Tillman's Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Joy Marlene Bryan & Simon M. Lorne's Acquisitions and Mergers: Negotiated and Contested Transactions (2010) republishing in full Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Maciej Gutowski, Wzruszalnosc Czynnosci Prawnej (2010), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Marni von Wilpert, Preventing Corruption in the Legislature Through the Structure of the Constitution (2010) (unpublished manuscript) (on file with student author at Fordham Law School), citing Calabresi-Tillman exhange and Prakash-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Michael Coenen, Note, The Significance of Signatures: Why the Framers Signed the Constitution and What They Meant by Doing So, Yale Law Journal (2010), citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Michael L. Rosin's Aliens Would Have Cost Bush the Election: The Fragility of Narrow Electoral College Victories (2010) (unpublished manuscript), citing Tillman's Betwixt Principle and Practice (reviewing Tara Ross's Defense of the Electoral College), Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute Policy Report, The Power and Promise of Interstate Compacts (2010), submitted as an exhibit to Montana House Bill 448, citing Tillman's "A Textualist Defense", Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Nick Dranias' The Federalist Toolkit (2010) citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Robert G. Natelson's The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant (2010) citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (4th ed. Supp. 2010) citing Bailey-Tillman Exchange on Federalist No. 77, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from the Hon. D. Arthur Kelsey's The Resurgent Role of Legal History in Modern U.S. Supreme Court Opinions, Virginia Bar Association News Journal (2010), citing Calabresi & Tillman exchange in PENNumbra, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on 1 U.S.C.A. § 106, citing Bruhl-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on 2 U.S.C.A. § 8, citing Levinson-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on 3 U.S.C.A. § 19, citing Tillman's Why Our Next President May Keep His Senate Seat, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Amendment I, citing Stone-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Amendment XI, citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense of Article I, Section 7, Clause 3: Why Hollingsworth v. Viriginia Was Rightly Decided, and Why INS v. Chadha Was Wrongly Reasoned, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Article II, Section 1, Clause 7, citing Tillman & Tillman's A Fragment on Shall and May, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, citing Bailey-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman