The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
The Kinston Ruling: Black Preferred Candidates and the Meaning of the 15th Amendment, Brandon F. Douglass
The Kinston Ruling: Black Preferred Candidates and the Meaning of the 15th Amendment, Brandon F. Douglass
Extending the scope of application of labour laws to the informal economy”, Digest of comments of the ILO supervisory bodies related to the informal economy, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Why Do Businesses Use (or Not Use) Arbitration Clauses?, Christopher R. Drahozal and Stephen J. Ware
Why Do Businesses Use (or Not Use) Arbitration Clauses?, Christopher R. Drahozal and Stephen J. Ware
Fixing Our Broken Patent System, Jay Dratler Jr.
Is Three A Crowd? The Role of the Courts in SEC Settlements, samantha a. dreilinger
Strict Liability and Tax Penalties, William A. Drennan
Surnamed Charitable Trusts: Immortality at Taxpayer Expense, William A. Drennan
Just War and International Law: An Argument for a Deontological Approach to Humanitarian Law, Ryan Dreveskracht
Denying choice of Forum: An Interference by the Massachusetts Trial Court with Domestic Violence Victims' Rights, Margaret B. Drew and Marilu E. Gresens
Purposeless Construction, David M. Driesen
Two Cheers for Feasible Regulation: A Modest Response to Masur and Posner, David M. Driesen
Actors and Law-Making in International Environmental Law, Mark A. Drumbl
Child Soldiers: Agency, Enlistment , and the Collectivization of Innocence, Mark A. Drumbl
Finding Footing in a Postmodern Conception of Law, Bryan Druzin
Finding Footing in a Postmodern Conception of Law, Bryan Druzin
Finding Footing in a Postmodern Conception of Law, Bryan H. Druzin
Law Without the State: The Theory Of High Engagement and the Emergence of Spontaneous Legal Order within Commercial Systems, Bryan H. Druzin
All I Need is a Miracle and a Constitutional Right to Access It: The Rights of the Terminally Ill Reconsidered, Amy M. Dudash
Carbon Taxation in Theory and in Practice, David Duff and Shi-Ling Hsu
Autonomy in Setting Appropriate Level of Protection Under the WTO Law: Rhetoric or Reality?, Michael Ming Du
Reducing Product Standards Heterogeneity Through International Standards in the WTO: How Far Across the River?, Michael Ming Du
Standard of Review under the SPS Agreement after EC-Hormones II, Michael Ming Du
A Legal Response is Necessary for Self Produced Child Pornography: A Legislator's Checklist for Drafting the Bill, Susan Duncan
Transportation Safety, Scotty Dunlap
Lowering the Threshold: Establishing Mental Disability Employment Discrimination Claims after the ADA Amendments Act (updated 9/22/10), Susan Z. Dunn
Lowering the Threshold: Establishing Mental Disability Employment Discrimination Claims after the ADA Amendments Act, Susan Zeller Dunn
Partial Textualism, Stephen Durden
Animal Farm Jurisprudence: Hiding Personal Predilections behind the Plain Language of the Takings Clause, Stephen M. Durden
Document Supplement, James Durham, Debra P. Stark, and Thomas White
Protecting Pocahontas's World: The Mattaponi Tribe's Struggle Against Virginia's King William Reservoir Project, Allison M. Dussias
Accountability in the Generation of Governance Indicators, Nikhil K. Dutta
What Would de Soto Say about the Subprime Meltdown?, Rashmi Dyal-Chand
Debunking the Socratic Method?: Not So Fast, My Friend!, Daniel J. Dye
Legal Positivism and Evolutionary Psychology: Can Darwin Do Something for Positivist Approaches to the Study of Law?, Arthur Dyevre
Legal Positivism and Evolutionary Psychology: Can Darwin Do Something for Positivist Approaches to the Study of Law?, Arthur Dyevre
The German Federal Constitutional Court and European Judicial Politics, Arthur Dyevre
The German Federal Constitutional Court and European Judicial Politics, Arthur Dyevre
Unifying the Field of Comparative Judicial Politics: Towards a General Theory of Judicial Behaviour, Arthur Dyevre
Unifying the Field of Comparative Judicial Politics: Towards a General Theory of Judicial Behaviour, Arthur Dyevre
Book Review: John Yoo, Crisis and Command: A History of Executive Power from George Washington to George Bush, John C. Eastman
The American Constitutional Order: History, Cases, and Philosophy, John C. Eastman, Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser, and Raymond Marcin
Proposed Mexican Strategies in the Case of U.S. Failure to Comply with the 1944 Water Treaty Due to Climate Change., Arash Ebrahimi
La Convocatoria Notarial a Junta de Socios, Carlos D. Echaiz Moreno
A los 12 años de la Ley General de Sociedades, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Cambios en ley societaria afectan a los accionistas, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Daniel Echaiz: empresa y derecho, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El contrato de management, Parte 1, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El contrato de management, Parte 2, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El pagaré incompleto entre empresas vinculadas, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El protocolo familiar, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El registro del agente inmobiliario, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Enfoque contractual de la subasta con especial referencia a los concursos en la contratación pública, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La conclusión de la relación laboral, ¿por vencimiento del plazo o por despido?, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La convocatoria notarial a junta de socios, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La factura negociable. A propósito de su reciente creación, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La libertad de empresa en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La organización empresarial del fútbol peruano, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La responsabilidad en los grupos de empresas desde la perspectiva del Derecho Laboral, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Las facultades del Tribunal Constitucional en materia económica, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Las recientes modificaciones societarias en materia de convocatoria a junta de socios, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Los comités en el directorio de las empresas, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Reclamo sobre el libro de reclamaciones, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Tratamiento legal del cheque en el Perú, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Ubicación normativa de los contratos asociativos, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Corruption and the Distortion of Law Enforcement Effort, Luciana Echazu and Nuno Garoupa
Utopian Taxation: Covering The Cost of Living, Maurice A. Echols
A Critique of the Content and Viewpoint Neutrality Principle in Modern Free Speech Doctrine, Lynn Mills Eckert
I’ll re-write yours if you re-write mine: Pure peer revision using sequential collaborative writing, Robert A. Eckhart
Water Scarcity, Conflict, and Security in a Climate Change World: Challenges and Opportunities for International Law and Policy, Gabriel Eckstein
Tying, Bundling, and Loyalty/Requirement Rebates, Nicholas Economides
Tying, Bundling, and Loyalty/Requirement Rebates, Nicholas Economides
A Critical Appraisal of Remedies in the E.U. Microsoft Cases, Nicholas Economides and Ioannis Lianos
The Quest for Appropriate Remedies in the Microsoft Antitrust EU Cases: A Comparative Appraisal, Nicholas Economides and Ioannis Lianos
Making a Case for Legal Writing Instruction... Worldwide, Diane Edelman
Law, Organizations, and Social Movements, Lauren Edelman, Gwendolyn Leachman, and Doug McAdam
Changing Places: How Communities Will Improve the Health of Boys of Color, Christopher Edley and Jorge Ruiz de Velasco
Can Immigrants Solve our Health Care Problems?, Aaron S. Edlin
It Works for Mergers, Why not Finance, Aaron S. Edlin and Richard J. Gilbert
Can Immigrants Solve Our Health Care Problems?, Aaron S. Edlin and Dana Goldman
Supply issues for science academics in Australia: now and in the future, Daniel Edwards and Fred Smith
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards