The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
CSI Bond, David Field
Desperate housewives get legal backing, David Field
"Judge not, lest ye be judged" The Corby case- Can it happen in Australia?, David Field
Keeping incest in the family, David Field
Legal analysis and problem-solving, David Field
Liability for the actions of others, David Field
No sex offenders, please- We're Queenslanders, David Field
Political free speech- How far does it extend?, David Field
Responsible alcohol service in the spotlight, David Field
Schools for scoundrels, David Field
The insurance crisis- Don't forget the victims, David Field
The perils of Pauline, David Field
The second time around, David Field
Trust me - I'm an expert: Forensic evidence and witness immunity, David Field, Ian R. Coyle, Graham A. Starmer, Glen Miller, and Paul Wilson
The importance of ecological factors in determining the pattern of interspecific hybridisation in fragmented landscapes of Eucalyptus aggregata, David L. Field
A comment on costs in constitutional cases, Iain Field
The Appropriations Power and Sovereign Immunity, Paul F. Figley
Understanding the Federal Tort Claims Act: A Different Metaphor, Paul F. Figley
Remedies without Rights? : Reparations and ESC Rights in the Inter-American System, Iris T. Figueroa
Against the Creation Myth of Textualism: Theories of Constitutional Interpretation in the Nineteenth Century, John Figura
Against the Creation Myth of Textualism: Theories of Constitutional Interpretation in the Nineteenth Century, John P. Figura
cv 2010, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Probe, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Probe2, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Schriftenverzeichnis / publication list, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Skript zur Vorlesung Rechtsanthropologie, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Undue equation of 'Savings' with 'Compensation for Services': Case comment, Belachew M. Fikre
The Rhetoric of Originalism, David Finkelstein
Flying Penises & the Virtual Construction of Legality: “Griefing” & Normative Order in Second Life, Eric M. Fink
Law School & The Web of Group Affiliation: Socializing, Socialization, & Social Network Site Use Among Law Students, Eric M. Fink
Country Report: Italy, Francesca Fiorentini Prof.
European Law of Security Rights over Movable Assets: Patterns and Perspectives, Francesca Fiorentini Prof.
U.S. Airline Industry: Issues and Role of Congress, John W. Fischer, Bart Elias, and Robert S. Kirk
Beyond Trust Species: The Conservation Potential of the National Wildlife Refuge System in the Wake of Climate Change, Robert L. Fischman
Remarks: Liberty Panel, Jeffrey L. Fisher
The Modern Author at Work on Madison Avenue, Catherine Fisk
Overview of the Law of Workplace Harassment, Catherine Fisk and Dianne Avery
Screen Credit and the Writers Guild of America, 1938-2000: A Study in Labor Market and Idea Market Intermediation, Catherine L. Fisk
Copyright law in the United Arab Emirates in the digital age, Brian Fitzgerald and Rami M. Olwan
Educational Justice and the Recognition of Marriage, Scott T. FitzGibbon
"That Man is You!" The Juristic Person and Faithful Love, Scott T. FitzGibbon
"That Man is You!": The Juristic Person and Faithful Love, Scott T. FitzGibbon
The Jurisprudence of Marriage and Other Intimate Relationships, Scott T. FitzGibbon
Family Finances: A Review of Papers from the 13th World of the International Society of Family Law, Scott T. FitzGibbon
An End to Too Big to Let Fail? The Dodd–Frank Act’s Orderly Liquidation Authority, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV and James B. Thomson
How do you spell M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I? Part I: The Question of Assistance to the Voter, Chad W. Flanders
Beyond the Organizing Model: The Transformation Process in Local Unions, Bill Fletcher and Richard W. Hurd
Is Organizing Enough? Race, Gender, and Union Culture, Bill Fletcher Jr. and Richard W. Hurd
Overcoming Obstacles to Transformation: Challenges on the Way to a New Unionism, Bill Fletcher Jr. and Richard W. Hurd
Overcoming Obstacles to Transformation: Challenges on the Way to a New Unionism, Bill Fletcher Jr. and Richard W. Hurd
Political Will, Local Union Transformation, and the Organizing Imperative, Bill Fletcher Jr. and Richard W. Hurd
Do No Harm? Intelligence Ethics, Health Professionals, and the Torture Debate, Laurel E. Fletcher
Truth Behind Bars: Colombian Paramilitary Leaders in U.S. Custody, Laurel E. Fletcher, Roxanna Altholz, and
Truth Behind Bars: Colombian Paramilitary Leaders in U.S. Custody, Laurel E. Fletcher, Roxanna Altholz, and
In the Child’s Best Interest? The Consequences of Losing a Lawful Immigrant Parent to Deportation, Laurel E. Fletcher, Raha Jorjani, Aarti Kohli, , , and
Khmer Krom Deserve Justice as Well, Laurel E. Fletcher and Mahdev Mohan
Book reviews, Laurel E. Fletcher, Eric Stover, and Alex Braithwaite
Book reviews, Laurel E. Fletcher, Eric Stover, and Alex Braithwaite
Stay the Hand of Justice: Whose Priorities Take Priority?, Laurel E. Fletcher, Harvey M. Weinstein, Patrick Vinck, and Phuong N. Pham
Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies in Immigration Cases: Finding Jurisdiction to Review Unexhausted Claims the Board of Immigration Appeals Considers Sua Sponte on the Merits, Larry R. Fleurantin
Translation Services Not Required: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Does Not Require Special Accommodations for Limited English Proficiency Individuals, Carrie L. Flores
Unfounded Allegations That John Yoo Violated His Ethical Obligations As A Lawyer: A Critical Analysis of the Torture Memo, Carrie L. Flores
Indispensable Sovereigns: Pimentel, Abstention, and the Uses of Rule 19, Katherine J. Florey
The Uses of Indispensable Sovereigns: Pimentel and the Evolution of Rule 19, Katherine J. Florey
Tensiones institucionales en el sistema de salud Colombiano, KATHERINE FLOREZ PINILLA
Regulatory Blowout: How Regulatory Failures Made the BP Disaster Possible, and How the System Can Be Fixed to Avoid a Recurrence, Alyson Flournoy, William Andreen, Rebecca Bratspies, Holly Doremus, Victor Flatt, Robert Glicksman, Joel Mintz, Daniel Rohlf, Amy Sinden, Rena I. Steinzor, Joseph Tomain, Sandra Zellmer, and James Goodwin
In Whom We Trust, Temple K. Fogg
Increasing Complexity: Resisting Simplification in Forensic Psychology, Diane R. Follingstad
Is Psychological Abuse Reciprocal in Intimate Relationships? Data from a National Sample of American Adults, Diane R. Follingstad and Maryanne Edmundson
Poisoned Flowers in Cyberspace: Resolving Focal Point Abuses and Tradmark-Related Conflicts in Space by Rewriting Code, Thomas C. Folsom
Does Response Evaluation and Decision (RED) Mediate the Relation between Hostile Attributional Style and Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence?, Reid G. Fontaine
In Self-Defense Regarding Self-Defense: A Rejoinder to Professor Corrado, Reid G. Fontaine
New Developments in Developmental Research on Social Information Processing and Antisocial Behavior, Reid G. Fontaine
Between Procedural Impermeability and Constitutional Openness: The Italian Constitutional Court and Preliminary References to the European Court of Justice, Filippo Fontanelli and Giuseppe Martinico
Compelling the Courts to Question Gonzales v. O Centro: A Public Harms Approach to Free Exercise Analysis, Ari B. Fontecchio
ADA Employment Discrimination Claims Addressed in Rederford v. US Airways, Pamela Foohey
Recent Developments in Judicial Estoppel and Dismissal of Employment Discrimination Suits, Pamela Foohey
Open Content Licensing of Public Sector Information and the Risk of Tortious Liability for Australian Governments, Cheryl Foong
New Governance in the Teeth of Human Frailty: Lessons from Financial Regulation, Cristie L. Ford
New Governance Securities Regulation in Theory and Practice, Cristie L. Ford
Principles-Based Securities Regulation in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis, Cristie L. Ford
Principles-Based Securities Regulation in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis, Cristie L. Ford
Power Without Property, Still: Unger, Berle, and the Derivatives Revoluation, Cristie L. Ford and Carol Liao
Difficulties with e-signatures: How shall we know them?, Jay Forder
Taming the unruly horse! Contractual illegality and public policy: Fitzgerald v FJ Leonhardt Pty Ltd, Jay Forder
The inadequate legislative response to e-signatures, Jay Forder
Quantifying the Cost of Substandard Patents: Some Preliminary Evidence, GEORGE S. FORD, T. Randolph Beard, Thomas M. Koutsky, and Lawrence J. Spiwak
The Need for Better Analysis of High Capacity Services, GEORGE S. FORD and LAWRENCE J. SPIWAK
The Values of an Old Crank: A Response to Professor Taylor's Critique of the Case Method, Brigham A. Fordham
Implications of Video Games and Virtual Worlds in Trademark Law, William K. Ford and Ben Manevitz
What's Reasonable?: Self-Defense and Mistake in Criminal and Tort Law, Caroline Forell
Drawing the Right Lessons from ICSID Jurisprudence on the Doctrine of Necessity, Amin George Forji
Is the 2010 Global Snowstorms a Contradiction or a Validation of the Climate Change Theory?, Amin George Forji
Just Laws versus Unjust Laws: Asserting the Morality of Civil Disobedience, Amin George Forji