The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Building the infrastructure of anti-trafficking: Information, funding, responses, Fiona M. David Ms
Labour trafficking, Fiona M. David Ms
Labour trafficking: key concepts and issues, Fiona M. David Ms
Labour trafficking: prosecutions and other proceedings, Fiona M. David Ms
Migrant smuggling and human rights - notes from the field, Fiona M. David Ms
The boats can be stopped, if war and hunger are too, Fiona M. David Ms
UNODC Model Law against Smuggling of Migrants, Fiona M. David Ms
Interpreting the Supreme Court’s Treatment of the Chrysler Bankruptcy and its Impact on Future Business Reorganizations, Fred N. David
Maimonides, Nature and Natural Law, JOSEPH DAVID
VICTIMS VIOLATING DEFENDANTS: Victim Participation and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Joseph Davids
No Shortcuts on Human Rights: Bail and the International Criminal Trial, Caroline L. Davidson
Adapting to Climate Change: Transbasin Water Diversions and an Example from the Missouri River Valley, John Davidson
Is It Time for a Missouri River Compact?, John Davidson
International Civil Religion: Respecting Religious Diversity while Promoting International Cooperation, Amos Prosser Davis
Comment: Fueling the Coal War--The Courts, the Feds, and the EPA: Who is in a better position to curb coal-related pollution?, Corwyn M. Davis
Fueling the Coal War--The Courts, the Feds, and the EPA: Who is in a better position to curb coal-related pollution?, Corwyn M. Davis
Commentary: Overcoming Judicial Preferences for Person- Versus Situation-Based Analyses of Interrogation-Induced Confessions, Deborah Davis and Richard Leo
Three Prongs of the Confession Problem: Issues and Proposed Solutions, Deborah Davis and Richard Leo
Interrogation through Pragmatic Implication: Sticking to the Letter of the Law While Violating its Intent, Deborah Davis and Richard A. Leo
Comparative Deterrence from Private Enforcement and Criminal Enforcement of the U.S. Antitrust Laws, Joshua P. Davis
Antitrust, Class Certification, and the Politics of Procedure, Joshua P. Davis and Eric L. Cramer
Of Vulnerable Monopolists?: Questionable Innovation in the Standard for Class Certification in Antitrust Cases, Joshua P. Davis and Eric L. Cramer
The Inherent Structure of Free Speech Law, Joshua P. Davis and Joshua D. Rosenberg
The Inherent Structure of Free Speech Law, Joshua P. Davis and Joshua D. Rosenberg
Taking Stock -- Salary and Options Too: The Looting of Corporate America, Kenneth R. Davis
Taking Stock -- Salary and Options Too: The Looting of Corporate America, Kenneth R. Davis
Taking Stock -- Salary and Options Too: The Looting of Corporate America, Kenneth R. Davis
Taking Stock -- Salary and Options Too: The Looting of Corporate America, Kenneth R. Davis
Some Reflections on Modern Free Exercise Doctrine: A Review Essay, David Day
The New Digitial Dating Behavior - Sexting: Teens' Explicit Love Letters: Criminal Justice or Civil Liability, Terri R. Day
The New Digitial Dating Behavior - Sexting: Teens' Explicit Love Letters: Criminal Justice or Civil Liability, Terri R. Day
The New Digitial Dating Behavior - Sexting: Teens' Explicit Love Letters: Criminal Justice or Civil Liability, Terri R. Day
Déjà vu: From Comic Books to Video Games: Legislative Reliance on “Soft Science” to Protect against Uncertain Societal Harm Linked to Violence v. the First Amendment, Terri R. Day and Ryan CW Hall M.D.
Déjà vu: From Comic Books to Video Games: Legislative Reliance on “Soft Science” to Protect against Uncertain Societal Harm Linked to Violence v. the First Amendment, Terri R. Day and Ryan C.W. Hall M.D.
Déjà vu: From Comic Books to Video Games: Legislative Reliance on “Soft Science” to Protect against Uncertain Societal Harm Linked to Violence v. the First Amendment, Terri R. Day and Ryan C.W. Hall Dr.
Déjà vu: From Comic Books to Video Games: Legislative Reliance on “Soft Science” to Protect against Uncertain Societal Harm Linked to Violence v. the First Amendment, Terri R. Day and Ryan C.W. Hall M.D.
Fast-Fish, Loose-Fish: How Whalemen, Lawyers, and Judges Created the British Property Law of Whaling, Robert C. Deal
Regulations, Market Stimuli and Professional Virtues in Conflict: About Self-Regulation and Professionals, Wouter H. de Been
Diversiteit in Nederland, Wouter H. de Been and Wibren van der Burg
Nouveaux éclairages de la notion de “donnée personnelle” et application audacieuse du critère de proportionnalité », Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, Grande Chambre S. et Marper c. Royaume Uni, 4 décembre 2008, Daniel de Beer, Paul De Hert, Gloria Gonzalez-Fuster, and Serge Gutwirth
Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright, Jeremy de Beer
La Commission du Droit d’Auteur du Canada: Vingt Années à ‘Faire’ l’Histoire Juridique, Jeremy de Beer
New Directions for Biotech Infringement Remedies, Jeremy de Beer
Where do Creators Fit in the Commotion About Copyright, Jeremy de Beer
Accounting of Profits to Remedy Biotechnology Patent Infringement, Jeremy de Beer and Kurtis Andrews
Foresight into the Future of WIPO’s Development Agenda, Jeremy de Beer and Sara Bannerman
Canada’s ‘Orphan Works’ Regime: Unlocatable Copyright Owners and the Copyright Board, Jeremy de Beer and Mario Bouchard
Copyright and Education: Lessons on African Copyright and Access to Knowledge, Jeremy de Beer, Dick Kawooya, Tobias Schonwetter, and Achal Prabhala
Intellectual Property Training and Education: A Development Perspective, Jeremy de Beer and Chidi Oguamanam
Intellectual Property Training and Education: A Development Perspective, Jeremy de Beer and Chidi Oguamanam
Sugarcoating Cruel And Unusual: Eighth Amendment Gross Disproportionality Review Is Simply The Fourteenth Amendment Rational-Basis Test, Christopher J. DeClue
Sugarcoating the Eighth Amendment: Gross Disproportionality Review is Simply the Fourteenth Amendment Rational-Basis Test, Christopher J. DeClue
Sugarcoating the Eighth Amendment: Gross Disproportionality Review is Simply the Fourteenth Amendment Rational-Basis Test, Christopher J. DeClue
Sugarcoating the Eighth Amendment: Gross Disproportionality Review is Simply the Fourteenth Amendment Rational-Basis Test, Christopher J. DeClue
Joint Criminal Enterprise and the Jurisdiction of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Randle C. DeFalco
Does Context Matter in Determining Psychological Abuse? Effects of Pattern, Harm, Relationship, and Norms, Dana D. DeHart, Diane R. Follingstad, and Alice M. Fields
The WHY of It: Langdell's Generation Speaks to Today's Law Sudents, David S. DeHorse
Defining Death: Why All Fifty States Should Adopt the Uniform Definition of Death Act with a Religious Exception, Rachel Delaney
Martti Koskenniemi and the Spirit of the Beehive in International Law, Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral
Una aproximación al debate democrático en Derecho internacional, Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral
Manuel Ayau, prócer latinoamericano, Armando de la Torre
The Special Measures Mandate of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination: Lessons from the United States and South Africa, Connie de la Vega
An Honest Mistake: How Consolidating the Circuits could Define the Borders of Honest Services Fraud, Jorge R. Delgado
Between ancient Roman law and modern law and economics, introducing the legal system for 21st-century Latin America and the Caribbean, Juan Javier del Granado
Desde el genio del Derecho romano hasta la innovación del análisis económico del Derecho: hacia la proyección de un nuevo Derecho adjetivo, Juan Javier del Granado
El derecho indiano y la escolástica barroca: una lectura fresca y actual de los emblemas de Juan de Solorzano y Pereira, Juan Javier del Granado
Las insuficiencias del common law angloamericano, Juan Javier del Granado
Oeconomia iuris: Un libro de Derecho del siglo XVI, refundido para el siglo XXI, Juan Javier del Granado
Roman law and ratio decidendi in Spanish Colonial law, 16th through the 19th centuries, Juan Javier del Granado and Alejandro Mayagoitia
La utilización de mecanismos de mercado para mejorar la enseñanza del Derecho los países de Iberoamérica, Juan Javier del Granado and Francisco Villalón Ezquerro
From Jumping Frogs to Graffiti-Painted Walls: Legal Issues Caused by Mistranslation in International Commercial Arbitration, Myanna Dellinger
Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark: The Deprivation of Democratic Rights by Nation States Not Recognizing Dual Citizenship, Myanna Dellinger
The disconnect between assessment and intervention in the risk management of criminal offenders, David DeMatteo, Elizabeth Hunt, Ashley Batastini, and Casey LaDuke
Is There a More Just "Fortress Europe:? A Review of Engherson and Leerkes, Nora V. Demleitner
Breaking New Ground in International Criminal Law and Philosophy, Michelle Dempsey
Sex Trafficking and Criminalization: In Defense of Feminist Abolitionism, Michelle Dempsey
Sharing Reasons for Criminalization? No Thanks ... Already Got 'Em!, Michelle Dempsey
The Object of Criminal Responsibility, Michelle Dempsey
Criminal Procedure Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Between Organic Minimalism and Extrinsic Maximalism, Christopher DeNicola
Child Labor In India, A Consumer’s Perspective: Identifying Causes, Acknowledging Realities, and Proposing Incentives for Improvement, Vanessa L. De Niro Esq.
Health Concerns of Youth, Who Age Out Of The System, Vanessa L. De Niro
Child Labor In India, A Consumer’s Perspective: Identifying Causes, Acknowledging Realities, and Proposing Incentives for Improvement, Vanessa L. DeNiro Esq.
Laws on Locally Grown Food and Constitutional Limits on State and Local Government: Suggestions for Policymakers and Advocates, Brannon P. Denning, Samantha Graff, and Heather Wooten
Random Walks, Non-Cooperation Games, and the Complex Mathematics of Patent Pricing, F. Russell Denton and Paul J. Heald
International legal Personalities and its criteria of recognition in International law, Rajesh Deoli
Bescherming van intellectuele rechten mag niet ten koste van privacy, Sari Depreeuw and Serge Gutwirth
An Analytical Framework for International Criminal Law: Realism and Interest Alignment, Daniel H. Derby
Towards a holistic approach to technology and climate change: what would form part of an answer?, Estelle Derclaye and Abbe Brown
Cap-and-Trade Legislation, John C. Dernbach
Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Ecosystems: 2009 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach
Making the States Full Partners In a National Climate Change Effort: A Necessary Element for Sustainable Economic Development, John C. Dernbach, Robert B. McKinstry, and Thomas D. Peterson
A Practical Guide To Legal Writing and Legal Method, John C. Dernbach, Richard V. Singleton, Cathleen Wharton, Joan Ruhtenberg, and Catherine J. Wasson
Brands, Competition, and the Law, Deven R. Desai and Spencer Waller
ASEAN's Constitutionalization of International Law: Challenges to Evolution under the new ASEAN Charter, Dr. Diane A. Desierto