The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Bankruptcy, Relocation and the Debtor’s Dilemma: Preserving Your Homestead Exemption versus Accepting the New Job Out of State, Timothy R. Tarvin
Are Regulators Rational?, Slavisa Tasic
High Expectations and Some Wounded Hopes: The Policy and Politics of a Uniform Statute on Videotaping Custodial Interrogations, Andrew Taslitz
Information Overload, Multi-tasking, and the Socially Networked Jury: Why Prosecutors Should Approach the Media Gingerly, Andrew Taslitz
Information Overload, Multi-tasking, and the Socially Networked Jury: Why Prosecutors Should Approach the Media Gingerly, Andrew Taslitz
Teaching After Dark: Part-Time Evening Students and the First-Year Legal Research & Writing Classroom, Bonny L. Tavares and Rebecca L. Scalio
Is Privity Dead?, David F. Tavella
Is Privity Dead? Should It Be?, David F. Tavella
Advice And Consent For Federal Judges: A New Alternative Based On Contract Law, David F. Tavella and Anne Marie Tavella
Predators and Propensity: The Proper Approach for Determining the Admissibility of Prior Bad Acts Evidence in Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions, Basyle Tchividjian
When the Child Abuser Has a Bible: Investigating Child Maltreatment Sanctioned or Condoned by a Religious Leader, Basyle Tchividjian
Binding the United Nations, Anastasia M. Telesetsky
Binding the United Nations: Compulsory Review of Disputes Involving UN International Responsibility before the International Court of Justice, Anastasia M. Telesetsky
Collaborative Governance for Climate Change Mitigation: Implementing a Co-Regulation Mechanism for Managing the Private Sector’s Contribution to Climate Change, Anastasia M. Telesetsky
Is the Quest for Corporate Responsibility a Wild Goose Chase? The Story of Lovenheim v. Iroquois Brands, Ltd., D. A. Jeremy Telman
Langdellian Limericks, D. A. Jeremy Telman
The Ethical Issues of Lateral Moves: Whether, When and How to Notify Clients of A Lawyer's Resignation, Barry R. Temkin
Twittering Jurors and The Rules of Professional Conduct: Should Lawyers Avert Their Eyes from Juror Social Network Postings?, Barry R. Temkin
Arbitration: Handling FINRA's New Discovery Guide, Barry R. Temkin and Kate DiGeronimo
How To Staff An Ethics Hotline: The New York County Lawyers' Association Experience, Barry R. Temkin and Gordon Eng
New Suitability and Fiduciary Standards for Financial Advisors Under the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Barry R. Temkin and Michael R. Koblenz
Ethical Issues for Lawyers Under the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Lawyer Representations Under the End-User Swap Exemption, Barry R. Temkin and Michael Sackheim
CFTC Targets Forex Industry Compliance, Barry R. Temkin and Felix Shipkevich
Curriculum Vitae - Harry F. Tepker, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Review of The Quest for 'Just and Pure Law': Rocky Mountain Workers and American Social Democracy 1870-1924 by John P. Enyeart, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Academics Making a Different: Prosecutor Disclosure Obligations in Criminal Cases,, Laurel S. Terry
International Initiatives that Facilitate Global Mobility in Higher Education, Laurel S. Terry
Laurel Terry's Summary & Supplement to the U.S. Lawyer AML Voluntary Good Practices Guidance [A "Red Flags" Two-Pager], Laurel S. Terry
Fear of Facebook: Private Ordering of Social Media Risks Incurred by Healthcare Providers, Nicolas P. Terry
Fear of Facebook: Private Ordering of Social Media Risks Incurred by Healthcare Providers, Nicolas P. Terry
A vueltas con la Facultad en la UCAM, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Il problema della delimitazione della libertà di manifestazione del pensiero online, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Internet, Derechos Fundamentales y Economía Sostenible, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
"La juventud se ha olvidado de sus responsabilidades", Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Libertad de expresión en Internet, control de contenidos de las páginas web y sus garantías constitucionales, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Un hombre, un voto, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Act Deux: Confidentiality After the Florida Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act, Fran L. Tetunic
Damages to Business Interests, R. Steven Thing
Is It Ever too Late for Innocence? Finality, Efficiency, and Claims of Innocence, George C. Thomas, Gordon G. Young, Keith Sharfman, and Kate B. Briscoe
Back to the Future of Regulating Abortion in the First Term, Tracy A. Thomas
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Notion of a Legal Class of Gender, Tracy A. Thomas
Law, History, and Feminism, Tracy A. Thomas
Reexamining Abortion Law in the Context of Its Grassroots Backstory, Tracy A. Thomas
Women and the Law, Tracy A. Thomas
Feminist Legal History: Essays on Women and Law, Tracy A. Thomas and TJ Boisseau
Immigration Policy through the Lens of Optimal Federalism, Dale B. Thompson
Immigration Policy through the Lens of Optimal Federalism, Dale B. Thompson
Immigration Policy through the Lens of Optimal Federalism, Dale B. Thompson
Immigration Policy through the Lens of Optimal Federalism, Dale B. Thompson
Immigration Policy through the Lens of Optimal Federalism, Dale B. Thompson
Dodd-Frank and Basel III’s Skin in the Game Divergence and Why it is Good for the International Banking System, Eric M. Thompson
Criminal Law as Public Law, Malcolm Thorburn
Human Rights Law in the Republic of Ireland 2008, Liam P. Thornton Mr.
Twenty-One Years of the CRC: The Rights of the Child Come of Age?, Liam P. Thornton Mr.
Book Review, Women and the Law Stories (Elizabeth M. Schneider & Stephanie M. Wildman eds., 2011), Alyssa Thurston
LAW AND (DIS)ORDER: The Struggle for Black Power in Charlotte, North Carolina, 1968-1979 (in progress), Donald F. Tibbs
Optimal Class Size, Opt-Out Rights, and "Indivisible" Remedies, Jay Tidmarsh and David Betson
Foreign Citizens in Transnational Class Actions, Jay Tidmarsh and Linda Simard
Foreign Citizens in Transnational Class Actions, Jay Tidmarsh and Linda Sandstrom Simard
Can the President and Congress Establish a Legislative Veto Mechanism for Drawing Down a Long And Controversial War?, Charles Tiefer
Can the President and Congress Establish a Legislative Veto Mechanism for Drawing Down a Long And Controversial War?, Charles Tiefer
Can the President and Congress Establish a Legislative Veto Mechanism for Drawing Down a Long And Controversial War?, Charles Tiefer
Curriculum Vitae, Seth Barrett Tillman
Discovery of a Primary Document Relating to Irish Revolution, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Egon Guttman's Modern Securities Transfers (4th ed. Supp. 2011), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from James D. Cox & Thomas Lee Hazen, Business Organizations Law (3d ed. 2011), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from James E. Pfander & Daniel D. Birk's Article III and the Scottish Enlightenment, Harvard Law Review (2011), citing Tillman & Tillman's A Fragment on Shall and May, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Jay Wexler's The Odd Clauses: Understanding the Constitution through Ten of Its Most Curious Provisions (2011), citing Prakash-Tillman exchange, and citing the Kalt-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Legal Opinion Newsletter (2011), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Luke Beck, The Constitutional Prohibition on Religious Tests, Melbourne University Law Review (2011) (peer reviewed), citing Tillman's Interpreting Precise Constitutional Text, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Mark S. Rhodes, Transfer of Stock (7th ed. Supp. 2011) citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Nat Ofo, Amending the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, African Journal of Legal Studies (2011) (peer reviewed), citing Lawson-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute Policy Report, Federalism Do-It-Yourself (2011), citing Tillman's "A Textualist Defense", Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Nick Dranias' What is an Interstate Compact (2011) citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Paul Horwitz, The Agnostic Age: Law, Religion, and the Constitution (2011), citing Tillman's Blushing Our Way Past Historical Fact and Fiction, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Peter Spiller, Butterworth’s New Zealand Law Dictionary (7th ed. 2011), acknowledging Seth Barrett Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Pier Luigi Petrillo, Democrazie Sotto Pressione (2011), citing Tillman's The Puzzle of Hamilton's Federalist No. 77, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Richard Albert's Democratic Revolutions (2011) (unpublished manuscript), acknowledging Seth Barrett Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (4th ed. Supp. 2011) citing Tillman & Tillman's A Fragment on Shall & May, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Vivian S. Chu, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress (2011) (2012 update), citing Kalt-Tillman Colloquy on Recess Appointments, Seth Barrett Tillman
Irish Law Journal: Peer Review Committee, Faculty Advisor, Seth Barrett Tillman