The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Race and Place in Post-Reconstruction America: How the Cleveland Bar Became Segregated, 1870-1930, Robert N. Strassfeld
Climate Change and the Challenge of Democratic Global Governance, Andrew L. Strauss
Cutting the Gordian Knot: How and Why the United Nations Should Vest the International Court of Justice with Referral Jurisdiction, Andrew L. Strauss
Democracy, and the Rule of Law After September 11th, Andrew L. Strauss
Learning from the Global Trade Regime: A Proposal to Help Ameliorate Climate Change by Giving the International Court of Justice Universal Advisory Jurisdiction, Andrew L. Strauss
New Conceptions of International Governance and Legitimacy, Andrew L. Strauss
Nuremberg's Legal Legacy, Andrew L. Strauss
The Future of the International Court of Justice, Andrew L. Strauss
Imperial Ignition: Ecological Debt, Greenhouse Development Rights and Climate Change, Jonathan Stribling
Screening Justice - The Cinema of Law: Significant Films of Law, Order and Social Justice, Rennard Strickland, Teree Foster, and Taunya L. Banks
Advocacy for rights of disabled and different deserves the Nobel Prize as much as many other issues, James T. Struck
Constitutional and Legal Phrases-How misuse of phrases leads to gun ownership, many presidents and enslavement of persons with disability, James T. Struck
Critiquing Critical Legal Theory and Legal Education, James T. Struck
Friendship Spiritual Economics-Economic Simplicity Indicator-Economics not just in black box but interpretation also not in black box, James T. Struck
How Affirmative Action Could Be used to Make a Co-President And Protect Civil Rights, James T. Struck
How Debate Tournaments Age Discrimination Law Can Be Used to Claim Presidency, James T. Struck
Illinois Judges, Guardians Not Rockefeller, Carnegie as Factors in Holocaust, Elder Disability Abuse, James T. Struck
My Contirbution to 2 Nobel Prizes, James T. Struck
Suicide as Homicide-Talking About Nuclear Testing Rather than Yousef Response, James T. Struck
Apuntes sobre la relevancia constitucional del mandato funcional del INDECOPI, Pierino Stucchi
La Ciudadanía Económica en el Perú: El Consumidor, Pierino Stucchi
Los problemas de agencia entre los Acreedores y el Liquidador: Una aproximación a las soluciones desde la jurisprudencia administrativa, Pierino Stucchi
Crony Capitalism and Antitrust, Maurice E. Stucke
Reconsidering Competition, Maurice E. Stucke
Why More Antitrust Immunity for the Media is a Bad Idea, Maurice E. Stucke
Antitrust Review of the AT&T/T-Mobile Transaction, Maurice E. Stucke and Allen Grunes
Behavioral Antitrust, Maurice E. Stucke and Amanda P. Reeves
Can the Extent of Religious Freedom be Measured?, Marcel Stuessi
Eine reine Demokratie ist in Syrien schwer vorstellbar, Marcel Stuessi
An Innovation-Centric Approach of Telecommunications Infrastructure Regulation, Konstantinos Stylianou
Are Law Schools Racist?: A "Talk" with Richard Delgado (Symposium: Deconstructing Race: When Reasonable Minds Differ), Dan Subotnik
Are Law Schools Racist? - Part II (Symposium: Deconstructing Race: When Reasonable Minds Differ), Dan Subotnik
Bah, Humbug to the Bleak Story of Women Law Faculty: A Response to Professor Neumann, Dan Subotnik
Copulemus in Pace: A Meditation on Rape, Affirmative Consent to Sex, and Sexual Autonomy, Dan Subotnik
Critical Race Theory – The Last Voyage, Dan Subotnik
Seeing Through "The Glass Ceiling": A Response to Professor Angel, Dan Subotnik
“Sue Me, Sue Me, What Can You Do To Me? I Love You” A Disquisition on Law, Sex, and Talk, Dan Subotnik
The Joke in Critical Race Theory: De Gustibus Disputandum Est?, Dan Subotnik
What's Wrong with Faculty-Student Sex? Response II, Dan Subotnik
Deconstructing the Rejection Letter: A Look at Elitism in Article Selection, Dan Subotnik and Glen Lazar
Deconstructing the Rejection Letter: A Look at Elitism in Article Selection, Dan Subotnik and Glen Lazar
Compensation for Personal Injury: What Nations Might Learn From Each Other, Stephen D. Sugarman
Law of Damages, Stephen D. Sugarman
A Bridle, a Prod and a Big Stick: An Evaluation of Class Actions, Shareholder Proposals and the Ultra Vires Doctrine as Methods for Controlling Corporate Behavior, Adam Sulkowski and Kent Greenfield
Customary International Law 2.0, Scott Sullivan
Ensayos sobre proteccion al consumidor en Peru, Óscar Súmar
La buena, la mala y la fea: una nueva secuela sobre la procedencia del RAC sobre resoluciones estimatorias, Óscar Súmar
Proteccion de libertades economicas en Peru: un analisis estadistico y econometrico de las decisiones del TC, Óscar Súmar
Que nos puede decir la teoria economica sobre las normas de proteccion al consumidor, Óscar Súmar
The Categorical versus the Pragmatic: Two Legal Approaches toward Toll Roads, Carlos C. Sun
The Toll Road Not Taken: Could the One Option Less Used Make a Difference?, Carlos C. Sun
Cost and Fee Allocation in Civil Procedure: National Report Sweden, Martin Sunnqvist
From Stone Circle to Transit Hall. Law and Art in the District Court Buildings in Ängelholm and Helsingborg, Martin Sunnqvist
Sammanläggning av flera systematiskt begångna brott till ett grovt brott, Martin Sunnqvist
A Revamped U.S. Export Control System for the 21st Century, Manik V. Suri
'Sexting' and The Law - How Australia Regulates Electronic Communication of Non-Professional Sexual Content, Dan Svantesson
What is Contract Law?, Dan J B Svantesson
Australia, Dan J. B. Svantesson
Fundamental policy considerations for the regulation of Internet cross-border privacy issues, Dan J.B. Svantesson
End the High-School Dropout Crisis: Tie Minimum Wage to Graduation, Paul Swamidass
The challenge of university startups in the USA: Lessons from successful cases, Paul Swamidass
Getting a Grip on the Corset: Gender, Sexuality and Patent Law, Kara Swanson
Authoring an Invention: Patent Production in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Kara W. Swanson
Food and Drug Law as Intellectual Property Law: Historical Reflections, Kara W. Swanson
Heightened Constitutional Scrutiny of Affirmative Action Measures, Gautam Swarup
Uncompensated Torts, Rick Swedloff
Legal Ethics and Campaign Contributions: The Professional Responsibility to Pay for Justice, Keith Swisher
INTRODUCCION, Silvina M. Szaidenfis 011
Variable Multipolarity and UN Security Council Reform, Bart M.J. Szewczyk
Variable Multipolarity and UN Security Council Reform: Enhancing Legitimacy and Effectiveness Through Contextual Cooperation, Bart M.J. Szewczyk
The Abuse of H-2 Visas and Their Use for Labor Trafficking Purposes, Maryam Tabatabai
Environmental Law: Policy and Practic, William M. Tabb and Linda A. Malone
Environmental Law: Policy and Practice, William M. Tabb and Linda A. Malone
Mutual Fund Performance Advertising: Inherently and Materially Misleading?, Ahmed E. Taha and Alan Palmiter
The Rise of U.S. Food Sustainability Litigation, Stephanie Tai
The Rise of U.S. Food Sustainability Litigation, Stephanie Tai
Serious Flaw of Employee Invention Ownership under the Bayh-Dole Act in Stanford v. Roche: Finding the Missing Piece of the Puzzle in the German Employee Invention Act, Toshiko Takenaka Prof.
How Swiftly the Carmack Amendemnt is Washed Away (Or Why Justice Sotomayor was Right in Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. v. Regal Beloit Corp., 130 S.Ct. 2433 (2010)), PART I, Patrick M. Talbot
How Swiftly the Carmack Amendment is Washed Away (Or Why J. Sotomayor Was Right in K-Line v. Regal Beloit, 130 S.Ct. 2433 (2010)), Patrick M. Talbot
Statutory Appendix with Annotations, Carmack Amendment, Supporting Article: How Swiftly Carmack is Washed Away, Patrick M. Talbot
U.N. Human Rights Fact-Finding: Establishing Individual Criminal Responsibility?, Lara C. Talsma
Securities Class Actions: Anglo-American Comparison and Cross-Border Implications, masayuki tamaruya
Private Equity Investment in Failed Banks: Controlling Risks to the Federal Safety Net, Robert M. Tammero Jr
Further reflections on the interpretations of private and public benefits in merger authorisation decisions, Corinne Tan Ms
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States, David S. Tanenhaus, Kay P. Kindred, Felice Batlan, Alfred L. Brophy, and Mark A. Graber
The House that "Equality" Built: The Asian American Movement and the Legacy of Community Action, Karen M. Tani
Law and the End of Life, Jacinta OA Tan, Jacqueline JL Chin, Terry Kaan, and Tracey E. Chan
Do Water Law and Policy Promote Sustainable Water Use? (symposium), Dan Tarlock
Is a Substantive, Non-Positivist United States Environmental Law Possible?, Dan Tarlock
Law of Water Rights and Resources, Dan Tarlock
The Legal-Political Barriers to Ramping Up Hydro (symposium), Dan Tarlock
White Paper, Making Good Use of Adaptive Management (Center for Progressive Reform 2011) (with H. Doremus et al.), Dan Tarlock