The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Re-conceptualizing the Law of Nuisance through a Theory of Economic Captivity, George P. Smith
Refractory Pain, Existential Suffering, and Palliative Care: Releasing an Unbearable Lightness of Being, George P. Smith
Refractory Pain, Existential Suffering, and Palliative Care: Releasing an Unbearable Lightness of Being, George P. Smith
Refractory Pain, Existential Suffering, and Palliative Care: Releasing an Unbearable Lightness of Being, George P. Smith
Refractory Pain, Existential Suffering, and Palliative Care: Releasing an Unbearable Lightness of Being, George P. Smith
Private Ordering with Shareholder Bylaws, Gordon Smith, Matthew Wright, and Marcus Hintze
The Principle of Complementarity in the Origins of Federal Civil Rights Enforcement, 1866-1871, Matthew A. Smith
The Principle of Complementarity in the Origins of Federal Civil Rights Enforcement, 1866-1871, Matthew A. Smith
Can the Success of Carbon Emission Cap-and-Trade Market be Predicted Based on the EPA’s Acid Rain Program?, Parisa S. smith
Transparency, Efficiency and the Distribution of Economic Welfare in Pass-Through Investment Trust Games, Vernon L. Smith, Thomas Rietz, Roman M. Sheremeta, and Timothy W. Shields
European Legal Education, or: How to Prepare Students for Global Citizenship?, Jan M. Smits
Is Law a Parasite? An Evolutionary Explanation of Differences Among Legal Traditions, Jan M. Smits
Kodifikation ohne Demokratie? Zur Legitimität eines europäischen (optionalen) Zivilgesetzbuches, Jan M. Smits
Plurality of Sources in European Private Law, or: How to Live With Legal Diversity, Jan M. Smits
Private Law 2.0: On The Role of Private Actors in a Post-National Society, Jan M. Smits
The Right to Change Your Mind? Rethinking the Usefulness of Mandatory Rights of Withdrawal in Consumer Contract Law, Jan M. Smits
Does Law Matter? On Law and Economic Growth, Jan M. Smits and Michael Faure
Does Law Matter? An Introduction, Jan M. Smits and Michael G. Faure
A Dialogue on Comparative Functionalism, Jan M. Smits and Jaakko Husa
The MIssing Girls of China: Population, Policy, Culture, Gender, Abortion, Abandonment, and Adoption in East-Asian Perspective, David M. Smolin
Analysis: Legal Scholar Deconstructs Boeing Case, Rodney Smolla
Roll Call Voting: Good Policy, Good Law, Rodney A. Smolla
The Constitution Goes to College: Five Constitutional Ideas That Have Shaped the American University, Rodney A. Smolla
We Need to Improve Civil Discourse for Our Own Sanity, Rodney A. Smolla
The Sustainable Corporation and Shareholder Profits, Judd Sneirson
Chevron, Greenwashing, and the Myth of 'Green Oil Companies', Judd Sneirson and Miriam Cherry
Introduction to Legal Writing, Neil L. Sobol
Legal Research: A Review for the CLA Exam, Neil L. Sobol
Persuasive Writing: What to Do If You Represent Charlie Sheen, Neil L. Sobol
Et Tu Lisa Jackson? An Economic Case for Why the EPA’s Sweeping Environmental Regulatory Agenda Hurts Animal Welfare on Factory Farms, David E. Solan
Hey Uncle Sam, Can You Spare a Couple Billion?: Examining the Constitutionality of a State Bankruptcy Chapter, David E. Solan
How Consumer Bankruptcy Reforms Can Help Save Microfinance in India, David E. Solan
The Cathedral Rules as the WTO’s Remedy, Ashley H. Song Ms.
Three Models of Civic Solidarity, Sarah Song
El cambio de Constitución: La actualización de un viejo debate, Daniel Soria Luján
¿Es necesaria la colegiación profesional para ejercer la docencia universitaria?, Daniel Soria Luján
La defensa de los derechos de las personas a pesar de ellas mismas, Daniel Soria Luján
Apathy in the face of cruelty, Ahmed E. SOUAIAIA
Qatar, Al Jazeera, and the Arab Spring, Ahmed E. SOUAIAIA
The Gulf Cooperative Council and the Arab Spring, Ahmed E. SOUAIAIA
Heidegger and the Essence of Adjudication, George Souri
A Casus Omissus in Preventing Bankruptcy Fraud: Ordering A Search of a Debtor's Home, Michael D. Sousa
Integrating Avian Radar into the Aviation Operating Environment, Richard Sowden and Paul Eschenfelder
NEW!! The 2011 American State Litter Scorecard (abstract), Stephen [Steve] L. Spacek
The 2011 American State Litter Scorecard:New Rankings for an Increasingly Environmentally Concerned Population, Stephen [Steve] L. Spacek
Medical Records Retention Guide (Michael Spak & Jonathan Tomes eds.), Michael Spak
Selling Sex: Analyzing the Improper Use Defense to Contract Enforcement Through the Lens of Carroll v. Beardon, Julie M. Spanbauer
Selling Sex: Analyzing the Improper Use Defense to Contract Enforcement Through the Lens of Carroll versus Beardon, Julie M. Spanbauer
Advisory Adjudication, Girardeau A. Spann
Advisory Adjudication, Girardeau A. Spann
Children of Divorce: A Thirty-One Year Retrospective, Robert G. Spector
Memorandum: Accommodating the UCCJEA and the 1996 Hague Convention, Robert G. Spector
A Review of the Year in Family Law: Working Toward More Uniformity in Laws Relating to Families, Robert G. Spector and Linda D. Elrod