The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Il Regolamento CE 593/2008 Sulla Legge Applicabile Alle Obbligazioni Contrattuali (“Roma I”) – Ovverosia una Grande Occasione Perduta, Michael Joachim Bonell
The Economic Burden of End-of-Life Illness (2d ed.) (with K. Covinsky & S. Moody), Alexander Boni-Saenz
Taxation and Business Planning for Real Estate Transactions, Bradley T. Borden
The Allure and Illusion of Partners' Interests in a Partnership, Bradley T. Borden
Three Cheers for Passthrough Taxation, Bradley T. Borden
Do Serial Exchangers Get Cash, with Extra Boot, Under New Letter Ruling?, Bradley T. Borden, Kelly E. Alton, and Alan S. Lederman
The Effect of Like-Kind Property on the Section 704(c) Anti-Mixing Bowl Rules, Bradley T. Borden and Douglas L. Longhofer
The Liability-Offset Theory of Peracchi, Bradley T. Borden and Douglas L. Longhofer
The Law School Firm, Bradley T. Borden and Robert J. Rhee
The Law School Firm, Bradley T. Borden and Robert J. Rhee
Series LLCs in Real Estate Transactions, Bradley T. Borden and Mathews Vattamala
Series LLCs in Real Estate Transactions, Bradley T. Borden and Mathews Vattamala
A New Generation of International Adjudication, Gary B. Born
A New Generation of International Adjudication, Gary B. Born
A New Generation of International Adjudication, Gary B. Born
Taxation in Italy:the Constitution Ignored, Andrea Bortoluzzi
Reorienting Feminist Strategies Relating to Adult Transactional Sex, suzanne Bouclin
The Impact Xat, Paul Boudreaux
The Impact Xat, Paul Boudreaux
American Skin: dispensing with colorblindness and critical mass in affirmative action, Deirdre M. Bowen
Getting Away With Murder (Most of the Time): A Sesquicentennial Analysis of Civil War Era Homicide Cases in Boone County, Missouri, Frank O. Bowman III
Of Haves and Have-Nots: A Review of Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trade Regime: The Failure and Promise of the WTO’s Development Mission, Gregory W. Bowman
Community Collateral Damage: A Question of Priorities, Andrea J. Boyack
Community Collateral Damage: A Question of Priorities, Andrea J. Boyack
Name That Sanction!, Bobbi Jo Boyd
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Thinking Critically about Mental Health Courts, John A. Bozza
Habermas and the Positive Criteria of Legal Norms, Claudio Bozzi Dr
The Positive Criteria of Legal Norms, Claudio Bozzi Dr
The Positive Criteria of Legal Norms, Claudio Bozzi Dr
The Fetish for Authentic Race in American Law, Christopher A. Bracey
Crowdfunding and the Federal Securities Laws, Steve Bradford
Crowdfunding and the Federal Securities Laws, Steve Bradford
"Because That's Where the Money Is": A Theory of Corporate Legal Compliance, william bradford
The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, William Bradford
Is the Exclusionary Rule Dead?, Craig M. Bradley
Katina Michael takes helm of tech magazine, Jenna Bradwell and Katina Michael
Förrättsligande genom konstitutionalisering och parlamentarismens slut, Leila Brännström
Women on Corporate Boards of Directors - A Global Snapshot, douglas m. branson
The Competing Claims of Canon and Civil Law to Accessing Diocesan Secret Archives, Stephen Braunlich
Contratistas y supervisores de obra: Responsabilidades en el marco de la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado y otras normas aplicables, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Ejecutividad y ejecutoriedad del acto administrativo., Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
La resolución contractual en la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado: Causales y procedimientos, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Notas sobre los adicionales en torno a la ejecución y supervisión de obras públicas, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Overcoming the “Impossible Issue” of Nonobviousness in Design Patents, Daniel Harris Brean and Janice M. Mueller
Drone Attacks, International Law, and the Recording of Civilian Casualties of armed conflict, Susan C. Breau Professor
Leuvense Rector heeft meer dan één plant uitgetrokken. Ontslag Barbara Van Dyck smoort menigsuiting van anderen., Eva Brems, Serge Gutwirth, Dirk Voorhoof, and et al.
Are Catholics Unreliable From a Democratic Point of View? And What Does it Mean if They Are? Thoughts on the Occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary of Paul Blanshard's American Freedom and Catholic Power, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Are Legislation and Rules a Problem in Law? Thoughts on the Work of Joseph Vining, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Conscience and the Common Good: An Alternative Perspective, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Joseph Vining's From Newton's Sleep, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Review of Christopher Cullen, Maritain and America (Catholic University of America Press 2010), Patrick McKinley Brennan
Review of Jean Porter, Ministers of the Law (Eerdmans 2010), Patrick McKinley Brennan
The Individual Mandate, Sovereignty, and the Ends of Good Government: A Reply to Professor Randy Barnett, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Cyberthreats And The Limits Of Bureaucratic Control, Susan Brenner
Leverage: State Enforcement Actions in the Wake of the Robo-Sign Scandal, Raymond H. Brescia
Rainwater Harvesting under Colorado's Prior Appropriation Doctrine: Property Rights and Takings, Stephen N. Bretsen
Hearing: How Fraud and Abuse in the Asbestos Compensation System Affect Victims, Jobs, the Economy and the Legal System, Lester Brickman
Campaign Contributions, Campaign Involvement, and Judicial Recusal, Howard W. Brill
Campaign Contributions, Campaign Involvement, and Judicial Recusal, Howard W. Brill
Florida S.B. 1196 and Condominium Assessment Collection Measures Sweeping or Sleeping?, Rose Brill
Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy, Jerry Brito and Tate Watkins
Don't Tread on Me! Greenhouse Gases Must Never Choke American Freedom, Beau James Brock
Getting to Know Some of Baton Rouge's Young Prosecutors, Beau James Brock
Getting to Know Some of Baton Rouge's Young Public Defenders, Beau James Brock
Modern American Supreme Court Judicial Methodology and Its Origins: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Thought of Roscoe Pound, Beau James Brock
Professionalism, Celebrity Justice & Representation of Unpopular Clients and Causes, Beau James Brock
The Practice of Criminal Defense: Principles of Why We Fight, Beau James Brock and Andre Belanger
How Public Is Private Philanthropy? Separating Reality from Myth (Philanthropy Roundtable, 2d ed. 2012) (with J. Tyler), Evelyn Brody
Sunshine and Shadows on Charity Governance: Public Disclosure as a Regulatory Tool, Evelyn Brody
Solar Rights for Texas Property Owners, Sara C. Bronin
The application of risk-need-responsivity to risk assessment and intervention-planning: Opportunities, current limitations, and relevant research needs, Stephanie Brooks-Holliday; Kento Yasuhara; Sanjay Shah; Anne Bingham; Chris King,; Danielle Hamilton; Anna Danylyuk; David DeMatteo; and Kirk Heilbrun
Blood Sugar Sex Magik: A Review of Post-Conviction DNA Testing Statutes and Legislative Recommendations, Justin P. Brooks
Meeting the Professional Identity Challenge in Legal Education Through a Relationship-Centered Experiential Curriculum, Susan L. Brooks
Epistemology and Ethics in Relationship-Centered Legal Education and Practice, Susan L. Brooks and Robert Madden III
A Comparison of a Mentally Ill Individual's Right to Refuse Medication Under the United States and the New York State Constitutions, William M. Brooks
Reevaluating Substantive Due Process as a Source of Protection for Psychiatric Patients to Refuse Drugs, William M. Brooks
Cyberspace self-‐governance and its role and limits in regulating virtual world property relationships, Linda Margaret Broughton
Repair versus Rejuvenation: The Condition of Vaginas as a Proxy for the Societal Status of Women, Patricia A. Broussard
When the Law is Silent, Trespassers W… : Law and Power in Implied Property Rights, Ann Brower
International Criminal Law: Nature, Origins and a Few Key Issues, Bartram Brown
Research Handbook on International Criminal Law, Bartram Brown
Of Pigs, Plain Text, and Pyrrhic Victories: National Pork Producers Council v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Christopher Ralph Brown JD MPA
Why Padilla Doesn't Matter (Much), Darryl K. Brown
A VISA TO "SNITCH", Eleanor M. Brown
A VISA TO "SNITCH", Eleanor M. Brown
Accountability, Liability, and the War on Terror -- Constitutional Tort Suits as Truth and Reconciliation Vehicles, George D. Brown
Anti-terror fight on trial, George D. Brown
Lessons from the Mehanna trial, George D. Brown
Political Judges and Popular Justice: A Conservative Victory or a Conservative Dilemma?, George D. Brown
Putting Watergate Behind Us: Salinas, Sun-Diamond, and Two Views of the Anticorruption Model, George D. Brown
Should Federalism Shield Corruption?—Mail Fraud, State Law and Post-Lopez Analysis, George D. Brown
The Gratuities Debate and Campaign Reform – How Strong is the Link?, George D. Brown
The Ideologies of Forum Shopping - Why Doesn't a Conservative Court Protect Defendants?, George D. Brown