The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Copyright in Standards: Open or Shut Case, Tyrone Berger
Tax Hangover or Cure? Reforms for Research and Development Tax Incentives, Tyrone Berger
Death Is Not So Different After All: Graham v. Florida and the Court’s “Kids Are Different” Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence, Mary E. Berkheiser
65-летие Нюрнбергского процесса над главными нацистскими военными преступниками: уроки истории, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Власть и cоветская наука. Формирование государственной политики (1917-1941 гг.). Монография, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Избирательное право зарубежных стран, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Избранные труды по конституционному праву. Конституционное право России и зарубежных стран, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Конституционная свобода научного творчества: сущность и нормативное содержание, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Международное право. Сборник научных трудов и учебно-методическое пособие, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Правовая политика советского государства в сфере регулирования научной деятельности (1917 – конец 20-х годов). Монография, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Правовая политика советского государства в сфере регулирования научной деятельности: этапы и особенности (1917 – 1929 гг.), Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Проблемы избирательного права. Правовое регулирование электоральных отношений. Монография, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Суд над нацистским правом. Нюрнбергский процесс: 65 лет спустя, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Трансформация избирательной системы Великобритании, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy
Избирательная система как институт российского муниципального избирательного права, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy and Nickolay Taraban
CLE program on the Duty of Confidentiality, Alberto Bernabe
Recent Developments in the Law of Lawyering: The New Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct, Alberto Bernabe
Ethics for ADR Provider Organizations, Phyllis E. Bernard
(forthcoming) The Lawyers Mind: Why a Twenty-First Century Legal Practice Will Not Thrive Using Ninteenth Century Thinking (With Thanks to George Lakoff), Phyllis E. Bernard
Death to Dying Declarations! The Case for Killing a Hearsay Exception, Samuel T. Bernier
When Can Attorneys' Fees Be Recovered in an Award Enforcement Action, M. Anderson Berry, Katherine S. Ritchey, and Nandini Iyer
Promulgating Proportionality, William W. Berry III
Repudiating Death, William W. Berry III
Small Changes, Big Results: Legislative Voting Behavior in the Presence of New Voters, Anthony M. Bertelli and Jamie L. Carson
The Lengthened Shadow of Another Institution? Ideal Point Estimates for the Executive Branch and Congress, Anthony M. Bertelli and Christian R. Grose
Where Did My Privilege Go? Congress and Its Discretion to Ignore the Attorney-Client Privilege, Don R. Berthiaume and Jeffrey J. Ansley
A “License to Read”: The Effect of E-Books on Publishers, Libraries, and the First Sale Doctrine, Rachel A. Berube
A Generation of Software Patents, James Bessen
Multiple Disadvantages: An Empirical Test of Intersectionality Theory in EFO Litigation, Rachel Best, Lauren Edelman, Linda Krieger, and Scott Eliason
Pre-commitment Technology for Problem Gamblers- What are the Privacy Risks?, Paul Bevan and Katina Michael
Milking It: Reconsidering the FDA’s Refusal to Require Labeling of Dairy Products Produced from rBST Treated Cows in Light of International Dairy Foods Association v. Boggs, Laurie J. Beyranevand
Direct Effect : Its potential to be created in Caribbean Integration Law and its likely effect in the OECS, Jonathan m. Bhagan
There is but one sword that defends all the rights of man: The unity of all Human Rights Jurisprudence. Applying international norms at the Domestic Level and bringing LGBT rights out of the closet., Jonathan Mario Bhagan
Development Lending to Municipalities by the World Bank Group, Asheesh Bhalla
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain It?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
The Desire for Whiteness: Can Law and Economics Explain it?, Shilpi Bhattacharya
Standing on Holy Ground: How Rethinking Justiciability Might Bring Peace to the Establishment Clause, John M. Bickers
Standing on Holy Ground: How Rethinking Justiciability Might Bring Peace to the Establishment Clause, John M. Bickers
Directors duties to the company and minority shareholder environmental activism, Brooke Shelley Bielefeld, Sue Higginson, James G. Jackson, and Aidan Ricketts
More Affordable Housing, But Where, and for Whom?, Brian N. Biglin
Know Your Customer - Or Not, Genci Bilali
Know Your Customer - Or Not, Genci Bilali
Know Your Customer - Or Not, Genci Bilali
Know Your Customer - Or Not, Genci Bilali
Boston College Legal History Roundtable: organized multiple presentations in 2011, Mary S. Bilder
How Bad were the Original Convention Records?, Mary S. Bilder
Madison's Hand, Mary S. Bilder
Panelist, Kathryn Preyer Memorial Papers Panel, Mary S. Bilder
Rhode Island and James Madison, Mary S. Bilder
Speaker, Magna Charta or Carta?, Mary S. Bilder
Speaker, Rhode Island Charter Day, Mary S. Bilder
Absent From the Convention: Libraries, Law and Political Philosophy: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Mary Sarah Bilder
Blackstone in America, Mary Sarah Bilder
Colonial Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law, Mary Sarah Bilder
Expounding the Law: Law and Judicial Duty, Mary Sarah Bilder
Idea or Practice: A Brief Historiography of Judicial Review, Mary Sarah Bilder
James Madison, Law Student and Demi-Lawyer, Mary Sarah Bilder
The Lost Lawyers: Early American Legal Literates and Transatlantic Legal Culture, Mary Sarah Bilder
The Origin of the Appeal in America, Mary Sarah Bilder
The Shrinking Back: The Law of Biography, Mary Sarah Bilder
The Struggle over Immigration: Indentured Servants, Slaves, and Articles of Commerce, Mary Sarah Bilder
The Transatlantic Constitution: Colonial Legal Culture and the Empire (Excerpt), Mary Sarah Bilder
Why We Have Judicial Review, Mary Sarah Bilder
The Role of Insurance in Providing Adequate Compensation and in Reducing Pollution Incidents: the Case of the International Oil Pollution Liability Regime, Muhammad Masum Billah Dr.
Perspective on 40 Years of Environmental Law, Denis Binder
The Year in Review, Denis Binder
On Constructive Legal Science Then and Now, Uta Bindreiter