The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
The Development of Charity: Anti-Poverty Measures of Ancient Jewish Law & Jurisprudence, William H. Byrnes IV
Exploring Alternative LLM programs: Executive, Mixed Delivery, and Dual Degrees (Non-U.S. and Cross-Discipline), William H. Byrnes
How New Custody Rule Impacts CPA Financial Planners, William H. Byrnes
How Well Do You Know Your Clients: Compliance/AML Issues/Crossing Borders, William H. Byrnes
The Nuance of Regulatory and Financial Reform, William H. Byrnes
Bringing Work Home: A Proposal for a Dispute Resolution System Tailored to the Family Business, John J. Byron and Whit D. Pierce
Protecting the Rights of the Plaintiff in Private Antitrust Litigation, jin qing cai
A Primer on the History and Proper Drafting of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders, Terrence Cain
Africa, Mark J. Calaguas
U.S. Appellate Court Ruling Deals Fatal Blow to Argentina Brady Bond Debt Swap, Mark J. Calaguas
Responsabilidad civil del médico, Angel Calisaya
El divorcio en el Perú y España, Angel A. Calisaya
Toward Harmonization and Certainty in Choice-of-Law Rules for International Contracts: Should the U.S. Adopt the Equivalent of Rome I?, Charles R. Calleros
The DisTORTed Reality of Civil Recourse Theory, Alan Calnan
What's Wrong With "Torts as Wrongs" (or Redirecting Civil Recourse Theory), Alan Calnan
Entidades Administrativas Independentes: Smoke & Mirrors, Victor J. Calvete
O Estatuto jurídico do Económico, Victor J. Calvete
No Sirve Continued: Mexico Modifies Its Hague Service Convention Declarations, Charles B. Campbell
“Non-Conviction” DNA Databases and Criminal Justice: A Comparative Analysis, Liz Campbell
'Non-Conviction' DNA Databases in the USA and England: Historical Differences, Current Convergences, Liz Campbell
Competing Paradigms? The Use of DNA Powers in Youth Justice, Liz Campbell and Nessa Lynch
Mass Torts and Due Process, Sergio J. Campos
Mass Torts and Due Process, Sergio J. Campos
Black Swans and Black Elephants in Plain Sight: An Empirical Review of Central Bank Independence, Timothy A. Canova
The Federal Reserve We Need: It’s the Fed We Once Had, Timothy A. Canova
Comparing Single Sex and Reformed Coeducation: A Constitutional Analysis, Nancy Chi Cantalupo
Arizona SB 1070: Fighting the Effect of Anti-Immigration Bills against Latino Families, David Cantor Mr.
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions: Criminal 2D Annotated, Charles Cantrell
The Path of Posner's Pragmatism, Edward Cantu
The Path of Posner's Pragmatism, Edward Cantu
17 Years Defending Human Rights in Mexico, Andrea P. Capellán
Colombia's Education System Fails Indigenous Groups, Delegation Finds, Andrea P. Capellán
Submission to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) Regarding Education and Indigenous Rights, Andrea P. Capellán, , and
MFAN Partner Responds to Foreign Assistance Dashboard, Andrea P. Capellán and Mary Beth Gallagher
After the Flood: The Legacy of the "Surge" of Federal Immigration Appeals, Stacy Caplow
China's Evidentiary and Procedural Reforms, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the Harmonization of Civil and Common Law, John J. Capowski
Teaching Values and Lawyering Skills, John J. Capowski
Self-Regulation by the Mexican Stock Exchange: A Promising Path Toward Developing Mexico's Securities Market?, Eugenio J. Cárdenas
ADN y simplificación del proceso de filiación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Alimentos después de divorcio: ¿excepción convertida en regla?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Curatela por voluntad anticipada, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Declaración de revocabilidad y revocación de la oferta contractual, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
El impacto de la informática en el ámbito legal, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Formación del contrato por aceptación tácita, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Formación del contrato por inicio de ejecución de la prestación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Indemnización y adjudicación preferente no son excluyentes entre sí, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La fianza como contrato de formación unilateral, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La reciente Ley de Protección de Datos Personales, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Madre pobre, padre malo, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Más allá del acuerdo contractual. Sobre la definición del contrato en el Código Civil, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Michele Taruffo, "Las funciones de las Cortes Supremas. Indicaciones generales", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Padre programó a sus hijos para odiar a la madre, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Paula Costa e Silva, "Los aspectos fundamentales de la uniformización de la jurisprudencia en el Derecho portugués", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Peligros del síndrome de alienación parental, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Puntos débiles de la ley de la autocuratela, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
¿Quién responde en el caso Oyarce?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Responsabilidad del principal por actos del dependiente. ¿Es necesaria la subordinación laboral?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Restitución del testamento cerrado y su valor como ológrafo, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Síndrome de alienación: Primer análisis jurisprudencial, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Temas civiles en los fallos del Tribunal Constitucional en el año 2010, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Un fallo peculiar sobre revocación de la oferta contractual, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Usurpación de nombre. Antes y después de la Ley Nº 28720, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
The Hidden Legacy of Palsgraf: A Survey of Modern Duty Law, W. Jonathan Cardi
Does Tort Law Deter?, W. Jonathan Cardi, Randy Penfield, and Albert H. Yoon
THE TAXPAYER’S BURDEN FROM PRODUCT-RELATED HARM, W. Jonathan Cardi, Ruth Ruttenberg, and Estye Ross
The Central American Constitutional Identity, Prof. Michele Carducci
Sports and the law: examining the legal evolution of America's three "major leagues", Peter A. Carfagna
Randagismo: chi risponde dei danni?, Giuseppe Caristena
Una corretta lettura dell’art. 38, comma 2, legge fallimentare: oltre la revoca anche le dimissioni, Giuseppe Caristena
How Myth-Busting about the Historical Goals of Civil Rights Activism Can Illuminate Paths for the Future, Susan Carle
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan D. Carle
How Myth-Busting about the Historical Goals of Civil Rights Activism Can Illuminate Paths for the Future, Susan D. Carle
Muscle Stretching as an Alternative Relaxation Training Procedure, Charles R. Carlson, Frank L. Collins, Arthur J. Nitz, Ellie T. Sturgis, and James L. Rogers
Editorial comment: The Independence and Impartiality of Legal Systems, David Caron
Gulf War Reparations and the UN Compensation Commission: Environmental Liability, David Caron
The World Ocean in Globalisation, David Caron
9/11 and the Tail of Historic Events, The American Society of International Law, David D. Caron
Climate Change and Arctic Governance, David D. Caron
Climate Change and Arctic Governance: Three Images of a Changing Arctic, David D. Caron
ICSID in the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Meg Kinnear, David D. Caron
Images of the Arctic and the Futures They Suggest, David D. Caron
International Courts and Tribunals: Their Roles Amidst a World of Courts, David D. Caron
International Courts and Tribunals: Their Roles amidst a World of Courts, David D. Caron
Introductory Remarks to the Panel entitled "New Horizons and Mechanisms: International Law, Trade and Investment", David D. Caron
Negotiating Our Future with the Oceans, David D. Caron
Negotiating Our Future with the Oceans, David D. Caron
The Independence and Impartiality of Legal Systems, David D. Caron
The Interpretation of National Foreign Investment Laws as Unilateral Acts Under International Law, David D. Caron
The Interpretation of National Foreign Investment Laws as Unilateral Acts Under International Law, David D. Caron
The Profound Significance of the UNCC for the Environment, David D. Caron
Two Strands of Change, ASIL Newsletter, David D. Caron
ASIL Annual Dinner: A Celebration of Distinction and Promise, David D. Caron, Elizabeth Andersen, Bernard H. Oxman, Lori Fisler Damrosch, John Crook, and Daniel Halberstam