The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Toward a Meaning-Full Establishment Clause Neutrality, Bruce Ledewitz
A Framework for the Analysis of Market Manipulation, Shaun D. Ledgerwood and Paul R. Carpenter
A Comparison of Anti-Manipulation Rules in U.S. and EU Electricity and Natural Gas Markets: A Proposal for a Common Standard, Shaun D. Ledgerwood and Dan Harris
Rummaging through the Bottom of Pandora’s Box: Funding Predatory Pricing through Contemporaneous Recoupment, Shaun D. Ledgerwood and Wesley J. Heath
Resistance, Resilience, and Reconciliation: Reflections on Native American Women and the Law, Stacy Leeds
Copyright, Death, and Taxes, Edward Lee
Digital Originality, Edward Lee
International Intellectual Property: Problems, Cases, and Materials, 2d ed. (with D. Chow)., Edward Lee
The Standing Doctrine's Dirty Little Secret, Evan T. Lee and Josephine K. Mason
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Mitigating the Effects of an Economic Downturn on Charitable Contributions: Facing the Problem and Contemplating Solutions, Grace S. Lee
Annotations of Orders 74 (Debtors Act), 75 (Distress Act), 85 (Bills of Sale Act) and 85a (Proceedings Arising out of Hire-Purchase Agreements), Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Freedom of Speech and Contempt by Scandalizing the Court in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Hire-Purchase Law, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Insurance: Valuation of Loss Suffered in Indemnity Policies, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Make the implicit explicit: Affirming right to vote in the Constitution would pre-empt the possibility of abuse by future govts, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Separability, Competence-Competence and the Arbitrator’s Jurisdiction in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Separability, Competence-Competence and the Arbitrator’s Jurisdiction in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Teaching Law in the University: Shaping Future Generations, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
Teaching Law in the University: Shaping Future Generations, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
The Court of Appeal's Lack of Jurisdiction to Reopen Appeals: Abdullah Bin a Rahman V Public Prosecutor; Lim Choon Chye V Public Prosecutor, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
The Court of Appeal's Lack of Jurisdiction to Reopen Appeals: Abdullah Bin a Rahman V Public Prosecutor; Lim Choon Chye V Public Prosecutor, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
The Dangerous Doctrine of Deference, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
When the Text Runs Out: The Role of the Court in Constitutional Construction, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE
A Legal Backgrounder on By-elections, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Proportionality in Interpreting Constitutional Rights: A Comparison between Canada, the United Kingdom and Singapore and its Implications for Vietnam, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Reforming the Right to Legal Counsel in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Shall the Twain Never Meet? Competing Narratives and Discourses of the Rule of Law in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
The Past, Present and Future of the Internal Security Act, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
The Road to Doha through Seoul: The Diplomatic and Legal Implications of the Pre-COP 18 Ministerial Meeting, Jae-Hyup Lee, John Leitner, and Minjung Chung
Government cracks down on identity fraud, Jane Lee and Katina Michael
ID scans raise privacy fears, Jane Lee, Georgia Wilkins, and Katina Michael
Private Civil Remedies: A Viable Tool for Guest Worker Empowerment, Jennifer J. Lee
Gatekeepers of Legal Information: Evaluating and Integrating Free Internet Legal Resources into the Classroom, Jootaek Lee
Aesthetic Experience and the Relationship between Law and Religion, Kevin P. Lee
Aesthetics, Meaning and the Embodied Mind: Implications for the Structural Relationship of Law and Religion, Kevin P. Lee
Beyond Solidarity, Pragmatism and Difference in a Globalized World (book review), Kevin P. Lee
Contemporary Cognitive Theory and the Neglected Aesthetic Dimension of Dworkin’s Cognitive Sting, Kevin P. Lee
Deeper Longings: The Relevance of Christian Theology for Contemporary Rights Theories, Kevin P. Lee
Hannah Arendt, Kevin P. Lee
Making Men Moral, Civil Liberties and Public Morality (book review), Kevin P. Lee
Martin Heidegger, Kevin P. Lee
Organizer, Kevin P. Lee
Pope John Paul II: Prophetic Politician (book review), Kevin P. Lee
Prophet of the Christian Social Manifesto: Joseph Husslein, S. J. His Life, Work, & Social Thought (book review), Kevin P. Lee
Solidarity: A Principle, an Attitude, a Duty, or the Virtue for an Interdependent World? (book review), Kevin P. Lee
Pliva v. Mensing: Generic Manufacturers’ Unfortunate Hand, Stacey B. Lee
Using Mind Mapping To Bridge The Gap In Teaching Health Law To Non-Law Students, Stacey B. Lee
Koreans in America: A Demographic and Political Portrait of Pattern and Paradox, Taeku Lee
Race in America, Taeku Lee
Riot, Remembrance, and Rebuilding: Some Longer-Term Aftereffects of Sa-I-Gu, Taeku Lee
The Haunting of Abigail Fisher: Race, Affirmative Action, and the Ghosts of Legal History, Hilary A. Leewong
The Law of Medical Misadventure in Japan, Robert B. Leflar
Human Flotsam, Legal Fallout: Japan's Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown, Robert B. Leflar, Ayako Hirata, Masayuki Murayama, and Shozo Ota
Some Moral Perils of Criminal Law, Arthur G. LeFrancois
Algunos aspectos sobre la cesión de derechos en el Proyecto de Código Civil y Comercial, Pablo A. Legón
Ejecución cambiaria por una suma menor a la literalizada en el documento, Pablo A. Legón
Ejecución Cambiaria y Declaración de Incompetencia Oficiosa, Pablo A. Legón
Titularidad accionaria y legitimación del accionista en la sociedad anónima, Pablo A. Legón
Pago indebido del cheque: responsabilidad concurrente del cuentacorrentista y el banco girado, Pablo A. Legón and Martín E. Paolantonio
Memorandum Fourth Amendment Warrantless Search Consent Exception & Request for New Trial, Rosi Lehr
Memorandum Fourth Amendment Warrantless Search Consent Exception & Request for New Trial, Rosi Lehr
Alice through the wormhole: reconciling spatial and temporal disjunctions in the creation of content in Australian media law, Marett Leiboff
Art Actually! The Courts and the Imposition of Taste, Marett Leiboff
'DITTO': law, pop culture and humanities and the impact of intergenerational interpretative dissonance, Marett Leiboff
Ghosts of law and humanities (past, present, future), Marett Leiboff
Law, Muteness and the Theatrical, Marett Leiboff
Law's Empiricism of the Object: How Law Recreates Cultural Objects in its Own Image, Marett Leiboff
Of the Monstrous Regiment and the Family Jewels, Marett Leiboff
Post-mortem sperm harvesting, conception and the law: rationality or religiosity?, Marett Leiboff
Talkin' 'bout law's generations: Intergenerational Differences in Reading Legal Texts, Marett Leiboff
‘The main thing is to shut them out’ The Deployment of Law and the Arrival of Russians in Australia 1913-1925: An histoire, Marett Leiboff
Introduction: Law's Theatrical Presence + Contributions & Acknowledgements, Marett Leiboff and Sophie Nield
Legal Theories: Contexts and Practices, Marett Leiboff and Mark Thomas
Rethinking Free Trade, Fernando L. Leila
Ten Years after 9/11: The Changing Terrorist Threat, Michael Leiter, John Carlin, Ivan Fong, Daniel Marcus, Stephen Vladeck, and Kenneth Anderson
Ten Years after 9/11: The Changing Terrorist Threat, Michael Leiter, John Carlin, Ivan Fong, Daniel Marcus, Stephen Vladeck, and Kenneth Anderson
Juries, the Law, and the Original Function of the Full Faith and Credit Clause, Hugo D. Leith
The STOCK Act - Dispelling a Legal Perception, Casey K. Lekahal
Reasonable Suspicion or Real Likelihood: A Question of Semantics? Re Shankar Alan s/o Anant Kulkarni, Lionel LEO and Siyuan CHEN