About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2012

The Boston principles: an introduction, Hope Lewis and Rachel E. Rosenbloom

Making Sex the Same: Ending the Unfair Treatment of Males in Family Law, Myrisha S. Lewis

Sex and Statutory Uniformity: Harmonizing the Legal Treatment of Semen, Myrisha S. Lewis

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Collective Human Rights Paradigm: Current Developments in International Law and Beyond, Paul Lewis

Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Light of the Interplay Between Commercial Activity and Human Rights, Paul Lewis

Moderator: Clearing Issues and Systematic Risk, Paul Lewis

Moderator: Recent Issues Regarding Enforcing Security Interests: Repossession, Foreclosure Sales, Partial and Full Strict Foreclosure, Paul Lewis

Public International Law, Private Social and Economic Incentives, and Sustainable Development: An American Perspective, Paul Lewis

Sustainable Development, the Economy, and Climate Change: An Economic and Political Analysis, Paul Lewis

The Corporation and Human Rights, Paul Lewis

The Economics and Politics of Climate Change Regulation, Paul Lewis

The Economy and the Environment, Paul Lewis

The Economy, Distributive Justice, and Climate Change, Paul Lewis

Trade Liberalization and Human Rights, Paul Lewis


Agences de notation: la solution se trouverait dans les banques, Gregory Lewkowicz


Ratings contre Etats, Gregory Lewkowicz

2012 CNU blog posts, Michael Lewyn

2012 Planetizen blog posts, Michael Lewyn


Land Use Regulation: It Just Gets Worse, Michael Lewyn


SEQRA vs. The Environment, Michael Lewyn


Sprawl in Canada and the United States, Michael Lewyn


Two Cheers For Instant Runoff Voting, Michael Lewyn

Two Cheers For Instant Runoff Voting, Michael E. Lewyn


Section 7433’s Statute of Limitations: How Courts Have Wrongly Turned a Taxpayer’s Exclusive Sword into the IRS’ Shield Against Damages, Diana Leyden

China’s Current Regulatory Regime and New rules on Internet Content Providers, Tao Liang


Find the Way out of the Forest - An Update on PE Regulation in China, Tao Liang


Golden Trails: A Roadmap Leading to China’s Internet Industry, Tao Liang


How to Address Privacy Concerns of Internet Users?, Tao Liang


How to Survive a Fight between Two Giants?, Tao Liang


Open Sesame - Anatomy of Regulatory Regime for Foreign Investment in China’s Private Health Insurance Market, Tao Liang


Private Securities Litigation in China: Quasi-U.S. Style Class Action, Tao Liang


RMB Comes Back Home, Tao Liang


Protectionism or Rule of Law? - A Comparison between US and PRC National Security Review Regime, Tao (Tim) LIANG


Partly Virtual, Partly Real Taiwan’s unique interaction withinternational human rights instruments, Fort Fu-Te LIAO

A New Role for the International Monetary Fund in a New World Economic Order, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

Co-Keynote Speaker (with Dr. Masahiro Kawai), Cynthia C. Lichtenstein


Contributor, International Securities Regulation Committee Conference Report, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

Defining Our Terms Carefully and In Context: Thoughts on Reading (And In One Case, Rereading) Three Books, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

The Fed’s New Model of Supervision for “Large Complex Banking Organizations”: Coordinated Risk-Based Supervision of Financial Multinationals for International Financial Stability, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein


Robo-Signers: The Legal Quagmire of Invalid Residential Foreclosures Proceedings and the Resultant Potential Impact upon Stakeholders, Pearson Liddell Jr.


Consensual Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect, Eliav Lieblich

Show Us the Films: Transparency, National Security and Disclosure of Information Collected by Advanced Weapon Systems under International Law, Eliav Lieblich


Accords d’imposition à la source «Rubik»: une double alternative, Fabien LIEGEOIS


Affaire Wegelin De la nécessité d’un retour à la rigueur juridique, Fabien LIEGEOIS


Publication des arrêtés fédéraux portant approbation des accords d’imposition à la source (« Rubik »), Fabien LIEGEOIS


Get Smart to Go Green?, Alfred R. Light

Chasing Ghosts: On the Possibility of Writing Cultural Histories of Tax Law, Assaf Likhovski


Chasing Ghosts: On the Possibility of Writing Cultural Histories of Tax Law, Assaf Likhovski


Beijing’s “Congo” Interpretation: Commercial Implications, Chin Leng Lim


The Conventional Morality of Trade, Chin Leng Lim

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Quest for a Twenty-first Century Trade Agreement, Chin Leng Lim, Deborah Kay Elms, and Patrick Low


The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Quest for a Twenty-first Century Trade Agreement, Chin Leng Lim, Deborah Kay Elms, and Patrick Low


'You Don't Miss Your Water 'Til Your River Runs Dry': Regulating Industrial Supply Shortages after 'China-Raw Materials', Chin Leng Lim and J. H. Senduk

Beyond Microsoft: Intellectual Property, Peer Production and the Law’s Concern with Market Dominance., Daryl Lim

Rebooting the Bean: Genetically Modified Seeds and the Antitrust-patent Interface, Daryl Lim


Chinese Independent Director Mechanism under the Changing Macro Political-Economic Settings: Review of Its First Decade and Two Possible Models for the Future, Chien-Chung Lin


Too Rough a Justice: The Ethiopia-Eritrea Claims Commission and Civil Liability for Claims for Rape under International Law, Ryan S. Lincoln

Source Code versus Object Code: Patent Implications for the Open Source Community, Daniel S. Lin, Matthew Sag, and Ronald S. Laurie

What Is so Special About Jus Cogens: On the Distinction between the Ordinary and the Peremptory International Law, Ulf Linderfalk

Class Struggle at the Door: The Origins of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947, Marc Linder

Closing the Gap Between Reich and Poor: Which Side Is the Department of Labor On?, Marc Linder

Crewleaders and Agricultural Sweatshops: The Lawful and Unlawful Exploitation of Migrant Farmworkers, Marc Linder

David Ellwood, Poor Support: Poverty in the American Family, Marc Linder

Dependent and Independent Contractors in Recent U.S. Labor Law: An Ambiguous Dichotomy Rooted in Simulated Statutory Purposelessness, Marc Linder

Eisenhower-Era Marxist-Confiscatory Taxation: Requiem for the Rhetoric of Rate Reduction for the Rich, Marc Linder

Employees, Not-So-Independent Contractors, and the Case of Migrant Farmworkers: A Challenge to the ‘Law and Economics’ Agency Doctrine, Marc Linder

European labor aristocracies: trade unionism, the hierarchy of skill, and the stratification of the manual working class before the First World War, Marc Linder

Farewell to the self-employed: deconstructing a socioeconomic and legal solipsism, Marc Linder

Farm Workers and the Fair Labor Standards Act: Racial Discrimination in the New Deal, Marc Linder

Fatal Subtraction: Statistical MIAs on the Industrial Battlefield, Marc Linder

From Street Urchins to Little Merchants: The Juridical Transvaluation of Child Newspaper Carriers, Marc Linder

I Ain't Gonna Work on Zoe's Farm No More: Reply to Susan Grover, Marc Linder

I Gave My Employer a Chicken That Had No Bone: Joint Firm-State Responsibility for Line-Speed-Related Occupational Injuries, Marc Linder

“Inherently Bad, and Bad Only”: A History of State-Level Regulation of Cigarettes and Smoking in the United States Since the 1880s. Volume 1: An In-Depth National Study Embedding Ultra-Thick Description of a Representative State (Iowa), Marc Linder

I taste bitterness, Marc Linder

Labor statistics and class struggle, Marc Linder

MacKinnon on Marx on Marriage and Morals: An Otsogistic Odyssey, Marc Linder

Migrant workers and minimum wages: regulating the exploitation of agricultural labor in the United States, Marc Linder

"Moments Are the Elements of Profit": Overtime and the Deregulation of Working Hours under the Fair Labor Standards Act, Marc Linder

"Moments are the elements of profit": overtime and the deregulation of working hours under the Fair Labor Standards Act, Marc Linder

Paternalistic State Intervention: The Contradictions of the Legal Empowerment of Vulnerable Workers, Marc Linder

Petty-Bourgeois Pickle Pickers: An Agricultural Labor-Law Hoax Comes a Cropper, Marc Linder

Projecting capitalism: a history of the internationalization of the construction industry, Marc Linder

Reification and the consciousness of the critics of political economy: studies in the development of Marx’ theory of value, Marc Linder

Smart Women, Stupid Shoes, and Cynical Employers: The Unlawfulness and Adverse Health Consequences of Sexually Discriminatory Workplace Footwear Requirements for Female Employees, Marc Linder

Tax Glasnost' for Millionaires: Peeking Behind the Veil of Ignorance Along the Publicity-Privacy Continuum, Marc Linder

The Autocratically Flexible Workplace: A History of Overtime Regulation in the United States, Marc Linder

The autocratically flexible workplace: a history of overtime regulation in the United States, Marc Linder

The Dilemmas of Laissez-Faire Population Policy in Capitalist Societies: When the Invisible Hand Controls Reproduction, Marc Linder

The employment relationship in Anglo-American law: a historical perspective, Marc Linder

The Involuntary Conversion of Employees into Self-Employed: The Internal Revenue Service and Section 530, Marc Linder

The Joint Employment Doctrine: Clarifying Joint Legislative-Judicial Confusion, Marc Linder

The Minimum Wage as Industrial Policy: A Forgotten Role, Marc Linder

The Supreme Labor Court in Nazi Germany: a jurisprudential analysis, Marc Linder

"Time and a Half's the American Way": A History of the Exclusion of White-Collar Workers from Overtime Regulation, Marc Linder

“Time And A Half’s The American Way:” a history of the exclusion of white-collar workers from overtime regulation, 1868-2004, Marc Linder

Towards Universal Worker Coverage under the National Labor Relations Act: Making Room for Uncontrolled Employees, Dependent Contractors, and Employee-Like Persons, Marc Linder

Void where prohibited revisited: the trickle-down effect of OSHA’s at-will bathroom-break regulation, Marc Linder

Wars of attrition: Vietnam, the business roundtable and the decline of construction unions, Marc Linder

What is an Employee? Why It Does, But Should Not, Matter, Marc Linder