The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Hobbes, Locke and the Mystery of Friendship, Thomas C. Kohler
Hugues-Felicite-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854), Thomas C. Kohler
Labor Law Group--Biennial Meeting, Thomas C. Kohler
Member, Executive Committee for the Program on Catholic Social Though, Thomas C. Kohler
Neutralitaet des Arbeitgebers im US-amerikanischen Arbeitsrecht?, Thomas C. Kohler
Presentation on unions and mediating institutions in Catholic social doctrine, Thomas C. Kohler
Public Unions and the State of the Labor Movement, Thomas C. Kohler
Solidarity Forever: An Idea and its Roots in Catholic Social Thought, Thomas C. Kohler
The History and Significance of Steele v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co., Thomas C. Kohler
The Sinzheimer Lecture: Gewerkschaftsrechte in den USA, Thomas C. Kohler
A review of the proposed amendments to be made to s 216A of the Companies Act, Linus Koh
Singapore Law Watch - Govt has an override in land ownership (Forum), Linus Koh
Cheaper by the Hour: Temporary Lawyers and the Deprofessionalization of the Law, Marla H. Kohlman
Preliminary Lineament Analysis within the vicinity of Kainji Dam, Nigeria using ERS-1 SAR Image, M S. Kolawole, E G. Ameh, and A Daniel
How the British Gun Control Program Precipitated the American Revolution, David B. Kopel
The American Revolution against British Gun Control, David B. Kopel
The Great Gun Control War of the Twentieth Century--and its Lessons for Gun Laws Today, David B. Kopel
Reducing the Drug War's Damage to Government Budgets, David B. Kopel and Trevor Burrus
Bad News for John Marshall, David B. Kopel and Gary Lawson
The PPACA in Wonderland, David B. Kopel and Gary Lawson
Federal Common Law and the Courts’ Regulation of Pre-Litigation Preservation, Joshua M. Koppel
Federal Common Law and the Courts’ Regulation of Pre-Litigation Preservation, Joshua M. Koppel
Tailoring Discovery: Using Nontranssubstantive Rules to Reduce Waste and Abuse, Joshua M. Koppel
The Criminal Justice System Creates Incentives for False Convictions, Roger Koppl and Meghan Sacks
Exploring Legislative and Judicial Law in Cultural Context in the First-year Law School, Maureen Kordesh
Екологізація міжнародного права крізь призму екологічних прав людини | Ecologisation of international law through the prism of environmental human rights, Timur R. Korotkiy
Імплементація норм рекомендацій Міжнародної морської організації з охорони морського середовища у законодавство України, Timur R. Korotkiy
Одеська школа права (сучасність) | Odessa school of internationa law, Timur R. Korotkiy
Um Desafio Urgente para a Guiné-Bissau: A Reconstituição do Estado, kafft kosta
[Book Review] Fan Fiction and Copyright: Outsider Works and Intellectual Property Protection, Mikhail Koulikov
Maternity Leave Laws in the United States in the Light of European Legislation, Candace Saari Kovacic-Fleischer
Alleviating the Tension Between Species Preservation and Religious Freedom, Kathryn E. Kovacs
A Constitutional Theory of Habeas Power, Lee B. Kovarsky
AEDPA's Wrecks: Comity, Finality, and Federalism, Lee B. Kovarsky
Death Ineligibility and Habeas Corpus, Lee B. Kovarsky
Habeas Verité, Lee B. Kovarsky
Tolls on the Information Superhighway: Entitlement Defaults for Clickstream Data, Lee B. Kovarsky
The Limits of Government Regulation of Science, John D. Kraemer and Lawrence O. Gostin
Helmet Wearing among Users of a Public Bicycle Sharing Program in the District of Columbia and Comparable Riders on Personal Bicycles, John D. Kraemer, Jason S. Rofenbender, and Laura Anderko
Inextricably Political: Race, Membership and Tribal Sovereignty, Sarah Krakoff
Tribes, Land, and the Environment, Sarah Krakoff and Ezra Rosser
In Dedication to Chief Justice Christine M. Durham, Jess M. Krannich
Way Off Base: An Argument Against Intimate Partner Violence Cases in Veterans Treatment Courts, Pamela M. Kravetz
A Right to Sexual Orientation Privacy: Strengthening Protections for Minors Who Are Outed in Schools, Adam J. Kretz
Wage Garnishment and Household Debt in CA, Prasad Krishnamurthy
Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States: Concluding Observations, Edda Kristjánsdóttir, André Nollkaemper, and Cedric Ryngaert
Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States: Introduction, Edda Kristjánsdóttir, André Nollkaemper, and Cedric Ryngaert
Learning Law While Walking the Dog: The Pedagogical Potential of Podcasting, Kenneth T. Kristl
On The Morality and Legality of Borders: Border Policies and Asylum Seekers, Tally Kritzman-Amir
Creditors’ Contempt., Lea Krivinskas Shepard
Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, Elizabeth Kronk
Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended “Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development” and the Resulting Need for Reform, Elizabeth Ann Kronk
Lawyers and Clients: Critical Issues in Interviewing and Counseling, Katherine R. Kruse, Stephen Ellmann, Robert D. Dinerstein, Isabelle R. Gunning, and Ann C. Shalleck
Taming Globalization: International Law, the U.S. Constitution, and the New World Order, Julian Ku and John Yoo
The Executive Right to Lease Mineral Real Property in Texas Before and After Lesley v. Veterans Land Board, Chris S. Kulander Ph.D.
Patent or Patient, Link Them Properly: ‘Patent Linkage and Competition ( A Comparative Study), Ashutosh Kumar
The Attorney Gag Rule In Consumer Bankruptcy Cases And The Continued Efficacy Of It In A Post-Milavetz World.pdf, Ishaq Kundawala
The Corners of the Common Law: Creating Causes of Action, Kelly Kunsch
Négociations et accords précontractuels: incartades à l'unité des acteurs, du lieu et de l'action, Nicolas Pierre Marie Kuonen
The Bill of Rights and the Emerging Democracies, Jacek Kurczewski and Barry Sullivan
The Plenary Power Immigration Doctrine: The Post 9/11 Hijacking of State Legislatures, Geordan S. Kushner
Beyond Law to Morality, Christopher L. Kutz
When Should Asset Appreciation Be Taxed?: The Case for a Disposition Standard of Realization, Jeffrey L. Kwall
Backdating., Jeffrey L. Kwall
What is a Merger?: The Case for Taxing Cash Mergers Like Stock Sales., Jeffrey L. Kwall
When Should Asset Appreciation Be Taxed?: The Case for a Disposition Standard of Realization., Jeffrey L. Kwall
Cultural Analysis and Synagogue Ritual, Roberta R. Kwall
Is the Jewish Tradition Intellectual Property?, Roberta R. Kwall
Originality, Authorship and Process Theology, Roberta R. Kwall
The Cultural Analysis Paradigm: Women and Synagogue Ritual, Roberta R. Kwall
The Cultural Analysis Paradigm: Women and Synagogue Ritual as a Case Study, Roberta R. Kwall
Late Delivery--Measure of Damages, Sidney Kwestel
Sale of Goods Contract Not to be Performed Within a Year: Is the Uniform Commercial Code Statute of Frauds Provision Exclusive?, Sidney Kwestel
Unrevised Section 2-207--Different Terms Revisited, Sidney Kwestel
Determining Standing and Damages for Competitive Injury from False Patent Marks, David Y. Kwok
Does Private Enforcement Attract Excessive Litigation? Evidence from the False Claims Act, David Y. Kwok
The Diminishing Role of "Legal Incidence" in Mediating Tribal Sovereignty and State Commodity Taxation, David Y. Kwok
The Price of Private Enforcement Under the False Claims Act, David Y. Kwok
The "Forest Roads" Case: A Stormy Approach to Judicial Review of Environmental Regulations, Marie Kyle
Confronting the Elder Care Crisis: The Private Long-Term Care Insurance Market and the Utility of Hybrid Products, Peter H. Kyle
An Explicit Policy Lever for Patent Scope, Anna B. Laakmann
Ten Questions with Beau James Brock, Pamela Labbe
El procedimiento de comunicación entre el Poder judicial y las embajadas y consulados extranjeros, Alexis Rodrigo Laborías
Placing the American Death Penalty in the Global Context: A Test of the Marshall Hypothesis, Nick Levi LaChappelle
Do Facebook and Twitter Make You a Public Figure?: How to Apply the Gertz Public Figure Doctrine to Social Media, Matt Lafferman
Do Facebook and Twitter Make You a Public Figure?: How to Apply the Gertz Public Figure Doctrine to Social Media, Matt Lafferman
Do Facebook and Twitter Make You a Public Figure?: How to Apply the Gertz Public Figure Doctrine to Social Media, Matt Lafferman
Banco Central passa a autorizar investimentos em empresas não-financeiras, Felipe Chagas Villasuso Lago Mr.
Emissões com outorga de alienação fiduciária por empresas de capital misto trazem risco ao investidor, Felipe Chagas Villasuso Lago Mr.
Upside-Down Judicial Review, Corinna Barrett Lain
A Return to Virtue: Repositioning America for Leadership in the 21st Century, Gabriel C. Lajeunesse