About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2012

Implementation of the MARPOL convention in Bangladesh, Saiful Karim

Implementation of the MARPOL convention in developing countries, Saiful Karim

Is there an international obligation to prosecute pirates?, Saiful Karim

Litigating law of the sea disputes using the UNCLOS dispute settlement system, Saiful Karim

Litigation as a strategy for settlement of maritime security disputes: the ‘Volga Case’ revisited, Saiful Karim

Litigation as a strategy for settlement of maritime security disputes: the ‘Volga Case’ revisited, Saiful Karim

Prosecution of Somali pirates, Saiful Karim

Settlement of maritime security disputes: some limitations of the UNCLOS dispute settlement system, Saiful Karim

UNCLOS and conservation of marine living resources within national jurisdictions: Bangladesh perspectives, Saiful Karim

UNCLOS and regional action for protection of the marine environment: perspectives of the South Asian seas region, Saiful Karim

United Nations convention on the law of the sea and marine environment: perspectives of the South Asian seas region, Saiful Karim

US led informal multilateral political arrangements: whither international law and institutions?, Saiful Karim

Violation of labour rights in the ship-breaking yards of Bangladesh: legal norms and reality, Saiful Karim

Violation of labour rights in the shipbreaking yards of Bangladesh: legal norms and reality, Saiful Karim

Integrated coastal zone management and sustainable development of coastal area: a short overview of international legal framework, Saiful Karim and Ridwanul Hoque

Integrated coastal zone management and sustainable development of coastal area: a short overview of International legal framework, Saiful Karim and Ridwanul Hoque

Legal activism for ensuring environmental justice in Bangladesh, Saiful Karim and Okechukwu B. Vincents




Revising the California Style Manual, Curtis E.A. Karnow


Statutory Presumption of Domestic Batterers’ Unfitness as Parents: Lessons from Jordan v. Jordan, Kyle S. Karpowicz


Conflict of Interests: Seeking a Way Forward on Publication of International Arbitral Awards, Joshua D H Karton


Global Law: The Spontaneous, Gradual Emergence of a New Legal Order, Joshua D H Karton


International Commercial Arbitrators' Approaches to Contractual Interpretation, Joshua D H Karton

Police-induced confessions: risk factors and recommendations, Saul M. Kassin, Steven A. Drizin, Thomas Grisso, Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Richard A. Leo, and Allison D. Redlich


Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Coming Legal Singularity?, Benjamin N. Kastan


Climate Change, the Clean Air Act, and Industrial Pollution, Alice Kaswan


Domestic Climate Change Adaptation and Equity, Alice Kaswan

Is Strong Shareholder Protection a Catalyst for Hedge Fund Activism? An Empirical Analysis Across 25 Countries, Dionysia Katelouzou

Myths and Realities of Hedge Fund Activism: Some Empirical Evidence, Dionysia Katelouzou

Fair Use: Its Application, Limitations and Future. , Sonia Katyal; Paul Aiken; Laura Quilter; David O. Carson; John, Jr. G. Palfrey; and Hugh C. Hansen


The William O. Douglas Tax Factor: Where Did the Spin Stop and Who Was He Looking Out For?, I Jay Katz


An Offer in Compromise You Can’t Confuse: It is not the Opening Bid of a Delinquent Taxpayer to Play Let’s Make a Tax Deal with the Internal Revenue Service, Irwin J. Katz


"Lonesome Road:" Driving Without The Fourth Amendment, Lewis R. Katz


"Lonesome Roads:" Driving Without The Fourth Amendment, Lewis R. Katz

Brief Comments on the USPTO’s User Fee Proposal, Ron D. Katznelson


The America Invents Act May Be Constitutionally Infirm if It Repeals the Bar Against Patenting After Secret Commercial Use, Ron D. Katznelson


The U.S. Patent Office’s Proposed Fees Under the America Invents Act—Part I: The Scope of the Office’s Fee-Setting Authority, Ron D. Katznelson

Board Member, Sanford N. Katz


Fifty Years in the Transformation of American Family Law: 1960-2011, Sanford N. Katz

Adoption Laws in a Nutshell, Sanford N. Katz and Daniel R. Katz


The Metamorphosis of Marriage and Adoption, Sanford N. Katz and Daniel R. Katz


A House Divided: The Incompatible Positions of the Centers for Disease Control and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Obesity as a Disability, Kent D. Kauffman

Scenes from a Restaurant: The Challenge of Being Manager and Friend, Kent D. Kauffman

Community Service Component of an Alternative Bar Exam, Eileen Kaufman

Congress, The Supreme Court and the Proper Role of Confidential Informants in Securities Fraud Litigation., Michael J. Kaufman

Constitutional De-Segregation Strategies: Teaching Racial Literacy to Secondary School Students and Preferencing Racially-Literate Applicants to Higher Education, Michael J. Kaufman

From Proposition 209 to Proposal 2: Examining the Effects of Anti-Affirmative Action Voter Initiatives, Michael J. Kaufman

Nationalizing Ethical Standards for Securities Lawyers., Michael J. Kaufman

PICS in Focus: A Majority of the Supreme Court Reaffirms the Constitutionality of Race-Conscious School Integration Strategies., Michael J. Kaufman

Reading, Writing, and Race: The Constitutionality of Educational Strategies Designed to Teach Racial Literacy., Michael J. Kaufman

Regressing: The Troubling Dispositive Role of Event Studies in Securities Fraud Litigation., Michael J. Kaufman

Resolving the Continuing Controversy Regarding Confidential Informants in Private Securities Fraud Litigation., Michael J. Kaufman

Section 16(b) and its Limitations Period: the Case for Equitable Tolling., Michael J. Kaufman

The Judicial Access Barriers to Remedies For Securities Fraud., Michael J. Kaufman

The Unjustified Judicial Creation of Class Certification Merits Trials in Securities Fraud Actions, Michael J. Kaufman

The Value of Friendship in Law and Literature, Michael J. Kaufman

Toward a Just Measure of Repose: The Statute of Limitations for Securities Fraud., Michael J. Kaufman

The Judicial Access Barriers to Remedies for Securities Fraud, Michael J. Kaufman and John M. Wunderlich

Cooperation with Evil, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Hauerwas and the Law: Is there a Basis for Conversation?, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Law's Virtues : Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Response to "The Laity and Vatican II", M. Cathleen Kaveny

The Catholic Moral Tradition, M. Cathleen Kaveny

The Spirit of Vatican II and Moral Theology: Evangelium Vitae as a Case Study, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Adoption in the Conflict of Laws: The UAA, Not the UCCJA, is the Answer, Herma Hill Kay

A Family Court: The California Proposal, Herma Hill Kay

An Appraisal of California's No-Fault Divorce Law, Herma Hill Kay

Appraisal of California's No-Fault Divorce Law, An, Herma Hill Kay

Berkeley Women's Law Journal: A Powerful Force at Twenty, Herma Hill Kay

Chief Justice Traynor and Choice of Law Theory, Herma Hill Kay

Commentary: Toward a Theory of Fair Distribution, Herma Hill Kay

Conflict of Laws: Foreign Law as Datum, Herma Hill Kay

Currie's Interest Analysis in the 21st Century: Losing the Battle, but Winning the War, Herma Hill Kay

Ehrenzweig's Proper Law and Proper Forum, Herma Hill Kay

Entrails of a Goat: Reflections on Reading Lea Brilmayer's Hague Lectures, Herma Hill Kay

Equality and Difference: A Perspective on No-Fault Divorce and Its Aftermath, Herma Hill Kay

Equality and Difference: The Case of Pregnancy, Herma Hill Kay

Family Court: The California Proposal, A, Herma Hill Kay

Foreword, Herma Hill Kay

From the Second Sex to the Joint Venture: An Overview of Women's Rights and Family Law in the United States during the Twentieth Century, Herma Hill Kay

In Defense of Footnotes, Herma Hill Kay

Legal and Social Impediments to Dual Career Marriages, Herma Hill Kay

Making Marriage and Divorce Safe for Women Revisited, Herma Hill Kay

Models of Equality, Herma Hill Kay

No-Fault Divorce and Child Custody: Chilling out the Gender Wars, Herma Hill Kay

Remembering Mary Dunlap as a Student, Herma Hill Kay

Report of the Committee on Diversity in Legal Education, Herma Hill Kay

Richard W. Jennings and the Academic Senate: A Strong Hand in Troubled Times, Herma Hill Kay

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Professor of Law, Herma Hill Kay

Same-Sex Divorce in the Conflict of Laws, Herma Hill Kay

Second Generation Diversity Issues Program, Herma Hill Kay

Testing the Modern Critics against Moffatt Hancock's Choice of Law Theories, Herma Hill Kay

The Challenge to Diversity in Legal Education, Herma Hill Kay

The Future of Women Law Professors, Herma Hill Kay

The Instructor ... Invites the Students to Share His Amazement That Self-Respecting Judges Could Ever ... Reach Such Results, Herma Hill Kay

The Need for Self-Imposed Quotas in Academic Employment, Herma Hill Kay

Theory into Practice: Choice of Law in the Courts, Herma Hill Kay

The Use of Comparative Impairment to Resolve True Conflicts: An Evaluation of the California Experience , Herma Hill Kay

The Use of Comparative Impairment to Resolve True Conflicts: An Evaluation of the California Experience, Herma Hill Kay

Tribute to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Herma Hill Kay