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Documents from 2012
Appraisives in the Early Constitution: An Introduction, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Being James Madison: What We Get for Time Travel, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Bentham Mocks the Declarations: ‘Every Law … Is Void', Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Chart Annexed to Article: Crafting the Northwest Ordinance: Tracking the Paths of Four Delegates, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Chart Annexed to Article: The War Between The Stats: An Introduction to Taney’s Regrets, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Classifying our Constitution: Amendments Thirteen through Twenty-seven in CTU Format with Word Counts, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Color Me Adverb: How the Convention Painted the Text of Philadelphia Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Color Me Adverb: How the Convention Painted the Text of the Philadelphia Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Color Me 'Not': Cool Logic and Hot Adverbs in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Crafting the Northwest Ordinance of 1787: Tracking Delegates Blount, Few, Pierce and Butler, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Delegate Arrivals in Philadelphia Compared to Voting Records at the Ratification Conventions by State, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Dr. Franklin's Dilemma: Per Capita meets Per Stirpes at the Federal Convention, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Dual Office Holding and Status Acquisition Requirements/Prohibitions in the Federal Constitution: The Logic of Aspirations Introduced, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
'Fast and Fourteen': Delegates who Left the Federal Convention Early, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Hamilton and Madison Deploy ‘Constitution’ In The Federalist Papers: Semantic Values Surveyed, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
How the Twenty-Six SuperFounders Fared at the Ballot Box, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Machine-Readable Text of the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Mr. Taney’s ‘Capital Gap’: Charting the Growth of the Federal Colony System, 1789-1960, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Officials Subject to Prohibitions in the Corrective Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Recovered Textures in the Early Constitution: Schemes vs. Dreams, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Secrecy Broken: Reports of the Delegates Following the Federal Convention, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
'Shall’ vs. ‘Will’ in the Early Constitution: Yet Another Trans-Atlantic Dustup, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Stop, Look and Lament: Jeremy Bentham Explains the Texture of the Bill of Rights, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Supplemental Restraints Anyone? Restraining Officials and Entities in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed Article: Secrecy Broken Reports of the Delegates At the Federal Convention, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Ages of the Delegates at the Federal Convention, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: A Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Appraisives in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Color Me Adverb, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Color Me 'Not', Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Counting Syllables in the Bill of Rights, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Counting Syllables in the Bill of Rights, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Dual Office Holding and Status Acquisition Requirements/Prohibitions in the Federal Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Dual Office Holding / Status Acquisition in the Federal Constitution: The Logic of Aspirations Introduced, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed To Article: 'Fast and Fourteen:' Delegates Who Left the Federal Convention Early, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Franklin’s Dilemma: Per Capita Meets Per Stirpes at the Federal Convention, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: From Treaty to Territory: OCL Inventories American Expansion, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Hamilton and Madison Deploy ‘Constitution’ Surveyed by Percent of Words in Source, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Hamilton and Madison’s Semantic Armageddon In Machine-Readable Text, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Machine-Readable Text of the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Machine-Readable Text of the Federalist Papers, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Machine-Readable Text of The Federalist Papers, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Madison’s Top Twenty Words in Farrand and the Detached Memoranda,, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Mr. Madison Counts the Debates of ‘the People in their Conventions’, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Mr. Madison Speaks Out: Re-Creation Text Sourced From The Farrand Survey and Detached Memoranda, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Mr. Taney’s ‘Capital Gap’: Charting the Growth of the Federal Colony System, 1789-1960, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Officials Subject to Prohibitions in the Corrective Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Officials Subject to Prohibitions in the Corrective Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Of ‘This’ and ‘That’ in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Positive and Negative Colours in the Corrective Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Positive and Negative Colours in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Secrecy Broken; Reports of the Delegates, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article:‘Shall’ vs. ‘Will’ in the Early Constitution: Yet Another Trans-Atlantic Dustup, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Taney’s Complaint: This Country’s Too Darn Big for Moveables, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Text of Early State Bills of Rights, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: The Colours of the Constitution: More on Deep Structure and Logics Anterior, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: The Crittenden Amendment: The Key to American History, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: The Decline of Virginia’s Voting Strength in Congress, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: The Few, The Happy Few, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: “The Idea of Freedom Might be Too Great a Temptation for Them to Resist,”, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: The Logic of Aspirations, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: The Logic of Aspirations: Dual Office Holding / Status Acquisition Issues, Continued, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: ‘Theory’ and ‘Science’ in the ‘Abstract’ in The Federalist Papers, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Were Early Arrivers in Philadelphia More Likely to Support the Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: What Happened On July 6, 1787 And Why It Matters, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: What is a Constitutional Convention?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: What the Polar Bears Taught the Cops, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: ‘Which’ and Its Lexical and Semantic Relations in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Who's Got Bragging Rights, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Who's Got Bragging Rights?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Who's Got Bragging Rights: Articles of Confederation Edition, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Who Were the SuperFounders?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Who Were The SuperFounders? And Why Does It Matter?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Article: Wrongfully ‘Established and Maintained’: A Census of Congress’s Sins Against Geography, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to "When Did the Delegates Arrive in Philadelphia?", Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Table Annexed to Workshop Materials: Unanimous Decisions, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Tea with the Chief: OCL Interviews Chief Justice Rehnquist, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Colours of the Constitution: More on Deep Structure and Logics Anterior, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Decline of Virginia’s Voting Strength in Congress, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Few, The Happy Few: How Many Delegates Would be Required to Organize the United States of America?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
“The Idea of Freedom Might be Too Great a Temptation for Them to Resist", Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Imperial Semicolon Holds Court at Il Ristorante Beauflanx, Selections from Story Conquers, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Joy of Text and Numbers, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Logic of Aspirations: Dual Office Holding / Status Acquisition Issues, Continued, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Logic of Aspirations: Dual Office Holding / Status Acquisition Issues, Continued, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Parable of the Generous Pasha (And the Presumption of Rejection), Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The Pasha's Gift: How the Few Benefit the Many By Arguing About The Perfect World, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
The War Between The Stats: An Introduction to Taney’s Regrets, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Were Early Arrivers in Philadelphia More Likely to Support the Constitution?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
What Happened On July 6, 1787 And Why It Matters, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
What is a Constitutional Convention?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
What is a Constitutional Convention?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
When Did the Delegates Arrive in Philadelphia, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
When Did the Delegates Arrive in Philadelphia, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
When Did the Delegates Arrive in Philadelphia?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
When Did the Delegates Arrive in Philadelphia?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
When Did the Delegates Arrive in Philadelphia?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
When You're 'Not' You're Hot: Why the Writers of Our Corrective Constitution (1789-1804) Loved the Adverbial ‘Not’, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
‘Which’ and Its Lexical and Semantic Relations in the Early Constitution, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Who's Got Bragging Rights: Articles of Confederation Edition, Peter J. Aschenbrenner