The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Who's Got Bragging Rights: Delaware or New Hampshire or -- ?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Who's Got Bragging Rights? Delaware or New Hampshire or -- ?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Who Were the SuperFounders? And Why Does it Matter?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Workshop Text for PowerPoint: Unanimous Decisions of the Supreme Court, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Wrongfully ‘Established and Maintained’: A Census of Congress’s Sins Against Geography, Peter J. Aschenbrenner
Chart Annexed to Article: Delegate Arrivals in Philadelphia Compared to Voting Records, Peter J. Aschenbrenner and David Kimball
Table Annexed to Article: Were Early Arrivers in Philadelphia More Likely to Support the Constitution?, Peter J. Aschenbrenner and David Kimball
Basel Regulations And Operational Risk Management: Conceptual Challenges under Basel II & Basel III, Uzma Ashraf
International Financial Law, Uzma Ashraf
Photo Radar Enforcement as a Slippery Slope, Andrew Askland
Transcript for Panel Three: Privacy: Genetic Profiling and Discrimination , Christopher H. Asplen, F.Samuel Baechtel, Lon A. Berk, Susan D. Carle, and Q.Todd Dickinson
Rio 20 - An Analysis of the Zero Draft and the Final Outcome Document "The Future We Want", Vicki-Ann Assevero and Sonali P. Chitre
Rio+20 - An Analysis of the Zero Draft and the Final Outcome Document “The Future We Want”, Vicki-Ann Assevero and Sonali P. Chitre
Climate Hawks and California's Carbon Offset Program, Ross Astoria
Neoclassical Professionalism in Law and Business, Robert E. Atkinson Jr.
Philanthropy's Function: A Neo-Classical Reconsideration, Robert E. Atkinson Jr.
Philanthropy's Future: Questioning Today's Orthodoxies, Re-Affirming Yesterday's Foundations, Robert E. Atkinson Jr.
Re-Focusing on Philanthropy: Revising and Re-Orienting the Standard Model, Robert E. Atkinson Jr.
Sea Captains and Philosopher Kings: Melville's Billy Budd and Plato's Republic, Robert E. Atkinson Jr.
Tax Favors for Philanthropy: Should Our Republic Underwrite de Tocqueville's Democracy?, Robert E. Atkinson Jr.
A Guide to Teaching Lawyering Skills, Joel Atlas, Lara G. Freed, John Mollenkamp, Andrea J. Mooney, and Michelle A. Fongyee Whelan
Regulation Not Prohibition: The Comparative Case Against the Insurable Interest Doctrine, Sharo Michael Atmeh
Land Claims Cash Was Not Frittered Away, Bernadette Atuahene
Land Is Not a Utopia for the Dispossessed, Bernadette Atuahene
Land Restitution Has Some Success, Bernadette Atuahene
Report - Paying for the Past: Addressing Past Property Violations in South Africa, Bernadette Atuahene
Variations in Road Traffic Accident in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Synopsis of Variance Spectra, Augustus O. Atubi PhD
The Fall and Rise of Keynesian Fiscal Policy, Alan J. Auerbach
America's New Civil Rights Movement: Education Reform, Public Charter Schools and No Child Left Behind, Jonathan C. Augustine
A National Model for Disaster Recovery: Growing Green Jobs in the Age of Energy Efficiency, Jonathan C. Augustine
Environmental Justice and Eschatology in Revelation, Jonathan C. Augustine
The Faith That Divides Us: Lines of (In)division Between Religion & Politics (Reviewing Hijacked: Responding to the Partisan Church Divide by Mike Slaughter & Charles E. Gutenson, with Robert P. Jones)), Jonathan C. Augustine
The Theology of Civil Disobedience: The First Amendment, Freedom Riders, and Passage of the Voting Rights Act, Jonathan C. Augustine
Akteure des Internationalen Steuerrechts und ihre Handlungsformen, Hugh J. Ault
Panelist, A Policy Framework for Knowledge-Based Capital, Hugh J. Ault
Bankruptcy and the Myth of "Uniform Laws", Daniel A. Austin
Bankruptcy and the Myth of "Uniform Laws", Daniel A. Austin
Eat my dirt! Dirt-for-debt swaps under 11 U.S.C. §1129(b)(2)(A)(iii), Daniel A. Austin
The Indentured Generation: Bankruptcy and Student Loan Debt, Daniel A. Austin
The Indentured Generation: Bankruptcy and Student Loan Debt, Daniel A. Austin
Breves Notas Sobre El Neoconstitucionalismo, Jhonathan Avila Romero
Breves Notas Sobre El Neoconstitucionalismo, Jhonathan Avila Romero
Electric Energy Access In European Law: A Human Right?, Luis A. Aviles
Sustainable Development and the Legal Protection of the Environment in Europe, Luis A. Aviles
The Feudal Origins of Public Utilities and European’s Law “Services of General Economic Interest”, Luis A. Aviles
Legally Blind: Hyperadversarialism, Brady Violations, and the Prosecutorial Organizational Culture, Hadar Aviram
Legally Blind: Hyperadversarialism, Brady Violations, and the Prosecutorial Organizational Culture, Hadar Aviram
Malpractice Liability and the Future of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Independent Physicians, ronen avraham and Bill Sage
Will liberalizing the Nigerian Electricity Power Sector Solve the Problem of Shortage of Capacity?, Felix Ayanruoh
What If Legal Ethics Can't Be Reduced to a Formula?, Andrew B. Ayers
Akron Law School: The Early History of the University of Akron School of Law: 1921-1959, Richard Aynes and Margaret E. Matejkovic
Regulating Opt Out: An Economic Theory of Altering Rules, Ian Ayres
Global Taxation of Cross Border E-commerce Income, Rifat Azam Dr.
Global Public-Private Partnerships and International Law, Davinia Aziz
Revolution Without Reform? A Critique of Egypt's Election Laws, Sahar F. Aziz
The ICT convergence discourse in the information systems literature - A second-order observation, Henning Baars, Michael Zimmer, and Hans-Georg Kemper
Between Faculty, Administration, Board, State, and Students: On the Relevance of a Faculty Senate in the Modern U.S. University, Larry Cata Backer
The Cooperative As Proletarian Corporation: Property Rights Between Corporation, Cooperatives And Globalization In Cuba, Larry Cata Backer
Transparency Between Norm, Technique and Property in International Law and Governance—The Example of Corporate Disclosure Regimes and Environmental Impacts, Larry Cata Backer
Achieving Fundamental Fairness for Oklahoma's Juveniles: The Role for Competency in Juvenile Proceedings, Mary Sue Backus
The Law of Evidence, Mary Sue Backus
Reputation, Objection, and the Law of Waiver, Adam Badawi
Self-Help and the Rules of Engagement, Adam Badawi
Financing of Adaptation Measures, Deepa Badrinarayana
Introduction to International and Domestic Climate Change Regulation, Deepa Badrinarayana
Activity-Level Externalities and The Failure of Decoupling iability, enrico baffi
Activity-Level Externalities and The Failure of Decoupling Liability, enrico baffi
Activity-Level Externalities and The Failure of Decoupling Liability, enrico baffi
Activity Level, The Failure of Decoupling Liability, Impossibility of Efficient Tort Liability, enrico baffi
Case v. Pigou: A Reflection After 50 Years (revised), enrico baffi
Casev. Pigou: A Still Difficult Debate, enrico baffi
Coase v. Pigou: a Reflection after Fifity Years (revised), enrico baffi
Coase v. Pigou: A Reflection After Fifty Years (revised), enrico baffi
Coase v. Pigou: A Still difficult Debate After Fifty years, enrico baffi
Contact Claues as Pubic Goods: A new approach, enrico baffi
Contracting in modern World, enrico baffi
Contracting in the Contemporary world, enrico baffi
Contracting in The Modern World, enrico baffi
Contracting in the Modern World, enrico baffi
Contracting in The Modern World, enrico baffi
Contracting i the -Modern Woerld, enrico baffi
Contract Standard Clauses as Public Goods: A New Approoach, enrico baffi
Efficient Penalty Clauses With Debiasing: Lessons from Behavioral Law and Economics, enrico baffi
From Coase to Cooter: the Criticisms to Pigou’s Ideas, enrico baffi
Inefficent Clauses or Consumer Choices? Lessons from Cognitive Psycology, enrico baffi
Inefficient Clauses or Consumer Choices? Lessons from Cognitive Psicology, enrico baffi
Mental Budget and Inefficient Clauses: A Lesson From Behavioral Law nand Economics, enrico baffi
Mental Budget: Inefficent Clauses or Consumer Choices?, enrico baffi
Mental Budget: Inefficient Clauses or Consumer Choices?, enrico baffi
Mental Budget: Inefficient Clauses or Consumer Choices?, enrico baffi
Public Goods and Contract Standard Clauses: A New Approach, enrico baffi
Public Goods and Standard Clauses: A New Approach, enrico baffi
Public Goods and Standard Contacts: a New Approach, enrico baffi
Standard Contract Clauses. A different Way to Consider This Problem, enrico baffi