About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2012

Collaborative Governance and International Economic Relations

Collaborative Governance and International Economic Relations

Cura Personalis and Business Education for Sustainability

Cura Personalis and Business Education for Sustainability


Evolution in the Concept of Sunnah during the First Four Generations of Muslims in Relation to the Development of the Concept of an Authentic Ḥadīth as based on Recent Western Scholarship

Evolution in the Concept of Sunnah during the First Four Generations of Muslims in Relation to the Development of the Concept of an Authentic Ḥadīth as based on Recent Western Scholarship


Law School Grades - Flunked Out, But Did Not Really Fail

Law School Grades - Flunked Out, But Did Not Really Fail

Matevosyan NR. Court-visited obstetrical and fertility procedures.


Matevosyan NR. Court-visited obstetrical and fertility procedures.

Matevosyan NR. Legal Causes and Council in Reproductive Health.


Matevosyan NR. Legal Causes and Council in Reproductive Health.


Matevosyan NR. Schilddrüsenautonomie in der Gesundheit von Frauen mit affektiven Störungen.

Matevosyan NR. Schilddrüsenautonomie in der Gesundheit von Frauen mit affektiven Störungen.

Matevosyan NR. The Risk of Cervical Cancer in Women who Partner with Women

NASPA Journal – Fall 2003, volume 41, issue 1,

NASPA Journal, Summer 2004, Voume 41, Number 4,

NASPA Journal_vol 42_no 3,

NASPA Journal, Voume 42, Number 1,

NASPA Journal, Winter 2004, Volume 41, Number 2,

Nine articles published with Springer Verlag in 2009-2012

Pre Modern and Critical Progressive Methodologies of Interpretation of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

Pre Modern and Critical Progressive Methodologies of Interpretation of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

Refugees and the challenges of integration in the Mano River Union

SPEECH PHYSIOLOGY: Brain centers co-responsible for Specific, Meaningful, Articulate, Relevant, Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.) speech


SPEECH PHYSIOLOGY: Brain centers co-responsible for Specific, Meaningful, Articulate, Relevant, Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.) speech

Table of Contents & Introduction,

The Rise of Planning in Industrial America, 1865-1914


The Rise of Planning in Industrial America, 1865-1914

Virtuosity in Business: Invisible Law Guiding the Invisible Hand

Virtuosity in Business: Invisible Law Guiding the Invisible Hand


What's Your Weirdest Case? Judges Answer Questions On The Courts


A Functional Approach to Risks and Uncertainties Under NEPA, Todd S. Aagaard


Terms of Engagement: What Does All that Contract Legalese Really Mean and How Can We Better Teach it to Our Students?, Robert Aalberts, I. Scott Bogatz, and Darren Prum


A Dissolution of American Values: The Material Support Law, Unchecked Executive Power, and Their Effect on American Muslim Charitable Donations, Omar Abdelghany


A Dissolution of American Values: The Material Support Law, Unchecked Executive Power, and Their Effect on American Muslim Charitable Donations, Omar Abdelghany

Legalizing Foreign Workers As Humanitarian Means In Accord To 6p Program In Malaysia, Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim and Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -

Malaysia Current Policy and Laws in Managing International Migrant., Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim and Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -

, Migrant Labours In Malaysia: Between Needs And Comfort., Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim and Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -

Policies and Legal implications in Foreign Workers Good Governance, in “Migrant Worker in the Perspective of Regional Development of ASEAN., Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim and Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -

Polisi Dan Implikasi Perundangan Dalam Mentadbir Urus Pekerja Migran Di Malaysia,(trans: Policies and Legal implications in Foreign Workers Good Governance), Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim and Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -

ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism 2007: How it benefit Indonesia and Malaysia., Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim, Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -, and Herra Mediyasti

Commentary on "The Renegotiation of Contracts", Hossein ABEDIAN and Michael Philip FURMSTON


Superior Responsibility and the Principle of Legality at the ECCC, Rehan Abeyratne


Restorative Justice in the Gilded Age: Shared Principles Underlying Two Movements in Criminal Justice, Ali M. Abid

Transcript: Advocacy Before Regional Human Rights Bodies: A Cross-Regional Agenda, Victor Abramovich, Charlotte de Broutelles, Santiago Canton, Paolo Carozza, Andrew Drzemczewski, Jonathan Fanton, Leonardo Franco, Felipe González, Claudio Grossman, Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Bahame Tom-Mukirya Nyanduga, Diane Orentlicher, Fatsah Ouguergouz, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Sergio Garcia Ramirez, Manuel Ventura Robles, and Pablo Saavedra

Transcript: Advocacy Before Regional Human Rights Bodies: A Cross-Regional Agenda, Victor Abramovich, Charlotte de Broutelles, Santiago Canton, Paolo Carozza, Andrew Drzemczewski, Jonathan Fanton, Leonardo Franco, Felipe González, Claudio Grossman, Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Bahame Tom-Mukirya Nyanduga, Diane Orentlicher, Fatsah Ouguergouz, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Sergio Garcia Ramirez, Manuel Ventura Robles, and Pablo Saavedra

FASB’s Failure to Regulate Off-Balance Sheet Special Purpose Entities and the Downfall of Securitization, Charles J. Abrams

FASB’s Failure to Regulate Off-Balance Sheet Special-Purpose Entities and the Downfall of Securitization, Charles J. Abrams

Disenchanting the Public/Private Distinction, Kathryn Abrams


Blog Entries, Roger I. Abrams


Early baseball and the urban political machine, Roger I. Abrams


John Farrell era begins for Red Sox Nation, Roger I. Abrams and Emily Rooney


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn G. Abravanel Prof.


A teoria do contrato no paradigma constitucional, Lucas Abreu Barroso


Linking the Questions: Judicial Supremacy as a Matter of Constitutional Interpretation, Tabatha Abu El-Haj


Space Tourism: a Synopsis on its Legal Challenges, Yanal Abul Failat

Privatizing the income Tax Audit Function, Arthur Acevedo

The Occupy Wall Street Protests, Arthur Acevedo

Ethical Issues to consider for Microchip Implants in Humans, Roger Achille, Christine Perakslis, and Katina Michael


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act is Unconstitutional. Will the Courts Say So After Southern Union v. United States?, William M. Acker Jr.


Aproximación a la estructura contractual y financiera del Project finance, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo and Rocio de Lily Llanos Navarro


REVALORIZACIÓN DEL PRECEDENTE JUDICIAL EN EL ORDENAMIENTO JURÍDICO PERUANO: Una lectura comparatística de la institución, con especial referencia a los métodos de apartamiento del precedente vinculante, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo and Rocio de Lily Llanos Navarro


Comentario a la sentencia sobre la protección de la vida desde el momento de la concepción, Jorge Adame Goddard


Comentario al Libro de Bienes del Código Civil Federal, Jorge Adame Goddard


El proyecto de reforma del artículo 24 constitucional sobre libertad religiosa, Jorge Adame Goddard


El proyecto de reforma del artículo 24 constitucional sobre libertad religiosa, Jorge Adame Goddard


La clasificación de las fuentes de las obligaciones en el Derecho Civil mexicano y en el Derecho Romano, Jorge Adame Goddard


Las restricciones a los derechos políticos de los ministros de culto de hacer proselitismo y oponerse a las leyes y a las instituciones, Jorge Adame Goddard


La unificación del Derecho Privado según Álvaro d'Ors, Jorge Adame Goddard


Significado y alcance de las restricciones constitucionales impuestas a los ministros de culto, Jorge Adame Goddard


Variations in Climatic Parameters and Food Crop Yields: Implications on Food Security in Benue State, Nigeria., Emmanuel Adamgbe and Fanan Ujoh

The Development and Practice of Law in the Age of the Internet, Nabil R. Adam, Mark H. Hellmann, Peter Martin, James B. Altman, Ethan Katsh, Cantwell F. Muckenfuss, Clifford L. Brody, Eleanor Kerlow, Daniel Nyhart, Thomas R. Bruce, Jon E. Klemens, Ira H. Parker, Mary J. Culnan, John M. Kuttler, Ronald Plesser, Robert Gellman, Ronald D. Lee, Randy V. Sabett, Claudio Grossman, and Rosemary Shiels


The Judgment of Political Corruption, Harry Adams


Practice and Theory in Comparative Law, Maurice Adams and Jacco Bomhoff