The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Surrogate Decision-Making Standards for Guardians: Theory and Reality, Linda S. Whitton and Lawrence A. Frolik
Admiralty and Maritime Law, Sarah K. Wiant
Copyrights... and Wrongs, Sarah K. Wiant
American Association of Law Libraries Special Committee on the Future of AALL 1983-1985, Final Report, November 1985, Sarah K. Wiant
Refining the Government Relations Program: The Final Report of the Task Force on AALL's Government Relations Activities, Sarah K. Wiant
Tales of AALL History (Stories of "My First Annual Meeting"), Sarah K. Wiant
Toward a More Effective Continuing Education of Law Librarians, Sarah K. Wiant
UCITA Enacted in Virginia, Sarah K. Wiant
A Paralyzed Environmental Law: Critical Comments on Compensation for Environmental Damage in Indonesia, Andri Gunawan Wibisana
Gender as a Primary Equalizer in Plural Societies: A Theory of Cross-Ethnic Solidarity within Consociation, Thileni R. Wickramaratne
Curbside Service: Community Land Use Catalysts to Neighborhood Flowering during Transit Installations, Michael N. Widener
Inlaid-Ivory Towers: Higher Education Joint Use Facilities as Community Redevelopment Bulwarks, Michael N. Widener
Moderating Citizen "Visioning" in Town Comprehensive Planning: Deliberative Dialog Processes, Michael N. Widener
Climate Change, Forests, and International Law: REDD's Descent into Irrelevance, Annecoos Wiersema
Consequences of Big Data on the Individual (interview audio recording), Marcus R. Wigan and Katina Michael
Moving Global Health Law Upstream: A Critical Appraisal of Global Health Law as a Tool for Health Adaptation to Climate Change, Lindsay F. Wiley
Canadian Intellectual Property Law: Cases and Materials, Margaret Ann Wilkinson, Gregory Hagan, Cameron Hutchison, David Lametti, Graham Reynolds, and Teresa Scassa
Keeping Arrows in the Quiver: Mapping the Contours, Stephen C. Wilks
The Governance Ecology Of Electronic Food Stamp Delivery:, Stephen C. Wilks
The Role of Bar Preparation Programs in the Current Legal Education Crisis, Aleatra P. Williams
Unions and Democracy: When Do Nonmembers Have Voting Rights?, Melanie S. Williams
Brown v. Board of Education Fifty Years Later: What Makes for Greatness in a Legal Opinion?, Neil G. Williams
Two Men and Twenty Years of Meetings: Norman Amaker, Derrick Bell, and the Midwestern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference from 1990-2010., Neil G. Williams
Tackling "Arithmophobia": Teaching How to Read, Understand, and Analyze Financial Statements, Paula J. Williams, Kris Anne Tobin, Eric Franklin, and Robert J. Rhee
Rundle Mall's plan to use mobile phone technology to track shoppers as they shop, Tim Williams and Katina Michael
Land disputes and the ongoing development of the substantive rule of law in Myanmar (Burma), Nathan Willis
There Goes the Neighborhood: Regulating Away the Community Bank-- An Analysis of the Costs of Current Regulations on Community Banks, Alan J. Wilson
The Who and What of Possession under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Alan J. Wilson
The Who and What of Possession under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Alan J. Wilson
Caught in a Trap - Paternity Presumptions in Louisiana, Evelyn L. Wilson
Improving the Process: Transnational Litigation and the Application of Private Foreign Law in U.S. Courts, Matthew J. Wilson
Prime Time for Japan to Take Another Step Forward in Lay Participation: Exploring Expansion to Civil Trials, Matthew J. Wilson
Should Insurance Companies Be Forced to Reimburse Contraceptives Despite Religious Objections?, Robin Fretwell Wilson and Tamara Piety
Obama's Gift to the Rich: A Permanent Payroll Tax Holiday, Richard Winchester
The Second Amendment: A Reasonable Interpretation in the 21st Century, Kaleb D. Wingate
Dually Registered Brokers and Advisers, Stephen P. Wink
Laying Burdens on Others: Biblical Fidelity, Same Sex Marriage and the Love of Money, John F. Wirenius
A World of Choices, David A. Wirth
Book Review, The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change: U.S. and International Aspects, David A. Wirth
Engineering the Climate: Geoengineering as a Challenge to International Governance, David A. Wirth
Harmonizing the International and Domestic Law of Climate Change in the United States: An Executive Agreement on Climate?, David A. Wirth
How Safe is That Shrimp? The Food Safety Modernization Act, David A. Wirth
The World Trade Organization Dispute Over Genetically Modified Organisms: The Precautionary Principle Meets International Trade Law, David A. Wirth
The Disincorporation Proclamation: Emancipating the Establishment Clause from the Fourteenth Amendment, Martin Wishnatsky
Can Federal Courts Create Crimes?, Steven J. Wisotsky
Corporate Complicity Claims: Why There Is No Innocent Decison-Maker Exception to Imputing an Officer's Wrongdoing to a Bankrupt Corporation, Jonathan Witmer-Rich
It's Good to be Autonomous: Prospective Consent, Retrospective Consent, and the Foundation of Consent in the Criminal Law, Jonathan Witmer-Rich
Business, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co, Mark E. Wojcik
Defamation Tourism and the Art of Oral Advocacy, Mark E. Wojcik
International Legal Research, Mark E. Wojcik
International Legal Research, Mark E. Wojcik
International Legal Research, Mark E. Wojcik
Legislative attempts to prohibit the use of International law and Islamic law in US courts, Mark E. Wojcik
Letter to the editor: Bradwell Would be Proud of Illinois, Mark E. Wojcik
Libel Tourism in the Internet, Mark E. Wojcik
Libel Tourism: Where in the World Can You Get Sued for Defamation on the Internet, Mark E. Wojcik
Moderator: A Preview of the Supreme Court Arguments in DOMA and the Prop 8 Case, Mark E. Wojcik
Moderator: I-9 Compliance, Mark E. Wojcik
More than an Equal Sign: DOMA, Prop 8, the Supreme Court, and Your Practice, Mark E. Wojcik
Panelist: International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik
Plain Language for Lawyers, Mark E. Wojcik
Private International Law: What's New and What's on the Horizon?, Mark E. Wojcik
Same-Sex Marriage Around the World, Mark E. Wojcik
Same-Sex Marriage, Hollingsworth v. Perry, Mark E. Wojcik
Speaker, Mark E. Wojcik
The Elmer Gertz Award, Mark E. Wojcik
A narrative analysis of judicial attitudes towards sexual harassment in Japan, Leon Wolff
Law as lore, Leon Wolff
Justice by Any Other Name: The Right to a Jury Trial and the Criminal Nature of Juvenile Justice in Louisiana, Kerrin C. Wolf
An evaluation of the rules of conduct governing legal representatives in mediation: Challenges for rule drafters and a response to Jim Mason, Bobette Wolski
The 'new' limitations of Fisher and Ury's model of interest-based negotiation: Not necessarily the ethical alternative, Bobette Wolski
The truth about honesty and candour in mediation: What the tribunal left unsaid in Mullins' case, Bobette Wolski
Chapter 6 of the Swedish Penal Code, Christoffer Wong
Changing the landscape of the Intellectual Property Framework: the Intellectual Property Bill 2013, Rebecca Wong Dr
Data security breaches and privacy in Europe, Rebecca Wong Dr
“Branded to Drive: Obstacle Preemption of North Carolina Driver’s Licenses for DACA Grantees”, Tung Sing Wong Mr.
Troxel v. Granville: Implications for At Risk Children and the Amicus Curiae Role of University-Based Interdisciplinary Centers for Children, Barbara Bennett Woodhouse and Sacha M. Coupet
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Confrontation and Cocaine, part II, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Confrontation and Cocaine, part III.a, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Confrontation and Cocaine, part III.b, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Confrontation, Confusion, and Cocaine – Clear, but not Convincing, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Corroborate This!, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Cross-Examination by the Numbers, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Getting the First and Last Word, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: Getting the First and Last Word, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: North Carolina’s Police Officer Exception to the Hearsay Rule, William A. Woodruff
Prove it! Musings on Advocacy, Evidence, and the Problems of Proof at Trial: To Lead or Not to Lead, That is the Question?!, William A. Woodruff
Quoted in "A Gruesome War Crime Renews Concerns About a Malaria Drug’s Psychiatric Side Effects", William A. Woodruff
Equal Rights and Sex Discrimination: A Second Look at Equal Protection Incorporation, Michael T. Worley
Are disaster early warnings effective?, Kerri Worthington, Katina Michael, Peter Johnson, and Paul Barnes
Virginia: How Does the Affordable Care Act Affect Workers’ Compensation in the Commonwealth?, Elisabeth M. Wright
Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspective, Richard W. Wright
The NESS Account of Natural Causation: A Response to Criticisms, Richard W. Wright
Mercenary Criminal Justice, Ronald F. Wright and Wayne A. Logan