The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Moments of Silence in Administrative Law: Notes on Judicial Method in the Deregulation Cases, Brian C. Murchison
Reflections on Breach of Confidence from the U.S. Experience, Brian C. Murchison
Revisiting the American action for public disclosure of facts, Brian C. Murchison
Speech and the Self-Realization Value, Brian C. Murchison
The Fact-Conjecture Framework in U.S. Libel Law: Four Problems, Brian C. Murchison
Treating Physicians as Expert Witnesses in Compensation Systems: The Public Health Connection, Brian C. Murchison
Due Process, Black Lung, and the Shaping of Administrative Justice, Brian C. Murchison
On Ripeness and 'Pragmatism' in Admininstrative Law, Brian C. Murchison
Speech and the Self-Governance Value, Brian C. Murchison
The Concept of Independence in Public Law, Brian C. Murchison
A Tribute to Joseph Edward Ulrich, Brian C. Murchison, Ross W. Krumm, James Jennings, Robert Connolly '80L, Rebecca Buehler Connelly '88L, Samuel W. Calhoun, Lyman Johnson, Ann MacLean Massie, Uncas McThenia, Joan M. Shaughnessy, and Sarah K. Wiant
A Tribute to Joseph Edward Ulrich, Brian C. Murchison, Ross W. Krumm, James Jennings, Robert Connolly '80L, Rebecca Buehler Connelly '88L, Samuel W. Calhoun, Lyman Johnson, Ann MacLean Massie, Uncas McThenia, Joan M. Shaughnessy, and Sarah K. Wiant
A Tribute to Joseph Edward Ulrich, Brian C. Murchison, Ross W. Krumm, James Jennings, Robert Connolly '80L, Rebecca Buehler Connelly '88L, Samuel W. Calhoun, Lyman Johnson, Ann MacLean Massie, Uncas McThenia, Joan M. Shaughnessy, and Sarah K. Wiant
A Tribute to Joseph Edward Ulrich, Brian C. Murchison, Ross W. Krumm, James Jennings, Robert Connolly '80L, Rebecca Buehler Connelly '88L, Samuel W. Calhoun, Lyman Johnson, Ann MacLean Massie, Uncas McThenia, Joan M. Shaughnessy, and Sarah K. Wiant
A Tribute to Joseph Edward Ulrich, Brian C. Murchison, Ross W. Krumm, James Jennings, Robert Connolly '80L, Rebecca Buehler Connelly '88L, Samuel W. Calhoun, Lyman Johnson, Ann MacLean Massie, Uncas McThenia, Joan M. Shaughnessy, and Sarah K. Wiant
Business Organizations, 2nd ed., Charles W. Murdock
Credit Default Swaps: Dubious Instruments, Charles W. Murdock
Fairness and Good Faith as a Precept in the Law of Corporations and Other Business Organizations, Charles W. Murdock
Janus Capital Group, Inc. v. First Derivative Traders: The Culmination of the Supreme Court’s Evolution from Liberal to Reactionary in Rule 10b-5 Actions, Charles W. Murdock
Janus Capital Group, Inc. v. First Derivative Traders: The Culmination of the Supreme Court’s Evolution from Liberal to Reactionary in Rule 10b-5 Actions, Charles W. Murdock
Limited Liability Companies in the Decade of the 1990's. Legislative and Case Law Developments and Their Implications for the Future, Charles W. Murdock
Redoing the Statutory Scheme by Rule-Making, Charles W. Murdock
Squeeze-outs, Freeze-outs and Discounts: Why Is Illinois in the Minority in Protecting Shareholder Interests?, Charles W. Murdock
The Big Banks: Background, Deregulation, Financial Innovation, and ‘Too Big to Fail,’, Charles W. Murdock
The Dodd- Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: What Caused the Financial Crisis and Will Dodd-Frank Succeed in Preventing Future Crises?, Charles W. Murdock
Why Not Tell the Truth?, Charles W. Murdock
What Kahneman Means for Lawyers: Some Reflections on Thinking, Fast and Slow, Charles W. Murdock and Barry Sullivan
What Kahneman Means for Lawyers: Some Reflections on Thinking, Fast and Slow, Charles W. Murdock and Barry Sullivan
¿Atrapará el coyote al correcaminos?, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Conviviendo con el enemigo: Sobre los conflictos entre el Derecho de Autor y el Derecho de la Propiedad Industrial, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Cuando el error de un Juez condenó a Superman, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Do – Re – Mi: una aproximación a la obra musical desde el Derecho de Propiedad Intelectual y la Teoría Musical, Javier André Murillo Chávez
El extraño caso del derecho a la imitación de la iniciativa privada y la imitación sistemática, Javier André Murillo Chávez
El Product Placement al descubierto. Los actos de competencia desleal y el uso de marca en el guión o secuencias de películas, series de televisión y programas, Javier André Murillo Chávez
¿Es soltera y hace lo que quiere? Apuntes sobre la intimidad en situaciones plurisubjetivas complejas a raíz del caso Vargas - Lozano, Javier André Murillo Chávez
La Libertad de Entretenerse, Javier André Murillo Chávez
La Responsabilidad de los Establecimientos de Salud en el Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor: un supuesto adicional reflejo de la Teoría de la apparenza del diritto, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Las voces opacadas, los gritos no escuchados: La errónea concepción sobre la represión de la publicidad sexista en la normativa peruana, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Ni el momento, ni el lugar: Entre la teoría y la práctica en la enseñanza del Derecho, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Para bien o para mal, con ustedes la Ley N° 30021: Sobrerregulación en materia publicitaria de alimentos procesados, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Ponderación contra Fundamentalismo: una voz razonable: Los polémicos casos de la publicidad de comida chatarra, las cuotas de artistas nacionales en la radio y la publicidad sexista, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Sobre las marcas en la actualidad, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Usando la camiseta de INDECOPI en el Poder Judicial: Trazos sobre el proceso de modificación de denominación o razón social por conflicto con signos distintivos, Javier André Murillo Chávez
Karl Fontenot v. State of Oklahoma, District Court of Pontotoc County State of Oklahoma, No. CR-88-43. Brief in Support of Application for Post-Conviction Relief., Tiffany R. Murphy
Karl Fontenot v. State of Oklahoma, District Court of Pontotoc County State of Oklahoma, No. CR-88-43. Brief in Support of Application for Post-Conviction Relief., Tiffany R. Murphy
Black Marriage, White People, Red Herrings, Melissa Murray
Crossing the (Color) Line, Melissa Murray
Equal Rites and Equal Rights, Melissa Murray
Inequality's Frontiers, Melissa Murray
Marriage Rights and Parental Rights: Parents, the State, and Proposition 8, Melissa Murray
Paradigms Lost: How Domestic Partnership Went From Innovation to Injury, Melissa Murray
Strange Bedfellows: Criminal Law, Family Law, and the Legal Construction of Intimate Life, Melissa Murray
Teaching Gender as a Core Value: The Softer Side of Criminal Law, Melissa Murray
The Networked Family: Reframing the Legal Understanding of Caregiving and Caregivers, Melissa Murray
The Space Between: The Cooperative Regulation of Criminal Law and Family Law, Melissa Murray
What’s in a Naim?, Melissa Murray
What's So New about the New Illegitimacy, Melissa Murray
When War Is Work: The G.I. Bill, Citizenship, and the Civic Generation, Melissa Murray
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Intervention to Increase Youth Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity, Melissa A. Murray
Computerized Pedagogical Agents as an Educational Means for Developing Physical Self-Efficacy and Encouraging Activity in Youth, Melissa A. Murray and Gerson Tenenbaum
I'd Like to Thank the Academy: Eminem, Duncan Kennedy, and the Limits of Critique, Melissa E. Murray
Marriage as Punishment, Melissa E. Murray
Whatever Happened to G.I. Jane: Citizenship, Gender, and Social Policy in the Postwar Era, Melissa E. Murray
Eliminate the Marriage Penalty, Melissa Murray and Dennis Ventry
Get Rid of the Penalty, Melissa Murray and Dennis J. Ventry Jr.
Young children's understanding that promising, Susan J. Murray and Thomas Lyon
Young children's understanding that promising, Susan J. Murray and Thomas Lyon
The Human Right to Water in Israel: A Case Study of the Unrecognized Bedouin Villages in the Negev, Sharmila L. Murthy, Mark K. Williams, and Elisha Baskin
The Spectrum Handbook 2013, J. Armand Musey CFA
13 Draft for Rockefeller Foundation Innovation Nomination, Karl T. Muth
NA, Karl T. Muth
Integrating Academic Support Across the Curriculum, Mary Nagel
Introduction to Legal Reasoning and Case Analysis Class, Mary Nagel
Planting the Seed-Showing the Doctrinal Faculty How Easy (and Effective) it is to Incorporate Legal Writing and Academic Achievement Into Their Courses, Mary Nagel and Jamie Kleppetsch
Planting the Seed-Showing the Doctrinal Faculty How Easy (and Effective) it is to Incorporate Legal Writing and Academic Achievement Into Their Courses, Mary Nagel and Jamie Kleppetsch
The Appearance of Election Law, John Nagle
A Twentieth Amendment Parable, John C. Nagle
Biodiversity and Mom, John C. Nagle
CERCLA, Causation, and Responsibility, John C. Nagle
Choosing the Judges Who Choose the President, John C. Nagle
Delaware & Hudson Revisited, John C. Nagle
Direct Democracy and Hastily Enacted Statutes, John C. Nagle
Green Harms of Green Projects, John C. Nagle
How Much Should China Pollute?, John C. Nagle
How Not to Count Votes, John C. Nagle
Moral Nuisances, John C. Nagle
Playing Noah, John C. Nagle
See the Mojave!, John C. Nagle
Severability, John C. Nagle
The Commerce Clause Meets the Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly, John C. Nagle
The Effectiveness of Biodiversity Law, John C. Nagle
The Lame Ducks of Marbury, John C. Nagle
The Missing Chinese Environmental Law Statutory Interpretation Cases, John C. Nagle
The Recusal Alternative to Campaign Finance Legislation, John C. Nagle
The Spiritual Values of Wilderness, John C. Nagle
Voluntary Campaign Finance Reform, John C. Nagle
Waiving Sovereign Immunity in an Age of Clear Statement Rules, John C. Nagle