The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Incorporación de herederos en la sociedad de responsabilidad limitada: lineamientos normativos, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Incorporación de herederos en la sociedad de responsabilidad limitada: lineamientos normativos, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Incorporación de herederos en la sociedad de responsabilidad limitada: lineamientos normativos, Carlos Molina Sandoval
La empresa familiar y el concurso, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Protocolo de empresas familiares, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Recursos humanos y derecho laboral en empresas familiares, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Sham litigation en el régimen de competencia desleal, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Sham litigation en el régimen de competencia desleal, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Valuación de empresas familiares en crisis, Carlos Molina Sandoval
The Trouble with Lawyer Regulation, James Moliterno
A Golden-Age of Civil Involvement: The Client-Centered Disadvantage for Lawyers as Law Makers, James E. Moliterno
A History of Law Teaching Methods, James E. Moliterno
And Now a Crisis in Legal Education, James E. Moliterno
A Way Forward for an Ailing Legal Education Model, James E. Moliterno
Comparative Relationships Between Prosecutors and Criminal Defense Counsel, James E. Moliterno
Crisis Regulation, James E. Moliterno
Ethics E-learning for Indonesian Judges, James E. Moliterno
Experiencing Civil Procedure, James E. Moliterno
Law Unplugged, James E. Moliterno
Lawyer and Judicial Ethics Courses for Slovakian Law Faculties, James E. Moliterno
Legal Education Reform in the United States: Lessons for Chinese Reform Efforts, James E. Moliterno
Partnerships for the Progress of Legal Education, James E. Moliterno
Professional Responsibility, James E. Moliterno
The American Legal Profession in Crisis, James E. Moliterno
The American Legal Profession in Crisis: Resistance and Responses to Change, James E. Moliterno
The American Legal Profession in Crisis: Resistance and Responses to Change, James E. Moliterno
The Failure of the ABA 20/20 to See the Way Ahead, James E. Moliterno
The Future of Legal Education in Times of Turmoil, James E. Moliterno
The Sometimes Misunderstood Concept of Judicial Independence, James E. Moliterno
Washington & Lee's Third Year Curriculum Reform, James E. Moliterno
Washington & Lee's Third Year Curriculum Reform, James E. Moliterno
Washington & Lee's Third Year Curriculum Reform, James E. Moliterno
A Golden Age of Civic Involvement: The Client Centered Disadvantage for Lawyers Acting as Public Officials, James E. Moliterno
A Good Lawyer and a Good Person, James E. Moliterno
An Analysis of Ethics Teaching in Law Schools: Replacing Lost Benefits of the Apprentice System in the Academic Atmosphere, James E. Moliterno
Broad Prohibition, Thin Rationale: The Acquisition of an Interest and Financial Assistance in Litigation Rules, James E. Moliterno
Ethical Challenges to Legal Education and Conduct, James E. Moliterno
Experience and Legal Ethics Teaching, James E. Moliterno
Exporting American Legal Education, James E. Moliterno
Exporting American Legal Ethics, James E. Moliterno
Goodness and Humanness: Distinguishing Traits, James E. Moliterno
In-House Live-Client Clinical Programs: Some Ethical Issues, James E. Moliterno
Lawyer Creeds and Moral Seismography, James E. Moliterno
Legal Education, Experiential Education, and Professional Responsibility, James E. Moliterno
Modeling the American Lawyer Ethics System, James E. Moliterno
On the Future of Integration between Skills and Ethics Teaching: Clinical Legal Education in the Year 2010, James E. Moliterno
Politically Motivated Bar Discipline, James E. Moliterno
Practice Setting as an Organizing Theme for a Law and Ethics of Lawyering Curriculum, James E. Moliterno
Professional Preparedness: A Comparative Study of Law Graduates' Perceived Readiness for Professional Ethics Issues, James E. Moliterno
Public Service, Ethics, and Constitutional Practice, James E. Moliterno
Teaching Legal Ethics in a Program of Comprehensive Skills Development, James E. Moliterno
The Administrative Judiciary's Independence Myth, James E. Moliterno
The Federal Government Lawyer's Duty to Breach Confidentiality, James E. Moliterno
The Future of Legal Education Reform, James E. Moliterno
The Lawyer as Catalyst of Social Change, James E. Moliterno
The Lawyer's Role in a Contemporary Democracy, Promoting Social Change and Political Values, The Lawyer as Catalyst of Social Change, James E. Moliterno
The Legal Skills Program at the College of William and Mary: An Early Report, James E. Moliterno
Why Formalism?, James E. Moliterno
Transition to Practice, James E. Moliterno and Mary Natkin
Integrating State, Regional, and Federal Greenhouse Gas Markets: Options and Tradeoffs, Jonas Monast
Stasis in Moltmann e Schmitt, Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Gender and the Crisis in Legal Education: Remaking the Academy in Our Image, Paula A. Monopoli
Informe competitividad sectores económicos – Colombia: Una aproximación metodológica (Versión 2), Daniel Monroy
Acerca del diseño óptimo de las reglas predeterminadas en el Derecho contratos, Daniel A. Monroy
Algunas generalidades de los servicios públicos domiciliarios en Colombia, Daniel A. Monroy
BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS: Origins, Methodology and “work tools”, Daniel A. Monroy
La preconfiguración del contrato: Una propuesta de definición de las reglas predeterminadas en el Derecho de Contratos, Daniel A. Monroy
Ethical Professional (Trans)Formation: Early Career Lawyers Make Sense of Professionalism, Verna E. Monson and Neil W. Hamilton
The Law and Financial Transparency in Churches: Reconsidering the Form 990 Exemption, John Montague
The Dangerousness of the Status Quo: A Case for Modernizing Civil Commitment Law, Daniel A. Moon
Oppositional Politics in Criminal Law and Procedure, Janet Moore
Innovator Liability: Restoring Symmetrical Rights to Consumers of Generic Drugs, Stanford L. Moore
Future of Legal Aid, wayne moore
El fin ilícito como función económico-individual ilícita o la causa concreta ilícita en los contratos, Rómulo Morales
El precario: ¿es poseedor o tenedor (detentador)? A propósito del Cuarto Pleno Casatorio Civil, Rómulo Morales
La falta de legitimidad en los contratos inoponibles, Rómulo Morales
La resolución del contrato y sus efectos, Rómulo Morales
Acepto, hasta que el incumplimiento de este contrato nos separe, Katerin Lorena Moran and Elsy Lorena Ortega Cuaichar
A Mild Winter: The Status of Environmental Preliminary Injunctions, Sarah J. Morath
From Awkward Law Student to Articulate Attorney: Teaching the Oral Research Report, Sarah J. Morath
It's Not All Statistics: Demystifying Empirical Research, Sarah J. Morath
The Joy of Collaboration: Reflections on Teaching with Others, Sarah J. Morath, Elizabeth A. Shaver, and Richard Strong
Motions in Motions: Teaching Advanced Legal Writing Through Collaboration, Sarah J. Morath, Elizabeth Shaver, and Richard Strong
Mistakes About Intention in the Law of Bioethics, Michael P. Moreland
Response to Candace Vogler, "In Support of Moral Absolutes", Michael P. Moreland
Bill Conger: Mentor, Daniel J. Morgan
Misconvictions: When Law & Science Collide, Jane Campbell Moriarty
Brain Trauma, PET Scans and Forensic Complexity, Jane Campbell Moriarty, Daniel D. Langleben, and James M. Provenzale
Municipalities In Peril: The ABI Guide to Chapter 9, Second Edition Written by: H. Slayton Dabney Jr., Patrick Darby, Daniel G. Egan, Marc A. Levinson, George B. South III and Emily J. Tidmore (ABI, 2012), Juliet M. Moringiello
From Lord Coke to Internet Privacy: The Past, Present, and Future of the Law of Internet Contracting, Juliet M. Moringiello and William L. Reynolds
Social Movements in Organizations/Institutions, Calvin Morrill
A Lawyer’s Lawyer, A Judge’s Judge: Justice Potter Stewart and the Fourth Amendment, Jeffrey B. Morris